Matching family tree profiles for R' Shmuel Shmelke Klein
Immediate Family
About R' Shmuel Shmelke Klein
Author of "Tzror haChaim"
First ABD Balkan, then Chust and finally of Nagyszollos (Sellish), Ukraine.
He was one of the three leading rabbis of his generation in Hungary, the others being R. Yekutiel Judah Teitelbaum (Yitav Lev) and R. Moses Schick (MaHaRaM Schick).
He was the author of Tzror HaChayim, published by his son Pinchas Haim Klein in Munkacs in 1876 and again by a descendant in 1975. Instead of the usual Haskamot (Approbations), there are introductory "Letters of Certification from the Great and Famous Luminaries, the Geonim of Our Generation, [long] may they live." Among these luminaries was R. Yekutiel Yehuda (who signed his name as "Teitel Baum") and R. Moses Schick (MaHaRaM Schick).
[source: Neil Rosenstein: The Unbroken Chain - 3rd edition, Volume VI Part 1 p.181]
Rav of Szőllős (Szőllősi pap)
About R' Shmuel Shmelke Klein (English, Old)
Author of "Tzror haChaim"
First ABD Balkan, then Chust and finally of Nagyszollos (Sellish), Ukraine.
He was one of the three leading rabbis of his generation in Hungary, the others being R. Yekutiel Judah Teitelbaum (Yitav Lev) and R. Moses Schick (MaHaRaM Schick).
He was the author of Tzror HaChayim, published by his son Pinchas Haim Klein in Munkacs in 1876 and again by a descendant in 1975. Instead of the usual Haskamot (Approbations), there are introductory "Letters of Certification from the Great and Famous Luminaries, the Geonim of Our Generation, [long] may they live." Among these luminaries was R. Yekutiel Yehuda (who signed his name as "Teitel Baum") and R. Moses Schick (MaHaRaM Schick).
[source: Neil Rosenstein: The Unbroken Chain - 3rd edition, Volume VI Part 1 p.181]
Rav of Szőllős (Szőllősi pap)
About רב שמואל שמעלקע קליין (עברית)
הרבי ר' שמעלקא זצ"ל מסעליש בעל צרור החיים
לפרטים על משפחתו ראה בהקדמות לספרו
פ"נ שר וגאון התורה אור ישראל וקדושו מורה דרך לעמו חכמתו ממנו דרשו אוהב כל ישראל בכל לבבו ונפשו למד ולימד בתורת ד' יומם וליל שמח נפשות נדכאים דבריו עשו חיל מדבריו המתוקים בלב כל אדם נשרשו עדרי צאן קדשים ממעיינו שאבו להצלת נפשות ישראל אזר כח וחיל קדושתו יתנו תמיד דור לדור ישמיע את זכרונו לברכה לקץ הגאולה יגיע ה"ה הרה"ג המובהק עטרת ישראל מופ"ה צי"ע ע"ה פ"ה מרן מו"ה שמואל שמעלקא זי"ע בהמנוח מו"ה יוסף ז"ל ושם אמו פעסיל ע"ה שהיתה ממשפחת של"ה הק' הרביץ תורה ברבים ערך חמישים שנה ושימש בכתר הרבנות בק"ק באלקין ובק"ק חוסט ופה ק"ק סוליש נשמתו יצאה בטהרה אור ליום ג' ט' אדר שני תרל"ה לפ"ק ימי שנותיו כשבעים שנה ת נ צ ב " ה
About R' Shmuel Shmelke Klein (Yiddish)
Author of "Tzror haChaim"
First ABD Balkan, then Chust and finally of Nagyszollos (Sellish), Ukraine.
He was one of the three leading rabbis of his generation in Hungary, the others being R. Yekutiel Judah Teitelbaum (Yitav Lev) and R. Moses Schick (MaHaRaM Schick).
He was the author of Tzror HaChayim, published by his son Pinchas Haim Klein in Munkacs in 1876 and again by a descendant in 1975. Instead of the usual Haskamot (Approbations), there are introductory "Letters of Certification from the Great and Famous Luminaries, the Geonim of Our Generation, [long] may they live." Among these luminaries was R. Yekutiel Yehuda (who signed his name as "Teitel Baum") and R. Moses Schick (MaHaRaM Schick).
[source: Neil Rosenstein: The Unbroken Chain - 3rd edition, Volume VI Part 1 p.181]
Rav of Szőllős (Szőllősi pap)
R' Shmuel Shmelke Klein's Timeline
1804 |
September 1804
Viseul-de-sus, Transylvania
1828 |
1835 |
Sulosh, Hungary
1837 |
Balaceana (Balkan), Romania
1843 |
February 3, 1843
Balaceana, Romania
Age 38
Balaceana, Romania
Age 38
Balaceana, Romania
1846 |
Vynohradiv, Zakarpattia Oblast, Ukraine
1875 |
March 16, 1875
Age 70
Nagyszöllös, Vynohradiv, Vynohradivs'kyi district, Zakarpats'ka oblast, Ukraine