Immediate Family
About Princess Kristin Sigurdsdatter, of Norway
Prinsesse av Norge Kristin Sigurdsdatter
- Daughter of Sigurd I Magnusson "the Crusader" Jorsalfare, King of Norway and Malmfrid Mstislawna Kijewskaja, Princess of Kiev
- Mistress: of SIGURD Haraldsson Mund joint King of Norway, son of HARALD "Gille" King of Norway & his mistress Thora Guttormsdatter (-murdered 10 Jun 1155).
Project MedLands Norway Kings
ERLING Ormson "Skakke/the Sharp" of Studla in South Hordaland (-killed in battle near Nidaros [Trondheim] 19 Jun 1179, bur Trondheim Cathedral). Snorre names Erling as the son of "Kyrpingaorm and Ragnhild, a daughter of Sveinke Steinarson", when recording that he possessed a farm at Studla in South Hordaland and journeyed to Palestine with Kali-Ragnvald Jarl of Orkney[508]. Regent of Norway in 1162 for his son King Magnus V. Jarl in Norway 1170. The Saga of King Sverre records that "Earl Erling" was killed in battle near Nidaros fighting King Sverre, and was buried in Trondheim church[509]. The precise date of his death is recorded in an Icelandic Obituarium[510]. married (1155) KRISTIN Sigurdsdatter, daughter of SIGURD King of Norway & his second wife Malmfred Mstislavna of Kiev ([1125]-1178). Snorre names "Christina, a daughter of King Sigurd the Crusader and Queen Malmfrid" as the wife of Erling[511]. This is confirmed by the Saga of King Sverre records the marriage of "Ragnhild daughter of Earl Erling and Kristin Kings-daughter" and "Halkel son of Jon Hallkelsson"[512]. Mistress (1): ---. The name of Erling's mistress is not known.
Erling & his wife KRISTIN Sigurdsdatter had two children:
- (a) MAGNUS Erlingsson (1156-killed in battle near Fimreite on Sognefjord 15 Jun 1184, bur Bergen, Christ's Church). Snorre names Magnus Erlingson as son of "Kristin…daughter of King Sigurd the Crusader" when recording that he "was nearest by propinquity of descent to the crown of Norway", and elected king of the whole country when aged five[513]. He succeeded in 1161 as MAGNUS King of Norway. Snorre Sturlsons's Heimskringla ends with King Magnus's victory against King Eystein [in 1177][514]. The Saga of King Sverre records that King Sverre defeated King Magnus at Iluvelli [27 May 1180], after which Magnus "sailed…to Denmark to his kinsman Valdamar"[515]. The Saga of King Sverre records that King Magnus was killed in battle at "Norafiord" by King Sverre and was buried at Christ's Church, Bergen[516]. The Icelandic Annals record that "Magni regis, Erlingi filii" was killed "a Sverrero" in 1184[517]. married as her second husband, ELDRID Bjørnsdatter, widow of TORE Skinnfeld, daughter of BJØRN Byrdasvein & his wife Rangrid Guttormsdatter. Mistress (1): GYRID Aslaksdatter, daughter of ASLAK & his wife.
- (b) RAGNHILD Erlingsdatter. Snorre names Ragnhild as "a daughter of princess Kristin and Earl Erling who was married to Jon Thorbergson of Randaberg", recording that she "went away from the country with a man called Grim Rusle…to Constantinople where they were for a time and had some children"[526]. The Saga of King Sverre records the marriage of "Ragnhild daughter of Earl Erling and Kristin Kings-daughter" and "Halkel son of Jon Hallkelsson"[527]. married firstly JON Thorbergsson from Randaberg (-killed in battle near Nidaros [Trondheim] 18 or 19 Jun 1179). married secondly HALLKEL Jonsson from Blindheim Jarl in Norway, son of JON Hallkelsson & his wife Margrete of Norway [daughter of King Harald Gille] (-killed in battle Florevåg near Bergen 3 Apr 1194).
King Magnus Erlingsson & his wife ELDRID Bjørnsdatter had two children:
- (1) INGEBJÖRG Magnusdatter (-on crusade with her husband 1213). The Icelandic Annals record the death in 1213 of "Petrus Steyperus, uxorque eius Ingeburga, filia regis Magni Erlingii filii"[518]. m (before 1204) PETER Stöype [stormand of the Birkebene], possibly son of a sister of Sverre King of Sweden (-on crusade with his wife 1213).
- (2) MARGRET Magnusdatter, married firstly (before 1206) FILIPPUS of Vegin [stormand of the Bagler] (-1207). married secondly (before 1208) REIDAR Sendemand [stormand of the Bagler] (-Constantinople 1214).
King Magnus had one illegitimate child by Mistress (1): GYRID Aslaksdatter
- (3) SIGURD Magnusson (-killed in battle Florevåg near Bergen 3 Apr 1194, bur Bergen Church of St Mary). The Saga of King Sverre names "a boy named Sigurd a son of King Magnus Erlingson" as one of the conspirators with "Halkel son of Jon Hallkelsson"[519]. King of the Øyskjegger in Norway 1192. The Saga of King Sverre records that "Sigurd Kingsson" was killed in battle "in the water at Floruvoe" and was buried in "Marinkirk yard"[520].
King Magnus had four possible illegitimate children by unknown mistresses:
- (4) VIKAR Magnusson (-killed in battle near Bridstein 1190). King of the Varbelger in Norway 1189. He claimed the throne.]
- (5) INGE Magnusson (-murdered Helgøya, Mjøsa 1202). The Saga of King Sverre records that "the Bagals…at Borg" chose "King Magnus's son Ingi" as their king and that the whole of the Vik and the Uplands submitted to him[521]. King of the Bagals in Norway 1196.
- (6) ERLING "Steinvegg/Stonewall (-Tønsberg 1207, bur Tønsberg, Olavskyrka). King of the Bagler in Norway 1204. The Icelandic Annals record that "Erlingus Steinveggus" was raised to "regiam dignitatem" in 1204[522].] married ? The name of Erling's wife is not known.
Erling's & his unknown wife had two children
- a. MAGNUS Erlingsson (1199-young). The primary source which confirms his parentage has not yet been identified.
- b. SIGURD Erlingsson "Ribbung (1203-Oslo 1226). King of the Ribbunger in Norway: the Icelandic Annals record that "Sigurdus Erlingi filius" became "rex Ribbungorum" in 1221[523]. The Icelandic Annals record the death in 1226 of "Sigurdus…rex Ribbungorum" and the succession of "domicellus Canutus Haquini filius" as leader of "Ribbungis" and his elevation to "regiam dignitatem"[524].
- (7) BENE "Skinnkniv (-murdered 1222). Priest. Stormann of the Slittunger in Norway 1218. The Icelandic Annals record that "Benonis ducis Slittungorum" was killed in 1222[525].]
Erling had one illegitimate child by Mistress (1):
- (c) SIGURD The Saga of King Sverre names "an illegitimate son of Earl Erling named Sigurd a foster-son of King Sverri" as one of the conspirators with "Halkel son of Jon Hallkelsson"[528].
Kong Daughter Kristin Sigurdsdatter, NORWEGIAN BIOGRAPHICAL LEXICON
Kong Daughter. Parents: King Sigurd 1 Magnusson Jorsalfare (1090-1130) and Queen Malmfrid , daughter of the great prince Mstislav in Kiev-Novgorod. Married to Erling Ormsson Skakke (died 19.6.1179). Mother of King Magnus 5 Erlingsson (1156–84); cousins to the Danish king Valdemar 1 the Great (1131–82) and King Magnus 4 Sigurdsson’s Queen Kristin Knutsdatter (mentioned 1131–41).
As the real-born daughter of King Sigurd Jorsalfare, it was Kristin who gave her son Magnus Erlingsson sufficient legitimacy to become king. As the wife of Regent Erling Skakke and the kinsman of Danish King Valdemar 1, she came on important occasions to play a political role in which she displayed power.
Kristin was the only child of King Sigurd Jorsalfare and Queen Malmfrid and must have been born before Sigurd separated from Malmfrid in the second half of the 1120s. Malmfrid, after Sigurd's death in 1130, was remarried to Danish prisoner Erik Emune (Danish king 1134–37), and Kristin may have grown up with her mother in Denmark. In that case, she later returned to Norway. Here she is to have a son, Harald, with her cousin King Sigurd Haraldsson Munn.
If this is more than gossip history, which cannot be ruled out, it was rather later that Sigurd Munn's royal half-brother, Inge Haraldsson, gave Kristin in real to his trusted lender Erling Skakke. Perhaps this happened after Sigurd's fall in the summer of 1155, the same year that Erling returned from the crusade. The case chronology is still unclear on this point, and it cannot be ruled out that Kristin married Erling all before he went on crusade 1153. With Erling, at least Kristin got his son Magnus (born 1156) and daughter Ragnhild, later married to the countrymen Jon Torbergsson at Randaberg in Rogaland and Hallkjell Jonsson in Blindheim, Sunnmøre.
The countryman Gregorius Dagsson, Erling Skakke's rival, called Kristin "great man" because of the help she gave him when he came across the mountain to the Erling farm Støle in Etne in Sunnhordland in the spring of 1155, on the run from King Øystein Haraldsson. Erling was in Bergen then, and Kristin gave Gregorius a long-ship Erling owned, and everything else he needed to move on.
Before the decisive battle between King Inge and the prisoner Håkon Herdebrei at Oslo in February 1261, Inge asked Kristin to stay in the city to take care of his body if he fell. She kept this promise, and when Håkon Herdebrei and his men held meetings in Hallvard Church after Inge's funeral, she paid the priest who had the church keys so that one of her men could listen to the conversations. In this way, Håkon's plans became known to Erling Skakke, who now had his son Magnus appointed to the Inge party's royal subject and taken as king in Bergen. The relationship with Kristin was probably important for the support that Danish King Valdemar 1 gave Erling in the fight to place Norway under his son's kingdom.
When Erling later came into conflict with King Valdemar because he did not want to fulfill the agreement that Valdemar should have supremacy over Viken, it was Kristin who had to intervene. She went to Denmark, where she was well received by her royal kinsman and evidently helped to prepare for the peace settlement which came to an end in 1170.
However, it seems that the relationship between Erling and Kristin was not one of the warmest. Lack of precise saga chronology makes it difficult to get to the bottom of it. But Erling brutally took the days of Sigurd Munn's son Harald, and if it is true that Kristin was his mother, it may not have improved the relationship between the spouses. Erling, in turn, had four sons with three other women, among them a firmer wife. According to Heimskringla, Kristin ended up going to Constantinople with a Grim Rusle, with whom she had some children. In that case, it must have happened after the peace agreement of 1170, when Kristin was at least in her mid-forties. For this reason, this story has been questioned, but it cannot be dismissed.
According to Icelandic annals, Kristin died in 1178, uncertain where.
Source Kong Daughter Kristin Sigurdsdatter, by NORWEGIAN BIOGRAPHICAL LEXICON
- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kristin_Sigurdsdatter
- http://nbl.snl.no/Kristin_Sigurdsdatter/utdypning
- https://www.geni.com/path/Kristin-Sigurdsdatter+is+related+to+Ragnhild-Andersdotter?from=6000000003645734389&to=6000000012432111719
- The Heimskringla: A History of the Norse Kings, Volume 3, By Snorri Sturluson - https://books.google.com/books?id=LiLhB8WRyrYC&pg=PA1061&lpg=PA1061...
- Kristin Sigurdsdatter, by NORWEGIAN BIOGRAPHICAL LEXICON - https://nbl.snl.no/Kristin_Sigurdsdatter
- Kristin Sigurdsdatter – utdypning (Store norske leksikon)
- Claus Krag. "Malmfrid, Dronning". Norsk biografisk leksikon. Retrieved May 25, 2016.
- Erling Ormsson Skakke – utdypning (Store norske leksikon)
- Nils Petter Thuesen. "Magnus 4 Sigurdsson Blinde, Konge". Norsk biografisk leksikon. Retrieved May 25, 2016.
- Knut Peter Lyche Arstad. "Gilchrist Harald 4 Gille". Norsk biografisk leksikon. Retrieved May 25, 2016.
- Magnus 5 Erlingsson – utdypning (Store norske leksikon)
Om Kristin Sigurdsdatter, av Norge (Norsk)
Kristin Sigurdsdatter LEVETID - KOMMENTAR Fødselsår og fødested ukjent; Død 1178; ca. 1125–1178 Denne artikkelen sto på trykk i Norsk biografisk leksikon. Nyere artikler finner du i Store norske leksikon. Kongsdatter. Foreldre: Kong Sigurd 1 Magnusson Jorsalfare (1090–1130) og dronning Malmfrid, datter av storfyrst Mstislav i Kijev-Novgorod. Gift med ErlingOrmsson Skakke (død 19.6.1179). Mor til kong Magnus 5 Erlingsson (1156–84); søskenbarn til den danske konge Valdemar 1 den store (1131–82) og kong Magnus 4 Sigurdssons dronning Kristin Knutsdatter (nevnt 1131–41).
Som ektefødt datter av kong Sigurd Jorsalfare var det Kristin som gav sønnen Magnus Erlingsson tilstrekkelig legitimitet til å bli konge. Som regenten Erling Skakkes hustru og den danske kong Valdemar 1s frende kom hun ved viktige anledninger til å spille en politisk rolle der hun viste handlekraft.
Kristin var eneste barn av kong Sigurd Jorsalfare og dronning Malmfrid og må være født før Sigurd lot seg skille fra Malmfrid i annen halvdel av 1120-årene. Malmfrid ble etter Sigurds død 1130 gift på ny med den danske tronkreveren Erik Emune (dansk konge 1134–37), og det kan være at Kristin vokste opp hos moren i Danmark. I så fall vendte hun senere tilbake til Norge. Her skal hun ha fått en sønn, Harald, med sitt søskenbarn kong Sigurd Haraldsson Munn.
Om dette er mer enn enn sladderhistorie, noe som ikke kan utelukkes, var det helst senere at Sigurd Munns kongelige halvbror, Inge Haraldsson, gav Kristin i ekte til sin betrodde lendmann Erling Skakke. Kanskje skjedde dette etter Sigurds fall sommeren 1155, samme år som Erling vendte hjem fra korstog. Sagakronologien er likevel uklar på dette punktet, og det kan ikke utelukkes at Kristin ble gift med Erling alt før han drog på korstog 1153. Med Erling fikk Kristin i alle fall sønnen Magnus (født 1156) og datteren Ragnhild, senere gift med lendmennene Jon Torbergsson på Randaberg i Rogaland og Hallkjell Jonsson på Blindheim, Sunnmøre.
Lendmannen Gregorius Dagsson, Erling Skakkes rival, kalte Kristin “stormannslig” på grunn av den hjelpen hun gav ham da han førjulsvinteren 1155 kom over fjellet til Erlings setegård Støle i Etne i Sunnhordland, på flukt fra kong Øystein Haraldsson. Erling var da i Bergen, og Kristin gav Gregorius et langskip Erling eide, og alt han ellers trengte for å komme seg videre.
Før det avgjørende slaget mellom kong Inge og tronkreveren Håkon Herdebrei ved Oslo februar 1261 bad Inge Kristin om å bli i byen for å ta hånd om liket hans dersom han falt. Dette løftet holdt hun, og da Håkon Herdebrei og hans menn holdt møter i Hallvardskirken etter Inges gravferd, betalte hun presten som hadde kirkenøklene, slik at en av hennes menn kunne avlytte samtalene. På den måten ble Håkons planer kjent for Erling Skakke, som nå fikk sønnen Magnus utpekt til Inge-partiets kongsemne og tatt til konge i Bergen. Slektskapet med Kristin var trolig viktig for den støtten den danske kong Valdemar 1 gav Erling i kampen for å legge Norge under sønnens kongedømme.
Da Erling senere kom i konflikt med kong Valdemar fordi han ikke ville oppfylle avtalen om at Valdemar skulle ha overherredømme over Viken, var det Kristin som måtte gå imellom. Hun drog til Danmark, der hun ble vel mottatt av sin kongelige frende og tydeligvis var med på å forberede den fredsslutningen som kom i stand 1170.
Det ser likevel ut til at forholdet mellom Erling og Kristin ikke var av de varmeste. Mangel på presis sagakronologi gjør det vanskelig å trenge til bunns i det. Men Erling tok brutalt av dage Sigurd Munns sønn Harald, og om det er rett at Kristin var hans mor, kan det ikke ha bedret forholdet mellom ektefellene. Erling hadde på sin side fire sønner med tre andre kvinner, blant dem en fastere frille. Ifølge Heimskringla endte det med at Kristin drog til Konstantinopel sammen med en Grim Rusle, som hun fikk noen barn med. Det må i så fall ha skjedd etter fredsslutningen 1170, da Kristin i det minste var midt i førtiårene. Av den grunn har det vært satt spørsmålstegn ved denne historien, men den kan ikke uten videre avvises.
Ifølge islandske annaler døde Kristin 1178, uvisst hvor.
Kilder og litteratur: Orkneyinga saga, Morkinskinna, Fagrskinna
Kristin Sigurdsdatter (ukjent fødselsår, ca. 1125, skal ha dødd i 1178 [1]%29 var en norsk kongsdatter. Hun var ektefødt datter av Sigurd Jorsalfare og Malmfrid Mstislavsdatter.[1]
Hun ble gift med Erling Skakke i begynnelsen av 1150-årene og fikk sønnen Magnus Erlingsson med ham i 1156 og datteren Ragnhild[1] senere. Magnus ble konge av Norge da han var seks år gammel. Kristin Sigurdsdatter ble dermed en viktig dynastisk person.[1]
Tidligere kan Kristin ha fått sønnen Harald Sigurdsson med Sigurd Munn, men dette er høyst usikkert og kan bero på en sladderhistorie.[1]
- The Heimskringla: A History of the Norse Kings, Volume 3, By Snorri Sturluson - https://books.google.com/books?id=LiLhB8WRyrYC&pg=PA1061&lpg=PA1061...
- Kristin Sigurdsdatter, by NORWEGIAN BIOGRAPHICAL LEXICON - https://nbl.snl.no/Kristin_Sigurdsdatter
Princess Kristin Sigurdsdatter, of Norway's Timeline
1124 |
Folkingberg, Eidberg, Østford, Norge (Norway)
1140 |
Randaberg, Rogaland, Norway
1156 |
Etne, Hordaland, Norway
1178 |
Age 54
Trondheim, Trondheim, Sor-Trondelag, Norway
???? |
Norway - aka Kristin Sigurthsdtr
???? |