Historical records matching Rørik "Slængeborræ" Halfdansson, "slaunvanbauga"
Immediate Family
About Rørik "Slængeborræ" Halfdansson, "slaunvanbauga"
Then [king] Rorik ... set up Orwendel and Feng as rulers in Jutland. The king gave Orwendel his sister, for the good work he'd done. With her he had a son called Amblothe. Then Feng killed Orwendel out of envy and took his woman to wife. Then Amblothe devised a plan to save his life, and acted the fool. Then Feng was wary of Amblothe and sent him to the king of Britain with two of his servants and a letter saying Amblothe should be put to death. He scraped it off while they slept and wrote saying that the two servants should be hanged and Amblothe marry the king's daughter; and that's what happened. A year to the day, as Feng drank to the memory of Amblothe, he came to Denmark and killed Feng, his father's murderer, and burned all Feng's men in a tent, and so was king of Jutland. Then he went back to Britain and killed his father-in-law who wanted to avenge Feng's death. Then he took the queen of Scotland to wife. As soon as he came home, he was killed in battle.
https://codexceltica.blogspot.com/2011/10/was-hamlet-celtic.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hr%C5%93rekr_Ringslinger
Saxo's version Briefly, Saxo's version of Amleth's history is as follows: Gervendill, governor of Jutland, was succeeded by his sons Horvendill and Feng. Horvendill, on his return from a Viking expedition in which he had slain Koll, king of Norway, married Gerutha, daughter of Rørik Slyngebond, king of Denmark; she bore him a son, Amleth. But Feng, out of jealousy, murdered Horvendill, and persuaded Gerutha to become his wife, on the plea that he had committed the crime for no other reason than to avenge her of a husband who had hated her. Amleth, afraid of sharing his father's fate, pretended to be an imbecile, but the suspicion of Feng put him to various tests which are related in detail. Among other things they sought to entangle him with a young girl, his foster-sister (the prototype of Ophelia), but his cunning saved him. When, however, Amleth slew the eavesdropper hidden, like Polonius in Shakespeare's play, in his mother's room, and destroyed all trace of the deed, Feng was assured that the young man's madness was feigned. Accordingly, he dispatched him to Britain in company with two attendants, who bore a letter enjoining the king of the country to put him to death. Amleth surmised the purport of their instructions, and secretly altered the message on their wooden tablets to the effect that the king should put the attendants to death and give Amleth his daughter in marriage.
After marrying the princess, Amleth returned at the end of a year to Denmark. Of the wealth he had accumulated he took with him only certain hollow sticks filled with gold. He arrived in time for a funeral feast, held to celebrate his supposed death. During the feast he plied the courtiers with wine, and executed his vengeance during their drunken sleep by fastening down over them the woolen hangings of the hall with pegs he had sharpened during his feigned madness, and then setting fire to the palace. He slew Feng with his own sword. After a long harangue to the people he was proclaimed king. Returning to Britain for his wife he found that his father-in-law and Feng had been pledged each to avenge the other's death. The English king, unwilling to personally carry out his pledge, sent Amleth as proxy wooer for the hand of a terrible Scottish queen, Hermuthruda, who had put all former wooers to death but fell in love with Amleth. On his return to Britain his first wife, whose love proved stronger than her resentment, told him of her father's intended revenge. In the ensuing battle, Amleth won the day by setting up the fallen dead from the day before on stakes, thereby terrifying the enemy.
He then returned with his two wives to Jutland, where he had to encounter the enmity of Wiglek, Rørik's successor. He was slain in a battle against Wiglek. Hermuthruda, although she had promised to die with him, married the victor. Saxo states that Amleth was buried on a plain (or "heath") in Jutland, famous for his name and burial place. Wiglek later died of illness and was the father of Wermund from whom the royal line of Kings of Mercia descended.
Hrœrekr Ringslinger or Ringscatterer[1], Old Icelandic: Hrærekr slöngvanbaugi, Old Danish: Rørik Slængeborræ or Rørik Slyngebond was a legendary 7th century king of Zealand or Denmark, who appears in Chronicon Lethrense, Annals of Lund, Gesta Danorum, Sögubrot, Njál's saga and in Hversu Noregr byggdist.
Beside the name, the Danish and the West Norse traditions have little more in common than his living a few generations after Hrólfr kraki, his name and his title. He may be most notable as the grandfather of Hamlet.
In the Danish tradition Rørik is the son of an earthly Höðr, and notably the grandfather of Hamlet. Rørik is described a powerful king of Denmark.
The Chronicon lethrense and the Annals of Lund make Rørik the son of an earthly Höðr who killed Balder, Odin's son in battle. Höðr was himself killed by Odin's son Both.
Rørik Slængeborræ was a victorious king who conquered Courland, Wendland and Sweden and made them pay tribute to him. He appointed Orwendel and Feng as the commanders of Jutland and gave his sister to Orwendel. The sister and Orwendel were the parents of Amblothe (Hamlet). Rørik was succeeded by Wighlek.
The Gesta Danorum (book 3) by Saxo Grammaticus agrees with the Chronicon lethrense and the Annals of Lund by making Rørik Slyngebond the son of Höðr (Høther). When Odin's son Boe had killed Höðr, the Swedes, the Curonians and the Slavs rebelled against Denmark (Saxo patriotically ignores the fact that he had previously given Höðr as a prince of Sweden who ruled Denmark) and attacked Rørik.
When the Slavic and Danish forces met, a Slavic wizard suggested that instead of having a large battle and lose a great many lives, two men should meet in a duel. If the Slav won, the tribute would be cancelled, but if the Dane won, the tribute would be paid as in the old days. A Dane asked Rørik what the reward would be for the Danish champion if he won the fight. Rørik promised a chain of six laced bracelets. The Dane entered the duel but was defeated and died.
The next day, the winning Slavic champion was emboldened by his victory and asked if there was a second Dane who wanted to meet him in combat. A warrior named Ubbe who was both strong and skilled in seiðr asked Rørik what the prize would be if he killed the Slav. Once again Rørik promised the chain of bracelets. The Dane asked Rørik if he would leave the chain of bracelets to a third trustworthy man, so that he could not change his mind when the Danish champion had won. Rørik agreed, but the man who would take the chain was on another ship, and when Rørik threw the chain of bracelets across, he underestimated the distance and so the chain fell into the water, and was lost forever. This gave Rørik the cognomen Slyngebond (sling-bracelets). However, Ubbe decided to take the challenge anyway. In the duel both champions died, but the Slavs were impressed and agreed to continue paying the tribute.
Rørik appointed Horwendil and Feng as the rulers of Jutland. Horwendil spent a great deal of time pillaging and won so much fame that Rørik gave him his daughter Gerutha (Gertrude) who bore him the son Amleth (Hamlet).
When Rørik died, he was succeeded by Wiglek.
Om Rørik "Slængeborræ" Halfdansson, "slaunvanbauga" (Norsk)
Rørik av Lejre
Rørik av Lejre, Rørik el. Rørek Ringslengeren (norrønt: Hræreki slöngvanbauga) var en legendarisk konge av Lejre en gang på slutten av 600-tallet. Lejre er i dag er en kommune i Danmark, men i folkevandringstiden og senere skal Lejre skal ha vært et ledende kongssete for konger i skjoldungeætten på Sjælland i henhold til Snorre Sturlason. En annen som skal ha vært konge av Lejre var Rolf Krake.
Rørik var gift med Aud Djupauga, datter av den svenske kongen Ivar Vidfamne (konge av Svitjod fra år 655 til år
Han var bror til Helge den hvasse som også var konge på Sjælland sammen Rørik. Ivar Vidfamne satte ut et rykte om at Aud var utro mot Rørik og hadde et forhold til Helge, noe som førte til at Rørik drepte sin bror under en rytterturnering. Aud eller faren Ivar skal senere ha fått Rørik drept, og Ivar overtok kongemakten i Daneveldet.
Aud dro hjem til sin far, men flyktet med sin sønn Harald Hildetann til Gardarike og hun ble gift med kong Radbart av Gardarike. Rørik og Auds sønn Harald Hildetann ble konge av Svitjod og deler av Danmark og Norge etter at hans morfar Ivar Vidfamne var død. Aud og Radbart hadde sønnen Randver
Referanser[rediger 1.^ Hyndluljod, vers 28 el. 29 2.^ Ynglingesagaen, kap. 11
Fra Wikipedia, den frie encyklopedi
Rørik "Slængeborræ" Halfdansson, "slaunvanbauga"'s Timeline
629 |
Am, Denmark
655 |
Lejre, Sjælland, Denmark
657 |
700 |
Age 71
King of, Denmark
Age 71
King of, Denmark
Age 71
King of, Denmark
Age 71
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