Immediate Family
About R' Josli Cohen (Catz Ha Cohen of Lask)
On Krotoschin records named as Jacob Isaac Cohn on birth records of children including his Daughter Adelheide. Stated age 29 years on 12th December 1838.
Stated profession a kaufmann.
Named on Berlin record in respect of his Daughter Adelheide.
daughter was called Emilie Adelheide Cohn on Berlin records.
I have not seen any record to identify his parents.
I have not seen any record with the alternative names stated on Geni
The above is a WRONG mixture of names and people. Best be ignored!
About R' Josli Cohen (Catz Ha Cohen of Lask) (עברית)
On Krotoschin records named as Jacob Isaac Cohn on birth records of children including his Daughter Adelheide. Stated age 29 years on 12th December 1838.
Stated profession a kaufmann.
Named on Berlin record in respect of his Daughter Adelheide.
daughter was called Emilie Adelheide Cohn on Berlin records.
I have not seen any record to identify his parents.
I have not seen any record with the alternative names stated on Geni
R' Josli Cohen (Catz Ha Cohen of Lask)'s Timeline
1809 |
1831 |
Krotoszyn, Krotoszyn County, Greater Poland Voivodeship, Poland
1833 |
Krotoszyn, Krotoszyn County, Greater Poland Voivodeship, Poland
1838 |
December 12, 1838
Age 29
Krotoszyn, Krotoszyn County, Greater Poland Voivodeship, Poland
???? |