Matching family tree profiles for R' Samuel HaLevi Landau, ABD Prague
Immediate Family
About R' Samuel HaLevi Landau, ABD Prague
Shmuel Ha-Levi "Schmuel" Landau, 1756 - 1833
Shmuel Ha-Levi Landau was born in 1756 to Ezekiel Landau and Liba Landau (born bat Yaakov of Brody) .
Ezekiel was born on October 8 1713, in Opatów, Opatów County, Swietokrzyskie, Poland.
Liba was born in 1720, in Dubno, Rivnens'ka oblast, Ukraine.
Shmuel had 12 siblings: Frieda Landau , Ewa Elka Wehle (born Landau) and 10 other siblings .
Shmuel married Hindsche Sara Landau (born Helman) in 1770, at age 14.
Hindsche was born on October 25 1752, in Metz, Moselle, Lorraine, France.
They had 8 children: Yarit Altshul (born Landau) , Abraham Jacob Landau and 6 other children .
Shmuel then married Yita Landau (born Tabak) .
Yita was born in 1780, in Prag.
They had 3 sons: Shmuel (Alter Shmiel son of Shmuel) Landau and 2 other children .
Shmuel then married <first name> Landau (born Braff (Brav)) circa 1840, at age 84.
They had one son: Alexander Landau .
Shmuel passed away in 1833, at age 77.
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One of three brothers who moved to Austria-Hungary and changed their last name from Landau to Engelman.
Death record: PRAHA 2757 Z 1831-1841 page 33 Samuel Landau age 84 http://www.badatelna.eu/fond/1073/reprodukce/?zaznamId=3565&reproId...
- Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy: Jan 5 2018, 6:59:06 UTC
- Reference: MyHeritage Family Trees - SmartCopy: Jan 5 2018, 7:01:12 UTC
- Reference: FamilySearch Family Tree - SmartCopy: Mar 10 2018, 7:58:16 UTC
<p>One of three brothers who moved to Austria-Hungary and changed their last name from Landau to Engelman.</p><p> </p><p> </p><p> ר' שמואל סג"ל לאנדא מ"מ אביו כאב"ד פראג ובעמח"ס שיבת ציון</p><p> </p>http://www.ivelt.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=31&t=8174
4 AUG 2019 23:14:22 GMT -0500 רונית כהן אתר משפחות כהן פסטרנק פוטרסמן <p>MyHeritage family tree</p><p>Family site: אתר משפחות כהן פסטרנק פוטרסמן</p>Family tree: 45739262-8 Discovery 45739262-8
R. Shmuel ABD Prague Ha-Levi Landau/Engelman 3 4 AUG 2019 Added via a Person Discovery Discovery
By: Gotthard Deutsch, Solomon Schechter, M. Seligsohn, Bernhard Friedberg, N. T. London, Herman Rosenthal, Richard Gottheil, Louis Ginzberg, Isidore Singer, Moses Löb Bamberger
Table of Contents Eleazar ben Israel Landau: Ezekiel ben Judah Landau: Hermann Landau: Isaac Landau: Isaac Elijah ben Samuel Landau: Isidor Landau: Israel ben Ezekiel Landau: Jacob b. Judah Landau: Marcus Landau: Moses Israel Landau: Samuel ben Ezekiel Landau: A family name said to have been derived from the name of a city situated in western Germany.
The name is found largely among Polish Jews, who probably were expelled from that city about the middle of the sixteenth century (see Löwenstein, "Gesch. der Juden in der Kurpfalz," p. 33, Frankfort-on-the-Main, 1895) and retained the name in their new homes. The earliest bearer of it of whom there is record is Jacob Baruch ben Judah Landau, author of the ritual work "Agur," who lived in Italy about 1480 or 1490. From the latter part of the sixteenth century the Landau family is met with in Poland, especially in the western part of Podolia, which, after the partition of Poland, was annexed to Austria. In various instances the name "Landau," which had become a Jewish family name, was adopted by people who had no family connection with the original emigrants from the German city. Thus, it was assumed by a great-grandson of Abraham ben Elijah Wilna (see Jew. Encyc. i. 107, s.v. Abraham ben Elijah of Wilna).
The first known member of the Landau family in Poland is Ẓebi ben Moses Landau, one of the communal leaders of the Lemberg congregation, who died in Cracow Jan. 7, 1620 (Buber, "Anshe Shem," p. 186). Ẓebi ben Saul Landau was rabbi of Zmigrod and died in Lemberg June 15, 1722. Solomon Landau, father-in-law of Jacob Joshua, lived in Lemberg toward the end of the seventeenth century (ib. pp. 195, 206).
Only the above incomplete pedigree can be drawn of that branch of the family to which Ezekiel Landau belonged, and which had representatives in Zolkiev, Opatow, and Brody.
The first member of this branch definitely mentioned is Judah Landau, who lived about the beginning of the seventeenth century. He and his son, Ezekiel Landau, are known only by name. The latter's son, Ẓebi Hirsch Landau, was a delegate to the Council of Four Lands, and was also one of the signatories to the privilege granted by that body to the printer of Zolkiev in 1699 (Buber, "Ḳiryah Nisgabah," p. 104, Cracow, 1903). One of his sons, Judah Landau, who lived in Opatow, was father of the most famous scion of the family, Ezekiel Landau.
Branches of the family live in Russian Poland and in Brody. Descendants of the same family are: Israel Jonah Landau (d. 1824), rabbi of Kempen, province of Posen, and author of "Me'on ha-Berakot" (Dyhernfurth, 1816), novellæ to the Talmudic treatise Berakot; and his son, Samuel Joseph Landau (d. 1837), also rabbi in Kempen, and author of "Mishkan Shiloh" (Breslau, 1837), novellæ and responsa.
Bibliography: Buber, Ḳiryah Nisgabah (on the scholars of Zolkiev), Cracow, 1903; Eisenstadt-Wiener, Da'at Ḳedoshim, St. Petersburg, 1897-98, passim. Pedigree of Landau Family. Eleazar ben Israel Landau: Rabbi of Brody, where he died of cholera in 1831. He was the author of a work entitled "Yad ha-Melek," novellæ on Maimonides' "Yad" and notes to the Talmud (parts i. and iv., Lemberg, 1829; part ii. ib. 1810).
About R' Samuel HaLevi Landau, ABD Prague (עברית)
ר' שמואל סג"ל לאנדא מ"מ אביו כאב"ד פראג ובעמח"ס שיבת ציון