Immediate Family
half brother
half brother
half sister
half sister
About Pippin the Hunchback
Pépin / Pépin le Bossu / Pippin the Hunchback, (c. 769 – 811), son of Charlemagne & Himiltrude
Himiltrude’s 2 children:
[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Charlemagne] PEPIN “le Bossu” ([770]-Abbey of Prüm 811). He is named, and his parentage recorded, in the Gesta Mettensium, which specifies that he was born before his father married Queen Hildegard[152]. He rebelled against his father in 792, allegedly due to the cruelty of Queen Fastrada[153], was judged by an assembly at Regensburg and imprisoned in the Abbey of St-Gallen. He was transferred to the Abbey of Prüm in 794[154]. http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/CAROLINGIANS.htm#_Toc240955192]
Please see Charlemagne Project for Source Details
Accounts describe Pépin as normally proportioned with attractive features. However, his looks were marred by a spinal deformity from which his nickname is derived.
Due to his disability, and possible illegitimacy, Pépin was never likely to inherit much of the Frankish domains. Nevertheless, Charles treated his son well, giving him precedence over his younger brothers as was appropriate for his age. Pépin was an amiable fellow, and he grew to be a well-liked member of Charles' court. The hunchbacked prince probably held some hope for succession from his father. In addition, Pépin was an easy target for discontented nobles, who lavished sympathies on him and lamented the treatment his mother had received when Charles had put her aside in order to marry a Lombard princess, Desiderata.
In 780, Charles formally disinherited Pépin and had the pope baptize his third son, Carloman, who now received the name Pépin. The name had a special significance as Pépin had been a recurring name in the Carolingian dynasty. This move may have been prompted by Hildegard, Charles' wife and Carloman's mother, who felt her son's inheritance expectations were threatened by the hunchbacked prince.
Pépin was allowed to remain at court, and Charles continued to give the boy precedence over his younger brothers. Pépin also remained a popular "friend" of discontented nobles, and in 792, several counts played upon Pépin's dislike for his brothers to convince the deformed prince to play the figurehead in their rebellion. The conspirators planned to kill Charles, his wife Hildegarde, and his three sons by her. Pépin the Hunchback would then be set upon the throne as a more sympathetic (and more easily manipulated) king. The day of the assassination, Pépin pretended to be ill in order to meet with the plotters. The scheme nearly succeeded, but a Lombard deacon named Fardulf ultimately exposed it.
Charlemagne held an assembly at Regensburg to try the conspirators, and all were found guilty of high treason and ordered executed. Charles seemed still to have held fond feelings for his first son, however, for Pépin's sentence was commuted. Instead, Pépin was forced to enter the monastery of Prüm to live out the rest of his life as a monk. Pépin died there some twenty years later.
From Wikipaedia:
Marriages and heirs of Charlemagne
Charlemagne had twenty children over the course of his life with eight of his ten known wives or concubines. Nonetheless, he only had four legitimate grandsons, the four sons of his third son, Louis. In addition, he had a grandson (Bernard of Italy, the only son of his third son, Pippin of Italy), who was born illegitimate but included in the line of inheritance. So, despite twenty children, the claimants to his inheritance were few.
1. His first relationship was with Himiltrude. The nature of this relationship is variously described as concubinage, a legal marriage, or a Friedelehe.[35] (Charlemagne put her aside when he married Desiderata.) The union with Himiltrude produced two children: - Amaudru, a daughter[36] - Pippin the Hunchback (ca. 769–811)
With Himiltrude () (regarded by some as legally married)
Pippin the Hunchback (c769-811); no recorded children
Little disagreement about him.
Amaudru (c770); three recorded children; and later generations Not mentioned by several researchers, including Medieval Lands. Some say she may be confused with a niece or another daughter. Medieval Lands lists a daughter (by an unnamed mistress "2") "CHROTHAIS [Rota%C3%AFde] ([784]-after 800, maybe after 814)" then refers to her as "Ruodhaidem"; but despite the name and birth date similarity that site shows her as distinct from Madelgard's daughter. Reference to her mother on Die Genealogie der Franken und Frankreichs, noted by Wikipedia, says she later married a Count of Paris.
SO MANY PEPINS ! - DISAMBIGUATION TEMPLATE for discussion & editing from Charlemagne Project
From youngest/ most chronologically recent:
Pepin d810, King of Italy, originally called Carloman, son of Charlemagne & Hildegarde
Pepin The Hunchback d811, eldest, but 'illegitimate' son of Charlemagne & Himiltrude
Pepin III d768, '”le Bref” The Short', Mayor of the Palace of Neustria, King of the Franks, father Charlemagne - son of Charles Martel & Rotrude
Pepin II d714, 'The Younger' or 'The Middle' 'of Heristal', Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia, Neustria & Burgundy, paternal grandfather of Pepin III d768 through Charles Martel - son of Begga & Ansegis
Pepin I d639, 'The Elder' 'of Landen', Mayor of the Palace of Austrasia m Itta,; maternal grandfather of Pepin II d714 , through Begga
Pepin, the Grandfather of Pepin I - Does he exist? (Input here, please – Sharon)
- http://globalgenealogy.com/globalgazette/gazxs/gazxs46.html has NN parents for Pepin I, with a Pepin as one of their parents. But http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pepin_I] names his father as Carloman and NN for his mother, & no grandparents. On our tree, Pepin I's mother is Gertrudis (whose father is Garibald, not Pepin), & his father is Carloman (whose father is Charles, not Pepin) MY DECISION WOULD BE TO REMOVE PEPIN, GRANDFATHER OF PEPIN I , because the source for this: http://globalgenealogy.com/globalgazette/gazxs/gazxs46.htm] also gets the Heristal/Landen Pepins wrong, so I feel I shouldn’t trust it. THAT MEANS WE’RE GOING WITH THE WIKIPAEDIA VERSION OF THE FATHER AS CARLOMAN,;BUT THAT DOESN’T GET AS FAR BACK AS THE GRANDPARENTS – A LTHOUGH OUR TREE DOES.
Pippin the Hunchback's Timeline
769 |
April 769
Aachen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany
792 |
- 811
Age 22
Monastero di Prum
798 |
811 |
Age 41
Monastery of Prüm, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
???? |