Piers Legh, III

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Piers Legh, III

Also Known As: "Peter de Leigh", "Peter de Legh", "Peter IV", "Sir Peirs", "Lord of Lyme"
Birthplace: Disley, Cheshire, England (United Kingdom)
Death: November 27, 1478 (63)
Bradley, Cheshire, England (United Kingdom)
Place of Burial: Winwick, Cheshire, England, United Kingdom
Immediate Family:

Son of Sir Piers Legh II, of Lyme Hall and Joan Molyneux
Husband of Margaret Legh and Elizabeth Legh
Father of Joan Keighley; Peter Legh, of Lyme, Haydock & Bradley, Esq.; John Legh; Thomas Legh and Percival Legh, of Lyme
Brother of Margaret Leigh and Blanche De Legh
Half brother of Robert Molyneux, of Altcar; Edmund Molyneux; Elizabeth Southworth; Sir Richard Molyneux, Knight, of Sefton; Katherine de Radcliffe and 6 others

Managed by: Private User
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About Piers Legh, III

Piers LEGH, III @ find a grave


  • 'Pedigrees Made at the Visitation of Cheshire, 1613 (1879)
  • http://www.archive.org/details/recordsociety58recouoft
  • http://www.archive.org/stream/recordsociety58recouoft#page/141/mode...
  • S'r Piers Leighe of [Lyme] Ha[n]dley barronett slayn at Agyncourt 1422. mar. Jane da. & heire to Gilb't Haidocke K't by Isabell da. to W'm Stanley of Hootton son of Mathew Hadock [died 1439].
  • ch of Sr Piers Leighe & Jane Haidocke
    • 1. Margery vxor John Ireland. '2. S'r Piers Leighe made knight by the Duke of Yorke at the battell of Wakefeild 1460 & de[a]d 1481 [died 1478]. mar. Margarett da. to S'r Richard Moluneux K. [died 1460]'. 3. Margarett vxor Nicholas Bloundell. 4. Blaunche vxor Clayton ob. s.p.
    • 'ch of S'r Piers Leighe & Margarett Moluneux
      • 1. Piers Leighe died before his father 1468. mar. Mabell da. & heir to S'r James Croftes & of the da. to ffreackleton [died 1474-5]. 2. Janne vxor Richard Kighley.
  • _______________________
  • 'A general and heraldic dictionary of the peerages of England, Ireland, and ... By John Burke
  • A general and heraldic dictionary of the peerages of England, Ireland, and ... By John Burke
  • Pg. 309
  • By Letters Patent, dated 1st July, 1643.
  • Lineage.
  • The ancestors of this noble family assumed their surname from the town of HIGH-LEIGH, in Cheshire, where they were seated before the conquest.
  • SIR PETER LEIGH, of Maxfield and Lyme, m. Margaret, widow of Sir John Savage, of Clifton, Kent, and daughter and heir of Sir Thomas Danyers, Jun., of Bradley and Clifton, and had a son and heir,
    • SIR PETER LEIGH, who serving under the victorious Henry V., in his French wars, was made a knight banneret, and was slain at the battle of Agincourt, 24th October, 1415. This gallant person m. first, Joan, daughter and heir of Sir Gilbert Haydock, Knt., by whom he had,
      • ' PETER, who was knighted at the battle of Wakefield, by Richard, Duke of York, 31st December, 1460. From this Sir Peter Leigh, the Leighs of Lyme descend.
    • He m. secondly, Cecilie, daughter of John del Hagh, and heir to Thomas; and in her right was styled of Ridge. By this lady he had a son and two daughters, viz.
      • JOHN, of whom presently.
      • Agnes, m. to Richard Leversage.
      • Alice, m. to William Clayton.
    • The son,
      • JOHN LEIGH, who inherited his mother's estate, of Ridge, was escheator of Cheshire for seven years, from the 19th Henry VI., and was living in 1452, being then also escheator. He m. Alice, daughter and heir of Thomas Alcock, and had issue,
  • __________________________
  • 'Sir Peter Legh
  • 'M, d. 1478
  • Father Sir Peter Legh d. c 25 Oct 1415
  • Mother Joan Haydocke d. 1439
  • ' Sir Peter Legh was born at of Lyme, Cheshire, England. He married Margaret Molyneux, daughter of Sir Richard Molyneux and Ellen Radcliffe. Sir Peter Legh died in 1478 at of Haydock, Lancashire, England.
  • 'Family Margaret Molyneux b. c 1418
  • Child
    • Peter Legh+ d. 1468
  • http://our-royal-titled-noble-and-commoner-ancestors.com/p1476.htm#...
  • _________________
  • 'The house of Lyme from its foundation to the end of the eighteenth century (1917)
  • http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924027932320
  • http://www.archive.org/stream/cu31924027932320#page/n26/mode/1up
  • The House of Lyme has its origin in the person of Peter or Piers — afterwards Sir Piers Legh — eldest son of Robert Legh of Adlington — and a descendant of the Leghs of Booths — by his second wife Maude, daughter and heiress of Sir John Norley. This Sir Piers Legh married, in 1388, Margaret, daughter and heiress of Sir Thomas Danyers, the owner of a small domain or manor called Bradley within Appleton, in Cheshire — and widow of Sir John Savage — and founded the family of Legh of Lyme.
    • http://www.archive.org/stream/cu31924027932320#page/n30/mode/1up
    • With the eldest son of the first Sir Piers, Peter Legh of 1403 Lyme and Haydock, afterwards Sir Peter — began the Lancashire connexion, he having been married about 1403 when a child, as was so much the fashion in those early days, to Joan, daughter and heiress of Sir Gilbert de Haydock. Through her the Legh family became possessed of very large estates in both Lancashire and Cheshire . . . .
    • . . . . He was made knight banneret on the field of Agincourt and died in Paris in 1422, presumably from the result of wounds received in battle. His widow married secondly Sir Richard Molyneux.
      • http://www.archive.org/stream/cu31924027932320#page/n31/mode/1up
      • ' . . . Peter the third (son of Sir Peter Legh last named) succeeded his father at the age of seven or eight. He was married when only sixteen to Margaret Molyneux, the daughter of his stepfather, Sir Richard Molyneux, by Ellen, daughter of Sir W. Harrington of Hornby. At her death, shortly before June 28, 1428, when the writ of diem clausit extremum issued, Peter Legh married, secondly, Elizabeth, daughter of Edmund Trafford and widow of Sir John Pilkington.
      • http://www.archive.org/stream/cu31924027932320#page/n34/mode/1up
      • 'This Sir Peter Legh died at Bradley in 1478 at the age of sixty-three', and his eldest son, also a Peter, the fourth of his name, married, about 1449, Mabell, the heiress of the Crofts.
  • __________________________
  • 'Remains, historical and literary, connected with the palatine ..., Volume 97 By Chetham Society
  • Remains, historical and literary, connected with the palatine ..., Volume 97 By Chetham Society
  • Pg. 123
  • The pedigree of this family has been drawn by Dugdale, Glover, Yardswick, Ormerod, and others. Errors have crept into the draughts of Dugdale and Ormerod.
  • Dugdale rightly deduces that descent of Legh of Lyme from Robert Legh of Adlington; but instead of making John legh of Ridge a brother of the last Legh of Lyme, he makes him a nephew, by a roundabout and inexplicable connexion.
  • Dr. Ormerod's pedigree errs in making Maud Arderne the mother of Sir Piers Legh the first of Lyme; and, by so doing, the maternity and succession are alike vitiated, as the Lyme Leghs are placed two generations behind those of Adlington, instead on one.
  • Dr. Ormerod quotes Mr. Browne's note at the foot of his pedigree, which is the true account.
  • Pg. 125
  • The following pedigree of Legh of Lyme was in possession of Mr. Sampson Yardswick in April 1576. It was copied into Bostock's Cheshire Collections, and now forms a part of the Harleian MSS., from which is was extracted by me in 1857:
  • Peter Leighe Esquire, justicer stuard of Macclesfield in the forest thereof, married Marg't d. and one of the heirs of Thomas Danyers, knight of Bradley, by whom descended Gropehall and Broome, to which Peter and Margaret, and their heir male, K. R'd2 gave Hanley not only for the . . . .
    • Peter Leghe K't Ban't m'd Joane d. & h. of Sir Gilbert Haydocke, by whom descended Bradley, Burton wood, Newton, Waryngton, Onfeth, Sonkey, Bold, Hadocke, Lawton, Golbron, and Walton-le-dale, and he was slayin at the battle of Agincourt in An. dom. 1422. Ossa sepelita apud Macclesfield.
      • ' Peter Leghe, knighted at the bataile of Wakefield by Richard Duke of Yorke. He mar. Margarett d. of Sir Richard Molyneux, and dyed at Bradley Nov. 29 A.D. 1478. b'd at Winwicke.
      • Pg. 126
        • Peter Legh Esquire m'd Mabell d. & h. of James Crofte, by whom descended Dalton, and the advowson of Claughton. He dyed at Macclesfield Aug. 2 A.D. 1486. b'd at Winwich.
  • Pg. 128
  • Margaret Danyers had been twice a widow when she was married to her cousin, Sir Peter Legh, in 1388. She was the daughter and heiress of Sir Thomas Danyers and Isabel, daughter and heiress of Sir William Baggiley. A papal dispensation for this marriage had to be obtained on account of the consanguinity. It is dated 1388, and is preserved at Lyme. . .
  • Pg.131
  • Sir Piers Legh suffered death by decapitation at Chester in 1399; whilst Margaret, his widow, survived till 1428, as appears by her post mertem record in the reign of Henry VI.
  • . . . Henry of Lancaster, beheaded Sir Piers Legh, commonly called Perkins a Legh, a faithful adherent of Richard, . . . His body was buried at Macclesfield, where the following . . .
  • Pg. 132
  • Sir Piers Legh the first of Lyme was justiciary stewart of Macclesfield, and of the forest of Macclesfield. He left issue Piers, or Peter Legh the second of Lyme, who was a minor when his father suffered decaptitation for loyally serving his fallen master and king. If the respective dates of the father's marriage in 1388 and of the beheadment in 1399 be compared, it becomes plain that the eldest son was about eight, or from that to nine years old when he succeeded. Later on he was knighted, and afterwards created a bannaret.
    • He married Joan, daughter and heiress of Sir Gilbert Haydock of Haydock, near Newton-le-Willows, Lancashire, by whom he had a son also named Peter.
    • Pg. 133
    • Sir Peter Legh took part in the French wars . . . It has been generally stated that Sir P. Legh died of these wounds in Paris; but as this latter event happen in 1422, i.e., seven years after the battle of Agincourt, it is more likely . . . .
    • His remains were brought ot England, and buried in the church of St. Michael in Macclesfield, . . .
    • After Sir Peter Legh's death, at the age of 33 years, his widow Joan, married Sir Richard Molyneux of Sefton, in Lancashire. . . .
      • ' Sir Peter Legh, son and heir of the above, and the third of Lyme, was a minor at the time of his father's death. When of age, he married Margaret, the daughter of Sir Richard Molyneux, . . .
      • Pg. 134
      • ' He greatly enlarged and adorned his mansion at Bradley, of which place he styled himself, and where he died in 1478. . . .
        • He was succeeded by his son Peter Legh, who married Mabel, daughter and co-heiress of James Croft of Dalton, whose mother was daughter and heiress of Butler of Freckleton. . . .
        • Peter Legh died at Macclesfield in 1486, in the lifetime of his father, and was buried at Winwick. He left a son Peter, afterwards Sir Peter Legh, soldier first, and priest afterwards He married Helen, the daughter of Sir John Savage, knight, by whom he had a son and successor named Peter. . . . After his wife's death, in 1492, he entered into holy orders, . . .
  • _____________________
  • ' The visitation of Cheshire in the year 1580 (1882)
  • http://www.archive.org/details/visitationchesh00fellgoog
  • http://www.archive.org/stream/visitationchesh00fellgoog#page/n169/m...
  • ___________________

Legh of Lyme & Haydock, (Baines, 1836) < GoogleBooks >


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Piers Legh, III's Timeline

June 4, 1415
Disley, Cheshire, England (United Kingdom)
Yorkshire, England
Lyme Handley, Prestbury, Cheshire, England (United Kingdom)
Lyme Hall, Disley, Cheshire , England (United Kingdom)
November 27, 1478
Age 63
Bradley, Cheshire, England (United Kingdom)
Runcorn, Cheshire, England