Matching family tree profiles for Pierre Rousseau, SV/PROG
Immediate Family
About Pierre Rousseau, SV/PROG
Pierre Rousseau (c1666 Mer, France -1719)
xAnne Rétif 1671 -1710
- Anna Roùsseaù < 8 Jul 1691 - 28 Feb 1753
- Maria Rousseau c 1694
- Magdalena Rousseau 26 Feb 1695
- Elizabet Rousseau <14 Oct 1696 -16 Feb 1785
- Aletta Rousseau c 1697
- Martha Rousseau <27 Jul 1698
- Pierre Rousseau <3 May 1700 -< 2 Sep 1703
- Gabriel Rousseau <14 Aug 1701- 2 Jan 1727
- Pierre Rousseau <2 Sep 1703 - <9 Aug 1762
- Hester Rousseau <26 Jul 1705
- Daniel Rousseau <9 Oct 1707
xxGeertruy du Toit b. c 1690, d. 19 Nov 1750
- Andries Rousseau <8 Nov 1711
Alternate spelling surname: Rousseau
Oude Kaapsche Familien Part 1 Part 1 of 3 of the Genealogy of early settlers in South Africa.
Oude Kaapsche Familien Part 2 Part 2 of 3 of the Genealogy of early settlers in South Africa.
Oude Kaapsche Familien Part 3 Part 3 of 3 of the Genealogy of early settlers in South Africa.
born 1666 Mer alongside the Loire river, between Blois and Orleans
Pierre Rosseau is die Rosseau / Rossouw stamvader.
Gebore Mer, aan die Loire, Frankryk circa 1666. Arriveer 1688 aan die Kaap. Een van die eerste kerkraadslede van Drakenstein, ook Heemraad.
Pierre Rousseau Gebore Mer, aan die Loire, Frankryk c 1666. Arriveer 1688 aan die Kaap, een van die eerste kerkraadslede van Drakenstein, ook heemraad, eienaar van die plase "L'Arc de Orleans" (De Boog van Orleans) in Wemmershoek en "Vleesbank" aan die Bergrivier. Teken memorandum ten gunste van WA van der Stel. Oorlede circa 1719. Moontlik die seun van Daniël Rousseau en Marie Retief.
Suid - Afrikaanse Geslagsregisters: Heese en Lombard
Pierre ROUSSEAU, gebore omstreeks 1666, was 'n Franse Hugenoot van Orleanais wat waarskynlik in 1688 met die Borssenburg na die Kaap gekom het. Sy suster, Maria, was met Jan Janse van Eeden getroud, en sy hertrou later met Cornelis Joost van Dale. Hy was heemraadslid en een van die eerste diakens van die gemeente Drakenstein. In 1694 vestig hy hom op l'Arc d'Orleans, en in 1704 op Vleesbank, Wagenmakersvallei. Hy trou in 1689 met Anne RETIEF (oorlede 1710) en hertrou op 7 Desember 1710 met Geertruy du TOIT. Hy is oorlede in 1719, en hy het 5 seuns en 7 dogters gehad.
Kinders uit 1ste huwelik: b1 Anna ~8 Jul 1691 x 1705 Daniel Hugo xx Jan Blignaut van Amsterdam b2 Maria ~*1693 x 13 Des 1711 Lodewyk Pretorius xx Charles Marais b3 Madeleine *26 Feb 1695 X 5 Mei 1714 Jean Louis du Plessis b4 Elizabeth ~ 14 Okt 1696 x 1716 Kaap Pierre du Toit b5 Martha ~ 28 Jul 1698 x 07 Maart 1717 Andries du Toit b6 Pierre *1700 ~ 3 Mei 1700 Paarl b7Gabriel ~14 Aug 1701 x 1723 Anna Marais b8 Aletta c*1702 x 25 Feb 1720 Daniel Marais b9 Pierre * 2 Sep 1703 x 1726 Sophia van der Merwe xx 10 Apr 1729 Maria Retief xxx 19 Apr 1739 Anna Maria Van de Vyver b10 Hester * 26 Jul 1705 b11 Daniel ~ 9 Okt 1707 x 27-04-1732 Sara Hanekom xx 15 Mei 1743 Maria le Riche xxx 9 Mei 1751 Magdalena Senekal
Kind uit tweede huwelik: b12 Andries ~ 8 Nov 1711
'n Hugenoot en musikant. Arriveer in Kaap op 12 Mei 1688 waarskynlik op die skip Borssenburg saam met 'n suster, Marie. Sy is 7 jaar ouer as hy. Albei trou in die Kaap. Sy met 'n Van Eeden (stamvader van Van Eedens in SA). Hy trou in 1689 met Anne Retif (1667-1710). Het 12 kinders by Anne waarvan 5 seuns was. Twee seuns en 1 dogter is jonk dood. Hy het skynbaar sy viool saamgebring.
Na Anne se dood trou hy meet Geertrui du Toit op 17 Desember 1710, sy was toe 18 jaar oud. Sy was 'n dogter van die Hugenoot Guillaume du Toit en sy vrou Sara Cochet. Guillaume was 'n broer van Francois du Toit wat die stamvader van die Du Toits geword het. Retifs woon op plaas Parys wat buurplaas was van l'Arc d'Orleansin Drakenstein. Laasgenoemde plaas is in 1694 aan Pierre Rousseau uitgereik. Moenie met Orleans naby Paarl verwar nie. In 1704 bekom hy nog 'n plaas in die Wagemakersvallei (Wellington) en noem dit Eikeboom. Ander bronne se dis Vleesbank. Die plaas is ten suide van die huidige spoorwegstasie Hermon. Hy besit ook Sanddrif aan aan die Klein Bergrivier Kand van Waveren (Tulbagh)
Ander passasiers op Borssenburg was waarskynlik: Guillame Neel (1663-1734) en Jeanne la Batte (1663 - na 1734) Jean Neel (1687-1740) Jeanne Neel 1688- na 1728 Pierre Lombard (1658-1717) en Marie Couteau (1659-1718) Baba Lombard (1688-1689) Pierre Rousseau Marie Rousseau (1659 tot na 1711) Francois Retief (1663-1721) Anne Retief (1667-1710) Daniel Hugo 1664-1725 Antoine Gros Marie Avice 1669-1721 Marie Grillon Bron: olivetreegenealogy.com/ships/sahug13.shtml Ook Hugenotebloed in ons are deur JG le Roux 1992 ISBN 0-7969-0566-5
Borssenburg was die 2de skip om Nederland te verlaat maar het 3de hier aangekom. 150vt lank en kon 80 passasiers dra. Vertrek op 6 Jan 1688. Fluit skeepstipe. Onder bevel van kaptein Jan Claasje Valcquit.
GISA: Een van die eerste Kerkraadslede (diaken) v Drakenstein. Ook Heemraad. Tekene memoire ten gunste v WA van der Stel
Kry ook die plaas Patatskloof in Wamakersvallei in 1712 - Jannie Patataplaas???
Pierre ontvang f400 hulp van Simon van der Stel vanuit 'n skenking deur die HereXVII. Die skenking was bedoel vir die armes van Taiwan (genoem Formosa) waar die Here XVII 'n handelstasie had. Die handelstasie is ingeneem deur chinese seerowers maar daar is met die geld gevlug en word nou aangewend om die Huguenote te help - in totaal 6 000 Riksdaalers en 48 stuiwers.
Hy protesteer eers teen WA van der Stel in steun van Adam Tas, maar teken tog later weer die memoire ten gunste van WA van der Stel - skynbaar vanwee ekonomiese oorwegings. WA van der Stel het nie die erfbriewe en oordragte van grond van burgers wat hom teengestaan het onderteken nie.
Pierre is suksesvolle boer - teen 1700 besit hy 400 skape, 15 000 wingerdstokke en produseer 14 faam ("leaguers") wyn
Arrived in the Cape on 12 May 1688 on the "Borssenberg", He had 3 farms - L'Arc D'Orleans; Vleesbank and Sanddrif.
of De Boog van Orleans, by the Bergrivier, Drakenstein. Heemraad . They also had a second farm in Drakenstein, called 'De Vleesbank' according to the inventory drawn up after the death of Anna Retief, and another piece of land in Stellenbosch of 60 morgen.
In the 1692 muster roll they are listed as having two children and by 1695 they have four children, in January 1702 they have seven. (Muster rolls, VC 39, page 123, page 150 and VC 40, page 7). In the inventory drawen up on 10th May 1710 after the death of Ann Retief, it states that there were then ten living children. (MOOC 8/2, 39) ......................................
Son's Baptism: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/3:1:3Q9M-CSV8-W94W-2?i=332&...
<p><p style="text-align: left;" dir="ltr">Reeds in 1688 aan die Kaap. Een van die eerste diakens van die gemeente Drakenstein; ook heemraad.</p></p><p><p style="text-align: left;" dir="ltr">Eienaar van die plaas De Boog van Orleans.</p></p><p style="text-align: left;" dir="ltr">Andries Du Toit gebore c 1691 x 7 Maart 1717 Martha Rousseau (dogter van Pierre Rousseau en Anne Retif).</p>
Allen Versteeg Versteeg Web Site <p>MyHeritage family tree</p><p>Family site: Versteeg Web Site</p>Family tree: 140122551-1 Discovery 140122551-1 MH:S500021
3 27 SEP 2015 Added via an Instant Discovery™
Bio integration in progress! Van der Walt-440|Van der Walt-440 06:24, 11 December 2018 (UTC)
Category: Cape of Good Hope Ready Category:Huguenot_Migration
Name ===: Pierre (couldn't find any valid last name at birth.) <ref>Sep 7, 2013 by Turner-7114 | Brian Turner.</ref>: Rossouw (couldn't find any valid first name.)<ref>Oct 28, 2012 Marais-170 | Hannes Marais.</ref>
Birth ===: Pierre Rousseau was born in 1666.<ref>Entered by Meyer-2493 | Pieter Meyer , Apr 18, 2013.</ref><ref>Source: "International Genealogical Index (IGI)," database, FamilySearch (http://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.2.1/MPQQ-P21 : accessed 2014-09-28), entry for Pierre Rousseau. The International Genealogical Index (IGI) is a computer file created by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. It was first published in 1973 and continued to grow through December 2008. It contains several hundred million entries, each recording one event, such as a birth, baptism (christening), marriage, or death. The information has not been verified against any official records. Duplicate entries and inconsistent information are common. Always verify contributed entries against sources of primary information. Seen and entered by Van der Walt-440 | Philip van der Walt Sept 28, 2014.</ref>
: Date: 12 Mei 1688: Place: waarskynlik op die skip Borssenburg<ref>Jul 19, 2012 Klopper-13 | Arrie Klopper.</ref>sailed on the Borssenburg<ref>Belonged to the Chamber of Amsterdam, Captain Jan Claasje Valcquiijt. Left Texel on 6 January, 1688, arrived at the Cape on 12 May 1688. Theremay have been other passengers.
- Guillame Neel (1663-1734) and Jeanne la Batte (1663-aft.1734)
- Jean Neel (1687-1740)
- Jeanne Neel (1688-aft.1728)
- Pierre Lombard (1658-1717 and Marie Couteau (1659-1718)
- Baba Lombard (1688-1689)
- Pierre Rousseau (1666-1719)
- Marie Rousseau (1659-aft.1711)
- Francois Reteif (1663-1721)
- Anne Reteif (1667-1710)
- Daniel Hugod (1664-1725)
- Antoine Gros
- Marie Avicé (1669-1721)
- Marie Grillon (1670-1735): Sources: mostly Appendix 2 of "Hugenotebloed in ons are" by J.G. leRoux (1992; ISBN 0-7969-0566-5) and "French speakers at the Cape" by M. Boucher (1981, ISBN 0-86981-222-X) (Contributor Lesley Robertson): Source: www.olivetreegenealogy.com Ships Carrying Huguenots to South Africa Passenger List for Huguenot Ship Borssenburg to South Africa 1688. Seenand entered by Van der Walt-440 | Philip van der Walt.</ref> fromTexel to de Caep de Goede Hoop where it docked on 12 May 1688.
Events ===: Between 1690 and 1724, 54 Huguenots signed documents. These signatures were published by Graham Botha in his book The French Refugees at the Cape and includes those of De_Berault-1|Louis de Berault, Simond-19|PierreSimond, Delporte-2|Jacques Delporte, Durand-69|Jean Durand,De_Savoye-15|Jacques de Savoye, Nortier-10|Jacques Nourtier, Gauch-1|André Gauch, Rétif-13|François Retif, Néel-502|Guillaume Néel, Roux-42|Paul Roux, Hùgo-118|Daniel Hùgo, Sénéchal-4|David Senecal, Du_Plessis-144|Jean Prieur du Plessis, Du_Toit-133|Guillaume du Toit, Du_Toit-82|François du Toit, Le_Roux-124|Jean le Roux (or Le_Roux-132|Jean le Roux de Normandie?), Therond-1|Jacques Therond, Du_Preez-433|Hercules des Prez, De_Villiers-208|Abraham de Villiers, Gardiol-28|Jean Gardiol, De_Villiers-114|Jacques de Villiers, De_Villiers-198|Pierre de Villiers, Taillefert-2|Isaac Taillefert (or Taillefer-164|Isaac Taillefer-164), Taillefert-8|Jean Taillefert, Garde-13|Jean Gardé, Marais-159|Claude Marais, Bruére-6|Estienne Bruére, Des_Ruelles-9|Daniel des Ruelles, Rousseau-476|Pierre Rousseau, Pineau-51|Jacques Pinard, Cronier-51|Estienne Cronje, Malan-49|Jacques Malan, Le_Roux-205|Gabriel le Roux, Du_Buisson-5|David du Buisson, Nortier-9|Daniel Nourtier, Niel-8|Estienne Niel, Fouche-22|Philippe Fouché, Le_Grand-23|Gideon le Grand, Cronje-25|Pierre Cronjé, Couvret-21|Paul Couvret, Le_Febvre-26|Paul le Febvre, De_Gournay-61|Salomon de Gournay,Vivier-39|Pierre Vivier, Jourdan-22|Pierre Jourdan, Viret-6|Estienne Viret, Costeux-3|Esaias Engelbert Caucheteux and Du_Buis-15|Jean de Buijs. <ref>Entered by Meyer-2493|Pieter Meyer 25 April, 2013. Source: Colin Graham Botha, The French Refugees at the Cape (Cape Town: Cape Times Limited, 1921), p. 74. Also see Geni.com > French Huguenots who emigrated to South Africa. </ref> These signatures were almost certainly also some of those of the 240 burghers who signed the petition headed by Tas-2|Adam Tas <ref>Also see: Robertson, Delia. The First Fifty Years Project. http://www.e-family.co.za/ffy/ Page: Adam Tas & Adam Tas, Dagboek (eds. Leo Fouché, A.J. Böeseken, vert. J.P. Smuts). Van Riebeeck-Vereniging, Kaapstad 1970 2011 dbnl / erven Leo Fouché / A.J. Böeseken / J. Smuts. Seen and entered by Van der Walt-440|Philip van der Walt Apr 3, 2017.</ref> against corruption and cronyism by the Government of Vander_Stel-6|Willem Adriaan van der stel. <ref> Vander_Stel-6|Willem Adriaan van der stel succeeded hisfather, Van_der_Stel-28|Simon van der Stel, as Governor of the Cape in 1699; Willem van der Stel abused his official position to corneran over-supplied market in farm produce. Van der Stel was jealous of Tas-2|Adam Tas's wealth and easy going life, and in 1706 he used his legal powers to arrest and imprison him. Tas became a Stellenbosch legend when he had this petition drawn up against incumbent Governor W.A. van der Stel and other farming officials. Tas and his fellow free burghers were protesting against the corruption and extravagant lifestyle of Van der Stel and the fact that abuse of power by officials led to unfair competition with burghers. The Tas petition was submitted tothe Lords Seventeen, the governing body of the Dutch East India Company (VOC), in Amsterdam. The petition wasrejected and on Sunday, 28 February 1706 Magistrate Starrenburg arrested Adam Tas. From documents in the desk of Tas, Van der Stel established the nature of complaints against him and also the names of the dissatisfied burghers. Though several more burghers were arrested and punished, they were victorious at the end, when the Lords Seventeen in October 1706 categorically prohibited officials to own land or to trade. His wife Van_Braackell-1|Elizabeth van Brakel tried hard to get him released; when Adam Tas was finally freed after thirteen months, he named his farm 'Libertas' (liberty). Van der Stel was recalled to the Netherlands in 1707. Sources: http://www.sahistory.org.za/dated-event/adam-tas-arrested; http://archiver.rootsweb.ancestry.com/th/read/SOUTH-AFRICA/2005-05/... (seen and addedby Van der Walt-440|Philip van der Walt with the kind help of Kruger-4160|Maria Labuschagne on Apr 3, 2017.)</ref>
<references />
* WikiTree profile Rossouw-424 was created by Seddon-1606 | Richard Seddon through the import of Marais2.ged on Nov 23, 2015.
* WikiTree profile Rousseau-269 created through the import of vanderWalt-Nel 8 01 2013.ged on Jan 9, 2013 by Van der Walt-109 | Ilze Nel. * Source: Ancestry.com Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. [http://trees.ancestry.com/pt/AMTCitationRedir.aspx?tid=49617396&pid...: Ancestry Family Tree Data Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.]
* WikiTree profile Rosseau-6 created through the import of Champion Family Tree.ged on Apr 18, 2012 by Schneeberger-8 | Werner Schneeberger.
* WikiTree profile Rossouw-20 created through the import of My Family.Pretorius.Van_Wyk.DeWaal.Potgieter.2011.ged on Sep 19, 2011 by Pretorius-12 | Judy Potgieter.
* WikiTree profile Rousseau-186 created through the import of wikitreeupload.ged on Jul 19, 2012 by Klopper-13 | Arrie Klopper. User ID: 4454FA35F480354695B46FC991C13AA568BC Prior to import, this record was last changed 8 Jan 2010.
* WikiTree profile Rossouw-54 and WikiTree profile Rossouw-55 created through the import of Marais Family Register.ged on Oct 28, 2012 by Marais-170 | Hannes Marais. User ID: 506A810E-5BB1-4A6E-A373-0CEF88DFC61B : Record ID Number: MH:I272 : UPD 28 OCT 2012 07:59:58 GMT+8
* WikiTree profile Rossouw-61 created through the import of vanderWalt-Nel 8 01 2013.ged on Jan 9, 2013 by Van der Walt-109 | Ilze Nel.* Source: Ancestry.com Title: Ancestry Family Trees Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com. Page: Ancestry Family Tree Data Family Tree files submitted by Ancestry members.
* WikiTree profile Rousseau-332 through the import of f92435_505468x3f1i961v209i435 (1).ged on Jul 27, 2013 by Du Toit-446 | Paul du Toit. User ID: DC1F0A41-B240-4C96-B674-C6AEE7436986 : Record ID Number: MH:I137 : UPD 21 APR 2013 15:47:55 GMT -0500
* Robertson, Delia. The First Fifty Years Project. http://www.e-family.co.za/ffy/ Page: Pierre Rousseau <ref>Van_Schalkwyk-55 | Nina van Schalkwyk 8 Jun 2013.</ref>
* WikiTree profile Rousseau-239 created through the import of Ancestors_DippenaarAndre_noinfo.GED on Oct 23, 2012 by Dippenaar-12 | AndrewDippenaar. User ID: 78A48803-34AF-492E-A886-42794CE33679 : Record ID Number: MH:I1479 : UPD 24 JAN 2012 22:50:15 GMT+2
* Family History Marais.pdf <ref>Pienaar-305|Schalk Pienaar Jul 26, 2014.</ref>
* WikiTree profile UNKNOWN-210083 through the import of Big Show.GED on Sep 7, 2013 by Turner-7114 | Brian Turner. Prior to import, this record was last changed 5 OCT 2006.
In Mer too lived Jeanne Bourdon and her merchant husband, Isaac le Roux de Pommegorge. The Fouchers and the Bourdons were related. Philippe Foucher was attended at his wedding in 1677 by his uncle Etienne Bruere and his cousin, Jean Bourdon, usher at Mer. Amsterdam records also suggest a link between the Bourdons and the Basches. One of the Blois pastors, appointed in 1660, was Michel Janigon, later to serve at Utrecht. John Locke met him in 1678 and found him “a very ingenious and civil man”.
Although they did not travel on the Voorschooten, the refugees Pierre Rousseau, Frangois Retif and his sister Anne Retif reached the Cape in 1688. All were members of the Mer congregation, but their parentage is uncertain. These were closely linked families and for the most part vine-dressers, although there was a surgeon Daniel Rousseau at Mer, while Jacques Rousseau, a royal usher, was a leading member of the consistory in 1668 and 1669.97 Those with vineyards included Daniel Rousseau and Marie Retif at Suevres, perhaps the parents of Pierre, who was born about the year 1666. Marie Retif died in 1682. It is worthy of note that Philippe Foucher stood godfather to Marthe, daughter of Daniel Rousseau and his wife, in July 1671. Two other vine-dressers were Jean Rousseau of Mer, married to Madeleine Retif, and Paul Retif of Aunay, whose wife was Frangoise Rousseau.
Frangois Retif, born on February 2, 1663, may possibly have been the son of Jacques Retif, whose father Paul, the Aunay cultivator, died on September 8, 1677 at the age of some seventy-five years. There was also a Pierre Retif at Aunay. It seems probable that Pierre Rousseau's marriage to Anne Retif took place at Drakenstein and that he was not the refugee at Zierikzee in Zeeland who, with a young daughter, was helped by the Walloon church authorities in the winter of 1687-1688. This Pierre Rousseau was too poor to pay for shoe repairs. A Pierre Rousseau abjured with three of his children at Delft on December 7, 1687. No trace of the Marie Rousseau of Blois who came to the Cape has been found, if this indeed is the correct version of her surname, while the Cape burgher Frederik Roussouw, more properly Pieter de Wit, is not connected with the Rousseaus of the Blesois.
- M. Boucher (1981). French speakers at the Cape: The European Background. Pretoria, UNISA: Ch 5: Cape settlers I: from the Loire to the Channel
Pierre ROUSSEAU, gebore omstreeks 1666, was 'n Franse Hugenoot van Orleanais wat waarskynlik in 1688 met die Borssenburg na die Kaap gekom het. Sy suster, Maria, was met Jan Janse van Eeden getroud, en sy hertrou later met Cornelis Joost van Dale. Hy was heemraadslid en een van die eerste diakens van die gemeente Drakenstein. In 1694 vestig hy hom op l'Arc d'Orleans, en in 1704 op Vleesbank, Wagenmakersvallei. Hy trou in 1689 met Anne RETIEF (oorlede 1710) en hertrou op 7 Desember 1710 met Geertruy du TOIT. Hy is oorlede in 1719, en hy het 5 seuns en 7 dogters gehad. Kinders uit 1ste huwelik: b1 Anna ~8 Jul 1691 x 1705 Daniel Hugo xx Jan Blignaut van Amsterdam b2 Maria ~*1693 x 13 Des 1711 Lodewyk Pretorius xx Charles Maraisb3 Madeleine *26 Feb 1695 X 5 Mei 1714 Jean Louis du Plessisb4 Elizabeth ~ 14 Okt 1696 x 1716 Kaap Pierre du Toitb5 Martha ~ 28 Jul 1698 x 07 Maart 1717 Andries du Toitb6 Pierre *1700 ~ 3 Mei 1700 Paarl b7Gabriel ~14 Aug 1701 x 1723 Anna Maraisb8 Aletta c*1702 x 25 Feb 1720 Daniel Maraisb9 Pierre * 2 Sep 1703 x 1726 Sophia van der Merwe xx 10 Apr 1729 Maria Retief xxx 19 Apr 1739 Anna Maria Van de Vyverb10 Hester * 26 Jul 1705b11 Daniel ~ 9 Okt 1707 x 27-04-1732 Sara Hanekom xx 15 Mei 1743 Maria le Riche xxx 9 Mei 1751 Magdalena Senekal Kind uit tweede huwelik:b12 Andries ~ 8 Nov 1711 Verwysings: De Villiers/Pama Heese/Lombard Verwysingsmateriaal, Boksburg biblioteek Verwysingsmateriaal, Springs LDS FHC biblioteek Saamgestel deur: Martina Louw (nee van Breda)Kennethl@xtra.co.nz <mailto:Kenneth@xtra.co.nz> A van Rensburg
- Immigration: from France to South Africa - 1688
- Reference: FamilySearch Family Tree - SmartCopy: Mar 4 2022, 17:23:23 UTC
- Reference: FamilySearch Family Tree - SmartCopy: Mar 4 2022, 17:23:23 UTC
Arrived South Africa 1688 Menarsleville Blois
Farm was "le Arc d'Orleans" settled in 1694, Granted in 1695.
court list assisting an offender and bartering 15 March1696
One of the first deacons of Drakenstein .Also Councillor.
Pierre Rousseau, SV/PROG's Timeline
1666 |
November 26, 1666
Route d'Orléans, Mer, Loir-et-Cher, Centre, France
1691 |
July 8, 1691
Paarl, Drakenstein, Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
1693 |
Paarl, Drakenstein, Caep de Goede Hoop, South Africa
1695 |
February 26, 1695
Paarl, Drakenstein, Caep de Goede Hoop, South Africa
1696 |
October 14, 1696
Caep de Goede Hoop, South Africa
1698 |
July 27, 1698
Caep de Goede Hoop, ZA 🇿🇦 (South Africa)
1700 |
May 3, 1700
Paarl, Cape, South Africa
1701 |
August 14, 1701
West Coast District Municipality, WC, South Africa