Rabbi Meir Hakohen Katz Ashkenazi

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Rabbi Meir Hakohen Katz Ashkenazi (1579 - 1642)

Hebrew: רבי מאיר הכהן כ"ץ אשכנזי
Also Known As: "אב"ד מוהילב ABD Mohilev", "Father of the Shach - Reb Shabti Cohen"
Birthplace: Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Germany
Death: circa November 25, 1642 (54-71)
Mogilev, Belarus (*)
Immediate Family:

Son of Moses Katz, zur Reuse and Golde Katz
Husband of wife, Meir Katz Ashkenazi
Father of Rabbi Yonah Menachem Nahum HaKohen Katz; HaRav Shabty Ashkenazi HaCohen Katz, the "SHaCH"; Unidentified Katz, HaCohen and Esther Miriam(?) Teiber
Brother of Shmuel Hakohen Zeinveil; Ester Bacharach; Brendel Katz; Beile Katz and Rabbi Elazar haCohen Katz, [of Zlotchov]

Occupation: Rabbi
Managed by: Prof. Yigal Burstein
Last Updated:

About Rabbi Meir Hakohen Katz Ashkenazi


Pupil of Jesue Falk (Sema) and of Maharam Lublin. Instructed his famous son in his early Talmudic learning (iv 5).

R' Meir Hakohen Askenazi of Bohemia was born in 1579 and died in 1643.

He was the son of R' Moshe Hakohen Ashkenazi.

Adam Cherson added:
As shown by the media files from the book Ele Toldot [Burial records of the Jewish community of Frankfurt am Main], 1241-1824] posted on the pages of Golde Katz and Meir Bingen, zur Leiter, the spouse of Daniel Gittinger... was a Golde bat Meir ben Moshe of Bingen. Golde was not the daughter of Ziskind of Bingen, who these documents show was her brother.

R. Meir was the husband of the daughter of Itzhak Katz of Posneh. In amistava he had two sons - Shabty (the ShaCh) and Yona Menachem Nachum, and one (or 2?) daughter

Adam Cherson added:

He was Av Beth-Din (Head of the Jewish Court) in Vilna.

About רבי מאיר הכהן כ"ץ אשכנזי (עברית)

הג"רמאיר הכהן כ"ץ אב"ד אמסטוב

כתר כהונה, חלק א', עמוד 2

בעהמ"ח "גבורות אנשים" ראה

גבורות אנשים - שבתי ב"ר מאיר הכהן - ש"ך

ושאלות ותשובות - מאיר הכהן

view all

Rabbi Meir Hakohen Katz Ashkenazi's Timeline

Frankfurt am Main, Hessen, Germany
Vilnius, Vilniaus Apskritis, Lithuania
Mstibovo (Amstibov), Grodno, Lithuania, Belarus
November 25, 1642
Age 63
Mogilev, Belarus (*)