Immediate Family
half sister
About Prince Yaroslav I of Murom and Ryazan
Yaroslav Sviaroslavich, also Yaroslav I of Murom and Ryazan (? - d.1129)
He was the youngest son of Svyatoslav II Yaroslavich grand prince of Kyiv and Oda. Yaroslav Sviaroslavich was exiled from Chernihiv. He ruled the Ryazan and Murom principalities in 1127–1129.
When the family agreed to the division of the spoils in Rus at the Liubich conference, Yaroslav received the Murom and Ryazan lands, then the least important and furthest to the northeast of the main region around the Dnieper. But we can trace his descendants through Rostislav at Ryazan down to the bitter end in the mid-1500s.
His sons were Rostislav, prince of Ryazan; Yurii, appanage prince of Murom; Svyatoslav, appanage prince of Murom; and his daughter was Maria, and he may have had still more sons.
He is shown with his father on this chart. His family is shown on this chart.
О Великом князе Ярославе I Святославиче Рязанском (русский)
Князь Муромский с 1097 по 1123 год, потомок Рюрика в VII колене.
Prince Yaroslav I of Murom and Ryazan's Timeline
1058 |
Чернигов, Киевская Русь
1085 |
Муром, Муромское Княжество
1087 |
Муром, Муромское Удельное Княжество
1096 |
Рязань, Рязанское Княжество
1129 |
Age 71
???? |