Ralph Elkins, I

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Ralph Elkins, I (1694 - 1733)

Also Known As: "Richard elkins", "Elkins", "Ralph Elkins", "John Elkins"
Birthplace: Hanover Parish, Richmond County, Virginia
Death: after 1733
Truro Parish, Fairfax County, Virginia
Immediate Family:

Son of Richard Elkins and Elizabeth Elkins
Husband of Frances Elkins
Father of Nathaniel Elkins; Ruth Biship (Elkins); Ralph Elkins, II; Mary Phoebe (Elkins) Pedigo; James Elkins and 2 others
Brother of Richard Elkins, Jr.; Elizabeth Elkins; William Elkins; John Elkins; Nathaniel Elkins and 9 others
Half brother of James Elkins

Occupation: Planter
Managed by: Child James Garlen Winningham, Jr.
Last Updated:

About Ralph Elkins, I

1745, May 17, Amelia County Court Order Book, p. 314-B, Ordered road be cleared from head of Little Roanoke River along the ridge between Briery Creek & Buffelloe River to Rutlidge's ford over Appomattox River. The group included RALPH ELKIN.

p.316-A, "Case Edward Booker, Jr. vs. Ralph Elkin dismissed, being agreed."

Amelia County was adjacent and north of Lunenburg (later Halifax) County. So Ralph Elkins has started moving south.

In 1749, the Lunenburg County tax list includes:

Richard Elkins, 1 tithable Ralph, Sr. and Nathaniel, 2 tithables (Nathaniel, age 16-20) Ralph, Jr., under 21 (age 16-20)



Son of Richard Elkins & Elizabeth Bryant.

  • not named in the 1722 will of Christian Williams, so not her grandchild
  • not named in the 1704 will of Richard Bryant, so not born yet

SOURCE: https://books.google.com/books?id=Fq1WAgAAQBAJ&pg=PA13-IA12&lpg=PA1...

And https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Elkins-142

And Source: S79 Abbreviation: Elkins 1635-1990 Title: Geraldine Elkins Cook: Elkins 1635-1990


1749-Lunenburg Co.,VA. Tithable List has the following ELKINS.....................

  • Ralph ELKENS 2-Tithables,0-Crows,& 0-Sq'rls.
  • Ralph ELKENS, Jun. {16-21 yrs. of age} 0-Tithables,0-Crows,& 0-Sq'rls.
  • Richard ELKENS 1-Tithable, 0-Crows,& 0-Sq'rls.

1750-Lunenburg Co.,VA. Tithable List as the following ELKINS.....................

  • Ralph ELKINS, Sen. 2-Tithables.
  • Ralph ELKINS, Jun. {16-21 yrs. of age} 0-Tithables.
  • Richard ELKINS 1-Tithable.



Ralph Elkins Jun. 1

Richard Elkins, 1 tithe 1



1733 Nov.23; George Mason of Parish of Durham in Charles Co., provin ce of Virginia leases to RALPH ELKIN of the Parish of Brunswick, King Geor ge Co., planter, 150 acres of land lying at the head of Dogue Creek and Pa rish of Truro, commonly known by name of Chappell land....for term of t he natural lives of said RALPH ELLKIN, FRANCES, his wife, and NATHANIEL, t heir son..... Elkins to pay yearly rent of 600 pounds of tobacco in casqu e. Witness: James Baxter and Jere Bronaugh,signed George Mason.

NOTE: This is the Ralph Elkins and son, Nathaniel, who settle in the area that becomes Henry Co., VA.

1735 Ralph Elkins md. Frances Brown, daughter of Maxfield Brown, prior to 1735, son Nathaniel named on deed with them in 1735.

1745 June 4;"I, Maxfield Brown, in Parish of Hanover, County of King Georg e..." bequeaths each of his five daughters Five Shillings, viz: Elizabe th Triplett, FRANCES ELKINS, Martha Whiting, and Sibella Lightburn. "un to my two sons Newman Brown and George Brown all and every part of my esta te...." Recorded July 5, 1745.


1749-Lunenburg Co.,VA. Tithable List has the following ELKINS..................... Ralph ELKENS 2-Tithables,0-Crows,& 0-Sq'rls. Ralph ELKENS, Jun. {16-21 yrs. of age} 0-Tithables,0-Crows,& 0-Sq'rls. Richard ELKENS 1-Tithable, 0-Crows,& 0-Sq'rls. 1750-Lunenburg Co.,VA. Tithable List as the following ELKINS..................... Ralph ELKINS, Sen. 2-Tithables. Ralph ELKINS, Jun. {16-21 yrs. of age} 0-Tithables. Richard ELKINS 1-Tithable. https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Elkins-15

Ralph Elkins Jun. 1

Richard Elkins, 1 tithe 1

Nathaniel Elkins, son Jessey. 2


  • Residence: King George, Colony of Virginia, British Colonial America - 23 November 1733
  • Residence: Amelia, Virginia, British Colonial America - 1740
  • Residence: Amelia, Colony of Virginia, British Colonial America - 17 May 1745
  • Residence: Lunenburg, Colony of Virginia, British Colonial America - 1749
  • Residence: Lunenburg, Colony of Virginia, British Colonial America - 1750
  • Residence: Halifax, Colony of Virginia, British Colonial America - May 1752
  • Residence: Halifax, Colony of Virginia, British Colonial America - 15 September 1753


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Ralph Elkins, I's Timeline

Hanover Parish, Richmond County, Virginia
King George County, Virginia, British Colonial America
Smythe County, Province of Virginia, British Colonial America
King George County, Virginia, British Colonial America
April 26, 1732
Franklin County, Virginia, British Colonial America
Age 39
Truro Parish, Fairfax County, Virginia
King George County, Virginia, British Colonial America
Henry County, Virignia Colony, British Colonial America
King George County, Virginia, British Colonial America