Gonzalo Núñez (fl. 1059–1106) fue el primer personaje de la Casa de Lara, en el cual «coinciden historiadores y genealogistas antiguos y modernos pues con él se inicia la historia documentalmente probada del linaje». La casa de Lara fue una de las principales de los reinos de Castilla y de León, y varios de sus miembros desempeñaron un papel de máxima relevancia en la historia de la España medieval. Posiblemente emparentado con los Salvadórez, hijos de Salvador González, y por matrimonio con el poderoso linaje de los Alfonso en Tierra de Campos y Liébana, así como los Álvarez, Gonzalo fue muy probablemente descendiente de los condes de Castilla.
3. don GONZALO Núñez de Lara (-after 1225). The Nobiliario of Pedro Conde de Barcelos names "El Conde D. Alvaro Nuñez de Lara, El Conde D. Gonçalo, El Conde D. Fernando, D. Elvira Moniz" as the children of "El Conde D. Nuño de Lara" and his wife "D. Teresa Fernandez"[1172]. "…Gundisaluo Nuniz tenente Montem Rosum et Lemos…" subscribed the charter dated 11 Nov 1204 under which Alfonso IX King of León confirmed a donation of revenue from wine cellars at Castrelo to Santiago de Compostela[1173]. Conde 1216. Alférez of don Alfonso IX King of Leon 27 Sep 1220. Señor de Belorado. Governor in Monterroso, Toroño and Trastámara. m doña MARÍA Díaz de Haro, daughter of don DIEGO López Conde de Haro, Señor Soberano de Vizcaya & his second wife doña Toda Pérez de Azagra. The Nobiliario of Pedro Conde de Barcelos names "Condesa D. Urraca Diaz de Canas, D. Maria" as the children of "D. Diego Lopez" and his second wife "D. Toda Perez, hija de D. Pedro Rodriguez de Azagra", adding in a later passage that "El Conde D. Gonçalo" married "D. Maria"[1174]. Gonzalo & his wife had five children:
[THIRD SON OF} don NUÑO Pérez de Lara, son of don PEDRO González de Lara & his wife doña Eva --- (-killed Cuenca 3 Aug 1177, bur Perales, Cistercian Abbey) [AND] m (before 14 Feb 1142) doña TERESA Fernández de Traba, illegitimate daughter of don FERNANDO Pérez de Traba Conde de Trastámara & his mistress Infanta doña Teresa Alfonso Queen of Portugal (-León 7 Feb 1180, bur León, monastery of San Isidoro).
in: <http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SPANISH%20NOBILITY%20LATER%20MEDIEV...>
Don GONZALO Núñez, son of NUÑO/MUNIO --- & his wife --- ([1050/55][1030]-after 12 Dec 1105). His birth date range is estimated from the estimated birth date of his son Pedro, and his first known subscription to a charter of the monastery of Oña dated 12 May 1075[1031]. The parentage of Gonzalo Núñez is not known. It appears that his relationship with the Salvadórez family was first proposed in the 17th century by Fray Prudencio de Sandoval, who suggests that he was the son of Nuño Álvarez supposed son of Álvaro Salvadorez[1032]. However, this hypothesis does not appear consistent with Gonzalo´s estimated date of birth. Menéndez Pidal suggested[1033] that Gonzalo was the son of a brother of Gonzalo Salvadórez, great grandson of Fernando González Conde de Castilla, whom he suggests was named Nuño Salvadórez (about whose existence there is no other indication), although Torres cites no sources on which this speculation is based[1034]. Sánchez de Mora suggests that Gonzalo Núñez was the son of Munio González, brother of Salvador González[1035]. If the birth date of his son Pedro is correctly estimated to [1085] (see below), it appears chronologically more appropriate that Gonzalo belonged to the generation which succeeded Gonzalo Salvadórez, assuming that he was a member of the Salvadórez family in the first place which is not beyond doubt. "Gundissalvo Nunnez…cum uxore mea dompna Goto et mea cognate dompna Urraca et dompna Ariel Nunniz" donated property to the monastery of San Millán de la Cogolla by charter dated 1087[1036]. A possible clue as to his origin is provided by the reference to his relative in this charter, but she has yet been definitively identified. Sánchez de Mora suggests[1037] that she was the Urraca who is named in the charter dated 1087 under which "Gundissalvo Nunnez…cum uxore mea dompna Goto et mea cognate dompna Urraca et dompna Ariel Nunniz" donated property to the monastery of San Millán de la Cogolla[1038], and therefore the sister-in-law of Gonzalo Núñez de Lara assuming that her identification as suggested by Torres is correct (see below). Tenente of Lara and Auxonia between 1089 and 1094[1039]. "Alfonsus rex" confirmed donations of property to the monastery of San Millán de la Cogolla by charter dated 25 Nov 1089, witnessed by "…sennor Goncalvo Nunnez de Lara…"[1040]. "Senior Gonzalvo Nunnez et uxor mea domna Goto, dominantes Lara…cum filiis nostris" donated property to the monastery of San Millán de Cogollo by charter dated 1095[1041]. "Gundisalbus Nunniz cum coniuge mea Domna Goto" donated property to Sahagún monastery on "puellam Taresam" entering the monastery of San Pedro de Molinos as a nun by charter dated 11 Apr 1095[1042]. His last known subscription is a charter of the monastery of Oña dated 12 Dec 1105[1043].
m doña GOTO, daughter of ---. "Gundissalvo Nunnez…cum uxore mea dompna Goto et mea cognate dompna Urraca et dompna Ariel Nunniz" donated property to the monastery of San Millán de la Cogolla by charter dated 1087[1044]. "Senior Gonzalvo Nunnez et uxor mea domna Goto, dominantes Lara…cum filiis nostris" donated property to the monastery of San Millán de Cogollo by charter dated 1095[1045]. Torres suggests that she was doña GOTO Núñez, daughter of don NUÑO Álvarez & his wife doña María Gutiérrez[1046]. According to Salazar y Castro[1047], she was the daughter of Gonzalo Salvadórez (see above). "Gundisalbus Nunniz cum coniuge mea Domna Goto" donated property to Sahagún monastery on "puellam Taresam" entering the monastery of San Pedro de Molinos as a nun by charter dated 11 Apr 1095[1048]. Gonzalo & his wife had six children:
1. doña TERESA González . "Gundisalbus Nunniz cum coniuge mea Domna Goto" donated property to Sahagún monastery on "puellam Taresam" entering the monastery of San Pedro de Molinos as a nun by charter dated 11 Apr 1095[1049]. She is cited by Montenegro[1050].
2. don PEDRO González ([1080/85]-killed Bayonne 16 Oct 1130). "P[etrus] Gallecie comes…cum fratre meo obtimate R necnon sororibus meis…sanctimonialis Munina atque Visclavara" donated "monasterium Sancti Martini de Juvia" to Cluny by charter 14 Dec 1113 confirmed by "Froyla Vimaraci, Menendo Vimaraic, Menendo Solinizi, Comes Gugues, Comes Munio Pelagis, comes Rudericus Veilazi"[1051]. Conde 1110.
- see below.
3. don RODRIGO González de Lara (-Jerusalem after 1143). "P[etrus] Gallecie comes…cum fratre meo obtimate R necnon sororibus meis…sanctimonialis Munina atque Visclavara" donated "monasterium Sancti Martini de Juvia" to Cluny by charter 14 Dec 1113 confirmed by "Froyla Vimaraci, Menendo Vimaraic, Menendo Solinizi, Comes Gugues, Comes Munio Pelagis, comes Rudericus Veilazi"[1052]. There are references to "Rodrigo González" as Alférez of Alfonso VI King of Castile between 29 Jan 1078 and 9 Jun 1081, but these must refer to a different person if the estimated birth date of Rodrigo's older brother Pedro is correct as shown above. Señor de Lara y Liabana. Conde in the valley of the Río Miera and in Asturias de Santillana 1104 to 11 Aug 1111[1053]. "Urracha…Ispanie regina, regis Aldefonsi regineque Constantie filia" donated property to the abbey of Silos by charter dated 26 Mar 1119, confirmed by "…Petrus Gonsalvi comes, Rodericus Gonsalvi…"[1054]. Conde in the lands beyond the Río Miera, to Aguilar de Campoó by 1125. The Chronica Adefonsi Imperatoris names "the Castilians Count Pedro de Lara and his brother Count Rodrigo González" as leaders of the opponents of Alfonso VII King of Castile on his accession in 1126[1055]. He rebelled against Alfonso VII King of Castile in 1131, physically attacking the king on the banks of the Pisuerga River[1056]. Restored to King Alfonso's good favour, he was appointed governor of Toledo in 1136. The Chronica Adefonsi Imperatoris records that, after disputes arose once more, Rodrigo González was forced to travel to Jerusalem. On his return to Spain in 1139, he stayed at the court of the taifa King of Valencia having been refused entry to Castile, but caught leprosy and left again for Jerusalem where he died[1057]. m firstly (1120 or 1122) Infanta doña SANCHA de Castilla, daughter of don ALFONSO VI King of Castile and León & his fifth wife Isabel née Zaïda --- ([1120/16 Mar 1104]-after 10 May 1125). The Chronicon Regum Legionensium names "Sancha the wife of count Rodrigo and Elvira who married Duke Roger of Sicily" as the daughters of King Alfonso and his fourth "legitimate wife…Elisabeth"[1058]. Both daughters are named in a charter dated 16 Mar 1104[1059]. In view of the dates of their marriages, it is unlikely that they were born much before this date. This suggests that their mother may have been King Alfonso's fifth wife, formerly known by her Muslim name Zaïda, although if their estimated birth dates are correct there would have been an interval of several years between their births and the birth of their older brother Sancho, which seems surprising. m secondly (before Jul 1135) as her second husband, ESTEFANIA de Urgell, widow of don FERNANDO García [de Castro] Señor de Hita y Uceda, daughter of ARMENGOL [V] Comte de Urgell & his wife doña María Pérez Señora de Valladolid (-after 1143). "Regina Don Urraka tocius Ispaniæ Ildefonsi magni Inperatoris filia" granted the villa of Cevico de la Torre to "mea cogermana Domna Estefania comitis Ermegodis filia" by charter dated 30 Jun 1119[1060]. The family relationship between Estefania and Queen Urraca has not been established, unless it relates to the possible descent of Estefania´s first husband from the family of the kings of León. "Ferrando Garciez" granted arras to "uxori meæ Estefania Ermegoz comitis Ermegodis filiæ", including over property inherited from "altera muliere Tigridia", by charter dated 12 Nov 1119[1061]. Alfonso VII King of Castile granted various properties to "comiti Roderico Gonzaluez et uxori tue comittisse Stephanie Armengol et…comiti Roderici Martinez et uxori tue comitisse Urraca" by charter dated Jul 1135[1062]. "Comes Rudericus Gundisalui" granted arras to "coniugi mee comitissa domna Steuania" by charter dated 6 Sep 1135[1063]. She founded the monastery of Santa María de Valbuena 15 Feb 1143. Rodrigo & his first wife had four children:
a) [don RODRIGO Rodríguez . Salazar y Castro records his parentage[1064]. m ---. The name of Rodrigo´s wife is not known. Rodrigo & his wife had two children:]
i) [don RODRIGO Rodríguez (-after 1219). According to Salazar y Castro, Rodrigo Rodríguez, husband of Inés Pérez, was the son of Rodrigo Rodríguez [de Lara][1065]. However, the primary source documentation suggests that Rodrigo Rodríguez was a member of the Girón family, where he is shown in the present document.
ii) [don SANCHA Rodríguez de Lara . Salazar y Castro records her parentage and marriage, citing a charter dated 1200 under which "domna Sancia Roderici…cum fratre meo Roderico Roderici" donated property in la villa de Peñalva to the monastery of San Andrés de Valveni, with the consent of "Gonzalo Roderici marito meo"[1066]. m as his first wife, don GONZALO Rodríguez Giron, son of don RODRIGO Gutiérrez Girón & his first wife doña María Rodríguez ([1165]-before 1234).]b) don PEDRO Rodríguez (-1180). Pedro Rodríguez “filius comitis Ruderici Gonsaluez” transferred properties to the bishop of Burgos by charter dated Mar 1166[1067]. m doña MENCIA López, daughter of don LOPE Díaz Conde de Haro, Señor Soberano de Vizcaya & his second wife doña Aldonza Ruiz de Castro. “Sancia Lopez…comitissa domna Mencia…Urraca Lopez…Aldonza Lopez…Elvira Lopez…Don Garcia Lopez…Stephania Lopez monacha…Tota Lopez…Maria Lopez…Diago Lopez” donated property to the monastery of Santa María de Cañas by charter dated Sep 1174[1068]. "Domna Alduenza cometissa…olim…domni Lupi comitis uxor" donated property to the monastery of San Millán de la Cogolla by charter dated 1187, witnessed by "domnus Didacus Lupiz, domna Mencia cometissa, domna Alduenza, domna Tota Camensis abbatissa, domnus Sancius Lupiz…"[1069].
c) doña ELVIRA Rodríguez de Lara (-8 Aug 1159). "Ermengaudus Urgelensis comes…cum coniuge mea Elvira Rodriguez" donated property to Valladolid Santa María dated 7 Sep 1135, as evidenced in a charter of Queen doña Violante dated 15 Mar 1276[1070]. "Ermengaudus…comes Urgelli et marchio cum domna comitissa coniux mea…Helvire Rodriz atque Ermengaudus iunioris filio meo" donated property to Santa Maria de Poblet by charter dated 23 Feb 1139[1071]. m (before 1135) as his second wife, ARMENGOL [VI] "el Castellano" Comte de Urgell, son of ARMENGOL [V] Comte de Urgell & his wife doña María Pérez Señora de Valladolid (Valladolid 1096-28 Jun 1154, bur Nuestra Señora de Valbuena).
d) daughter. According to Reilly, two daughters had been born of Rodrigo's first marriage by 10 May 1125[1072]. However, Farmerie and Taylor say that don Pedro and doña Elvira were the only children of don Rodrigo González de Lara[1073]. Don Rodrigo González joined with "his daughters" by his first marriage in 1125 in a donation to the monastery of Vega[1074].
4. doña MUÑINA . "P[etrus] Gallecie comes…cum fratre meo obtimate R necnon sororibus meis…sanctimonialis Munina atque Visclavara" donated "monasterium Sancti Martini de Juvia" to Cluny by charter 14 Dec 1113 confirmed by "Froyla Vimaraci, Menendo Vimaraic, Menendo Solinizi, Comes Gugues, Comes Munio Pelagis, comes Rudericus Veilazi"[1075].
5. doña VISCLAVARA . "P[etrus] Gallecie comes…cum fratre meo obtimate R necnon sororibus meis…sanctimonialis Munina atque Visclavara" donated "monasterium Sancti Martini de Juvia" to Cluny by charter 14 Dec 1113 confirmed by "Froyla Vimaraci, Menendo Vimaraic, Menendo Solinizi, Comes Gugues, Comes Munio Pelagis, comes Rudericus Veilazi"[1076].
6. doña MARÍA González (-after 8 Jun 1109). Íñigo Jiménez Señor de ambos Cameros y el valle de Arnedo and his wife María González donated property to San Prudencio de Monte Laturce by charter dated 8 Jun 1109[1077]. m as his first wife, ÍÑIGO Jiménez Señor de los Cameros, son of JIMENO --- & his wife --- (-after 1145).
in: Castile Nobility - A. Lara <http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SPANISH%20NOBILITY%20LATER%20MEDIEV...>
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