Rabbi Avraham II ben Moshe I Heller-Wallerstein Fränkel, Maharal son in Law of #6

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Rabbi Avraham II ben Moshe I Heller-Wallerstein Fränkel, Maharal son in Law of #6's Geni Profile

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Rabbi Avraham II ben Moshe I Heller-Wallerstein Fränkel, Maharal son in Law of #6 (b. - 1610)

Hebrew: אברהם אברהם הלר וולרשטיין (הלר ולרשטיין), (השני)
Death: between 1610 and 1613
Vienna, Austria
Immediate Family:

Son of Moshe I ben Abraham I Halevi Heller-Wallerstein and Fraidlin Ammersweiler
Husband of Rachel Heller-Wallerstein, [Maharal dau. #6] and Bela Heller Wallerstein
Father of HaGaon haDarshan Moshe II ben Avraham II Heller-Wallerstein, SeGal; Miriam Singer; Blume Heller-Wallerstein; Perl Taussig; Israel Moshe Samson Halevi Heller Wallerstein and 6 others
Brother of Nathan Halevi Heller-Wallerstein and Shprinzl Meinster, Perlhefter
Half brother of Jozzel Ammersweiler

Occupation: Rabbi
Managed by: Randy Schoenberg
Last Updated:

About Rabbi Avraham II ben Moshe I Heller-Wallerstein Fränkel, Maharal son in Law of #6

According to the Fuerth Memorbuch 122, 8, the husband of Bela Heller Wallerstein who dies in Vienna is Abraham ben Moshe Levi Heller. See https://media.geni.com/p13/db/6e/9c/2e/534448502124b295/screen_shot_2019-11-16_at_10_original.jpg.?hash=631018b21b9de8f08d0151a384a8d7c97063c5930de83e11d8e473429d1d49bc.1772265599 Wachstein identifies him as Abraham ben Moshe Heller-Wallerstein who dies in Vienna.

Wachstein, who is very reliable, corrects his earlier mistake on the date of death (so not 1572) and thinks Abraham must have died 1610-1613. See https://media.geni.com/p13/b7/86/34/ea/5344485021be4659/screen_shot_2019-11-16_at_12_original.jpg?hash=d22143c00c637d4e910e843ed01ca6e75a921f1724efd20921bdbd42f7f49739.1772265599

Rachel Heller-Wallerstein (Loew), [Maharal dau. #6] dies in 1632 in Prague as the widow of Rabbi Abraham Wallerstein.

Most genealogies conclude that Abraham, son of Moshe Heller Wallerstein - Chief Rabbi of Germany, married Rachel Loew, dau. #4 of the Maharal of Prague.

Abraham Wallerstein Frankl of Prague has several entries in Liber judeorum albus







Based on a chart from a translation of Yom Tov Lipman HELLER's autobiography Megillas Aivah published as The Feast and the Fast, by C. U. LIPSHITZ and Neil ROSENSTEIN, Rachel LOEW (d. 1633 Prague) daughter of the Maharal of Prague married Abraham HaLEVI HELLER-WALLERSTEIN son of the Chief Rabbi of Germany, Moses HaLevi HELLER-WALLERSTEIN (b. 1520 Wallerstein, Germany, d. 1580).