public profile
A3.B4 Carloman, renamed Pippin (April 777–8 July 810)], King of Italy [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlemagne. CARLOMAN [Pepin] (777-Milan 8 Jul 810, bur Verona, San Zeno Maggiore). King Pepin had one illegitimate child by Mistress (1):
A3.B4.C1 Bernard ([797]-Milan 17 Aug 818, bur Milan, San Ambrosio).
King Pepin had five [illegitimate] children by [Mistress (1)]. Einhard, who names these daughters, makes no mention of whether they were legitimate or not. If they were illegitimate, it is not known whether they were full sisters of Bernard. http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/ITALY,%20Kings%20to%20962.htm#Pepin...
A3.B4.C2. Adelais ([798]-after 810). "Adailhaidem, Atulam, Guntradam, Berthaidem ac Theoderadam" are named as daughters of Pippin by Einhard[628]. She was taken from Italy to the imperial court in 807[629]. same person as…? AEDA . The Carmen de Primordiis Cœnobii Gandersheimensis names the wife of "Liudulfus" as "Oda…Francorum…de stirpe potentum, filia Billungi…atque Aedæ"[630]. Her precise origin is mentioned in the charter dated 885 by which "Oda comitissa, Pipini regis Italiæ ex filia neptis, Hliudolfi Ducis vidua" founded Kloster Calbe an der Milde, although the accuracy of this document is not known[631]. m Billung, son of ---. http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/ITALY,%20Kings%20to%20962.htm#Pepin... Billung & his wife had one child:
A3.B4.C2.D1 Oda (-17 May 913). The Carmen de Primordiis Cœnobii Gandersheimensis names the wife of "Liudulfus" as "Oda…Francorum…de stirpe potentum, filia Billungi…atque Aedæ"[202]. "Oda comitissa, Pipini regis Italiæ ex filia neptis, Hliudolfi Ducis vidua" founded Kloster Calbe an der Milde, by charter dated 885[203]. "Arnolfus…rex" confirmed donations of his predecessor of land "in pago Nordthuringa dicto in comitatu Liudulfi in loco Uuanzleua" to Kloster Gandersheim naming "fideli costræ in sanctimoniali habitu constitutæ…Odæ" by an undated charter, placed in the compilation among charters dated [891/92], which names "filia eius Gerberga abbatissa"[204]. "Otto…rex" confirmed privileges to Kloster Gandersheim "avo illius Sigihardo comiti in pago Chiemihgovue in comitatu Sigihardi" to "comiti nostro Eberhart" by charter dated 4 May 947 in which he names "proavo nostro Liutulfo…et eius coniuge Oda…et avo nostro Ottone" recalling their involvement in the foundation of the monastery[205]. m LIUDOLF, son of [BRUN[HART & his wife ---] (-11 Mar 866, bur Brunshausen). http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SAXONY.htm#BillungMAeda. LIUDOLF, son of BRUNO & his wife --- (-11 Mar 866, bur Brunshausen). Brun was named as father of Liudolf in the early 13th century Gandersheimer Reimchronik[126], but no earlier source has so far been found which confirms the relationship. The Chronicon Hildesheimense records that Liudolf founded the abbey of Gandersheim in 852, first at Brunshausen[127]. Widukind records that "Liudulfus" transferred relics of Pope Innocent to Rome[128]. The Annales Alamannicorum record "Ludolfus dux Saxoniæ avus Heinrici" among those who swore allegiance in 864[129]. The Annales Xantenses record the death in 866 of "Liudolfus comes a septentrione"[130]. m ODA, daughter of BILLUNG princeps & his wife Aeda (-17 May 913). The Carmen de Primordiis Cœnobii Gandersheimensis names the wife of "Liudulfus" as "Oda…Francorum…de stirpe potentum, filia Billungi…atque Aedæ"[131]. "Oda comitissa, Pipini regis Italiæ ex filia neptis, Hliudolfi Ducis vidua" founded Kloster Calbe an der Milde, by charter dated 885[132]. "Arnolfus…rex" confirmed donations of his predecessor of land "in pago Nordthuringa dicto in comitatu Liudulfi in loco Uuanzleua" to Kloster Gandersheim naming "fideli costræ in sanctimoniali habitu constitutæ…Odæ" by an undated charter, placed in the compilation among charters dated [891/92], which names "filia eius Gerberga abbatissa"[133]. "Otto…rex" confirmed privileges to Kloster Gandersheim "avo illius Sigihardo comiti in pago Chiemihgovue in comitatu Sigihardi" to "comiti nostro Eberhart" by charter dated 4 May 947 in which he names "proavo nostro Liutulfo…et eius coniuge Oda…et avo nostro Ottone" recalling their involvement in the foundation of the monastery[134]. http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SAXONY.htm#Liudolfdied866B Liudolf & his wife had [twelve] children:
A3.B4.C2.D1.E1. Bruno (-killed in battle in Saxony 2 Feb 880). The Annalista Saxo records "Brunonis ducis" as brother of "Otto filius Liudolfi ducis"[135]. "Hludowicus…rex" granted immunities to Kloster Gandersheim, naming "Brun et Otto nostri fideles comites…[et] Liutolf genitor eorum…[et]…Gerbirg soror eorundem comitum" by charter dated 26 Jan 877[136]. The Annales Fuldenses name "Brun ducem et fratrem reginæ, Wicmannum, Bardonem, alterum Bardonem et tertium Bardonem, Thiotherium, Gerrichum, Liutolfum, Folcwartum, Avan, Thiotricum, Liutharium" as those killed in battle in 880 in Saxony against "Nordmannis"[137]. The Gesta Francorum lists "Brun ducem et fratrem reginæ" as one of the twelve counts who were killed fighting the Danes in 880[138]. Thietmar records that "Duke Bruno…great uncle" of Bruno Archbishop of Köln, was drowned in a flooded river on 2 Feb while on an expedition against the Danes[139]. The Erchanberti Breviarum records that "Ludovicus rex Franciæ" had one son "Hug…de concubina" who [in 880] fought the Vikings "cum Theoderico et Marcwardo…episcopis et Bardone fratre Liutkardæ reginæ"[140], "Bardone" presumably being an error for "Brunone", although this version appears to conflate two battles (one at the river Scheldt and one in Saxony) which are reported separately in the Annales Fuldenses. The Gesta Francorum lists "Bardonum…alterum Bardonum [et] tertium Bardonum" as three of the twelve counts who were killed fighting the Danes in 880[141]. The other two counts named "Bardo" or "Bruno" have not been identified. http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SAXONY.htm#Liudolfdied866B
A3.B4.C2.D1.E2. Otto "der Erlauchte" (-30 Nov 912[142], bur Gandersheim Stiftskirche). The Annalista Saxo records "Otto" as "filius Liudolfi ducis"[143]. Graf im Südthüringau. Graf im Eichsfeld 888. http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SAXONY.htm#Liudolfdied866B. Son of Graf LIUDOLF & his wife Oda [Billung] (-30 Nov 912, bur Gandersheim Stiftskirche). The Annalista Saxo records "Otto" as "filius Liudolfi ducis"[163]. "Hludowicus…rex" granted immunities to Kloster Gandersheim, naming "Brun et Otto nostri fideles comites…[et] Liutolf genitor eorum…[et]…Gerbirg soror eorundem comitum" by charter dated 26 Jan 877[164]. Graf im Südthüringau. "Hludowicus…rex" donated property "Tennisteti et Heriki in pago Suththuringa in comitatu Ottonis" to Kloster Gandersheim by charter dated 26 Jan 877[165]. "Rihdahc" denoted property to Kloster St Maria an der Rosel, in the castle of Coblenz, by undated charter, placed in the compilation with other charters dated [981/89], subscribed by "domini Ottonis Liutolfi filius…"[166]. Graf im Eichsfeld. Emperor Arnulf confirmed an exchange including property "in pago Eichesfelden in comitatu Ottonis" between the abbot of Fulda and "Chunrado comite" on the intervention of "Ottonis…marchionis" by charter dated 28 Jan 897[167]. Lay Abbot of Hersfeld 908. He was chosen to succeed Ludwig "das Kind" [Carolingian] as king of Germany in 911, but declined on the grounds of his advanced age and recommended the election of Konrad ex-Duke of the Franconians[168]. "Chuonradus…rex" confirmed privileges to Kloster Murbach by charter dated 12 Mar 913 with the consent of "fidelium nostrorum Hathonis, Salomonis, Thiodolfi, Hildini, Einhardi, Erchangarii, Chuonradi, Hugonis, Ottonis, Heinrici, Bopponis, Udalrici, Eberhardi"[169]. Thietmar records the death of Otto on 30 Nov but does not give the year[170]. The necrology of Merseburg records the death "30 Nov" of "Oddo comes pater Heinrici regis Saxonum"[171].
m Hedwig [Hathui], daughter of HEINRICH dux [Babenberg] & his wife Engeltrudis --- ([850/55]-24 Dec 903). "Hathwiga" is named as wife of Otto in the Annalista Saxo, which in an earlier passage records that the mother of Heinrich was the son of the sister of Adalbert [Babenberg][172]. Her birth date is estimated from the birth of her third son in 876. The necrology of Fulda records the death in 903 of "Hadwih com"[173]. The necrology of Merseburg records the death "24 Dec" of "Hathuui mater Heinrici regis"[174]. Graf Otto & his wife had [seven] children:A3.B4.C2.D1.E2F1). [daughter ([865/70][175]-). "Wundilgartam Henrici regis de filia neptim" is named in the Chronicle of St Gall, which also names her husband[176]. The commentary in the printed text interprets this as "granddaughter of Heinrich I King of Germany", but this is chronologically impossible assuming that the approximate death date of Wundelgart's husband is correct. If there is any truth in the text, it is more likely that Wundelgart was the niece of King Heinrich by his sister, although this is far from certain considering the broad range of interpretation possible for the word "neptis". However, the chronology is tight even for this interpretation, as shown by the estimated birth date range of this daughter, which must mean that she was one of her parents' older children. Another possibility is that she was illegitimate. The same source in a later passage names "Ekkehardo…diacono et Purchardo puero post abate consobrinis suis"[177]. As Wundelgart was the mother of abbot Burkhard, this gives the essential clue about the name of this daughter's husband, who in the same source is named as the father of the sisters who were mothers of the younger Ekkehard and abbot Burkhard. m as his first wife, EKKEHARD [I], son of ---.]
A3.B4.C2.D1.E2F2). Thankmar (-before 30 Nov 912). "Thancmarus et Liudolfus", sons of Otto & Hathwiga, died before their father according to the Annalista Saxo, which implies they were older than their brother Heinrich who "ecce fratribus defunctis, tota hereditas in ipsum iam ducem derivatur"[178].
A3.B4.C2.D1.E2F3). Liudolf (-before 30 Nov 912). "Thancmarus et Liudolfus", sons of Otto & Hathwiga, died before their father according to the Annalista Saxo, which implies they were older than their brother Heinrich who "ecce fratribus defunctis, tota hereditas in ipsum iam ducem derivatur"[179]. m ---. The name of Liudolf's wife is not known. Liudolf & his wife had one child:A3.B4.C2.D1.E2F3.G1) Ekkehard (-killed in battle 25 Sep 936). Widukind names "Ekkardus filius Liudulfi", when recording his death[180]. m ---. The name of Ekkehard's wife is not known. Ekkehard & his wife had [one possible child]:
A3.B4.C2.D1.E2F3.G1.H1) Ekkehard (-[30 Aug 954] or 4 Sep 954). The descent of Ekkehard from an older brother of Heinrich I King of Germany is proposed by Hlawitschka[181]. see MEISSEN.]
A3.B4.C2.D1.E2F4). Heinrich ([876]-Memleben 2 Jul 936, bur Quedlinburg Stiftskirche). Thietmar records that Heinrich was "born of the noble lineage of Otto and Hadwig"[182]. According to the Annalista Saxo, he was son of the unnamed sister of Adalbert [Babenberg], with whom he and his brothers fought against the Konradiner family, his complete parentage being recorded in a later passage[183]. He was elected as HEINRICH I King of Germany at Fritzlar 6 May 919.
A3.B4.C2.D1.E2F5). Oda ([884]-[2 Jul] after 952). Jackman speculates that Oda must have been born in [884], although this appears to be designed to fit with his theory about Oda's supposed third marriage[184]. Regino records the marriage in 897 of "Ottonem comitem…filiam Odam" and King Zwentibold[185]. Regino records that "Gerhard comes" married "Odam uxorem Zuendiboldi regis" after killing her first husband in battle in 900[186]. "Otto…rex" confirmed the donation of property " in loco Dauindre…in pago…Hamalant in comitatu Vuigmanni" to St Moritz at Magdeburg by "nostra amita…Uota" by charter dated 30 Dec 952[187]. Jackman speculates[188] that Graf Eberhard married Oda as her third husband, Oda von Sachsen, for onomastic reasons as the name of Eberhard's supposed daughter (her affiliation also being based only on his own separate onomastic hypothesis) was that of Oda's maternal grandmother. This is an interesting theory but it accumulates one onomastic hypothesis on another and must be considered highly speculative. m firstly ([Worms] [27 Mar/13 Jun] 897) ZWENTIBOLD King of Lotharingia [Carolingian], illegitimate son of Emperor ARNULF King of Germany & his mistress --- ([870/71]-killed in battle 13 Aug 900, bur [S%C3%BCsteren or Echternach]). m secondly (900) Graf GERHARD [Matfride], son of --- (-killed in battle 22 Jun 910). [m thirdly (after Jun 910) EBERHARD Graf im Oberlahngau Pfalzgraf, son of KONRAD Graf in der Wetterau und im Wormsgau [Konradiner] & his wife Glismod --- (-killed in battle near Andernach 23 Oct 939).] http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SAXONY.htm#OttoErlauchtedied912
A3.B4.C2.D1.E2F6). Liutgard [Dodica] (-21 Jan 923). Europäische Stammtafeln[189] names Liutgard as daughter of Otto & his wife, but the primary source which confirms this has not so far been identified. Abbess of Gandersheim 919/923.
A3.B4.C2.D1.E2F7). Irminburg (-before 936). Europäische Stammtafeln[190] names Irminburg as daughter of Otto & his wife, and records her marriage, but the primary source which confirms this has not so far been identified. m as his first wife, SIEGFRIED, son of THIETMAR [Ostmark] & his wife --- (-[3 Dec 936/941]).]http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SAXONY.htm#OttoErlauchtedied912Mistress (1): ---. The name of Otto's mistress is not known. Graf Otto had one illegitimate daughter by Mistress (1):
A3.B4.C2.D1.E2F8). daughter. 932. Widukind names "sorore regis quæ nupserat Widoni Thuringo…ex concubina nata"[191]. m WIDO, from Thuringia. http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SAXONY.htm#OttoErlauchtedied912
A3.B4.C2.D1.E3. Thankmar. Europäische Stammtafeln[144] names Thankmar as a son of Liudolf & his wife but the primary source which confirms this has not so far been identified. [Abbot of Corvey 877/79]. “Ludolphus comes” donated property “in Daelhem et in Adonhusen” to Corvey monastery “pro filio suo Tancmaro”[145]. http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SAXONY.htm#Liudolfdied866B
A3.B4.C2.D1.E4. Liutgard (-17 or 30 Nov 885, bur Aschaffenburg). Widukind names "Liudgardam sororem Brunonis ac magni ducis Oddonis" as wife of "orientales Francos imperantium Hluthowicus"[146]. "Hludowicus…rex" made a donation of property in "villa…Winenheim" to Kloster Lorsch in the name of "comiti…Werinhario" by charter dated 4 Jan 877, naming "coniuge nostra Liutgarda"[147]. The necrology of Fulda records the death in 885 of "Liutgart regina"[148]. The death and burial place of "Liudgardis regina" are recorded in the Annalista Saxo[149]. m (before 29 Nov 874) LUDWIG, son of LUDWIG II "der Deutsche" King of the East Franks & his wife Emma [Welf] ([835]-Frankfurt-am-Main 20 Jan 882, bur Kloster Lorsch). He succeeded his father in 876 as LUDWIG III "der Jüngere" King of the East Franks, Saxony and ½ Lotharingia. King of Bavaria 879. King of Lotharingia 880. http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SAXONY.htm#Liudolfdied866B
A3.B4.C2.D1.E5. Enda . Europäische Stammtafeln[150] names Enda as a daughter of Liudolf & his wife, and her marriage, but the primary source which confirms this has not so far been identified. m ---. http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SAXONY.htm#Liudolfdied866B
A3.B4.C2.D1.E6. Hathumod 840-29 Sep 874, bur Brunnshausen). The Chronicon Hildesheimense records that "Hathamodam eius ducis [Liudolfi] filiam" was was installed as first abbess of Gandersheim in 852, and that she died 18 years later[151]. Her life and death are recounted in the Vita et Obitus Hathamodæ[152]. Her death is recorded in the Annalista Saxo[153]. http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SAXONY.htm#Liudolfdied866B
A3.B4.C2.D1.E7. Gerberga (-5 Sep [896/97]). The Chronicon Hildesheimense records that "Gerbergam sororem [Hathamod%C3%A6]" succeeded her sister as second abbess of Gandersheim[154]. "Gerburgis" is named sister of "Hathumod"[155], whom she succeeded as Abbess of Gandersheim in 874[156]. "Hludowicus…rex" granted immunities to Kloster Gandersheim, naming "Brun et Otto nostril fideles comites…[et] Liutolf genitor eorum…[et]…Gerbirg soror eorundem comitum" by charter dated 26 Jan 877[157]. http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SAXONY.htm#Liudolfdied866B
A3.B4.C2.D1.E8. Christina (-1 Apr [919/20], bur Gandersheim Stiftskirche). Thankmar records that "Sororem autem eius [=Gerburgis [et] Hathumod] Cristinam" entered Gandersheim, specifying that they were all daughters of "Oda"[158]. Abbess of Gandersheim 897-897. http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SAXONY.htm#Liudolfdied866B
A3.B4.C2.D1.E9. daughter (-young). Europäische Stammtafeln[159] refers to an unnamed daughter of Liudolf & his wife who died young, but the primary source which confirms this has not so far been identified. http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SAXONY.htm#Liudolfdied866B
A3.B4.C2.D1.E10. son (-young). Europäische Stammtafeln[160] refers to two or three unnamed sons of Liudolf & his wife who died young, but the primary source which confirms this has not so far been identified. http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SAXONY.htm#Liudolfdied866B
A3.B4.C2.D1.E11. son (-young). Europäische Stammtafeln[161] refers to two or three unnamed sons of Liudolf & his wife who died young, but the primary source which confirms this has not so far been identified. http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SAXONY.htm#Liudolfdied866B
A3.B4.C2.D1.E12. [son (-young). Europäische Stammtafeln[162] refers to two or three unnamed sons of Liudolf & his wife who died young, but the primary source which confirms this has not so far been identified.] http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SAXONY.htm#Liudolfdied866BA3.B4.C3 Adula ([800/810]-after 810).
A3.B4.C4 Guntrada ([800/810]-after 810).
A3.B4.C5 Bertraide ([800/810]-after 810).
A3.B4.C6 Theodrada ([800/810-after 810)]. "Adailhaidem, Atulam, Guntradam, Berthaidem ac Theoderadam" are named as daughters of Pippin by Einhard[635]. She arrived at the imperial court before 814. [According to Winkhaus[636], one of the last four daughters married Lambert I Comte de Nantes, son of WIDO Comte et Marquis de Nantes & his wife --- (-Ticino 30 Dec 836), but the source on which this is based has not been identified.] [http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/CAROLINGIANS.htm#_Toc240955192]
Guy of the Widonides was the son of Lambert, marquis of Nantes and Bretagne and later duke of Spoleto, and Adelaide of Lombardy, daughter of Pepin of Italy. Lambert died in 836, after which the duchy of Spoleto was held by a Berengar until 842, when Guy succeeded as duke.
He married Itta, daughter of Sicco prince of Benevento, and had two sons, Lambert I and Guy III.
He died in 860 and passed the duchy of Spoleto to Lambert I and the march of Camerino to Guido III.
Pepin I, King of Italy (born Carloman, 777-810)
Unknown mistress (for now, same as Bernard, though this is unproven)
Siblings (some or all of these may be half-siblings, all with father of Pepin):
1. Bernard (c.797-818)
3. Adula (800/810 - after 810)
4. Gundrada (800/810 - after 810)
5. Bertraide (800/810 - after 810)
6. Theodrada (800/810 - after 810)
(Unknown) Billung, Prince in Sachsen
Ode (d. 913), possible founder of Kloster Calbe an der Milde, wife of Liudolf (d. 866), progenitor of the Liudolfingers.
Basic information and justification:
Born c. 798/810 (conceived after her father's 796 campaign against the Avars) in presumably Milan, Italy (her father's capital).
Died in Saxony
Married (Unknown) Billung, Prince in Sachsen after 807. Note, this is not the same Billung as the father of Hermann Billung. She was not his mother.
Alternate names: Adelais, Adailhaid
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Italy Kings (covering her birth family with Pepin I of Italy):
CARLOMAN [Pepin], son of CHARLES I King of the Franks & his second wife Hildegard (777-Milan 8 Jul 810, bur Verona, San Zeno Maggiore).
"Pippinus" is named, and his parentage recorded, in the Gesta Mettensium, which specifies that he was his parents' second son[614].
He was baptised "PEPIN" in Rome 15 Apr 781 by Pope Hadrian, Settipani commenting that his name was changed from Carloman[615] but the primary source which identifies him by this name has not so far been identified.
He was crowned PEPIN King of Italy 15 Apr 781 at Rome[616], named King of the Lombards and installed at Pavia, ruling under the regency of Adalhard. He invaded the duchy of Benevento in early 793.
The 796 victory of "rex Pippinus" against the Avars led by "Cacanus rex" (which reflects the title "Khagan" not his name) is commemorated in a contemporary poem[617]. The Annales Fuldenses record that "Ehericum ducem Foroiuliensem, deinde…Pippinum filium regis" captured the camp of "Hunorum…Hringum" in 796, specifying that "Cagan et Iugurro principibus Hunorum" were killed by their own people[618].
At the partition of the empire agreed at Thionville in 806, Pepin was designated sovereign of Italy, Bavaria, Carinthia (except Nordgau) and Alemannia south of the River Danube. He subjugated Istria, the towns of Dalmatia, and Venice in [810][619].
The Annales Fuldenses record the death "810 VIII Id Iul" of "Pippinum filius eius regem Italiæ"[620]. The Annales Sancti Emmerammi record the death "810 Id Iul" of "Pippinus"[621].
Mistress (1): (from [795]) --- .
Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris records that Pepin's son Bernard was born "…ex concubina"[622]. However, other sources do not refer to the fact that he was illegitimate. The question is not beyond doubt.
Assuming that he was illegitimate, the name of King Pepin's mistress is not known. Settipani quotes a name list in the Liber confraternitatum augiensis which reads "Karolus maior domus, Pippin rex, Karlomannus maior domus, Karolus imperator, Karolus rex, Pippin rex, Bernardus rex, Ruadtrud, Ruadheid, Svanahild regina, Bertha regina, Hiltikart regina, Fastrat regina, Liutkart regina, Ruadheid, Hirminkar regina"[623]. He makes the obvious links between "Karolus maior domus…Svanahild regina", "Pippin rex…Bertha regina" and "Karolus imperator…Hiltikart regina, Fastrat regina, Liutkart regina", deducing that the last named "Ruadheid" must be linked logically to "Pippin rex".
However, this link is not inevitable. It is based on three assumptions: firstly that the second "Pippin rex" was Pepin King of Italy (he is the most likely candidate, but it could also be Pepin King of Aquitaine, son of Emperor Louis I); secondly that there are no female names linked either to "Karolus rex" or to "Bernardus rex", which cannot be proved; and thirdly, that all the females listed were partners of the males listed, which is certainly not the case in view of the absence of Emperor Louis I "le Pieux" who is assumed to be the husband of "Hirminkar regina".
Rösch suggests Bertha as the possible name of King Pepin's wife, citing Stromeyer[624]. Settipani suggests that she was a close relative of Adalhard Abbé de Corbie and his half-brother Wala to explain the appointment of the former as regent for her son Bernard King of Italy in 813.
King Pepin had one illegitimate child by Mistress (1):
1. BERNARD ([797]-Milan 17 Aug 818, bur Milan, San Ambrosio).
Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names "Bernhardus filius Pippini ex concubina"[625].
He was confirmed 11 Sep 813 at Aix-la-Chapelle as BERNARD I King of Italy.
King Pepin had five [illegitimate] children by [Mistress (1)]. Einhard, who names these daughters, makes no mention of whether they were legitimate or not. If they were illegitimate, it is not known whether they were full sisters of Bernard.
2. ADELAIS ([798]-after 810).
"Adailhaidem, Atulam, Guntradam, Berthaidem ac Theoderadam" are named as daughters of Pippin by Einhard[626]. She was taken from Italy to the imperial court in 807[627].
same person as…? AEDA . The Carmen de Primordiis Cœnobii Gandersheimensis names the wife of "Liudulfus" as "Oda…Francorum…de stirpe potentum, filia Billungi…atque Aedæ"[628]. Her precise origin is mentioned in the charter dated 885 by which "Oda comitissa, Pipini regis Italiæ ex filia neptis, Hliudolfi Ducis vidua" founded Kloster Calbe an der Milde, although the accuracy of this document is not known[629].
m BILLUNG, son of ---.
3. ADULA ([800/810]-after 810).
"Adailhaidem, Atulam, Guntradam, Berthaidem ac Theoderadam" are named as daughters of Pippin by Einhard[630]. She arrived at the imperial court before 814.
4. GUNTRADA ([800/810]-after 810).
"Adailhaidem, Atulam, Guntradam, Berthaidem ac Theoderadam" are named as daughters of Pippin by Einhard[631]. She arrived at the imperial court before 814.
5. BERTAIDE ([800/810]-after 810).
"Adailhaidem, Atulam, Guntradam, Berthaidem ac Theoderadam" are named as daughters of Pippin by Einhard[632]. She arrived at the imperial court before 814.
6. THEODRADA ([800/810]-after 810).
"Adailhaidem, Atulam, Guntradam, Berthaidem ac Theoderadam" are named as daughters of Pippin by Einhard[633]. She arrived at the imperial court before 814.
[According to Winkhaus[634], one of the last four daughters married LAMBERT I Comte de Nantes, son of WIDO Comte et Marquis de Nantes & his wife --- (-Ticino 30 Dec 836), but the source on which this is based has not been identified.]
[614] Pauli Gesta Episcop. Mettensium, MGH SS II, p. 265.
[615] Settipani, C. and Kerrebrouck, P. van (1993) La préhistoire des Capétiens 481-987, 1ère partie, Mérovingiens, Carolingiens et Robertiens (Villeneuve d'Ascq), p. 211.
[616] RFA 781, p. 59.
[617] Tituli Sæculi VIII, XI De Pippini regis Victoria Avarica, MGH Poetæ Latini ævi Carolini I, p. 116.
[618] Annales Fuldenses 796, MGH SS I, p. 351.
[619] Settipani (1993), p. 211.
[620] Annales Fuldenses 810, MGH SS I, p. 355.
[621] Annales Sancti Emmerammi Ratisponensis maiores 810, MGH SS I, p. 93.
[622] Thegani Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 22, MGH SS II, p. 596.
[623] Settipani (1993), pp. 167-8, quoting Liber confraternitatum augiensis, MGH Lib Confr II, 460, p. 292.
[624] Rösch, S. (1977) Caroli Magni Progenies (Verlag Degener & Co, Neustadt an der Aisch), p. 67, citing Stromeyer, M. (1963/67) Merian-Ahnen aus dreizehn Jahrhunderten (C.A. Starke).
[625] Thegani Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 22, MGH SS II, p. 596.
[626] Einhard 19, p. 454.
[627] Settipani (1993), p. 212.
[628] Carmen de Primordiis Cœnobii Gandersheimensis, MGH SS IV, p. 306.
[629] Riedel Mark 1 [the full reference is not given], p. 25, quoted in Raumer, G. W. von (1836) Regesta Historiæ Brandenburgensis, Tome I (Berlin), p. 24.
[630] Einhard 19, p. 454.
[631] Einhard 19, p. 454.
[632] Einhard 19, p. 454.
[633] Einhard 19, p. 454.
[634] Winkhaus, E. 'Ahnen zu Karl dem Großen und Widukind' in 765 (773) Ahnenstämmen (1950-53), cited in Rösch (1977), p. 67. This marriage is not in Settipani (1993), p. 212.
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Saxony (covering her marriage with Billung):
BILLUNG . Princeps.
m AEDA, daughter of --- & his wife --- [daughter of Pepin King of Italy] ([798/810]-).
The Carmen de Primordiis Cœnobii Gandersheimensis names the wife of "Liudulfus" as "Oda…Francorum…de stirpe potentum, filia Billungi…atque Aedæ"[179]. Her precise origin is mentioned in the charter dated 885 by which "Oda comitissa, Pipini regis Italiæ ex filia neptis, Hliudolfi Ducis vidua" founded Kloster Calbe an der Milde, although the accuracy of this document is not known[180].
Billung & his wife had one child:
a) ODA (-17 May 913).
The Carmen de Primordiis Cœnobii Gandersheimensis names the wife of "Liudulfus" as "Oda…Francorum…de stirpe potentum, filia Billungi…atque Aedæ"[181].
"Oda comitissa, Pipini regis Italiæ ex filia neptis, Hliudolfi Ducis vidua" founded Kloster Calbe an der Milde, by charter dated 885[182].
"Arnolfus…rex" confirmed donations of his predecessor of land "in pago Nordthuringa dicto in comitatu Liudulfi in loco Uuanzleua" to Kloster Gandersheim naming "fideli costræ in sanctimoniali habitu constitutæ…Odæ" by an undated charter, placed in the compilation among charters dated [891/92], which names "filia eius Gerberga abbatissa"[183]. "Otto…rex" confirmed privileges to Kloster Gandersheim "avo illius Sigihardo comiti in pago Chiemihgovue in comitatu Sigihardi" to "comiti nostro Eberhart" by charter dated 4 May 947 in which he names "proavo nostro Liutulfo…et eius coniuge Oda…et avo nostro Ottone" recalling their involvement in the foundation of the monastery[184].
m LIUDOLF, son of [BRUN[HART] & his wife ---] (-11 Mar 866, bur Brunshausen).
[179] Carmen de Primordiis Cœnobii Gandersheimensis, MGH SS IV, p. 306.
[180] Riedel Mark 1 [the full reference is not given], p. 25, quoted in Regesta Historiæ Brandenburgensis, p. 24.
[181] Carmen de Primordiis Cœnobii Gandersheimensis, MGH SS IV, p. 306.
[182] Riedel Mark 1 [the full reference is not given], p. 25, quoted in Regesta Historiæ Brandenburgensis, p. 24.
[183] D Arn 107, p. 157.
[184] D O I 89, p. 171.
Not to be confused with:
The family of Guy de SPOLÈTE and Adélaïde d'ITALIE
[133904] SPOLÈTE (de), Guy (Lambert II .. & ..)
ITALIE (d'), Adélaïde (Pépin Ier & .. [10412])
1) Rothilde, married about 851 Adalbert Ier de TOSCANE
Bibliographie : Le Sang de Charlemagne
Adelais died young and was buried at Metz.
PEPIN, son of CHARLES "Martel" & his first wife Chrothrudis (715-Saint-Denis 24 Sep 768, bur église de l'abbaye royale de Saint Denis).
Einhard names "Karlomannum…et Pippinum atque Grifonem" as the three sons of "Karlus maior domus" when recording the latter's death[1].
He succeeded his father as maior domus jointly with his brother Carloman. They deprived their half-brother Grifo of his inheritance and defeated him after he rebelled against them. In the division of territories agreed with his brother Carloman, Pepin governed Neustria, Burgundy, Provence, Metz and Trier.
The brothers were faced with revolts in Frisia, Bavaria, Alemannia and Aquitaine. As a symbolic assertion of their authority, they nominated Childeric III as Merovingian king in 743.
In 745, Pepin appropriated the province of Alemannia for himself. He deposed King Childeric III at Soissons in Nov 751, with approval from Pope Zacharius[2], and succeeded as PEPIN “le Bref” King of the Franks. He was anointed king at Saint-Denis 28 Jul 754 by Pope Stephen III [II], who had come to France to seek Pepin's help against the Lombards[3].
During his expedition to Italy the following year, Pepin obliged the Lombards to accept the independence of Rome, marking the beginning of the Papal State.
He captured Narbonne from the Muslim invaders in [759], and finally conquered Aquitaine after the death of Duke Waifar in 768.
The necrology of Prüm records the death "768 VIII Kal Oct" of "Pippinus vir illuster"[4]. The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Denis records the death "VIII Kal Oct" of "Pipinus rex"[5]. The Annales Metenses record the death "VIII Kal Oct" of "Pippinus" and his burial "in basilica beati Dionysii"[6].
His burial place is confirmed by the Annales Laurissenses which record that the body of "domna Berta regina" was transferred to "ecclesia sancti Dionysii martiris" next to her husband[7].
m ([743/44]%29 BERTRADA [Berta] "au Grand Pied", daughter of CHARIBERT Comte de Laon & his wife --- ([720]-Choisy-au-Bac, near Compiègne 12 Jul 783[8], bur église de l'abbaye royale de Saint Denis).
The Annales Laurissenses record the marriage in 749 of "Bertradem cognomine Bertam, Cariberti Laudunensis comitis filiam" and "Pippinus"[9]. "Pippinus rex Francorum" donated property to found Kloster Prüm by charter dated 13 Aug 762 which names "coniux mea Bertrada…genitor suus Heribertus"[10].
Pepin planned to divorce his wife, but was convinced otherwise by Pope Paul I in 762.
After the death of her husband, she assumed a prominent role in government. She tried unsuccessfully to reconcile her two sons, meeting with Carloman at Seltz and also travelling to Italy in 770[11]. The Annales Fuldenses record that "Berhta regina" brought "filiam Desiderii regis Langobardorum" back from Italy as the wife for "Karolo filio suo"[12].
The Annales Laurissenses record the death "783 IV Id Jul" of "domna Berta regina", her burial "in Cauciaco", and the subsequent transfer of her body to "ecclesia sancti Dionysii martiris" next to her husband[13]. The necrology of Argenteuil Priory records the death "IV Id Jul" of "Bertrada regina"[14].
King Pepin & his wife had six children:
6. ADELAIS (-young, bur Metz, Saint Arnoul).
"Adelaid" is named daughter of King Pepin in the Pauli Gesta, when recording her place of burial[47]. Paulus Diaconus wrote a poem in memory of "Adheleidis filiæ [Pippini regis]"[48].
[1] Annales Einhardi 741, MGH SS I, p. 135. [2] Scholz, B. W. with Rogers, B. (2000) Carolingian Chronicles: Royal Frankish Annals and Nithard's Histories (University of Michigan Press) (“RFA”), 749, p. 39. [3] RFA 753 and 754, p. 40. [4] Annales Necrologici Prumienses, MGH SS XIII, p. 219. [5] Obituaires de Sens Tome I.1, Abbaye de Saint-Denis, p. 327. [6] Annales Metenses 768, MGH SS I, p. 335. [7] Annales Laurissenses 783, MGH SS I, p. 164. [8] RFA 783, p. 61. [9] Annales Laurissenses 749, MGH SS I, p. 136. [10] DD Kar. 1, 16, p. 21. [11] RFA 770, p. 48. [12] Annales Fuldenses 770, MGH SS I, p. 348. [13] Annales Laurissenses 783, MGH SS I, p. 164. [14] Obituaires de Sens Tome I.1, Prieuré d'Argenteuil, p. 348. [47] Pauli Gesta Episcop. Mettensium, MGH SS II, p. 265. [48] Pauli Diaconi Carmina, XXI Epitaphium Adheleidis filiæ cuius supra, MGH Poetæ Latini ævi Carolini I, p. 57.
Paulus Diaconus' poem:
Sequitut epitaphium Adheleidis:
Perpetualu amor capienda et caufa falutu
Pectore quem vigili huc properare facit. Neffe cupu, cur bufta facer numerofa retentet
Hic locus, afirigeri qua patet aula poli ? Iste facer Domini qui poft fermauit onile,
Legitimi fuerat germinis ante pater Cuius pofteritas atano confifa Patrono,
Hoc cupit in fancto ponere membra loco. Pippini hic proles Adheleid pia virgo quiefcit,
Quam fimul et reliques facte tuere Pater. Temus V.
(Latin-English translation, anyone?)
Pepin I, King of Italy (born Carloman, 777-810)
Unknown mistress (for now, same as Bernard, though this is unproven)
Siblings (some or all of these may be half-siblings, all with father of Pepin):
1. Bernard (c.797-818)
3. Adula (800/810 - after 810)
4. Gundrada (800/810 - after 810)
5. Bertraide (800/810 - after 810)
6. Theodrada (800/810 - after 810)
(Unknown) Billung, Prince in Sachsen
Ode (d. 913), possible founder of Kloster Calbe an der Milde, wife of Liudolf (d. 866), progenitor of the Liudolfingers.
Basic information and justification:
Born c. 798/810 (conceived after her father's 796 campaign against the Avars) in presumably Milan, Italy (her father's capital).
Died in Saxony
Married (Unknown) Billung, Prince in Sachsen after 807. Note, this is not the same Billung as the father of Hermann Billung. She was not his mother.
Alternate names: Adelais, Adailhaid
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Italy Kings (covering her birth family with Pepin I of Italy):
CARLOMAN [Pepin], son of CHARLES I King of the Franks & his second wife Hildegard (777-Milan 8 Jul 810, bur Verona, San Zeno Maggiore).
"Pippinus" is named, and his parentage recorded, in the Gesta Mettensium, which specifies that he was his parents' second son[614].
He was baptised "PEPIN" in Rome 15 Apr 781 by Pope Hadrian, Settipani commenting that his name was changed from Carloman[615] but the primary source which identifies him by this name has not so far been identified.
He was crowned PEPIN King of Italy 15 Apr 781 at Rome[616], named King of the Lombards and installed at Pavia, ruling under the regency of Adalhard. He invaded the duchy of Benevento in early 793.
The 796 victory of "rex Pippinus" against the Avars led by "Cacanus rex" (which reflects the title "Khagan" not his name) is commemorated in a contemporary poem[617]. The Annales Fuldenses record that "Ehericum ducem Foroiuliensem, deinde…Pippinum filium regis" captured the camp of "Hunorum…Hringum" in 796, specifying that "Cagan et Iugurro principibus Hunorum" were killed by their own people[618].
At the partition of the empire agreed at Thionville in 806, Pepin was designated sovereign of Italy, Bavaria, Carinthia (except Nordgau) and Alemannia south of the River Danube. He subjugated Istria, the towns of Dalmatia, and Venice in [810][619].
The Annales Fuldenses record the death "810 VIII Id Iul" of "Pippinum filius eius regem Italiæ"[620]. The Annales Sancti Emmerammi record the death "810 Id Iul" of "Pippinus"[621].
Mistress (1): (from [795]) --- .
Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris records that Pepin's son Bernard was born "…ex concubina"[622]. However, other sources do not refer to the fact that he was illegitimate. The question is not beyond doubt.
Assuming that he was illegitimate, the name of King Pepin's mistress is not known. Settipani quotes a name list in the Liber confraternitatum augiensis which reads "Karolus maior domus, Pippin rex, Karlomannus maior domus, Karolus imperator, Karolus rex, Pippin rex, Bernardus rex, Ruadtrud, Ruadheid, Svanahild regina, Bertha regina, Hiltikart regina, Fastrat regina, Liutkart regina, Ruadheid, Hirminkar regina"[623]. He makes the obvious links between "Karolus maior domus…Svanahild regina", "Pippin rex…Bertha regina" and "Karolus imperator…Hiltikart regina, Fastrat regina, Liutkart regina", deducing that the last named "Ruadheid" must be linked logically to "Pippin rex".
However, this link is not inevitable. It is based on three assumptions: firstly that the second "Pippin rex" was Pepin King of Italy (he is the most likely candidate, but it could also be Pepin King of Aquitaine, son of Emperor Louis I); secondly that there are no female names linked either to "Karolus rex" or to "Bernardus rex", which cannot be proved; and thirdly, that all the females listed were partners of the males listed, which is certainly not the case in view of the absence of Emperor Louis I "le Pieux" who is assumed to be the husband of "Hirminkar regina".
Rösch suggests Bertha as the possible name of King Pepin's wife, citing Stromeyer[624]. Settipani suggests that she was a close relative of Adalhard Abbé de Corbie and his half-brother Wala to explain the appointment of the former as regent for her son Bernard King of Italy in 813.
King Pepin had one illegitimate child by Mistress (1):
1. BERNARD ([797]-Milan 17 Aug 818, bur Milan, San Ambrosio).
Thegan's Vita Hludowici Imperatoris names "Bernhardus filius Pippini ex concubina"[625].
He was confirmed 11 Sep 813 at Aix-la-Chapelle as BERNARD I King of Italy.
King Pepin had five [illegitimate] children by [Mistress (1)]. Einhard, who names these daughters, makes no mention of whether they were legitimate or not. If they were illegitimate, it is not known whether they were full sisters of Bernard.
2. ADELAIS ([798]-after 810).
"Adailhaidem, Atulam, Guntradam, Berthaidem ac Theoderadam" are named as daughters of Pippin by Einhard[626]. She was taken from Italy to the imperial court in 807[627].
same person as…? AEDA . The Carmen de Primordiis Cœnobii Gandersheimensis names the wife of "Liudulfus" as "Oda…Francorum…de stirpe potentum, filia Billungi…atque Aedæ"[628]. Her precise origin is mentioned in the charter dated 885 by which "Oda comitissa, Pipini regis Italiæ ex filia neptis, Hliudolfi Ducis vidua" founded Kloster Calbe an der Milde, although the accuracy of this document is not known[629].
m BILLUNG, son of ---.
3. ADULA ([800/810]-after 810).
"Adailhaidem, Atulam, Guntradam, Berthaidem ac Theoderadam" are named as daughters of Pippin by Einhard[630]. She arrived at the imperial court before 814.
4. GUNTRADA ([800/810]-after 810).
"Adailhaidem, Atulam, Guntradam, Berthaidem ac Theoderadam" are named as daughters of Pippin by Einhard[631]. She arrived at the imperial court before 814.
5. BERTAIDE ([800/810]-after 810).
"Adailhaidem, Atulam, Guntradam, Berthaidem ac Theoderadam" are named as daughters of Pippin by Einhard[632]. She arrived at the imperial court before 814.
6. THEODRADA ([800/810]-after 810).
"Adailhaidem, Atulam, Guntradam, Berthaidem ac Theoderadam" are named as daughters of Pippin by Einhard[633]. She arrived at the imperial court before 814. [According to Winkhaus[634], one of the last four daughters married LAMBERT I Comte de Nantes, son of WIDO Comte et Marquis de Nantes & his wife --- (-Ticino 30 Dec 836), but the source on which this is based has not been identified.]
[614] Pauli Gesta Episcop. Mettensium, MGH SS II, p. 265.
[615] Settipani, C. and Kerrebrouck, P. van (1993) La préhistoire des Capétiens 481-987, 1ère partie, Mérovingiens, Carolingiens et Robertiens (Villeneuve d'Ascq), p. 211.
[616] RFA 781, p. 59.
[617] Tituli Sæculi VIII, XI De Pippini regis Victoria Avarica, MGH Poetæ Latini ævi Carolini I, p. 116.
[618] Annales Fuldenses 796, MGH SS I, p. 351.
[619] Settipani (1993), p. 211.
[620] Annales Fuldenses 810, MGH SS I, p. 355.
[621] Annales Sancti Emmerammi Ratisponensis maiores 810, MGH SS I, p. 93.
[622] Thegani Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 22, MGH SS II, p. 596.
[623] Settipani (1993), pp. 167-8, quoting Liber confraternitatum augiensis, MGH Lib Confr II, 460, p. 292.
[624] Rösch, S. (1977) Caroli Magni Progenies (Verlag Degener & Co, Neustadt an der Aisch), p. 67, citing Stromeyer, M. (1963/67) Merian-Ahnen aus dreizehn Jahrhunderten (C.A. Starke).
[625] Thegani Vita Hludowici Imperatoris 22, MGH SS II, p. 596.
[626] Einhard 19, p. 454.
[627] Settipani (1993), p. 212.
[628] Carmen de Primordiis Cœnobii Gandersheimensis, MGH SS IV, p. 306.
[629] Riedel Mark 1 [the full reference is not given], p. 25, quoted in Raumer, G. W. von (1836) Regesta Historiæ Brandenburgensis, Tome I (Berlin), p. 24.
[630] Einhard 19, p. 454.
[631] Einhard 19, p. 454.
[632] Einhard 19, p. 454.
[633] Einhard 19, p. 454.
[634] Winkhaus, E. 'Ahnen zu Karl dem Großen und Widukind' in 765 (773) Ahnenstämmen (1950-53), cited in Rösch (1977), p. 67. This marriage is not in Settipani (1993), p. 212.
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Saxony (covering her marriage with Billung):
BILLUNG . Princeps.
m AEDA, daughter of --- & his wife --- [daughter of Pepin King of Italy] ([798/810]-).
The Carmen de Primordiis Cœnobii Gandersheimensis names the wife of "Liudulfus" as "Oda…Francorum…de stirpe potentum, filia Billungi…atque Aedæ"[179]. Her precise origin is mentioned in the charter dated 885 by which "Oda comitissa, Pipini regis Italiæ ex filia neptis, Hliudolfi Ducis vidua" founded Kloster Calbe an der Milde, although the accuracy of this document is not known[180].
Billung & his wife had one child:
a) ODA (-17 May 913).
The Carmen de Primordiis Cœnobii Gandersheimensis names the wife of "Liudulfus" as "Oda…Francorum…de stirpe potentum, filia Billungi…atque Aedæ"[181].
"Oda comitissa, Pipini regis Italiæ ex filia neptis, Hliudolfi Ducis vidua" founded Kloster Calbe an der Milde, by charter dated 885[182].
"Arnolfus…rex" confirmed donations of his predecessor of land "in pago Nordthuringa dicto in comitatu Liudulfi in loco Uuanzleua" to Kloster Gandersheim naming "fideli costræ in sanctimoniali habitu constitutæ…Odæ" by an undated charter, placed in the compilation among charters dated [891/92], which names "filia eius Gerberga abbatissa"[183]. "Otto…rex" confirmed privileges to Kloster Gandersheim "avo illius Sigihardo comiti in pago Chiemihgovue in comitatu Sigihardi" to "comiti nostro Eberhart" by charter dated 4 May 947 in which he names "proavo nostro Liutulfo…et eius coniuge Oda…et avo nostro Ottone" recalling their involvement in the foundation of the monastery[184].
m LIUDOLF, son of [BRUN[HART] & his wife ---] (-11 Mar 866, bur Brunshausen).
[179] Carmen de Primordiis Cœnobii Gandersheimensis, MGH SS IV, p. 306.
[180] Riedel Mark 1 [the full reference is not given], p. 25, quoted in Regesta Historiæ Brandenburgensis, p. 24.
[181] Carmen de Primordiis Cœnobii Gandersheimensis, MGH SS IV, p. 306.
[182] Riedel Mark 1 [the full reference is not given], p. 25, quoted in Regesta Historiæ Brandenburgensis, p. 24.
[183] D Arn 107, p. 157.
[184] D O I 89, p. 171.
Not to be confused with:
The family of Guy de SPOLÈTE and Adélaïde d'ITALIE
[133904] SPOLÈTE (de), Guy (Lambert II .. & ..)
married 829 ITALIE (d'), Adélaïde (Pépin Ier & .. [10412])
1) Rothilde, married about 851 Adalbert Ier de TOSCANE Bibliographie : Le Sang de Charlemagne
http://www.francogene.com/quebec--genealogy/133/133904.php -------------------- According to the Wikipedia page of her father, Pepin the Short: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pepin_the_Short
Adelais died young and was buried at Metz. --------------------- From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Carolingian Kings (covering Adelais and parents): http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/CAROLINGIANS.htm#_Toc240955191
PEPIN, son of CHARLES "Martel" & his first wife Chrothrudis (715-Saint-Denis 24 Sep 768, bur église de l'abbaye royale de Saint Denis).
Einhard names "Karlomannum…et Pippinum atque Grifonem" as the three sons of "Karlus maior domus" when recording the latter's death[1].
He succeeded his father as maior domus jointly with his brother Carloman. They deprived their half-brother Grifo of his inheritance and defeated him after he rebelled against them. In the division of territories agreed with his brother Carloman, Pepin governed Neustria, Burgundy, Provence, Metz and Trier.
The brothers were faced with revolts in Frisia, Bavaria, Alemannia and Aquitaine. As a symbolic assertion of their authority, they nominated Childeric III as Merovingian king in 743.
In 745, Pepin appropriated the province of Alemannia for himself. He deposed King Childeric III at Soissons in Nov 751, with approval from Pope Zacharius[2], and succeeded as PEPIN “le Bref” King of the Franks. He was anointed king at Saint-Denis 28 Jul 754 by Pope Stephen III [II], who had come to France to seek Pepin's help against the Lombards[3].
During his expedition to Italy the following year, Pepin obliged the Lombards to accept the independence of Rome, marking the beginning of the Papal State.
He captured Narbonne from the Muslim invaders in [759], and finally conquered Aquitaine after the death of Duke Waifar in 768.
The necrology of Prüm records the death "768 VIII Kal Oct" of "Pippinus vir illuster"[4]. The necrology of the abbey of Saint-Denis records the death "VIII Kal Oct" of "Pipinus rex"[5]. The Annales Metenses record the death "VIII Kal Oct" of "Pippinus" and his burial "in basilica beati Dionysii"[6].
His burial place is confirmed by the Annales Laurissenses which record that the body of "domna Berta regina" was transferred to "ecclesia sancti Dionysii martiris" next to her husband[7].
m ([743/44]%29 BERTRADA [Berta] "au Grand Pied", daughter of CHARIBERT Comte de Laon & his wife --- ([720]-Choisy-au-Bac, near Compiègne 12 Jul 783[8], bur église de l'abbaye royale de Saint Denis).
The Annales Laurissenses record the marriage in 749 of "Bertradem cognomine Bertam, Cariberti Laudunensis comitis filiam" and "Pippinus"[9]. "Pippinus rex Francorum" donated property to found Kloster Prüm by charter dated 13 Aug 762 which names "coniux mea Bertrada…genitor suus Heribertus"[10].
Pepin planned to divorce his wife, but was convinced otherwise by Pope Paul I in 762.
After the death of her husband, she assumed a prominent role in government. She tried unsuccessfully to reconcile her two sons, meeting with Carloman at Seltz and also travelling to Italy in 770[11]. The Annales Fuldenses record that "Berhta regina" brought "filiam Desiderii regis Langobardorum" back from Italy as the wife for "Karolo filio suo"[12].
The Annales Laurissenses record the death "783 IV Id Jul" of "domna Berta regina", her burial "in Cauciaco", and the subsequent transfer of her body to "ecclesia sancti Dionysii martiris" next to her husband[13]. The necrology of Argenteuil Priory records the death "IV Id Jul" of "Bertrada regina"[14].
King Pepin & his wife had six children:
6. ADELAIS (-young, bur Metz, Saint Arnoul).
"Adelaid" is named daughter of King Pepin in the Pauli Gesta, when recording her place of burial[47]. Paulus Diaconus wrote a poem in memory of "Adheleidis filiæ [Pippini regis]"[48].
[1] Annales Einhardi 741, MGH SS I, p. 135. [2] Scholz, B. W. with Rogers, B. (2000) Carolingian Chronicles: Royal Frankish Annals and Nithard's Histories (University of Michigan Press) (“RFA”), 749, p. 39. [3] RFA 753 and 754, p. 40. [4] Annales Necrologici Prumienses, MGH SS XIII, p. 219. [5] Obituaires de Sens Tome I.1, Abbaye de Saint-Denis, p. 327. [6] Annales Metenses 768, MGH SS I, p. 335. [7] Annales Laurissenses 783, MGH SS I, p. 164. [8] RFA 783, p. 61. [9] Annales Laurissenses 749, MGH SS I, p. 136. [10] DD Kar. 1, 16, p. 21. [11] RFA 770, p. 48. [12] Annales Fuldenses 770, MGH SS I, p. 348. [13] Annales Laurissenses 783, MGH SS I, p. 164. [14] Obituaires de Sens Tome I.1, Prieuré d'Argenteuil, p. 348. [47] Pauli Gesta Episcop. Mettensium, MGH SS II, p. 265. [48] Pauli Diaconi Carmina, XXI Epitaphium Adheleidis filiæ cuius supra, MGH Poetæ Latini ævi Carolini I, p. 57. ------------------------- From the Annales ecclesiastici francorum, Volume 5: http://books.google.cl/books?id=TvU-AAAAcAAJ&pg=RA1-PA265&lpg=RA1-P...
Paulus Diaconus' poem:
Sequitut epitaphium Adheleidis:
Perpetualu amor capienda et caufa falutu
Pectore quem vigili huc properare facit. Neffe cupu, cur bufta facer numerofa retentet
Hic locus, afirigeri qua patet aula poli ? Iste facer Domini qui poft fermauit onile,
Legitimi fuerat germinis ante pater Cuius pofteritas atano confifa Patrono,
Hoc cupit in fancto ponere membra loco. Pippini hic proles Adheleid pia virgo quiefcit,
Quam fimul et reliques facte tuere Pater. Temus V.
(Latin-English translation, anyone?)
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Daughter of unknown
Grandaughter of Pepin King of Italy through Mother.
BILLUNG . Princeps.
m AEDA, daughter of --- & his wife --- [daughter of Pepin King of Italy] ([798/810]-). The Carmen de Primordiis Cœnobii Gandersheimensis names the wife of "Liudulfus" as "Oda…Francorum…de stirpe potentum, filia Billungi…atque Aedæ"[194]. Her precise origin is mentioned in the charter dated 885 by which "Oda comitissa, Pipini regis Italiæ ex filia neptis, Hliudolfi Ducis vidua" founded Kloster Calbe an der Milde, although the accuracy of this document is not known[195]. Billung & his wife had one child: a) ODA (-17 May 913). The Carmen de Primordiis Cœnobii Gandersheimensis names the wife of "Liudulfus" as "Oda…Francorum…de stirpe potentum, filia Billungi…atque Aedæ"[196]. "Oda comitissa, Pipini regis Italiæ ex filia neptis, Hliudolfi Ducis vidua" founded Kloster Calbe an der Milde, by charter dated 885[197]. "Arnolfus…rex" confirmed donations of his predecessor of land "in pago Nordthuringa dicto in comitatu Liudulfi in loco Uuanzleua" to Kloster Gandersheim naming "fideli costræ in sanctimoniali habitu constitutæ…Odæ" by an undated charter, placed in the compilation among charters dated [891/92], which names "filia eius Gerberga abbatissa"[198]. "Otto…rex" confirmed privileges to Kloster Gandersheim "avo illius Sigihardo comiti in pago Chiemihgovue in comitatu Sigihardi" to "comiti nostro Eberhart" by charter dated 4 May 947 in which he names "proavo nostro Liutulfo…et eius coniuge Oda…et avo nostro Ottone" recalling their involvement in the foundation of the monastery[199]. m LIUDOLF, son of [BRUN[HART] & his wife ---] (-11 Mar 866, bur Brunshausen).
Info from Findagrave.com: Birth: unknown Provincia di Milano Lombardia, Italy Death: unknown Saxony (Sachsen), Germany
Birth:798 Death:820
'Aeda','Adele' Ferderunda Carolingian daughter of Pepin, Berthe Ingeltrude d'Autun
Family links:
Pepin Carolingian of Italy
Berthe Ingeltrude de Toulouse of Gellone of Italy
Billung von Sachsen
Oda von Sachsen*
Theodoric de Vermandois**
Athalia de Carolingian von Sachsen
Bernard de Carolingian of Italy*
*Calculated relationship
Burial: Stiftskirche Gandersheim Bad Gandersheim Northeimer Landkreis Lower Saxony (Niedersachsen), Germany
Edit Virtual Cemetery info [?]
Created by: Memerizion Record added: Mar 27, 2015 Find A Grave Memorial# 144250184
798 |
Lombardia, Italy
816 |
Stammesherzogtum Sachsen (within present Germany), Frankish Empire
826 |
Age 28
Spoleto, Umbria, Provincia di Perugia, Italy
???? | |||
???? | |||
???? |
Abbaye Saint-Arnould, Metz, (Present Lorraine), (Present France)