Historical records matching Prince Vladimir Kirillovich Romanov
Immediate Family
mother's ex-husband
half sister
half brother
mother's ex-husband's son
mother's ex-husband's son
About Prince Vladimir Kirillovich Romanov
Vladimir Kirillovich, Grand Duke of Russia (Cyrillic: Влади́мир Кири́ллович Рома́нов; 30 August [O.S. 17 August] 1917 – 21 April 1992) was the Head of the Imperial Family of Russia, a position which he claimed from 1938 to his death.
Vladimir was born Prince Vladimir Kirillovich of Russia at Porvoo in the Grand Duchy of Finland, the only son of Grand Duke Cyril Vladimirovich and Grand Duchess Viktoria Feodorovna (née Princess Victoria Melita of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha). Vladimir's paternal grandparents were Grand Duke Vladimir Alexandrovich of Russia and Grand Duchess Maria Pavlovna (née Duchess Marie of Mecklenburg-Schwerin). His maternal grandparents were Alfred, Duke of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha and Grand Duchess Marie Alexandrovna of Russia.
Vladimir's family had fled to Finland after the Russian Revolution of 1917. His family left Finland in 1920,moving to Coburg, Germany. On 8 August 1922 Vladimir's father declared himself Curator of the Russian throne. Two years later on 31 August 1924 his father went a step further and assumed the title Emperor and Autocrat of all the Russias. With his father's assumption of the Imperial title Vladimir was granted the title of Tsesarevich (heir apparent) and Grand Duke with the style of Imperial Highness. In 1930 his family left Germany for Saint-Briac, France where his father set up his court.
In the 1930s Vladimir lived for a period in England studying at the University of London and working at the Blackstone agricultural equipment factory in Lincolnshire. He later returned to France moving to Brittany where he became a landowner.
О Князе императорском крови Владимире Кирилловиче Романове (русский)
Романов, Владимир Кириллович (17 (30) августа 1917, Борго, Нюландская губерния, Великое княжество Финляндское, Российская империя — 21 апреля 1992, Майами, штат Флорида, США) — общественно-политический деятель русской эмиграции, третий ребёнок и единственный сын великого князя Кирилла Владимировича, в 1924 году провозгласившего себя Императором Всероссийским, и великой княгини Виктории Фёдоровны (урождённой принцессы Саксен-Кобург-Готской, Великобританской и Ирландской). С 1924 получил титул «Великий Князь», а с 1938 года являлся претендентом на российский престол и главой Российского Императорского Дома.
Единственный ребёнок от брака Владимира Кирилловича и его супруги Леониды Георгиевны — Мария Владимировна — родилась 23 декабря 1953 года в Мадриде.
Prince Vladimir Kirillovich Romanov's Timeline
1917 |
August 30, 1917
Борго, Финляндия, Россия (Russian Federation)
August 30, 1917
- August 30, 1924
Saint Petersburg, gorod Sankt-Peterburg, Saint Petersburg, Russia (Russian Federation)
November 1, 1917
Porvoo, Uusimaa, Finland
1924 |
August 30, 1924
- October 12, 1938
Age 7
Saint Petersburg, gorod Sankt-Peterburg, Saint Petersburg, Russia (Russian Federation)
1938 |
October 12, 1938
- April 21, 2001
Age 21
Saint Petersburg, gorod Sankt-Peterburg, Saint Petersburg, Russia (Russian Federation)
1953 |
December 23, 1953
Madrid, Madrid, Community of Madrid, Spain
1992 |
April 21, 1992
Age 74
Miami, Florida, United States
May 4, 1992
Age 74
Великокняжеская усыпальница, С.-Петербург