Princess Märtha Louise of Norway

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Princess Märtha Louise of Norway

Russian: принцесса Норвегии Марта Луиза
Also Known As: "Prinsesse Märtha Louise av Norge"
Current Location:: Lommedalen, Bærum, Akershus, Norway
Birthplace: Rikshospitalet, Pilestredet, Oslo, Oslo, Oslo, Norway
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Harald V, King of Norway and Queen Sonja of Norway
Wife of Durek Verrett
Ex-wife of Ari Behn
Mother of Maud Angelica Behn; Leah Isadora Behn and Emma Tallulah Behn
Sister of Haakon, Crown Prince of Norway

Occupation: Princess of Norway, Prinsesse
Managed by: Wojciech Eugeniusz Kauczynski
Last Updated:

About Princess Märtha Louise of Norway

Prinsesse Märtha Louise

Her Highness Princess Märtha Louise

Prinsesse Märtha Louise av Norge (født 22. september 1971 på Rikshospitalet i Oslo) er kong Harald og dronning Sonjas eldste barn. Hun har en bror, kronprins Haakon. Märtha Louise er oppkalt etter sin farmor, kronprinsesse Märtha, og etter sin tippoldemor, kong Haakons mor, dronning Louise. Ved en grunnlovsendring i 1990 ble hun arveberettiget til tronen, men som en overgangsordning ble det bestemt at mann går foran kvinne for dem som er født før 1990, men hun kom dermed inn i arverekkefølgen. Hun hadde tidligere tiltaleformen Hennes Kongelige Høyhet, men ga offisielt avkall på tiltaleformen den 1. februar 2002, som følge av at hun ønsket å være selvstendig næringsdrivende. Hennes nåværende tittel, og også fulle navn etter inngått ekteskap, er prinsesse Märtha Louise. Hun har ikke i Norge noen tiltaleform, men i utlandet vil sedvane kunne tilsi at hun til- eller omtales med tiltaleform likevel (f.eks. Hennes Høyhet). Fødselsdagen hennes er fra 2005 ikke lenger offisiell flaggdag i Norge.

Princess Märtha Louise of Norway is the only daughter and elder child of King Harald V and Queen Sonja. She is fourth in the line of succession to the Norwegian throne, after her brother Haakon, and his two children.

Princess Märtha Louise was born on 22 September 1971 at The National Hospital the Oslo University Hospital in Oslo, to the then Crown Prince Harald and Crown Princess Sonja. Princess Märtha Louise was named after her late grandmother. At birth, she was not in line to the throne, because until 1990, only males could inherit the Norwegian throne (Salic law). She was christened a few months after her birth. Her godparents are King Olav V of Norway, Princess Margaretha of Sweden, Count Flemming of Rosenborg, Princess Ragnhild of Norway, Dagny Haraldsen, Haakon Haraldsen, Nils Jørgen Astrup and Ilmi Riddervold.

In 1973, Märtha Louise's younger brother was born Haakon Magnus. In 1990 the Norwegian constitution was altered, granting full cognatic primogeniture to the Norwegian throne, meaning that the eldest child, regardless of gender, takes precedence in the line of succession. This change only affects those born in 1990 or later. Females born between 1971 and 1990 (i.e. only Märtha Louise), were given succession rights, but their brothers would be before them in the line of succession, meaning that Prince Haakon still took precedence over Märtha Louise in the line of succession.

After the births of her brother's two children, Ingrid Alexandra and Sverre Magnus, Märtha Louise was relegated to fourth in line. The princess is also in the line of succession to the thrones of the sixteen Commonwealth realms, as a great-great-granddaughter of King Edward VII of the United Kingdom.

Princess Märtha Louise is a certified physiotherapist, following education in Oslo and internship in Maastricht, the Netherlands. She has not practised her profession, however, choosing instead, from her fascination in traditional Norwegian folk tales as well as a love of music, to establish her own commercial entertainment business based on giving public and televised performances reciting folk tales and singing with well-known Norwegian choirs. In December 2003, she took part in Oslo Gospel Choir's Christmas concert with a solo performance, included on the companion CD album.

On 1 January 2002, after Princess Märtha Louise started her own business, in order to work with more freedom from her constitutional role as a princess, she began paying income tax, and the King, after consulting her, issued a royal edict which removed Princess Märtha Louise's style of Royal Highness (she is entitled to the style Highness when abroad). However, she retains her place in the line of succession, and, though her activities were reduced, she still carries out some public duties on behalf of the King.

After several postponements due to family births and her father's illness, during which the princess took on some representation duties, Princess Märtha Louise and her husband moved to New York City in October 2004. In 2004, her first book, a children's story about the first royal family of Norway was released – Why Kings and Queens Don't Wear Crowns. Accompanying the book is a CD version of the Princess reading her story aloud.

Princess Märtha Louise has studied physiotherapy, trained as a Rosen therapist and studied at an academy for holistic medicine. She claims she can communicate with animals and angels and started her own alternative therapy center named Astarte Education, after one of the oldest goddesses in the Middle East. The princess drew criticism in Norway after the announcement that she would start Astarte Education. The newspaper Bergens Tidende, called for her to give up her royal titles. Norwegian state director of Health Lars E. Hanssen, Norwegian alternative medicine advocate Dr. Bernt Rognlien, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), religious historian Asbjørn Dyrendal and University of Oslo theology professor Inge Lønning all expressed misgivings about the princess' plans.

On 11 August 2007, Märtha Louise defended the school on NRK, the Norwegian public service television network.

On 2 October 2007, Princess Märtha Louise became the first member of the Norwegian Royal Family to ever appear in a court of law as she wanted to halt sales of a book entitled Martha's Angels.

In 2007 the Princess was editor of the book "Prinsesse Märtha Louises eventyrlige verden, Eventyr fra jordens hjerte, Rodinia" containing 67 fairy tales from 50 countries.

Her Royal Highness Princess Märtha Louise's Fund was founded on 15 September 1972 and awards funds to projects carried out by non-governmental organisations in order to provide assistance to disabled children under the age of 16 in Norway. Princess Märtha Louise is the fund's chairperson. In 2005 the fund had assets of approximately NOK 13,285,000, and total annual allocations came to about NOK 500,000.

Liv Mildrid Gjernes designed the Norwegian government's gift for the couple, two cupboards entitled "Ikons for the Hearts". In each cupboard there were seven exclusive pieces of handicraft, from different regions of Norway, produced by other Norwegian artisans.

On 5 August 2016, the Royal Court announced that Princess Märtha Louise and Ari Behn were separating and starting divorce proceedings but would have joint custody of their three daughters. The divorce is the first in the modern history of the Norwegian Royal Family.

О принцессе Норвегии Марте Луизе of Norway (русский)

Ма́рта Луи́за, принцесса Норвежская (норв. Märtha Louise, Prinsesse av Norge; 22 сентября 1971, Осло, Норвегия) — норвежская принцесса. Дочь Норвежского Короля Харальда V и Королевы Норвегии Сони. Старшая сестра Норвежского Кронпринца Хокона. Она занимает четвёртое место в линии наследования норвежского престола, после её брата и его двоих детей.

В 2002—2016 годы Марта Луиза была замужем за писателем Ари Беном (англ.)русск.[1]. У бывших супругов есть три дочери: Мод Ангелика Бен (англ.)русск. (род. 29.04.2003), Леа Айседора Бен (англ.)русск. (род. 08.04.2005) и Эмма Таллула Бен (англ.)русск. (род. 29.09.2008)[2]. Развод пары стал первым в истории современной королевской семьи Норвегии[3]. 25 декабря 2019 года Ари Бен покончил с собой.[4]

В 2002 году вместе с мужем Марта Луиза написала книгу, где рассказала о жизни супругов до брака. А в ноябре 2004 года издала сказку для детей о молодом принце, прообразом которого явился её дедушка король Улаф V (Why Kings and Queens Don’t Wear Crowns). К книге прилагался компакт-диск, чтение произведения на который было записано самой принцессой. Широкий резонанс вызвало в Норвегии решение Марты Луизы открыть центр по обучению альтернативной медицине. Марта Луиза призналась, что она обладает паранормальными способностями и может научить людей общаться с ангелами, что вызвало сначала недоумение в обществе, но потом все отнеслись к этому благосклонно. В 2009 и 2012 г.г. Марта Луиза в соавторстве с Элизабет Норденг издала две книги об ангелах. Последняя её книга «Духовный пароль» была переведена на русский язык и вышла в издательстве «Ларини-Пресс» в 2012 году. Принцесса и её соавтор Элизабет Норденг лично представили книгу в Москве во время своего визита.

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Princess Märtha Louise of Norway's Timeline

September 22, 1971
Rikshospitalet, Pilestredet, Oslo, Oslo, Oslo, Norway
September 22, 1971
- present
Oslo, Oslo, Norway
October 22, 1971
Slottskapellet, Det kongelige slott, Henrik Ibsens gt. 1, Oslo, Oslo, Oslo, 0255 Oslo, Norway
October 1994
Age 23
Majorstuen, Oslo
April 29, 2003
Rikshospitalet, Gaustad, Oslo, Oslo, Oslo, Norway
April 8, 2005
Bloksberg, Hankø, Fredrikstad, Østfold, Norway
September 29, 2008
Lommedalen, Bærum, Akershus, Norway