another possible death year is 1429
The Treves family is known for its descent from Rashi, although the exact lineage, generation for generation, has not been preserved.
The first to report this connection to the Luria - Spira family with the Treves family was R. Joseph Kohen-Zedek in "Dor Yesharim", published in HaGoren, Berdichev, 1898.
Kohen-Zedek states that, regarding the lineage, he had received the information by oral tradition, "so I received it from my father.". He was told that Solomon Spira's father was Samuel Spira, a brother-in-law of Jochanan Treves.
It is important to note that both Samuel Spira an Jochanan Treves are mentioned in the responsa of R. Joseph Colon. Colon wrote, "Two great scholars of the past generation were the wonderous R. Johanan Treves an [his uncle] R. Samuel Spira, of blessed memory."
The sequence of generations and the fact that Jochanan Lurie of Alsace, son of Miriam, could have been named after her great-uncle, Jochanan son of R. Mattithiah Treves, lends support to this connection between the Luria-Spira and Treves families.
Note, that the Bodleian Library manuscript, #2240 was based on Jochanan Luria's aancestry back to Rashi via the Spira lineage.
Further, R. Solomon Lurie, the great Lublin scholar, known as the MaHaRaSHal, wrote in his "Yam Shel Shlomo, Yebamot, 84, #33, "and I rely on the elaination of Rashi, from who stems the pedigree of my fther's house."
. . . . .
An article entitle "From the Seed of Rashi" was published by Dr. Haim Chone in the scholarly journal "Sinai". His introductory remarks refer to the earliest Treves source being "Birkat Avraam, published in 1524 and to the 1575 responsa of the MaHaRaSHaL for the Lurie family.
Next he discusses the origin of the Treves family name. The town associated with Rashi, Troyes, was different at various historical periods.
Chone presents a tree which he states is "as much as it appears to me to be the closest to the truth from sources."
Chone presents the reader with a construction of what he thinks is the most likely genealogy of the Treves line. the tree starts with one Moses, a student of Rashi, the father of Mattithiah the Great of Paris, father of Jehiel.
Jehiel Treves of Paris was called "my relative" by Rashi's grandsons, R' Samuel ben Meir (died about 1174), known as RaSHBaM, and his brother, R. Jacob ben Meir (died in 1171 in Troyes), known as Rabeinu TaM, during their lifetime.
The Lurie Legacy, by Neil Rosenstein Chapter 1 - Origins of the Lurie Family, Page 11
Yosef Treves נולד: 1355 מקום: France נפטר: 1435 (בגיל ~80) מקום: Sicily, Italy Yosef Treves נולד: 1355 מקום: France נפטר: 1435 (בגיל ~80) מקום: Sicily, Italy
הולדת הבן: Jehiel Treves הולדת הבן: Jochanan Treves הולדת הבן: Shmuel ben Joseph Treves Alsace, France 1435 גיל 79-80 פטירה Sicily, Italy 1435 1435 קבורה Sicily, Italy 1435 הולדת הבן: Jehiel Treves הולדת הבן: Jochanan Treves הולדת הבן: Shmuel ben Joseph Treves Alsace, France 1435 גיל 79-80 פטירה Sicily, Italy 1435 1435 קבורה Sicily, Italy 1435
'ר' יוסף טרייביטש מגדולי רבני איטליה.
הג"ר רפאל יוסף טרייביש מפיררה איטליה ובשנים ר"צ רצ"ה בקראקא פוסק ידוע משורר ועוסק בכתבי יד ובהוצאת ספרים
ארועים בחיי Yosef: 1355 לידה France ארועים בחיי Yosef: 1355 לידה France
1355 |
1400 |
1435 |
Age 80
Sicily, Italy
Age 80
Sicily, Italy
???? |
Alsace, France
???? |