R' Samuel Katzenellenbogen

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Parnas veManhig Samuel Shmuel Katzenellenbogen (1640 - 1758)

Hebrew: ר' שמואל קצינלבויגן
Birthplace: Krotoszyn, Krotoszyn County, Greater Poland Voivodeship, Poland
Death: 1758 (113-122)
Krotoszyn, Krotoszyn County, Greater Poland Voivodeship, Poland
Immediate Family:

Son of R' Jakov Katzenellbogen
Husband of Reina Katzenellenbogen
Father of Rabbi Isaac Katzenellenbogen, of Krotoschin; Jacob Katzenellenbogen; Wife of R' Zvi Katzenellenbogen; Wife of Moses Katzenellenbogen; יוסף Katzenellbogen and 1 other
Brother of R' Pinchas Katzenellenbogen, A.B.D. Lvov and then Magid in Lvov and R' Zvi Hirsch Apter, Parnas of Kalisz community
Half brother of Eliezer Apter

Managed by: Kevin Lawrence Hanit
Last Updated:

About R' Samuel Katzenellenbogen

R' Samuel Katzenellenbogen was president of the Posen community, died in Krotoschin in 1708.

He lies buried next to the famous R' Menachem Mendel, son of Meshullam Zalman Auerbach, who died in 1701.

He married Reina ? who died in 1701.

Source of Above

The Unbroken Chain - Neil Rosenstein (1990) Volume 1, Chapter 11, Branch A , page 26 G 8.3

According to Page 153 of the Third Edition, Volume 1, his father, R' Yaakov (Jacob) Katzenellenbogen, in the previous 2 versions has only one son, R' Pinchas. Dr. Rosenstein states that there is no validity to the Samuel and Vahl family of England being descendants of this branch of the Katzenellenbogen family as was originally recorded in the first two editions of this book, based on the work of R' Zvi Hirsch Edelmann of London, Gddulat Shaul, 1854. Some descendants are connected through marriage with other Katzenellenbogen branches. This was discussed in depth in Avotaynu, XIV, Summer 1998, The Edelman Hoax, 25-31 by Neil Rosenstein and Dov Weber.

Malcolm H. Stern's Americans of Jewish Descent, also records the same incorrect information as do many other publications (all based on the claims of Zvi Hirsch Edelmann).

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R' Samuel Katzenellenbogen's Timeline

Krotoszyn, Krotoszyn County, Greater Poland Voivodeship, Poland
Krotoschin, Poland
Age 118
Krotoszyn, Krotoszyn County, Greater Poland Voivodeship, Poland