53 Simon bn Shmuel bn Simon Brandeis zTs”l 1665 (Footnote: husband of the aunt of Meir Pereles who wrote the jichus shel mishpochot Maharal m’Prag)
Great grandson of Maharal of Prague
R. Simon BRANDEIS Died: Jun 26, 1665 + Libele PERLS Died: 1674 Father: R. Mosche PERELS (Prague) *they had 10 sons
* Leib HaLEVI BRANDEIS Died: 1615 in Prague
* Bezalal BRANDEIS Born: ca. 1640-60 Died: 1719
+ Sara BRANDEIS Born: abt 1731 widow residing in house #2 Died: Jan 10, 1797 age 66 + Lazar (see GRÜNHUT family)
* R. Jakob Koppel BRANDEIS HaLEVI + Keila "Kela" (see SPIRA family) Died: 1590
Note: same Jacob? ".. Jacob Brandeis (who joined Liga in the second half of the 1680s). The enmity between Jacob Brandeis and his two brothers Naftali and Samuel came to a head in 1693 with a memorable affray in the Lesser Town" AND property taxes 1688: Moyses Isack Brandeis (10), ..Löbl (Moses) Brandeis (4) on Miscellaneous Names page (Judaica Bohemiae)
o R. Naftali Herz "Cerf" BRANDEIS SEGAL Born: abt 1580 Died: Uckange, Lothringen + Hendele FRIEDBERG of Uckange
Note: articleger "..Cerf Brandeis descended from the levitischen Brandeis family from Prague. Ancestor of this Prager Brandeis family, Cerf's great-great-grandfather R. Simon Brandeis, excellent gate (director) of the Jewish municipality of Prague who married Gitele Loew, daughter of the illustrues rabbi and philosopher Judah Loew ben Bezalel (1511-1609, called MaHaRaL). The father of Cerf Brandeis, R. Jakob Koppel Brandeis, was about the common descent of the MaHaRaL a cousin of 3-rd degree of two most famous rabbis of the time: kabbalist R. Naphtali Katz (1645-1719) and R. Jair Chajim Bacharach ( - 1702 Worms). R. Jakob Brandeis married Keila Shapiro/Spira, descendant of the eminent rabbi Samuel Speyer, ancestor of most of the today's SPIRA familien .."
o Rabbi Moshe BRANDEIS (aka. Moshe FARLISH) (Charif) + Rebekka, daughter of R. Baruch of AUSTERLITZ
Note: same as above on JE? Brandeis, with Moses Brandeis, sons: Bezaleel ben Moses (Ha-Levi) Brandeis, Bohemian rabbi and author; died about 1750 at Jung-Bunzlau & his son, Baruch Judah Brandeis; Gabriel Brandeis, rabbi in Prague; and Jacob Brandeis, rabbi in Düsseldorf
+ Bezalel BRANDEIS Born: 1727 in Jungbunzlau
# Baruch Jehuda BRANDEIS (LEVI)
o Rabbi Bezalel HaLEVI
+ Yoel BRANDEIS SEGAL Died: 1749 in Prague + Mirl BUMSLA Died: 1752 in Prague
@ Shimon BRANDEIS SEGAL Died: 1770 in Prague
# Sheindel BRANDEIS SEGAL Died: 1749 in Prague + Jacob WEIN
# Leibale BRANDEIS SEGAL Died: 1742 in Prague) + Wolf BERN
* Ruchama (Nuchama?) BRANDEIS + R. Meir PERLS Died: 1729
o Gitel PERLS Died: 1776 + Efraim SCHUTTENHOFEN of Prague
+ Sara Chaje SCHUTTENHOFEN Died: 1807 + David FLECKELES /FLEKELES Died: 1798
Note JE: One of the oldest Jewish families in Prague; probably "Falkeles" originally, from "Falk," a common name among Jews of the 16th and 17th centuries. The name occurs with various spellings (as "Felkeles" and "Falkenes") on old tombstones in the Jewish cemetery of Prague (see Hock, "Die Familien Prags," 1892, s.v. "Presburg"). The only known attempt to construct a family tree was made by R. Eleazar Fleckeles, who traced his ancestors to the 9th generation as follows: Eleazar (1723-98) same as below? b. David b. Wolf b. Shalom b. Selig b. David b. Wolf (d. 1672) b. David b. Wolf. The last-named was a son-in-law of David GANS, and is mentioned by Heller in Tosafot Yom-Ṭob on Kilayim 3, Mishnah 1. From the above-mentioned work of Hock it seems that Wolf was the son of David b. Judah, who died in 1602, and who had another son, Hirsch (d. 1605), and a daughter, Pessel (d. 1636). The Fleckeles family was connected by marriage with that of R. Löw of Prague and that of R. Heschel of Cracow, as well as with other prominent families. Eleazar Fleckeles' daughter was married to R. Isaac Spitz of Bunzlau. Leopold Fleckeles, physician and writer (in German) on medical subjects, was born in Vienna 1802, and died in Carlsbad 1879
# R. Eleazar FLECKELES Born: Aug. 24, 1754 in Prague. Died: April 27, 1826 + (?)
Note: JE "At the age of 24 he became rabbi of Kojetein, a small town in Moravia. In 1780 he was appointed dayyan in his native city. Later he accepted the office of rabbi of the bet ha-midrash founded by Joachim Popper and Israel Fr�nkel. Fleckeles was renowned for his scholarship and oratorical gifts, and for his skill in worldly affairs. He twice had audience with Emperor Francis I." Dominated Jewish life in Prague around the turn of the century with his anti-Haskala (anti-enlightenment) sermons and tracts
& Rebekka FLECKELES + R. Isaac (Isak, Eizig) SPITZ Born: 1764 or 1766 in Kolín, Bohemia "Ab det din in Bunzlau, Bohemia" Died: May 6, 1842 in Mladá Boleslav (Jungbunzlau), Bohemia. JE: Wrote "Mat'amme Yiẓḥaḳ," songs, melodies, and sayings published by his son Yom-Ṭob in Prague in 1843 *see JE: Jungbunzlau and H. Gold historyGerman Father: Benjamin Spitz Sofer, Kalligraph und Abschreiber der heiligen Gesetzesrollen in Kolin Mother: Sarah (?)
&& Scheva SPITZ + Israel HARTMANN
&&& Moritz HARTMANN Born: Oct 15, 1821 in Duschnik, Bohemia. occupation: Poet [wikipedia] Died: May 13, 1872 in Vienna [NFP] + Bertha RÖDIGER
&&&& Ludwig HARTMANN
&& Yom-Ṭob (Jonas) SPITZ JE: Teacher of Hebrew and German in the Jewish school of Prague during the first half of the 19th century, author of "Alon Bakut" (Prague, 1826), on the death of his grandfather R. Eleazar Fleckeles of Prague; "Zikron Eliezer" (ib. 1827), a biography of Fleckeles; and "Toledot Yiẓẓaḳ," a biography of his father, Isaac Spitz. Yom-Ṭob was a collaborator on the "Bikkure ha-'Ittim," to vols. vi. and vii. of which he contributed 16 scientific essays AND BřezniceGerman Hugo Gold hist. "a beautiful biogr. sketch from the life of Breznitzer KRB. Isak Spitz is in the book "Toldot Jicchok " (written by his son, Jonas Spitz, Teacher of the Hebrew language in Kolin, 1843).."
& Wolf FLEKELES Born: 1770 Died: 1849 occupation: Rabinatsassessor and leader of the traditional Jewish community in Prague from abt. 1820-1849 + Sara HOCK *source web site of Daniel Loeb
&& David Wolf FLEKELES Born: 1802 Died: Oct 25, 1864? Prague cons. card + Henriette JANOWITZER Born: 1800 Died: 1837 Siblings: Klara Janowitzer Father: Abraham Janowitzer (1767 - ) Prague cons. card *any relation to Juda Moritz Janowitzer (3/3/1801 - 9/21/1872 Vienna) NFPmore & Therese (?) (1806 - 4/18/1882 Vienna) NFPmore and their daughter Henriette (Jetti) Janowitzer ( - 8/9/1885) & Moriz Fleischer on Pollak page?
Note: Henriette (nee Janowitzer) Flekeles was a free thinking salonista (thus in rebellion from her highly orthodox Flekeles in-laws), and tells us, rather breezily, that she was in regular correspondence with Wilhelm von Humbodt, the Prussian philosopher and reformer in the very different cultural milieu of Berlin. If true, that would have been seen as disturbingly secular conduct for a young wife living in the Jewish quarter of Prague in the 1820's and 30's
&&& Johanna /Jeannette? FLEKELES Born: 1832 Died: Feb 24, 1912 in Vienna NFP & Josef J. HOCK Born: 1820 Died: Jun 29, 1903 in Vienna NFP
&&&& Erwiene HOCK + (?) KORETZ
&&&& Ottilie HOCK + Dr. Emanuel TURNAU
&&&& Henriette HOCK + Edmund HOFMANN
&&&& Mathilde HOCK + Josef EINERL
&&&& Lucie (Luzie, Louise) FLEKELES Born: 1834 Died: Oct 28, 1889 in Vienna NFP & Josef (see Foges family) Born: 1828 in Prague Died: Feb 16, 1881 Prague res. card
&&&& Gabriele FLEKELES Born: 1837
&&2nd wife of David: Franziska HUMPOLETZ? *any relation to Franziska Humpoletz (1807 Prague - ) 1 of 8 ch. of Salomon Humpoletz (1779 Prague -) & Rebeka (?) (1784 Prague - 2/7/1884) on Prague cons. card?
o Clara FLEKELES Born: 1840 Died: 1887 + Leopold POSTERBERG /Pestelberg Born: 1827 Died: Jan 11, 1887 NFP Siblings: Caroline Postelberg & (?) Sachs, Julie Postelberg (1822 - 4/23/1911 Vienna) NFP & (?) Bellak "ch. Karl Bellak (1862 - 10/2/1923), ?Julius Bellak (1849 - 1/16/1915) NFP & Josefine (?) (1853 - 1/24/1931)", dr Arnold Postelberg
+Dr. Emil PESTELBERG + Anna WIENER Siblings: Dora Wiener (1875 - 8/25/1915) NFP, Paula Wiener & dr Edmund Waldstein "ch. Nandl, Gusti, Noni Waldstein", Richard Wiener Father: Eduard Wiener (1841 - 2/24/1923) NFP brother of Adolfine Wiener, Helene Wiener ( - 9/15/1919) NFP & (?) Bondi "chi Fritz Bondi, Flora Bondi & Alfred Stern" Mother: Clementine (?) (1849 - 1/7/1932) NFP
# Marie Ernestine Mimi POSTELBERG Born: Mar 10, 1898 in Vienna. Died: Feb 27, 1981 in London, UK + Dr. Erich (see WEIL family) Born: Jan 1, 1898 in Vienna. Died: Jun 30, 1928 in Vienna
# Helene PESTELBERG Born: Feb 13, 1901 Died: Feb 25, 1974 + Erich MELLER
* Jonathan MELLER Born: private + Rachel STELL
o Karl FLEKELES Born: 1824 or 1842 Died; Oct 1, 1894 in Vienna *Karl & Konrad Flekeles are also bur/w Agnes Flekeles (1858 - 1/14/1941 Vienna)
o Konrad FLEKELES Born: 1841 Died: Apr 7, 1882 in Vienna
o Wilhelmine FLEKELES Born: 1850 Buried:: Apr 25, 1912 in Vienna + Bernhard SINGER Born: abt 1844 Died: Jul 18, 1889 in Vienna NFP Siblings: Wilhelm Singer, Rosalie Singer & (?) Klein, Caroline Singer (1850 - 11/18/1930 Vienna) NFP & dr. Jakob Weinberg (1840 - bur 1/31/1894) "ch. Victorine Weinberg & (?) Hand, dr Emil Weinberg & Ella (?), Stella Weinberg & Julius Wengraf [son Kurt Wengraf], Otto Weinberg & Paula (?) gr/ch Walter Weinberg" Mother: Babette Steinschneider (1817 - 4/27/1881) NFP sister of Josefine Steinschneider & (?) Berger, Amalie Steinschneider & (?) Bettelheim, Marie Steinschneider & (?) Klein, Mayer Steinschneider *Wilhelmine & Bernhard Singer are also bur/w Katharina Strauss (1841 - bur 6/11/1893)
+ Paula SINGER Born: abt 1879 Buried: Jul 24, 1914 in Vienna
1625 |
1665 |
June 26, 1665
Age 40
June 1665
Age 40
???? |
1640-60 |
???? | |||
???? |