Prince Ernst Georg Elemer Albert Josef Antonius Peregrinus Rupertus Maria of Hohenberg

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Prince Ernst Georg Elemer Albert Josef Antonius Peregrinus Rupertus Maria of Hohenberg

Russian: Эрнст Георг Габсбург
Birthplace: Vienna, Austria
Immediate Family:

Son of Ernst, Fürst von Hohenberg and Marie-Therese von Hohenberg
Husband of Private and Private User
Father of Private
Brother of Prince Franz Ferdinand Maximilian Georg Ernst Maria Josef Zacharius Ignaz van Habsburg-Lotharingen Prins van Hohenberg

Occupation: Prince of Hohenberg
Managed by: Ofir Friedman
Last Updated:
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Immediate Family

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Prince Ernst Georg Elemer Albert Josef Antonius Peregrinus Rupertus Maria of Hohenberg's Timeline

March 1, 1944
Vienna, Austria