Pvt. Thomas Brandon

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Pvt. Thomas Brandon (1746 - 1834)

Also Known As: "Thomas Brandum", "Thomas Brandom", "Thomas Brandun"
Birthplace: Hanover County, Virginia, Colonial America
Death: December 17, 1834 (83-92)
Mecklenburg County, Virginia, United States
Immediate Family:

Son of Eleanor Brandon / Branham
Husband of Margaret Brandon
Father of Susan "Suckey" Howell and Jesse Brandon

DAR Ancestor #:: A216976
Managed by: Diana Collins
Last Updated:

About Pvt. Thomas Brandon

A Patriot of the American Revolution for VIRGINIA with the rank of PRIVATE. DAR Ancestor # A216976

Per Paul Heinegg in Free African Americans in Virginia and the Carolinas, Thomas was bound out by the St. James Parish, Lunenburg County churchwardens on 12 May 1763 as an apprentice to Hutchings Burton. He was listed as taxable human property in Burton's household in 1764. Thomas alerted the court regarding Burton's mistreatment of him, and he was then bound to Jacob Chavis on 13 July 1764.

During the American Revolutionary War, Thomas served as a private from Virginia, first under Capt. Richard Swepson, Capt. Elijah Graves, Capt. Achilles Jeffries, and Capt. Fowlkes, and then under Col. Lewis Burwell and Col. Samuel Dedman.

After being freed, Thomas purchased 130 acres of land in Mecklenburg County, Virginia at Middle Bluestone Creek on 11 July 1778. He spent 30 pounds on the purchase. Per the DAR, he paid the supply tax in 1783.

He made his will on 12 April 1830 in Mecklenburg County and, on 15 June 1833, he applied for a Revolutionary War pension there. His will was proved on 18 May 1835.


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Pvt. Thomas Brandon's Timeline

Hanover County, Virginia, Colonial America
Mecklenburg County, Virginia
May 7, 1796
Virginia, United States
December 17, 1834
Age 88
Mecklenburg County, Virginia, United States