Immediate Family
About Pierre, de France, Seigneur de Courtenay
LOUIS THIBAUT de France (son of PHILIPPE I King of France & his first wife Bertha of Holland (Paris end 1081-Château Bethizy, near Paris 1 Aug 1137, bur église de l'Abbaye royale de Saint-Denis) & his wife (Paris [25/30] Mar 1115) ADELAIDE de Maurienne, daughter of HUMBERT III "le Renforcé" Comte de Maurienne et de Savoie & his wife Gisèle de Bourgogne (Comté) ([1092]-Montmartre 18 Nov 1154, bur Montmartre, église abbatiale de Saint-Pierre) had nine children:
6. PIERRE de France ([1126]-Palestine 10 Mar [1180/10 Apr 1183]). William of Tyre names him as brother of Louis VII King of France, when recording his arrival in Palestine in 1179. He succeeded as Seigneur de Courtenay, by right of his wife. "Petrus regis frater et Curtiniacensis dominus" donated property to the abbey of Fontaine-Jean by charter dated 1170, with the support of "uxor mea Isabel et primogenitus meus Petrus". The necrology of La Cour-Dieu records the death “VI Id Mar” of “Petrus de Curtiniaco”.
PIERRE [I] de France, son of LOUIS VI King of France & his wife Adélaïde de Maurienne ([1126]-Palestine 10 Mar [1180/10 Apr 1183]). William of Tyre names him as brother of Louis VII King of France, when recording his arrival in Palestine in 1179. The Continuator of Aimon of Fleury names “Petrus” as sixth son of “rex Ludovicus” and his wife “Adalaidem filiam Humberti comitis de Mauriana”, adding that he married “filiam Rainaldi de Corteniaco” and had his land as there was no other surviving heir (“et terram ipsius habuit cum ea, quia non erat alius hæres superstes”). He succeeded as Seigneur de Courtenay, de Montargis, de Châteaurenard, de Champignelles, de Tanlay, de Charny et de Charenton, by right of his wife. “Petrus dominus Curtiniaci et uxor mea Elisabeth” confirmed donations made by “antecessorum nostrorum...dominus Milo et filii eius” to Fontaine-Jean abbey by charter dated 24 Nov 1160, witnessed by “Willelmus de Cortiniaco...”. “Petrus...Ludovici Francorum regis frater” granted privileges to Montargis, with the consent of “uxoris suæ Helisabeth et Petri filii sui”, by charter dated 1170. “Petrus regis frater et Curtiniacensis dominus” confirmed donations to Fontaine-Jean abbey, with the consent of “uxor mea Ysabel et primogenitus meus Petrus”, by charter dated 1170, witnessed by “Ex parte domini et pueri...”. “Petrus de Curtiniaco frater regis” confirmed donations made to Fontaine-Jean abbey by “Guillelmus de Curtiniaco” on leaving for Jerusalem, with the consent of “uxoris mei Elisabeth”, by undated charter. “Petrus frater regis dominus de Monteargi et de Curtiniaco” donated property to Fontaine-Jean abbey on leaving for Jerusalem, with the consent of “uxor mea Ysabel et filius meus Petrus”, by charter dated 1179. The necrology of La Cour-Dieu records the death “VI Id Mar” of “Petrus de Curtiniaco”. A charter dated “die festivo de Ramis palmarum” [=10 Apr] 1183 records that “Petrus de Curtiniaco regis Galliæ Philippi patruus” when he was alive donated “villam...Heruauuilla” to Notre-Dame la Royalle de Rosoy, with the consent of “Elisabeth uxor eius et Petrus eorundem maior filius et alii...Robertus, Philippus, Willelmus”.
m (before 24 Nov 1160) ELISABETH de Courtenay, daughter and heiress of RENAUD Seigneur de Courtenay & his first wife Helvis de Donjon ([1140/45]-14 Sep after 1205). A Historia Regum Francorum records that "Petrus", son of Louis VI King of France, married "filiam Rainaldi de Curtiniaco cum…terra illius"[240]. The Continuator of Aimon of Fleury names “Petrus” as sixth son of “rex Ludovicus” and his wife “Adalaidem filiam Humberti comitis de Mauriana”, adding that he married “filiam Rainaldi de Corteniaco” and had his land as there was no other surviving heir (“et terram ipsius habuit cum ea, quia non erat alius hæres superstes”)[241]. The Chronicle of Alberic de Trois-Fontaines names "domina de Monte-Argisi fuit soror vel neptis illius [=Guilelmus%E2%80%A6archiepiscopus Bituricensis]" as the wife of "Petro de Cortenaio regis Philippi patruo", "Monte-Argisi" being identified as "Montargis, département Loiret" by the editor of the MGH edition[242]. “Petrus dominus Curtiniaci et uxor mea Elisabeth” confirmed donations made by “antecessorum nostrorum...dominus Milo et filii eius” to Fontaine-Jean abbey by charter dated 24 Nov 1160, witnessed by “Willelmus de Cortiniaco...”[243]. The 1166/67 Pipe Roll records “filie Regin de Crtinni” in London/Middlesex[244]. As discussed above in the introduction to section showing Elisabeth’s father, it is possible that this entry relates to Elisabeth. “Petrus...Ludovici Francorum regis frater” granted privileges to Montargis, with the consent of “uxoris suæ Helisabeth et Petri filii sui”, by charter dated 1170[245]. “Petrus regis frater et Curtiniacensis dominus” confirmed donations to Fontaine-Jean abbey, with the consent of “uxor mea Ysabel et primogenitus meus Petrus”, by charter dated 1170, witnessed by “Ex parte domini et pueri...”[246]. “Petrus de Curtiniaco frater regis” confirmed donations made to Fontaine-Jean abbey by “Guillelmus de Curtiniaco” on leaving for Jerusalem, with the consent of “uxoris mei Elisabeth”, by undated charter[247]. “Petrus frater regis dominus de Monteargi et de Curtiniaco” donated property to Fontaine-Jean abbey on leaving for Jerusalem, with the consent of “uxor mea Ysabel et filius meus Petrus”, by charter dated 1179[248]. “Elisabeth domina de Curteneto mater Petri comitis Nivernensis” donated money to Paris Notre-Dame, for the anniversary of “Petri mariti meio”, and a further donation to the Knights Hospitallers after she died, by charter dated 1189[249]. Bouchet states that Elisabeth confirmed donations to “l’ abbaye des Escharlis” in 1205 “qui est le dernier Acte qu’on touve d’elle”[250]. The necrology of the Eglise Cathédrale de Paris records the death "XVIII Kal Oct" of "Helysabeth mater Petri comitis Autisiodorensis"[251].
Pierre [I] & his wife had eleven children:1. PIERRE [II] de Courtenay ([after 1158]-Epirus after Jun 1219).
2. daughter .
3. ALIX de Courtenay ([1160/65]-12 Feb 1218).
4. EUSTACHIE de Courtenay (-6 Apr after 1235).
5. CLEMENCE de Courtenay .
6. ROBERT de Courtenay (-Palestine 5 Oct 1239).
7. PHILIPPE de Courtenay (-[before Apr 1183]).
8. --- de Courtenay .
9. CONSTANCE de Courtenay ([1168]-after 1231).
10. GUILLAUME de Courtenay (-[Apr 1233/1248], bur Abbaye de Quincey near Langres).
11. AGNES de Courtenay .
Peter I, Prince of France and Lord of Courtenay, was a mounted Crusader who fought and survived the Battle of Belvoir Castle in 1182, but the next year he died in battle in Palestine in the return attack of Saladin's forces at the Battle of Al-Fule in 1183. There were a total of 1300 mounted Crusaders on horseback and 15,000 foot soldiers who participated. The battle was between the 1st and 2nd Crusades.
Pierre Capet France Emperor Constantinople - MyHeritage Family Trees: Birth: Nov 28 1126 - Rheims, Marne, Champagne-Ardenne, France Death: Mar 25 1184 - Palestine, Israel Parents: Louis Vi "the Fat" Capet, King Of France, Adelaide (Alix) Capet, King Of France (born Maurienne, Comtesse De Savoy) Wife: Isabelle France Emperor Constantinople (born Decourtenay, Princess Of France) Children: ...mperor Of Constantinople, Alice De Valence * (born Decourtenay Countess Angouleme *), <Private> Decourtenay, <Private> Taillefer
Pierre Ier de Courtenay
Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.
Pierre Ier de France né en 1126, mort en 1183, seigneur de Courtenay, fils de Louis VI le Gros (1081-1137), roi de France et d'Adèle de Savoie ; tige de la maison capétienne de Courtenay.
Il accompagna ses frères Louis VII de France et Robert Ier de Dreux à la deuxième croisade. Parmi les croisés, il y avait également Renaud de Courtenay, le père se sa future femme.
Il épousa donc en 1150 Élisabeth de Courtenay (1127-1205), dame de Courtenay et eut :
1) Pierre II (1155-1219), qui deviendra empereur latin de Constantinople
2) une fille, née vers 1158 et mariée à Eudes de la Marche
3) Alice de Courtenay (1160-1218), mariée à Guillaume de Joigny, puis à Aymar Taillefer, comte d'Angoulême
4) Eustachie (1164-1235), mariée successivement à Guillaume de Brienne, seigneur de Pacy-sur-Armançon, puis à Guillaume Ier de Champlitte, prince d'Achaïe et au comte Guillaume Ier de Sancerre.
5) Clémence, mariée à Gui VI, vicomte de Thiers.
6) Robert (1168-1239), seigneur de Champignelles-en-Puisaye.
7) Philippe
8) Constance, mariée à Gasce de Poissy, puis à Guillaume de Breteuil.
B: Abt 1126/1128
, Reims, Champagne, France
D: 1183
, , , Palestine, Israhel
M: 1168
, , , France
Peter of France1
M, b. circa 1125, d. 10 April 1183, #2902
Mother Adelaide of Savoy2,3 b. circa 1092, d. 1 August 1154
Father Louis VI of France "the Fat"2,3 b. 1081, d. 1 August 1137
Pop-up Pedigree
Reference 5119
Name Variation Peter of France was also styled Pierre de France.4
Birth* He was born circa 1125.1,3
Occupation* He was a crusader in 1147.1
Marriage* He married Elizabeth de Courtenay, daughter of Renaud de Courtenay and Joscelin de Donjon (?), circa 1150.1,3
Residence* He lived in 1178 at England.1
Death* He died on 10 April 1183 at Palestine.1,3
Family Elizabeth de Courtenay b. 1127, d. after 14 September 1205
1. Constance de Courtenay
2. Eustachie de Courtenay d. a 1248
3. Peter II de Courtenay b. c 1155, d. b Jan 1218
4. Alice de Courtenay b. c 1160, d. c 14 Sep 1205
5. Robert I (?) b. c 1168, d. 1239
Last Edited 2 Aug 2004
1. [S168] Frederick Lewis Weis, Ancestral Roots, 153-25.
2. [S168] Frederick Lewis Weis, Ancestral Roots, 153-24.
3. [S218] Marlyn Lewis, Ancestry of Elizabeth of York.
4. [S234] David Faris, Plantagenet Ancestry, Plantagenet 16.
The family of Pierre I de FRANCE and Élisabeth de COURTENAY
[126601] FRANCE (de), Pierre I (Louis VI le Gros & Adélaïde de SAVOIE [10402]), seigneur de Courtenay, etc.
- married about 1152, from .. (France)
COURTENAY (de), Élisabeth (Renaud & .. du DONJON [129216])
1) Pierre II, seigneur de Courtenay, etc., married Soissons (Aisne : 020722), France 1193-07-08 Yolande de HAINAUT
Bibliographie : Histoire de la maison royale de France (Père Anselme); Michel Pourroy
Pierre de Courtenay was born circa 1126. He was the son of Louis VI, Roi de France and Adelaide di Savoia. He married Elizabeth de Courtenay, daughter of Renaud de Courtenay, Seigneur de Courtenay and Hedwige de Donjon, circa 1150.2 He died before 25 March 1184 at Palestine.
Pierre de Courtenay was a member of the House of Capet. He gained the title of Seigneur de Courtenay.
Peter of Courtenay was the youngest son of Louis VI of France and his second Queen consort Adélaide de Maurienne. He was the father of the Latin Emperor Peter II of Courtenay.
Peter was born in France on September 1126 and died 10 April 1183 in Palestine. He married Elizabeth de Courtenay, who was born 1127 and died September 1205 and the daughter of Renauld de Courtenay and Helvis du Donjon. His tomb is Exeter Cathedral in England. Peter and Elizabeth were the parents of 10 children:
1.Phillippe de Courtenay (1153 - bef. 1186)
2.Peter II of Courtenay, Latin Emperor of Constantinople (abt 1155 to 1218)
3.Unnamed daughter (abt 1156 - ?)
4.Alice of Courtenay, died 12 February 1218. She married Aymer de Talliefer, Count of Angoulême, and they became the parents of Isabella of Angoulême, who married King John of England.
5.Eustachia de Courtenay (1162–1235), married William of Brienne, son of Erard II of Brienne and of Agnès of Montfaucon
6.Clementia de Courtenay (1164 - ?)
7.Robert de Courtenay, Seigneur of Champignelles (1166–1239)
8.William de Courtenay, Seigneur of Tanlay (1168 - bef 1248)
9.Isabella de Courtenay (1169 - ?)
10.Constance de Courtenay (aft 1170 - 1231)
[edit] Ancestors
[hide]v • d • eAncestors of Peter of Courtenay
16. Robert II of France
8. Henry I of France
17. Constance of Arles
4. Philip I of France
18. Yaroslav I of Kiev
9. Anne of Kiev
19. Ingegerd Olofsdotter
2. Louis VI of France
20. Dirk III, Count of Holland
10. Floris I, Count of Holland
21. Othelendis of Saxony
5. Bertha of Holland
22. Bernard II, Duke of Saxony
11. Gertrude of Saxony
23. Eilika of Schweinfurt
1. Peter of Courtenay
24. Otto, Count of Savoy
12. Amadeus II of Savoy
25. Adelaide of Susa
6. Humbert II of Savoy
26. Gerald, Count of Geneva
13. Joan of Geneva
27. Gisela of Geneva
3. Adelaide of Maurienne
28. Reginald I, Count of Burgundy
14. William I, Count of Burgundy
29. Adelaide of Normandy
7. Gisela of Burgundy
15. Etiennete
[edit] External Source
FMG on Peter, prince of France and lord of Courtenay by right of his wife, Elizabeth of Courtenay
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Categories: Capetian house of Courtenay | 1183 deaths | European royalty stubs
Peter of Courtenay was the youngest son of Louis VI of France and his second Queen consort Adélaide de Maurienne. He was the father of the Latin Emperor Peter II of Courtenay.
Peter was born in France on September 1126 and died 10 April 1183 in Palestine. He married Elizabeth de Courtenay, who was born 1127 and died Sept. 1205 and the daughter of Renauld de Courtenay and Hawise du Donjon. His tomb is Exeter Cathedral in England. Peter and Elizabeth were the parents of 10 children:
Phillippe de Courtenay (1153 - bef. 1186)
Peter II of Courtenay, Latin Emperor of Constantinople (abt 1155 to 1218)
Unnamed daughter (abt 1156 - ?)
Alice de Courtenay, died Sep. 14, 1211. She married Aymer de Talliefer, Count of Angouleme, and they became the parents of Isabella of Angoulême, who married King John I "Lackland", King of England.
Eustachia de Courtenay (1162 - 1235), married William of Brienne, son of Erard II of Brienne and of Agnès of Montfaucon
Clementia de Courtenay (1164 - ?)
Robert de Courtenay, Seigneur of Champignelles (1166 - 1239)
William de Courtenay, Seigneur of Tanlay (1168 - bef 1248)
Isabella de Courtenay (1169 - ?)
Constance de Courtenay (aft 1170 - 1231)
Peter of Courtenay
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Peter of Courtenay was the youngest son of Louis VI of France and his second Queen consort Adélaide de Maurienne. He was the father of the Latin Emperor Peter II of Courtenay.
Peter was born in France on September 1126 and died 10 April 1183 in Palestine. He married Elizabeth de Courtenay, who was born 1127 and died Sept. 1205 and the daughter of Renauld de Courtenay and Hawise du Donjon. His tomb is Exeter Cathedral in England. Peter and Elizabeth were the parents of:
Alice de Courtenay, died Sep. 14, 1211. She married Aymer de Talliefer, Count of Angouleme, and they became the parents of Isabella of Angoulême, who married King John I "Lackland", King of England.
A Crusader; poss'ly died during one of the Crusades.
Titles: Prince of France, Count of Courtenay & Montargis, Emperor of Constantinople.
Source: The book, 'Kings & Queens of Europe'
Peter of Courtenay was the youngest son of Louis VI of France and his second Queen consort Adélaide de Maurienne. He was the father of the Latin Emperor Peter II of Courtenay.
Peter was born in France on September 1126 and died 10 April 1183 in Palestine. He married Elizabeth de Courtenay, who was born 1127 and died Sept. 1205 and the daughter of Renauld de Courtenay and Hawise du Donjon. His tomb is Exeter Cathedral in England. Peter and Elizabeth were the parents of 10 children:
Phillippe de Courtenay (1153 - bef. 1186)
Peter II of Courtenay, Latin Emperor of Constantinople (abt 1155 to 1218)
Unnamed daughter (abt 1156 - ?)
Alice de Courtenay, died Sep. 14, 1211. She married Aymer de Talliefer, Count of Angouleme, and they became the parents of Isabella of Angoulême, who married King John I "Lackland", King of England.
Eustachia de Courtenay (1162 - 1235), married William of Brienne, son of Erard II of Brienne and of Agnès of Montfaucon
Clementia de Courtenay (1164 - ?)
Robert de Courtenay, Seigneur of Champignelles (1166 - 1239)
William de Courtenay, Seigneur of Tanlay (1168 - bef 1248)
Isabella de Courtenay (1169 - ?)
Constance de Courtenay (aft 1170 - 1231)
Pierre de Courtenay was born circa 1126. He married Elizabeth de Courtenay, daughter of Renaud de Courtenay, Seigneur de Courtenay and Hedwige de Donjon, circa 1150.2 He died before 25 March 1184 at Palestine.
He was a member of the House of Capet. He was the son of Louis VI, Roi de France and Adelaide di Savoia. He gained the title of Seigneur de Courtenay. Children of Pierre de Courtenay and Elizabeth de Courtenay
Alice de Courtenay+3 d. c 1218
Eustachie de Courtenay+1 d. a 1235
Robert de Courtenay, Seigneur de Champignelles+4 d. 1239
William de Courtenay, Seigneur de Tanlai4
Jean de Courtenay, Seigneur de Yerre4
Peter de Courtenay, Emperor of Constantinople+1 b. 1155, d. 1219
[S8] Charles Mosley, editor, Burke's Peerage and Baronetage, 106th edition, 2 volumes (Crans, Switzerland: Burke's Peerage (Genealogical Books) Ltd, 1999), volume 1, page 227. Hereinafter cited as Burke's Peerage and Baronetage, 106th edition.
[S16] Jirí Louda and Michael MacLagan, Lines of Succession: Heraldry of the Royal Families of Europe, 2nd edition (London, U.K.: Little, Brown and Company, 1999), table 64. Hereinafter cited as Lines of Succession.
[S11] Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Family: A Complete Genealogy (London, U.K.: The Bodley Head, 1999), page 67. Hereinafter cited as Britain's Royal Family.
[S37] Charles Mosley, editor, Burke's Peerage, Baronetage & Knightage, 107th edition, 3 volumes (Wilmington, Delaware, U.S.A.: Burke's Peerage (Genealogical Books) Ltd, 2003), volume 1, page 1122. Hereinafter cited as Burke's Peerage and Baronetage, 107th edition.
Veuf en premières noces de Mahaut de Mehun, dont Guillaume (1226-1280).
Seigneur de Champignelles en Puisaye, de Châteaurenard (en partie), de Charny en Gâtinais, de Conches par donation de Philippe-Auguste, de Nonancourt en Normandie, de Mehun-sur-Yères, de Selles, de Chantecoq, de Cloyes, de Baillet de Vermanton, de Villeneuve-les-Genest en Puisaye, de Bléneau et de Malicorne. Participe à la croisade contre les Albigeois en 1210 et 1224. Combat contre les Anglais en 1217 et commande une flotte de secours pour délivrer Louis de France, fils de Philippe-Auguste, assiégé dans Londres, mais il est fait prisonnier. Il fait la guerre en 1226, pour le roi Louis VII le jeune durant sa minorité contre Thibault VI, comte de Champagne. En 1237 fonde l'abbaye de Beauvoir près de Mehun en Berry pour les religieux cisterciens. Chevalier croisé en 1239.
- personne: Encyclopédie Généalogique des Maisons Souveraines du Monde
Peter I of Courtenay (September 1126 – 10 April 1183) was the youngest son of Louis VI of France and his second queen consort, Adélaide de Maurienne. He was the father of the Latin Emperor Peter II of Courtenay. Peter was born in France and died in Palestine. He married Elizabeth de Courtenay (1127 –14 September 1205), the daughter of Renauld de Courtenay and Hawise du Donjon. He is buried in a tomb in the floor of Exeter Cathedral, next to Elizabeth. The couple had ten children:
Phillip (1153 – before 1186)
Peter, Latin Emperor of Constantinople (c. 1155 to 1218)
Unnamed daughter (c. 1156 – ?)
Alice (died 12 February 1218), married Count Aymer of Angoulême
Eustachia (1162–1235), married William of Brienne, son of Erard II of Brienne and of Agnès of Montfaucon
Clémence (1164 – ?)
Robert, Seigneur of Champignelles (1166–1239)
William, Seigneur of Tanlay (1168 – before 1248)
Isabella (1169 – after 1194)
Constance (after 1170–1231)
Peter I, Prince of France and Lord of Courtenay, was a mounted Crusader who fought and survived the Battle of Belvoir Castle in 1182, but the next year he died in battle in Palestine in the return attack of Saladin's forces at the Battle of Al-Fule in 1183. There were a total of 1300 mounted Crusaders on horseback and 15,000 foot soldiers who participated. The battle was between the 1st and 2nd Crusades.
In my home family tree Peter is married to Elizabeth de Gatesden 1127-1205 and on my tree I am told they are my 23rd great grandparents. Elizabeth's parents are Renaud who married Hawise de Courcy of Okehampton, Devonshire my 24th GGPs.
Daughter Alice Adelaide de Courteney married Aylmer (Count of Angouleme) De. Valence born 1160 ANGOULEME AQUITAINE FRANCE my 22nd GGPs.
Anyone else got these facts? I have Courteney Descended from the Capet line. Aylmer was a Crusader. Their daughter Isabella MARRIED KING JOHN LACKLAND OF ENGLAND
This connection appears correct to me, but perhaps some of you cousins might like to check me out?
About Pierre I, sieur de Courtenay et de Montargis (Français)
Peter I, Prince of France and Lord of Courtenay, was a mounted Crusader who fought and survived the Battle of Belvoir Castle in 1182, but the next year he died in battle in Palestine in the return attack of Saladin's forces at the Battle of Al-Fule in 1183. There were a total of 1300 mounted Crusaders on horseback and 15,000 foot soldiers who participated. The battle was between the 1st and 2nd Crusades.
Pierre Ier de Courtenay
Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre.
Pierre Ier de France né en 1126, mort en 1183, seigneur de Courtenay, fils de Louis VI le Gros (1081-1137), roi de France et d'Adèle de Savoie ; tige de la maison capétienne de Courtenay.
Il accompagna ses frères Louis VII de France et Robert Ier de Dreux à la deuxième croisade. Parmi les croisés, il y avait également Renaud de Courtenay, le père se sa future femme.
Il épousa donc en 1150 Élisabeth de Courtenay (1127-1205), dame de Courtenay et eut :
1) Pierre II (1155-1219), qui deviendra empereur latin de Constantinople
2) une fille, née vers 1158 et mariée à Eudes de la Marche
3) Alice de Courtenay (1160-1218), mariée à Guillaume de Joigny, puis à Aymar Taillefer, comte d'Angoulême
4) Eustachie (1164-1235), mariée successivement à Guillaume de Brienne, seigneur de Pacy-sur-Armançon, puis à Guillaume Ier de Champlitte, prince d'Achaïe et au comte Guillaume Ier de Sancerre.
5) Clémence, mariée à Gui VI, vicomte de Thiers.
6) Robert (1168-1239), seigneur de Champignelles-en-Puisaye.
7) Philippe
8) Constance, mariée à Gasce de Poissy, puis à Guillaume de Breteuil.
B: Abt 1126/1128
, Reims, Champagne, France
D: 1183
, , , Palestine, Israhel
M: 1168
, , , France
Peter of France1
M, b. circa 1125, d. 10 April 1183, #2902
Mother Adelaide of Savoy2,3 b. circa 1092, d. 1 August 1154
Father Louis VI of France "the Fat"2,3 b. 1081, d. 1 August 1137
Pop-up Pedigree
Reference 5119
Name Variation Peter of France was also styled Pierre de France.4
Birth* He was born circa 1125.1,3
Occupation* He was a crusader in 1147.1
Marriage* He married Elizabeth de Courtenay, daughter of Renaud de Courtenay and Joscelin de Donjon (?), circa 1150.1,3
Residence* He lived in 1178 at England.1
Death* He died on 10 April 1183 at Palestine.1,3
Family Elizabeth de Courtenay b. 1127, d. after 14 September 1205
1. Constance de Courtenay
2. Eustachie de Courtenay d. a 1248
3. Peter II de Courtenay b. c 1155, d. b Jan 1218
4. Alice de Courtenay b. c 1160, d. c 14 Sep 1205
5. Robert I (?) b. c 1168, d. 1239
Last Edited 2 Aug 2004
1. [S168] Frederick Lewis Weis, Ancestral Roots, 153-25.
2. [S168] Frederick Lewis Weis, Ancestral Roots, 153-24.
3. [S218] Marlyn Lewis, Ancestry of Elizabeth of York.
4. [S234] David Faris, Plantagenet Ancestry, Plantagenet 16.
The family of Pierre I de FRANCE and Élisabeth de COURTENAY
[126601] FRANCE (de), Pierre I (Louis VI le Gros & Adélaïde de SAVOIE [10402]), seigneur de Courtenay, etc.
- married about 1152, from .. (France)
COURTENAY (de), Élisabeth (Renaud & .. du DONJON [129216])
1) Pierre II, seigneur de Courtenay, etc., married Soissons (Aisne : 020722), France 1193-07-08 Yolande de HAINAUT
Bibliographie : Histoire de la maison royale de France (Père Anselme); Michel Pourroy
Pierre de Courtenay was born circa 1126. He was the son of Louis VI, Roi de France and Adelaide di Savoia. He married Elizabeth de Courtenay, daughter of Renaud de Courtenay, Seigneur de Courtenay and Hedwige de Donjon, circa 1150.2 He died before 25 March 1184 at Palestine.
Pierre de Courtenay was a member of the House of Capet. He gained the title of Seigneur de Courtenay.
Peter of Courtenay was the youngest son of Louis VI of France and his second Queen consort Adélaide de Maurienne. He was the father of the Latin Emperor Peter II of Courtenay.
Peter was born in France on September 1126 and died 10 April 1183 in Palestine. He married Elizabeth de Courtenay, who was born 1127 and died September 1205 and the daughter of Renauld de Courtenay and Helvis du Donjon. His tomb is Exeter Cathedral in England. Peter and Elizabeth were the parents of 10 children:
1.Phillippe de Courtenay (1153 - bef. 1186)
2.Peter II of Courtenay, Latin Emperor of Constantinople (abt 1155 to 1218)
3.Unnamed daughter (abt 1156 - ?)
4.Alice of Courtenay, died 12 February 1218. She married Aymer de Talliefer, Count of Angoulême, and they became the parents of Isabella of Angoulême, who married King John of England.
5.Eustachia de Courtenay (1162–1235), married William of Brienne, son of Erard II of Brienne and of Agnès of Montfaucon
6.Clementia de Courtenay (1164 - ?)
7.Robert de Courtenay, Seigneur of Champignelles (1166–1239)
8.William de Courtenay, Seigneur of Tanlay (1168 - bef 1248)
9.Isabella de Courtenay (1169 - ?)
10.Constance de Courtenay (aft 1170 - 1231)
[edit] Ancestors
[hide]v • d • eAncestors of Peter of Courtenay
16. Robert II of France
8. Henry I of France
17. Constance of Arles
4. Philip I of France
18. Yaroslav I of Kiev
9. Anne of Kiev
19. Ingegerd Olofsdotter
2. Louis VI of France
20. Dirk III, Count of Holland
10. Floris I, Count of Holland
21. Othelendis of Saxony
5. Bertha of Holland
22. Bernard II, Duke of Saxony
11. Gertrude of Saxony
23. Eilika of Schweinfurt
1. Peter of Courtenay
24. Otto, Count of Savoy
12. Amadeus II of Savoy
25. Adelaide of Susa
6. Humbert II of Savoy
26. Gerald, Count of Geneva
13. Joan of Geneva
27. Gisela of Geneva
3. Adelaide of Maurienne
28. Reginald I, Count of Burgundy
14. William I, Count of Burgundy
29. Adelaide of Normandy
7. Gisela of Burgundy
15. Etiennete
[edit] External Source
FMG on Peter, prince of France and lord of Courtenay by right of his wife, Elizabeth of Courtenay
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Categories: Capetian house of Courtenay | 1183 deaths | European royalty stubs
Peter of Courtenay was the youngest son of Louis VI of France and his second Queen consort Adélaide de Maurienne. He was the father of the Latin Emperor Peter II of Courtenay.
Peter was born in France on September 1126 and died 10 April 1183 in Palestine. He married Elizabeth de Courtenay, who was born 1127 and died Sept. 1205 and the daughter of Renauld de Courtenay and Hawise du Donjon. His tomb is Exeter Cathedral in England. Peter and Elizabeth were the parents of 10 children:
Phillippe de Courtenay (1153 - bef. 1186)
Peter II of Courtenay, Latin Emperor of Constantinople (abt 1155 to 1218)
Unnamed daughter (abt 1156 - ?)
Alice de Courtenay, died Sep. 14, 1211. She married Aymer de Talliefer, Count of Angouleme, and they became the parents of Isabella of Angoulême, who married King John I "Lackland", King of England.
Eustachia de Courtenay (1162 - 1235), married William of Brienne, son of Erard II of Brienne and of Agnès of Montfaucon
Clementia de Courtenay (1164 - ?)
Robert de Courtenay, Seigneur of Champignelles (1166 - 1239)
William de Courtenay, Seigneur of Tanlay (1168 - bef 1248)
Isabella de Courtenay (1169 - ?)
Constance de Courtenay (aft 1170 - 1231)
Peter of Courtenay
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Peter of Courtenay was the youngest son of Louis VI of France and his second Queen consort Adélaide de Maurienne. He was the father of the Latin Emperor Peter II of Courtenay.
Peter was born in France on September 1126 and died 10 April 1183 in Palestine. He married Elizabeth de Courtenay, who was born 1127 and died Sept. 1205 and the daughter of Renauld de Courtenay and Hawise du Donjon. His tomb is Exeter Cathedral in England. Peter and Elizabeth were the parents of:
Alice de Courtenay, died Sep. 14, 1211. She married Aymer de Talliefer, Count of Angouleme, and they became the parents of Isabella of Angoulême, who married King John I "Lackland", King of England.
A Crusader; poss'ly died during one of the Crusades.
Titles: Prince of France, Count of Courtenay & Montargis, Emperor of Constantinople.
Source: The book, 'Kings & Queens of Europe'
Peter of Courtenay was the youngest son of Louis VI of France and his second Queen consort Adélaide de Maurienne. He was the father of the Latin Emperor Peter II of Courtenay.
Peter was born in France on September 1126 and died 10 April 1183 in Palestine. He married Elizabeth de Courtenay, who was born 1127 and died Sept. 1205 and the daughter of Renauld de Courtenay and Hawise du Donjon. His tomb is Exeter Cathedral in England. Peter and Elizabeth were the parents of 10 children:
Phillippe de Courtenay (1153 - bef. 1186)
Peter II of Courtenay, Latin Emperor of Constantinople (abt 1155 to 1218)
Unnamed daughter (abt 1156 - ?)
Alice de Courtenay, died Sep. 14, 1211. She married Aymer de Talliefer, Count of Angouleme, and they became the parents of Isabella of Angoulême, who married King John I "Lackland", King of England.
Eustachia de Courtenay (1162 - 1235), married William of Brienne, son of Erard II of Brienne and of Agnès of Montfaucon
Clementia de Courtenay (1164 - ?)
Robert de Courtenay, Seigneur of Champignelles (1166 - 1239)
William de Courtenay, Seigneur of Tanlay (1168 - bef 1248)
Isabella de Courtenay (1169 - ?)
Constance de Courtenay (aft 1170 - 1231)
Pierre de Courtenay was born circa 1126. He married Elizabeth de Courtenay, daughter of Renaud de Courtenay, Seigneur de Courtenay and Hedwige de Donjon, circa 1150.2 He died before 25 March 1184 at Palestine.
He was a member of the House of Capet. He was the son of Louis VI, Roi de France and Adelaide di Savoia. He gained the title of Seigneur de Courtenay. Children of Pierre de Courtenay and Elizabeth de Courtenay
Alice de Courtenay+3 d. c 1218
Eustachie de Courtenay+1 d. a 1235
Robert de Courtenay, Seigneur de Champignelles+4 d. 1239
William de Courtenay, Seigneur de Tanlai4
Jean de Courtenay, Seigneur de Yerre4
Peter de Courtenay, Emperor of Constantinople+1 b. 1155, d. 1219
[S8] Charles Mosley, editor, Burke's Peerage and Baronetage, 106th edition, 2 volumes (Crans, Switzerland: Burke's Peerage (Genealogical Books) Ltd, 1999), volume 1, page 227. Hereinafter cited as Burke's Peerage and Baronetage, 106th edition.
[S16] Jirí Louda and Michael MacLagan, Lines of Succession: Heraldry of the Royal Families of Europe, 2nd edition (London, U.K.: Little, Brown and Company, 1999), table 64. Hereinafter cited as Lines of Succession.
[S11] Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Family: A Complete Genealogy (London, U.K.: The Bodley Head, 1999), page 67. Hereinafter cited as Britain's Royal Family.
[S37] Charles Mosley, editor, Burke's Peerage, Baronetage & Knightage, 107th edition, 3 volumes (Wilmington, Delaware, U.S.A.: Burke's Peerage (Genealogical Books) Ltd, 2003), volume 1, page 1122. Hereinafter cited as Burke's Peerage and Baronetage, 107th edition.
Veuf en premières noces de Mahaut de Mehun, dont Guillaume (1226-1280).
Seigneur de Champignelles en Puisaye, de Châteaurenard (en partie), de Charny en Gâtinais, de Conches par donation de Philippe-Auguste, de Nonancourt en Normandie, de Mehun-sur-Yères, de Selles, de Chantecoq, de Cloyes, de Baillet de Vermanton, de Villeneuve-les-Genest en Puisaye, de Bléneau et de Malicorne. Participe à la croisade contre les Albigeois en 1210 et 1224. Combat contre les Anglais en 1217 et commande une flotte de secours pour délivrer Louis de France, fils de Philippe-Auguste, assiégé dans Londres, mais il est fait prisonnier. Il fait la guerre en 1226, pour le roi Louis VII le jeune durant sa minorité contre Thibault VI, comte de Champagne. En 1237 fonde l'abbaye de Beauvoir près de Mehun en Berry pour les religieux cisterciens. Chevalier croisé en 1239.
- personne: Encyclopédie Généalogique des Maisons Souveraines du Monde
Peter I of Courtenay (September 1126 – 10 April 1183) was the youngest son of Louis VI of France and his second queen consort, Adélaide de Maurienne. He was the father of the Latin Emperor Peter II of Courtenay. Peter was born in France and died in Palestine. He married Elizabeth de Courtenay (1127 –14 September 1205), the daughter of Renauld de Courtenay and Hawise du Donjon. He is buried in a tomb in the floor of Exeter Cathedral, next to Elizabeth. The couple had ten children:
Phillip (1153 – before 1186)
Peter, Latin Emperor of Constantinople (c. 1155 to 1218)
Unnamed daughter (c. 1156 – ?)
Alice (died 12 February 1218), married Count Aymer of Angoulême
Eustachia (1162–1235), married William of Brienne, son of Erard II of Brienne and of Agnès of Montfaucon
Clémence (1164 – ?)
Robert, Seigneur of Champignelles (1166–1239)
William, Seigneur of Tanlay (1168 – before 1248)
Isabella (1169 – after 1194)
Constance (after 1170–1231)
Peter I, Prince of France and Lord of Courtenay, was a mounted Crusader who fought and survived the Battle of Belvoir Castle in 1182, but the next year he died in battle in Palestine in the return attack of Saladin's forces at the Battle of Al-Fule in 1183. There were a total of 1300 mounted Crusaders on horseback and 15,000 foot soldiers who participated. The battle was between the 1st and 2nd Crusades.
Pierre, de France, Seigneur de Courtenay's Timeline
1126 |
1147 |
Age 21
1155 |
Courtenay, Gatinais, Ile-de-France, France
1160 |
Courtenay, Loiret, Centre, France
1161 |
Courtenay, Yonne, Bourgogne, France
1162 |
Courtenay, Galinois, France
1167 |
Of, Courtenay, Galinois, France
1168 |
Of, Courtenay, Galinois, France