Matching family tree profiles for Pierre Joubert, a1SV/PROG
Immediate Family
About Pierre Joubert, a1SV/PROG
No valid source for marriage to Isabeau Richarde
Franschhoek, the town, has a more recent history, only being proclaimed as such in 1881.
- Birth Date 1664
- Death Date 30/6/1732
- First Name Pierre David
- Last Name Joubert
- Suffix II SV/PROG
- Gender Male
- Birth Location De La Motte, D'Aigues, Provence, France
- Death Location Drakenstein, de Caep de Goede Hoop
- Burial Date June 1732
Bellingham -- Bellingham now in Franschhoek has a long and courageous history. In 1693 the first 100 vines were planted on virgin soil by Gerrit Janz van Vuuren and his French Huguenot wife. The farm was named "Belle en Champ" which means Beautiful Fields in French.
The Bellingham story starts in 1693 when Hollander Gerrit Janz van Vuuren and his French Huguenot wife planted the first 1 000 vines on the estate, then known as Bellinchamp (‘pretty fields’). It then passed from family to family until 1943, when Bernard and Fredagh Podlashuk purchased the somewhat derelict farm, set about restoring the manor house, gardens and vineyards and effectively pioneered the modern renaissance of the Bellingham Estate in Franschhoek.
The Podlashuks replanted the farm to vineyards and travelled to France and Germany to do extensive wine research. Upon return, they buckled down and released the Cape’s first rosé in 1949, followed in quick succession by the Premier Grand Cru in 1951 and the first single varietal Shiraz in 1956.
The 80s and 90s saw vineyard developments, cellar extensions and the beginning of Bellingham’s classic New World winemaking philosophy. Today, while still inspired by its history of innovation, ingenuity and foresight, the brand is firmly set in the 21st century, producing contemporary, structured wines with an unmistakable sense of place and style.
Pierre Jaubert (c 1664 †30 Junie 1732, in de Caep de Goede Hoop), from La Motte d'Aigues, Provence
- so Jacques Jaubert (c 1640-) & Francoise Rambert (c 1640-)
- Came to Cape on the 'China' 4.8.1688 ACTUALLY ship China!
Berg China (1676) Note: Many sources give the name of the ship as Berg China, but the official Dutch records only give it as China. The confusion might stem from the fact that the China was captained by Pieter van den Berg on some of her voyages.
Pierre Joubert, Suzanne Reyne
The name Pierre Jaubert (Joubert) does not appear in the December 1687 list of refugees on the Berg China
that of Susanne Reyne (Resne), however, “jonge dochter out 20 jaren”, is included. There was clearly a last-minute marriage here, as the register of the Walloon church at Brielle in the United Provinces indicates. -----
* settles at La-Provence, Oliphantshoek
- x 1 Feb 1688 Waalse Kerk, Den Briel, Susanne Reyne
- xx >20 March 1688 Isabeau Richarde
- Jacob *Elisabeth *Pierre *Jean *Françoise *Louise *Gideon *Josue *François *Rachel *Marie *Geertruyd
- Jacob (1691-1736)
- Elisabeth (1692 ->1742)
- Pierre (1694 - c Sep 1730)
- Jean (7 Dec 1695 - <16 Mar 1738)
- Françoise (<11 Nov 1697-<28 Mar 1723)
- Louise (<6 Dec 1699 -1764)
- Gideon (c 1702-1739)
- Josue (<13 Aug 1702 -1733)
- François (<28 Nov 1706 -1761)
- Rachel (c 1710 -1790)
- Marie (<27 Oct 1710 -8 Apr 1746)
- Geertruyd (12 Nov 1713)
Pierre Joubert * Lamotte d'Aigues in die Franse provinsie, Provence c. 1664 † 30.6.1732 a. met die boot Berg China wat Rotterdam op 20.3.1688 verlaat en op 4.8.1688 Tafelbaai bereik. Hy boer op verskeie plase, o.a. Lamotte 1709 gekoop van Hattingh (vernoem na sy geboorteplek) slegs as veeweiding gebruik deur hom geen wingerd aangeplant nie en Provence (vernoem na die provinsie vanwaar hy kom). Hy besit ook een van die eerste plase in Land van Waveren later bekend
as Tulbagh kom,
De Plaisa x Waalse kerk, Brielle 1.2.1688 Susanne REYNE * La Roque d'Antheron in Provence † voor die Berg China Rotterdam op 20.3.1688 verlaat het, of tydens die boot se reis na die Kaap xx Isabeau RICHARD wed. v. Pierre Malan * c. 1668 † Drakenstein c. 1748. Die name v. Isabeau Richard en haar eggenoot, Pierre Malan, verskyn op die skeepslys van die Berg China, opgestel 23.12.1687. Die waarskynlikheid is dus dat Susanne Reyne en Pierre Malan oorlede is voordat die Berg China in Tafelbaai aangekom het.
b1 Josúe * c. 1689 x Paarl 5.8.1725 Susanne GARDE * c. 1703 † Waveren
b2 Jacques (Jacob) * c. 1691
b3 Isabeau (Elizabeth) * c. 1692 x 23.1.1717 Guillaume LORET v. Nantes * c. 1671 † Drakenstein 5.1.1718 xx Paarl 21.5.1719 Paul ROUX
b4 Pierre * c. 1694 † c. 1741 x 1.5.1718 Susanna DE VILLIERS * c. 1697 † c. 1766 (Abraham-dg)
b5 Jean = Paarl 7.12.1695 † voor 16.3.1738 x Paarl 22.6.1727 Maria VAN WYK d.v. Adriaan (Arie) van Wyk en Cornelia Helm (sy xx 29.11.1739 Coenraad Striegel)
b6 Francoise (Francina) = Paarl 11.11.1697 x Paarl 21.5.1719 Johannes PLEUNIS
b7 Louise = Paarl 6.12.1699 x Paarl 10.10.1718 Jan (Jean) LOMBARD * c. 1698 † c. 1720 xx Jacobus DE VILLIERS
b8 Gideon * c. 1702 † c. 1738 x Stellenbosch 25.2.1725 Margaretha DE VILLIERS * c. 1705 (Jacob-dg) (sy xx Heinrich Hoppe)
b9 Maria * c. 1704 † voor 24.4.1746 x Paarl 15.9.1726 Jan LOOTS v. Amsterdam
b10 Francois = Paarl 28.11.1706 † c. 1758 x Paarl 6.11.1729 Gesina VAN DEVENTER xx 18.2.1731 Elizabeth (Isabeau) CRONJÉ * 8.11.1711 † c. 1786 d.v. Pierre Cronier en Suzanne Taillefert
b11 Rachel * c. l710 x Paarl 22.1.1730 Dirk Willem CRAFFORD v. Utrecht xx 30.10.1744 Geirit VAN DEVENTER xxx Tulbagh 24.8.1754 Johannes Albertus VAN IMMENIS (Van Emmenis)
Joubert is on Facebook -
Bron/Source: Weesc. K d GH inventaris
Reference no.: MOOC8/5.78 Testator(s): Pieter Jubert Susanna de Villiers
26 September 1730
Inventaris van alle sodanige goederen, als ’er sijn naargelaten en met er dood ontruijmt door Pieter Jubert de Jonge en sijn vooroverledene huijsvrouw Susanna de Villiers, ten voordeele van
haar bij den anderen in huwelijk verwekte vier minderjarige kinderen te weten Susanna oud 12 Elisabeth oud 9 Pieter oud 6 jaren en Rachel Jubert oud 6 maanden
so en indiervoegen als deselve door de grootvader van gem: kinderen de landbouwer Pieter Jubert d' oude, aan de ondergetekende gecommitteerde Weesm:ren sijn opgegeven en bevonden, als volgt
Een plaats ofte hofstede gelegen aan Drakestein over de Bergrevier genaamt de Drie Fontaine
From La Motte-d'Aigues in Provence France He and his wife came in 1688 to *die Kaap* now known as South Africa on the ship *Berg China*..sailed on the 20 march 1688 and arrived in Table Bay on 4 august 1688. The ship was owned by the *Kamer of Rotterdam* and was 160 ft long. a load of 500 tons and 175 passengers. 19 people (Huguenot Fugitives) died on the trip and 50 sick arrived in Table bay, according to the Logbook. on board of this ship: -Jean Mesnart (28) - -Louise Corbonne (30) -Her mother- in-law Marie Anthonarde (64) their 6 childeren, Jean 10, George 9, Jacques 8, Jean 7 Philippe 6, Andre baby of 5 months. -Anthoine Madan 38, his wife Elisabeth Verdette and their daughter of 10 months -Jean Marthe, wid or Jourdan 60) her sons Jean Jourdan 28, Pierre Jourdan 24. -Marie Jourdan wid of 40, her three daughters Marie 10 and Margarete 7. -Pierre Malan 23 and his wife ISABEAU 20 ,(Note: in some notes Pierre Joubert's wife Susanne Resne who he married in Brielle, died on the ship..and Pierre Malan died also on the same ship, and Isabeau married Pierre Joubert.) -Pierre Jourdan 24, Paul Jourdan, Andre Pelanchon 15 (3 cousins), -Mathieu Frachasse 18, -Pierre Goiraud 30 his wife Francoise 28 -Susanne Resne daughter of 2 yrs old, -Anthoine Senet 19, -and a few orphan girls. (taken from the book of Pieter Coertzen - Huguenots of South africa -NB on this ship according to his page 80 in named book..there is NO Pierre Joubert on board... mistake? maybe Pierre Malan is Pierre Joubert???) )
He received land in Oliphantshoek (now known as Franschhoek) in 1694. The letter of acknowledgement came only on the 11 May 1712. The farm he built is called La provence. He was very wealthy, through hardworking. The farms he owned were;- La Provence de Plaisante in *t Land van Waveren*(near Wolseley, on the Breederiver)which his son Pierre received in 1716. l'Ormarins(Franschhoek) Bellingham (Drakenstein) in 1700 La Roque in 1709
Jean Imbert has named Pierre Joubert, in 1723, as his heir.
Pierre Joubert, amongst others (Isaac Taillefert, Jacques Malan, Francois Retif, Josue Cellier and Paul Couvret) are named as the pioneers in wine production .
Estienne Niel was named the most succesfull farmer in the farming community, followed by the *three Pierre's* Pierre Rousseau, Pierre Joubert and Pierre le Fevre.
Marriage 1 Susanne Reyne (RESNE) b: 1668 in Roque d'Antheron (Provence) France Married: 1688 in Brielle (Nederland)
Marriage 2 Isabeau RICHARDE b: 1667 in Provence (France) Married: 1688 in on the Ship Berg China Note: After His wife, Susanne Resne (Reyne) died on the ship China. he married Isabeau, who was married to Malan..who died also on the ship China.
Pierre Joubert arriveer aan die Kaap op die skip "Berg China" met sy vrou Isabeau Richard. Hy was landbouer en besit baie plase in die Drakenstein distrik
Verwysing: Gelagregister van Vroeë Kaapse families Ancestry24.com Cor Pama Groot naamboek van Afrikaanse Families.
Birth Apr 1663 at De La Motte D'Aigues, Provence and is the progenitor for this branch of JOUBERT in South Africa Arrival 4 Aug 1688 Table Bay, Cape of Good Hope
Residence: La Motte, Franschhoek.
Pierre JOUBERT was born at Lamotte d'Aigues in the French province 'Provence', circa 1664. Hy vlug in 1685 na Switserland en trek vandaar al langs die Rynrivier tot by Rotterdam. He married Susanne REYNE, born 1667, La Roche, d'Autheron, Provence, France, on 1 Feb 1688 in the Waalse Kerk, Brielle, Zuid Holland. Pierre JOUBERT and Isabeau RICHARD married 28 March 1688 en route to the Cape, she died 1748. He arrived in Table Bay 4 August 1688 on board the 'Berg China' that left Rotterdam on 20 June 1688. Pierre farmed a number of farms amongst others Lamotte, 1709 (named after his place of birth) and Provence, 1694 (named after his province of origin) in Franschoek. Another farm he owned was Bellingham, 1700. He also owned a farm in the Tulbagh basin, De Plaisant, 1716. Pierre died on 30 June 1732. The names Isabeau RICHARD and her husband Pierre MALAN appears on the passenger list of the Berg China, compiled 23 Dec 1687. It is therefor probable that Susanne REYNE (Pierre JOUBERT's first wife) died before the Berg China departed Rotterdam or en route to the Cape and that Pierre MALAN (Isabeau's husband)died before the Berg China arrived in Table Bay.
In 1690 he received financial assistance from the Batavian fund. Subsequently he became one of the big landowners in Drakenstein. His farms inlcuded Bellingkamp, Lormarins, La Motte, La Provence, La Roche and De Plaisante. In 1715 Hottentotte people stole all his cattle.
Pierre Joubert en Isabeau Richard had 6 sons and 5 daughters:
1. Joshua * 1689 x Paarl 5 Aug 1725 Susanna Garde 2. Jacques (Jacob) * 1691 3. Isabeau (Elizabeth)* 1692 x 23 Jan 1717 Guillaume Loret van Nantes xx Paarl 25 May 1719 Paul Roux 4. Pierre (Pieter) *1694 + 1741 x 1 May 1718 Susanna de Villiers d/v Abraham 5. Jean ~ Paarl 7 Dec 1695 + voor 16 March 1738 x Paarl 22 Jun 1727 Maria van Wyk d/v Adriaan (Arie) 6. Francoise (Francina) ~ 11 Nov 1697 x Paarl 21 May 1719 Johannes Pleunis s/v Jacob 7. Louise ~ Paarl 6 Dec 1699 x Paarl 10 Oct 1718 Jean Lombard xx Jacobus de Villiers 8. Gideon * 1702 + 1738 x Stellenbosch 25 Feb 1725 Margaretha de Villiers d/v Jacob 9. Maria * 1704 + voor 24 Apr 1746 x Paarl 15 Sep 1726 Jan Loots van Amsterdam 10. Francois ~ Paarl 28 Nov 1706 + 1758, burger Drakenstein x Paarl 6 Nov 1729 Gesina van Deventer xx 18 Feb 1731 Elisabeth Cronje d/v Pierre 11. Rachel * 1710 x 22 Jan 1730 Dirk Willem Crafford van Utrecht xx 30 Oct 1744 Gerrit van Deventer xxx Tulbagh 24 Aug 1754 Johannes Albertus van Emmenis
There were rumours that Isabeau Richard and her future son-in-law Guillaume Loret committed adultery. The minister Henricus Beck implemented church discipline as a result in 1707.
Verwysings: De Villiers/Pama Heese/Lombard GC de Wet die Vryliede en Vryswartes in die Kaapse Nederesetting Verwysingsmateriaal, Boksburg biblioteek Verwysingsmateriaal, Springs LDS FHC biblioteek
Saamgestel deur: Martina Louw (nee van Breda) Kennethl@xtra.co.nz
Thanks to submission by: Adré Ellis adreellis@lantic.net webpage http://users.lantic.net/adreellis/ AM van Rensburg
JOUBERT, PierreJOUBERT, Pierre Proginitor of this branch of the JOUBERT family in South Africa. Pierre JOUBERT was born at Lamotte d'Aigues in the French province' Provence, circa 1664. He arrived in Table Bay 4 August 1688 on board the 'Berg China' that left Rotterdam on 20 June 1688. Pierre farmed a number of farms amongst others Lamotte (named after his place of birth) and Provence (named after his province of origin). He also owned one of the first farms in the Tulbagh basin, De Plasia. Pierre died on 30 June 1732.
Married to Isabeau Richard Emigrated 20 Mar 1688 from Rotterdam, Netherlands. Ship "Berg China" arrived Table Bay 4 Aug 1688. Stamvader. In 1695, a piece of land situated in a valley between the Drakenstein Mountains and Olifantshoek was granted to Hans Hattingh, a German immigrant from Speyer. In 1709 his neighbour, French Huguenot Pierre Joubert, purchased the land and named it after the village of his birth in Provence, La Motte d’ Aigues.
Married to Isabeau Richard Daughter Louisa Joubert born 1699 Emigrated 20 Mar 1688 from Rotterdam, Netherlands. Ship "Berg China" arrived Table Bay 4 Aug 1688. Stamvader.
Ellen Stanton writes : http://www.genealogyworld.net/ellen/NotesonHuguenotFamilies.htm JOUBERT, Pierre, 23 years old, and Isabeau RICHARD his wife, 20 years old, arrived in the China, which sailed from Rotterdam on 20th March 1688. This couple is in the Distribution List 1690 ‘with one child.’ and among Drakenstein families 1692 ‘with two children.’ A joint will was executed by Pierre JOUBERT and his wife on the 30th November 1718, in which their ages are given as 55 and 48 respectively, both of them being described as from Provence. Pierre died about 1732, and his widow about 1748. At her death she owned among other properties the farms:--‘Bellingkamp.’ ‘Lormarius,’ ‘La Rocke’ (Roche?), ‘La Motte,’ and ‘La Provence,’ all situated in the Drakenstein district, and ‘De Plaisante’ situated in Waveren (now Tulbagh). The oldest of these farms was ‘Bellingkamp’ the grant of which is dated 8th October 1695. Numerous descendants still living, among them Piet JOUBERT, the well-known Commandant General of the Transvaal (now South African) Republic.
K. van der Berg Joubert published in Familia vol. 19, no. 4, 1982, P. 85-89
On the 20th March, 1688, one Pierre Joubert of de la Motte d'Aigues sailed from Rotterdam on the ship 'Berg China' as a bachelor. For some reason, writers over history have provided him with an appropriate wife on board - Isabeau Richard. It is interesting to note that on the passenger list of the 'Berg China' published in the 1970 edition of Botha's book, Isabeau Richard is shown as the '20 year old wife of Pierre Malan'. It can only be assumed that Pierre Malan was one of the 30 deaths reported on board the four month voyage and that Pierre Joubert married the 'widow'.
In 1695, a piece of land situated in a valley between the Drakenstein Mountains and Olifantshoek was granted to Hans Hattingh, a German immigrant from Speyer. In 1709 his neighbour, French Huguenot Pierre Joubert, purchased the land and named it after the village of his birth in Provence, La Motte d’ Aigues.
Came to South Africa in 1688
Pierre JOUBERT was born at Lamotte d'Aigues in the French province 'Provence', circa 1664. Hy vlug in 1685 na Switserland en trek vandaar al langs die Rynrivier tot by Rotterdam.
He married Susanne REYNE, born 1667, La Roche, d'Autheron, Provence, France, on 1 Feb 1688 in the Waalse Kerk, Brielle, Zuid Holland. Pierre JOUBERT and Isabeau RICHARD married 28 March 1688 en route to the Cape, she died 1748. He arrived in Table Bay 4 August 1688 on board the 'Berg China' that left Rotterdam on 20 June 1688. Pierre farmed a number of farms amongst others Lamotte, 1709 (named aft er his place of birth) and Provence, 1694 (named after his province of origin) in Franschoek. Another farm he owned was Bellingham, 1700. He also owned a farm in the Tulbagh basin, De Plaisant, 1716. Pierre died on 30 June 1732. The names Isabeau RICHARD and her husband Pierre MALAN appears on the passenger list of the Berg China, compiled 23 Dec 1687. It is therefor probable that Susanne REYNE (P ierre JOUBERT's first wife) died before the Berg China departed Rotterdam or en route to the Cape and that Pierre MALAN (Isabeau's husband)died before the Berg China arrived in Table Bay.
In 1690 he received financial assistance from the Batavian fund. Subsequently he became one of the big landwoners in Drakenstein. His farms inlcuded Bellingkamp, Lormarins, La Motte, La Provence, La R oche and De Plaisante. In 1715 Hottentotte people stole all his cattle.
Pierre Joubert en Isabeau Richard had 6 sons and 5 daughters:
1. Joshua * 1689 x Paarl 5 Aug 1725 Susanna Garde 2. Jacques (Jacob) * 1691 3. Isabeau (Elizabeth)* 1692 x 23 Jan 1717 Guillaume Loret van Nantes xx Paarl 25 May 1719 Paul Roux 4. Pierre (Pieter) *1694 + 1741 x 1 May 1718 Susanna de Villiers d/v Abraham 5. Jean ~ Paarl 7 Dec 1695 + voor 16 March 1738 x Paarl 22 Jun 1727 Maria van Wyk d/v Adriaan (Arie) 6. Francoise (Francina) ~ 11 Nov 1697 x Paarl 21 May 1719 Johannes Pleunis s/v Jacob 7. Louise ~ Paarl 6 Dec 1699 x Paarl 10 Oct 1718 Jean Lombard xx Jacobus de Villiers 8. Gideon * 1702 + 1738 x Stellenbosch 25 Feb 1725 Margaretha de Villiers d/v Jacob 9. Maria * 1704 + voor 24 Apr 1746 x Paarl 15 Sep 1726 Jan Loots van Amsterdam 10. Francois ~ Paarl 28 Nov 1706 + 1758, burger Drakenstein x Paarl 6 Nov 1729 Gesina van Deventer xx 18 Feb 1731 Elisabeth Cronje d/v Pierre 11. Rachel * 1710 x 22 Jan 1730 Dirk Willem Crafford van Utrecht xx 30 Oct 1744 Gerrit van Deventer xxx Tulbagh 24 Aug 1754 Johannes Albertus van Emmenis
There were rumours that Isabeau Richard and her future son-in-law Guillaume Loret committed adultery. The minister Henricus Beck implemented church discipline as a result in 1707.
De Villiers/Pama Heese/Lombard GC de Wet die Vryliede en Vryswartes in die Kaapse Nederesetting Verwysingsmateriaal, Boksburg biblioteek Verwysingsmateriaal, Springs LDS FHC biblioteek
Pierre Joubert ook genoem: Pierre Jaubert gebore ongeveer 1664, La Motte-d'Aigues, Frankryk, verw: a, beroep: Boer,(102) trou Isabeau Richard, gebore ongeveer 1669, Provence, Frankryk, sterf 1748. Pie rre sterf ?? Jun 1732. Arriveer in 1688 met die "Berg China" saam met sy vrou. In 1690 het hy geldelike bystand ontvang van die Bataafse Fonds, maar later was hy een van die grootste grondbesitters in die Drakensteingebied. Sy eerste plaas was Bellingkamp, toe Lormarins, La Motte, La Provence, La Roche en De Plaisante. Lg. was in die Land van Waveren en onbewerk toe hy dit gekry het. Hy en sy seun s het dit goed bewerk en met beeste daar geboer. In 1715 steel die Hottentotte al sy beeste.
His name is listed, and his signature can be seen, in the museum in Franschhoek, as among those Huguenots who arrived in 1688. This museum is adjacent to the very attractive monument dedicated to these intrepid and hardworking people, who left such an indelible mark on their country of adoption.
Pierre JOUBERT was born at Lamotte d'Aigues in the French province 'Provence', circa 1664. Hy vlug in 1685 na Switserland en trek vandaar al langs die Rynrivier tot by Rotterdam.
He married Susanne REYNE, born 1667, La Roche, d'Autheron, Provence, France, on 1 Feb 1688 in the Waalse Kerk, Brielle, Zuid Holland. Pierre JOUBERT and Isabeau RICHARD married 28 March 1688 en route to the Cape, she died 1748. He arrived in Table Bay 4 August 1688 on board the 'Berg China' that left Rotterdam on 20 June 1688. Pierre farmed a number of farms amongst others Lamotte, 1709 (named aft er his place of birth) and Provence, 1694 (named after his province of origin) in Franschoek. Another farm he owned was Bellingham, 1700. He also owned a farm in the Tulbagh basin, De Plaisant, 1716. Pierre died on 30 June 1732. The names Isabeau RICHARD and her husband Pierre MALAN appears on the passenger list of the Berg China, compiled 23 Dec 1687. It is therefor probable that Susanne REYNE (P ierre JOUBERT's first wife) died before the Berg China departed Rotterdam or en route to the Cape and that Pierre MALAN (Isabeau's husband)died before the Berg China arrived in Table Bay.
In 1690 he received financial assistance from the Batavian fund. Subsequently he became one of the big landwoners in Drakenstein. His farms inlcuded Bellingkamp, Lormarins, La Motte, La Provence, La R oche and De Plaisante. In 1715 Hottentotte people stole all his cattle.
Pierre Joubert en Isabeau Richard had 6 sons and 5 daughters:
1. Joshua * 1689 x Paarl 5 Aug 1725 Susanna Garde 2. Jacques (Jacob) * 1691 3. Isabeau (Elizabeth)* 1692 x 23 Jan 1717 Guillaume Loret van Nantes xx Paarl 25 May 1719 Paul Roux 4. Pierre (Pieter) *1694 + 1741 x 1 May 1718 Susanna de Villiers d/v Abraham 5. Jean ~ Paarl 7 Dec 1695 + voor 16 March 1738 x Paarl 22 Jun 1727 Maria van Wyk d/v Adriaan (Arie) 6. Francoise (Francina) ~ 11 Nov 1697 x Paarl 21 May 1719 Johannes Pleunis s/v Jacob 7. Louise ~ Paarl 6 Dec 1699 x Paarl 10 Oct 1718 Jean Lombard xx Jacobus de Villiers 8. Gideon * 1702 + 1738 x Stellenbosch 25 Feb 1725 Margaretha de Villiers d/v Jacob 9. Maria * 1704 + voor 24 Apr 1746 x Paarl 15 Sep 1726 Jan Loots van Amsterdam 10. Francois ~ Paarl 28 Nov 1706 + 1758, burger Drakenstein x Paarl 6 Nov 1729 Gesina van Deventer xx 18 Feb 1731 Elisabeth Cronje d/v Pierre 11. Rachel * 1710 x 22 Jan 1730 Dirk Willem Crafford van Utrecht xx 30 Oct 1744 Gerrit van Deventer xxx Tulbagh 24 Aug 1754 Johannes Albertus van Emmenis
There were rumours that Isabeau Richard and her future son-in-law Guillaume Loret committed adultery. The minister Henricus Beck implemented church discipline as a result in 1707.
De Villiers/Pama Heese/Lombard GC de Wet die Vryliede en Vryswartes in die Kaapse Nederesetting Verwysingsmateriaal, Boksburg biblioteek Verwysingsmateriaal, Springs LDS FHC biblioteek
Pierre Joubert ook genoem: Pierre Jaubert gebore ongeveer 1664, La Motte-d'Aigues, Frankryk, verw: a, beroep: Boer,(102) trou Isabeau Richard, gebore ongeveer 1669, Provence, Frankryk, sterf 1748. Pie rre sterf ?? Jun 1732. Arriveer in 1688 met die "Berg China" saam met sy vrou. In 1690 het hy geldelike bystand ontvang van die Bataafse Fonds, maar later was hy een van die grootste grondbesitters in die Drakensteingebied. Sy eerste plaas was Bellingkamp, toe Lormarins, La Motte, La Provence, La Roche en De Plaisante. Lg. was in die Land van Waveren en onbewerk toe hy dit gekry het. Hy en sy seun s het dit goed bewerk en met beeste daar geboer. In 1715 steel die Hottentotte al sy beeste.
His name is listed, and his signature can be seen, in the museum in Franschhoek, as among those Huguenots who arrived in 1688. This museum is adjacent to the very attractive monument dedicated to these intrepid and hardworking people, who left such an indelible mark on their country of adoption. a PIERRE JOUBERT , vanaf La Motte-d' Aigues in Provence, Frankryk * ca 1664 + 1732. Hy en sy vrou kom in 1688 aan boord die Berg China in die Kaap aan. Hy ontvang die plaas La Provence in Oliphantshoek (tans Franschhoek) in 1694. Die grondbrief is egter eers op 11.5.1712 uitgereik. Hy was 'n voorspoedige boer wat later ook die volgende plase besit het: De Plaisante (aan die Brederivier by Wolseley), L'Ormarins en Bellingham (te Drakenstein), La Roque, De Winterhoek en La Motte (te Oliphantshoek, die huidige Franschhoek), Montpellier (in die Land van Waveren (die huidige Tulbagh) asook Bartholomeusklip (by die Vier-en Twintigriviere naby die huidige Porterville). Hy het ook 'n huis en erf in Tafelvallei besit; x Europa, Isabeau RICHARDE, vanaf Provence, Frankryk, * 1667, + 7.10.1740. Na Pierre Joubert se dood het sy met die boerdery voortgegaan.
Stamvader van die Joubert familie in Suid-Afrika, Arriveer met die boot "Berg China" wat Rotterdam op 20 Maart 1688 verlaat het en op 4 Augustus 1688 Tafelbaai bereik. Hy boer op verskeie plase, o.a. Lamotte (vernoem na sy geboorteplek) en Provence (vernoem na die provinsie vanwaar hy kom). Hy besit ook een van die eerste plase in die Tulbach-kom, nl. De Plaisa.
Net voor hy Rotterdam verlaat, trou hy met Susanne Reyne in die Waalse Kerk, Brielle op 1 Februarie 1688. Susanne sterf egter in transito op die Berg China voordat die skip Rotterdam verlaat het of tydens die boot se reis na die Kaap.
Hy trou toe net daarna met Isabeau Richard. Dit is interressant om te weet dat die name van Isabeau Richard en haar vorige eggenoot, Pierre Malan, se name ook verskyn op die skeepslys van die "Berg China", opgestel 23 November 1687, en daarom kan ons aflei dat die waarskynlikheid is dat Susanne Reyne (Pierre Joubert se 1ste vrou) en Pierre Malan (Isabeau se 1ste man) albei oorlede is voordat die Berg China in Tafelbaai aangekom het.
Birth: Apr 25 1663
La Motte-d'Aigues, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Provance, Frankryk
Occupation: Agriculturist. Owned many farms in the Drakenstein
Move: Before 1688
Provence-La Coste, Frankryk
Aankoms in Kaap: Malherbe bl105 1688
Marriage: Marriage to: Susanne Joubert (v1), Za (born Reyne) Feb 1 1688
Waalse kerk, Brielle
Emigrasie: Mar 20 1688
Rotterdam, Nederland
Marriage: Marriage to: sv pa Isabeau (Elizabeth) Joubert (v2) (born Richard) Mar 20 1688
Ter See aan boord China op pad na K d G H, Suid-Afrika
Arriveer: Aug 4 1688
Rotterdam, Nederland
Death: June 30 1732
Paarl, Drakenstein, Kaap de Goede Hoop, Suid-Afrika
The Huguenot Heritage. The story of the Huguenots at the Cape by Lynne BRYER and Francois THERON. Chameleon Press. 1987. ISBN 0 620 11390 1
Page 36 - 37
Ship no. 5 Berg China
160 feet
Sailed from Rotterdam 20 March 1688
Arrived Table Bay 4 August 1688
Many passengers died at sea. One of the settlers was:
JAUBERT / JOUBERT, Pierre (24) (Provence)
Susanne REYNE (20), his wife, died on voyage
Isabeau RICHARDE (20), his second wife
(They appear to have married during the voyage)
Added by Y. DROST, 6 NOV 2015
This wing of the Joubert family is located in La Motte, Provence. The patriarch of the family is Pierre Joubert who is married to Jeanne Goirande. They have six children:
- i. Jeanne
- ii. David, married to Marguerite Borgue – they have children Pierre (22), Jacques and Judith
- iii. Catherine iv. Magdaleine
- v. Francoise
- vi. Jacques, married to Franchise Rambert – They have a son Pierre (22) This Joubert genealogy is provded by Kenn Joubert : http://www.eggsa.org/familia/19_4_1982_85_89.htm http://members.shaw.ca/cliffwoodfogge/Documents/China4thEdition.pdf
Suzanne Reyne & Pierre Joubert in Boucher
The name Pierre Jaubert (Joubert) does not appear in the December 1687 list of refugees on the Berg China; that of Susanne Reyne (Resne), however, “jonge dochter out 20 jaren”, is included. There was clearly a last-minute marriage here, as the register of the Walloon church at Brielle in the United Provinces indicates. The ceremony took place on February 1, 1688 and was conducted by Godefroi Lambiron after the publication of the required banns in a single day, with special permission of the town-council. The wording of the marriage entry has perpetuated an error: the bride is described as “Susanne Reyne de la Roque, native d’Antheron en provence”. It should read: “Susanne Reyne, native de La Roque-d’Antheron en Provence”.171 La Roque, closely linked until 1663 with the Lourmarin church, lies south of the Durance. Pierre Jaubert’s place of birth is correctly given as La Motte- d'Aigues. At the time of his marriage he would be about twenty-four years of age.
Also in the embarkation list for the Berg China are Pierre Malian (Malan), a young man of twenty-three, and his wife of twenty, Isabeau Richarde. Herein lies an apparent mystery, since we hear no more of Pierre Malian and Susanne Reyne and find that at the Cape Pierre Jaubert is the husband of Isabeau (Elisabeth) Richarde. It is perhaps no mystery at all. Death doubtless claimed two of these refugees and the survivors remarried.172 The place where this second ceremony took place remains uncertain.
...In the records of La Motte-d’Aigues we are confronted with a not unusual proliferation of Jauberts. Was the Cape refugee perhaps the Pierre Jaubert, son of the late Pierre, agriculturalist, or a son of the late David, who followed the same calling? The latter was a nephew of Catherine Jauberte, married to Antoine Roux of Cabrieres. Another of her nephews was Pierre Jaubert, son of the late Jacques.173 The relationships are confusing, but there can be no doubt that Pierre Jaubert of Drakenstein stemmed from this stock. There appear to have been at least two Pierre Jauberts in Amsterdam, both arriving in 1686 with attestations from Geneva, the usual escape route from this part of France.174 • M. Boucher.M (1981). French speakers at the Cape: The European Background. Pretoria, UNISA: Ch 7: Cape Settlers III: from South-Eastern France and Adjoining Territories p189-90
{geni:about_me} *Birth Date 1664
- Death Date 30/6/1732
- First Name Pierre David
- Last Name Joubert
- Suffix II SV/PROG
- Gender Male
- Birth Location De La Motte, D'Aigues, Provence, France
- Death Location Drakenstein, RSA, Western Cape, South Africa
- Burial Date June 1732
Pierre Joubert * Lamotte d'Aigues in die Franse provinsie, Provence c. 1664 † 30.6.1732 a. met die boot Berg China wat Rotterdam op 20.3.1688 verlaat en op 4.8.1688 Tafelbaai bereik. Hy boer op verskeie plase, o.a. Lamotte (vernoem na sy geboorteplek) en Provence (vernoem na die provinsie vanwaar hy kom). Hy besit ook een van die eerste plase in die Tulbagh-kom, nl. De Plaisa x Waalse kerk, Brielle 1.2.1688 Susanne REYNE * La Roque d'Antheron in Provence † voor die Berg China Rotterdam op 20.3.1688 verlaat het, of tydens die boot se reis na die Kaap xx Isabeau RICHARD wed. v. Pierre Malan * c. 1668 † Drakenstein c. 1748. Die name v. Isabeau Richard en haar eggenoot, Pierre Malan, verskyn op die skeepslys van die Berg China, opgestel 23.12.1687. Die waarskynlikheid is dus dat Susanne Reyne en Pierre Malan oorlede is voordat die Berg China in Tafelbaai aangekom het.
b1 Josúe * c. 1689 x Paarl 5.8.1725 Susanne GARDE * c. 1703 † Waveren
b2 Jacques (Jacob) * c. 1691
b3 Isabeau (Elizabeth) * c. 1692 x 23.1.1717 Guillaume LORET v. Nantes * c. 1671 † Drakenstein 5.1.1718 xx Paarl 21.5.1719 Paul ROUX
b4 Pierre * c. 1694 † c. 1741 x 1.5.1718 Susanna DE VILLIERS * c. 1697 † c. 1766 (Abraham-dg)
b5 Jean = Paarl 7.12.1695 † voor 16.3.1738 x Paarl 22.6.1727 Maria VAN WYK d.v. Adriaan (Arie) van Wyk en Cornelia Helm (sy xx 29.11.1739 Coenraad Striegel)
b6 Francoise (Francina) = Paarl 11.11.1697 x Paarl 21.5.1719 Johannes PLEUNIS
b7 Louise = Paarl 6.12.1699 x Paarl 10.10.1718 Jan (Jean) LOMBARD * c. 1698 † c. 1720 xx Jacobus DE VILLIERS
b8 Gideon * c. 1702 † c. 1738 x Stellenbosch 25.2.1725 Margaretha DE VILLIERS * c. 1705 (Jacob-dg) (sy xx Heinrich Hoppe)
b9 Maria * c. 1704 † voor 24.4.1746 x Paarl 15.9.1726 Jan LOOTS v. Amsterdam
b10 Francois = Paarl 28.11.1706 † c. 1758 x Paarl 6.11.1729 Gesina VAN DEVENTER xx 18.2.1731 Elizabeth (Isabeau) CRONJÉ * 8.11.1711 † c. 1786 d.v. Pierre Cronier en Suzanne Taillefert
b11 Rachel * c. l710 x Paarl 22.1.1730 Dirk Willem CRAFFORD v. Utrecht xx 30.10.1744 Geirit VAN DEVENTER xxx Tulbagh 24.8.1754 Johannes Albertus VAN IMMENIS (Van Emmenis)
Joubert is on Facebook -
Bron/Source: Weesc. K d GH inventaris
Reference no.: MOOC8/5.78 Testator(s): Pieter Jubert Susanna de Villiers
26 September 1730
Inventaris van alle sodanige goederen, als ’er sijn naargelaten en met er dood ontruijmt door Pieter Jubert de Jonge en sijn vooroverledene huijsvrouw Susanna de Villiers, ten voordeele van
haar bij den anderen in huwelijk verwekte vier minderjarige kinderen te weten Susanna oud 12 Elisabeth oud 9 Pieter oud 6 jaren en Rachel Jubert oud 6 maanden
so en indiervoegen als deselve door de grootvader van gem: kinderen de landbouwer Pieter Jubert d' oude, aan de ondergetekende gecommitteerde Weesm:ren sijn opgegeven en bevonden, als volgt
Een plaats ofte hofstede gelegen aan Drakestein over de Bergrevier genaamt de Drie Fontaine
From La Motte-d'Aigues in Provence France He and his wife came in 1688 to *die Kaap* now known as South Africa on the ship *Berg China*..sailed on the 20 march 1688 and arrived in Table Bay on 4 august 1688. The ship was owned by the *Kamer of Rotterdam* and was 160 ft long. a load of 500 tons and 175 passengers. 19 people (Huguenot Fugitives) died on the trip and 50 sick arrived in Table bay, according to the Logbook. on board of this ship: -Jean Mesnart (28) - -Louise Corbonne (30) -Her mother- in-law Marie Anthonarde (64) their 6 childeren, Jean 10, George 9, Jacques 8, Jean 7 Philippe 6, Andre baby of 5 months. -Anthoine Madan 38, his wife Elisabeth Verdette and their daughter of 10 months -Jean Marthe, wid or Jourdan 60) her sons Jean Jourdan 28, Pierre Jourdan 24. -Marie Jourdan wid of 40, her three daughters Marie 10 and Margarete 7. -Pierre Malan 23 and his wife ISABEAU 20 ,(Note: in some notes Pierre Joubert's wife Susanne Resne who he married in Brielle, died on the ship..and Pierre Malan died also on the same ship, and Isabeau married Pierre Joubert.) -Pierre Jourdan 24, Paul Jourdan, Andre Pelanchon 15 (3 cousins), -Mathieu Frachasse 18, -Pierre Goiraud 30 his wife Francoise 28 -Susanne Resne daughter of 2 yrs old, -Anthoine Senet 19, -and a few orphan girls. (taken from the book of Pieter Coertzen - Huguenots of South africa -NB on this ship according to his page 80 in named book..there is NO Pierre Joubert on board... mistake? maybe Pierre Malan is Pierre Joubert???) )
He received land in Oliphantshoek (now known as Franschhoek) in 1694. The letter of acknowledgement came only on the 11 May 1712. The farm he built is called La provence. He was very wealthy, through hardworking. The farms he owned were;- La Provence de Plaisante in *t Land van Waveren*(near Wolseley, on the Breederiver)which his son Pierre received in 1716. l'Ormarins(Franschhoek) Bellingham (Drakenstein) in 1700 La Roque in 1709
Jean Imbert has named Pierre Joubert, in 1723, as his heir.
Pierre Joubert, amongst others (Isaac Taillefert, Jacques Malan, Francois Retif, Josue Cellier and Paul Couvret) are named as the pioneers in wine production .
Estienne Niel was named the most succesfull farmer in the farming community, followed by the *three Pierre's* Pierre Rousseau, Pierre Joubert and Pierre le Fevre.
Marriage 1 Susanne Reyne (RESNE) b: 1668 in Roque d'Antheron (Provence) France Married: 1688 in Brielle (Nederland)
Marriage 2 Isabeau RICHARDE b: 1667 in Provence (France) Married: 1688 in on the Ship Berg China Note: After His wife, Susanne Resne (Reyne) died on the ship China. he married Isabeau, who was married to Malan..who died also on the ship China.
Pierre Joubert arriveer aan die Kaap op die skip "Berg China" met sy vrou Isabeau Richard. Hy was landbouer en besit baie plase in die Drakenstein distrik
Verwysing: Gelagregister van Vroeë Kaapse families Ancestry24.com Cor Pama Groot naamboek van Afrikaanse Families.
Birth Apr 1663 at De La Motte D'Aigues, Provence and is the progenitor for this branch of JOUBERT in South Africa Arrival 4 Aug 1688 Table Bay, Cape of Good Hope
Residence: La Motte, Franschhoek.
Pierre JOUBERT was born at Lamotte d'Aigues in the French province 'Provence', circa 1664. Hy vlug in 1685 na Switserland en trek vandaar al langs die Rynrivier tot by Rotterdam. He married Susanne REYNE, born 1667, La Roche, d'Autheron, Provence, France, on 1 Feb 1688 in the Waalse Kerk, Brielle, Zuid Holland. Pierre JOUBERT and Isabeau RICHARD married 28 March 1688 en route to the Cape, she died 1748. He arrived in Table Bay 4 August 1688 on board the 'Berg China' that left Rotterdam on 20 June 1688. Pierre farmed a number of farms amongst others Lamotte, 1709 (named after his place of birth) and Provence, 1694 (named after his province of origin) in Franschoek. Another farm he owned was Bellingham, 1700. He also owned a farm in the Tulbagh basin, De Plaisant, 1716. Pierre died on 30 June 1732. The names Isabeau RICHARD and her husband Pierre MALAN appears on the passenger list of the Berg China, compiled23 Dec 1687. It is therefor probable that Susanne REYNE (Pierre JOUBERT's first wife) died before the Berg China departed Rotterdam or en route to the Cape and that Pierre MALAN (Isabeau's husband)died before the Berg China arrived in Table Bay.
In 1690 he received financial assistance from the Batavian fund. Subsequently he became one of the big landowners in Drakenstein. His farms inlcuded Bellingkamp, Lormarins, La Motte, La Provence, La Roche and De Plaisante. In 1715Hottentotte people stole all his cattle.
Pierre Joubert en Isabeau Richard had 6 sons and 5 daughters:
1. Joshua * 1689 x Paarl 5 Aug 1725 Susanna Garde 2. Jacques (Jacob) * 1691 3. Isabeau (Elizabeth)* 1692 x 23 Jan 1717 Guillaume Loret van Nantes xx Paarl 25 May 1719 Paul Roux 4. Pierre (Pieter) *1694 + 1741 x 1 May 1718 Susanna de Villiers d/v Abraham 5. Jean ~ Paarl 7 Dec 1695 + voor 16 March 1738 x Paarl 22 Jun 1727 Maria van Wyk d/v Adriaan (Arie) 6. Francoise (Francina) ~ 11 Nov 1697 x Paarl 21 May 1719 Johannes Pleunis s/v Jacob 7. Louise ~ Paarl 6 Dec 1699 x Paarl 10 Oct 1718 Jean Lombard xx Jacobus de Villiers 8. Gideon * 1702 + 1738 x Stellenbosch 25 Feb 1725 Margaretha de Villiers d/v Jacob 9. Maria * 1704 + voor 24 Apr 1746 x Paarl 15 Sep 1726 Jan Loots van Amsterdam 10. Francois ~ Paarl 28 Nov 1706 + 1758, burger Drakenstein x Paarl 6 Nov 1729 Gesina van Deventer xx 18 Feb 1731 Elisabeth Cronje d/v Pierre 11. Rachel * 1710 x 22 Jan 1730 Dirk Willem Crafford van Utrecht xx 30 Oct 1744 Gerrit van Deventer xxx Tulbagh 24 Aug 1754 Johannes Albertus van Emmenis
There were rumours that Isabeau Richard and her future son-in-law Guillaume Loret committed adultery. The minister Henricus Beck implemented church discipline as a result in 1707.
Verwysings: De Villiers/Pama Heese/Lombard GC de Wet die Vryliede en Vryswartes in die Kaapse Nederesetting Verwysingsmateriaal, Boksburg biblioteek Verwysingsmateriaal, Springs LDS FHC biblioteek
Saamgestel deur: Martina Louw (nee van Breda) Kennethl@xtra.co.nz
Thanks to submission by: Adré Ellis adreellis@lantic.net webpage http://users.lantic.net/adreellis/ AM van Rensburg
JOUBERT, PierreJOUBERT, Pierre Proginitor of this branch of the JOUBERT family in South Africa. Pierre JOUBERT was born at Lamotte d'Aigues in the French province' Provence, circa 1664. He arrived in Table Bay 4 August 1688 on board the 'Berg China' that left Rotterdam on 20 June 1688. Pierre farmed a number of farms amongst others Lamotte (named after his place of birth) and Provence (named after his province of origin). He also owned one of the first farms in the Tulbagh basin, De Plasia. Pierre died on 30 June 1732.
Married to Isabeau Richard Emigrated 20 Mar 1688 from Rotterdam, Netherlands. Ship "Berg China" arrived Table Bay 4 Aug 1688. Stamvader. In 1695, a piece of land situated in a valley between the Drakenstein Mountains and Olifantshoek was granted to Hans Hattingh, a German immigrant from Speyer. In 1709 his neighbour, French Huguenot Pierre Joubert, purchased the land and named it after the village of his birth in Provence, La Motte d’ Aigues.
Married to Isabeau Richard Daughter Louisa Joubert born 1699 Emigrated 20 Mar 1688 from Rotterdam, Netherlands. Ship "Berg China" arrived Table Bay 4 Aug 1688. Stamvader.
Ellen Stanton writes : http://www.genealogyworld.net/ellen/NotesonHuguenotFamilies.htm JOUBERT, Pierre, 23 years old, and Isabeau RICHARD his wife, 20 years old, arrived in the China, which sailed from Rotterdam on 20th March 1688. This couple is in the Distribution List 1690 ‘with one child.’ and among Drakenstein families 1692 ‘with two children.’ A joint will was executed by Pierre JOUBERT and his wife on the 30th November 1718, in which their ages are given as 55 and 48 respectively, both of them being described as from Provence. Pierre died about 1732, and his widow about 1748. At her death she owned among other properties the farms:--‘Bellingkamp.’ ‘Lormarius,’ ‘La Rocke’ (Roche?), ‘La Motte,’ and ‘La Provence,’ all situated in the Drakenstein district, and ‘DePlaisante’ situated in Waveren (now Tulbagh). The oldest of these farms was ‘Bellingkamp’ the grant of which is dated 8th October 1695. Numerous descendants still living, among them Piet JOUBERT, the well-known Commandant Generalof the Transvaal (now South African) Republic.
K. van der Berg Joubert published in Familia vol. 19, no. 4, 1982, P. 85-89
On the 20th March, 1688, one Pierre Joubert of de la Motte d'Aigues sailed from Rotterdam on the ship 'Berg China' as a bachelor. For some reason, writers over history have provided him with an appropriate wife on board - Isabeau Richard. It is interesting to note that on the passenger list of the 'Berg China' published in the 1970 edition of Botha's book, Isabeau Richard is shown as the '20 year old wife of Pierre Malan'. It can only be assumed that Pierre Malan was one of the 30 deaths reported on board the four month voyage and that Pierre Joubert married the 'widow'.
In 1695, a piece of land situated in a valley between the Drakenstein Mountains and Olifantshoek was granted to Hans Hattingh, a German immigrant from Speyer. In 1709 his neighbour, French Huguenot Pierre Joubert, purchased the land and named it after the village of his birth in Provence, La Motte d’ Aigues.
Came to South Africa in 1688
Pierre JOUBERT was born at Lamotte d'Aigues in the French province 'Provence', circa 1664. Hy vlug in 1685 na Switserland en trek vandaar al langs die Rynrivier tot by Rotterdam.
He married Susanne REYNE, born 1667, La Roche, d'Autheron, Provence, France, on 1 Feb 1688 in the Waalse Kerk, Brielle, Zuid Holland. Pierre JOUBERT and Isabeau RICHARD married 28 March 1688 en route to the Cape, she died 1748. Hearrived in Table Bay 4 August 1688 on board the 'Berg China' that left Rotterdam on 20 June 1688. Pierre farmed a number of farms amongst others Lamotte, 1709 (named aft er his place of birth) and Provence, 1694 (named after his province of origin) in Franschoek. Another farm he owned was Bellingham, 1700. He also owned a farm in the Tulbagh basin, De Plaisant, 1716. Pierre died on 30 June 1732. The names Isabeau RICHARD and her husband Pierre MALAN appears on the passenger list of the Berg China, compiled 23 Dec 1687. It is therefor probable that Susanne REYNE (P ierre JOUBERT's first wife) died before the Berg China departed Rotterdam or en route to the Cape and that Pierre MALAN (Isabeau's husband)died before the Berg China arrived in Table Bay.
In 1690 he received financial assistance from the Batavian fund. Subsequently he became one of the big landwoners in Drakenstein. His farms inlcuded Bellingkamp, Lormarins, La Motte, La Provence, La R oche and De Plaisante. In 1715 Hottentotte people stole all his cattle.
Pierre Joubert en Isabeau Richard had 6 sons and 5 daughters:
1. Joshua * 1689 x Paarl 5 Aug 1725 Susanna Garde 2. Jacques (Jacob) * 1691 3. Isabeau (Elizabeth)* 1692 x 23 Jan 1717 Guillaume Loret van Nantes xx Paarl 25 May 1719 Paul Roux 4. Pierre (Pieter) *1694 + 1741 x 1 May 1718 Susanna de Villiers d/v Abraham 5. Jean ~ Paarl 7 Dec 1695 + voor 16 March 1738 x Paarl 22 Jun 1727 Maria van Wyk d/v Adriaan (Arie) 6. Francoise (Francina) ~ 11 Nov 1697 x Paarl 21 May 1719 Johannes Pleunis s/v Jacob 7. Louise ~ Paarl 6 Dec 1699 x Paarl 10 Oct 1718 Jean Lombard xx Jacobus de Villiers 8. Gideon * 1702 + 1738 x Stellenbosch 25 Feb 1725 Margaretha de Villiers d/v Jacob 9. Maria * 1704 + voor 24 Apr 1746 x Paarl 15 Sep 1726 Jan Loots van Amsterdam 10. Francois ~ Paarl 28 Nov 1706 + 1758, burger Drakenstein x Paarl 6 Nov 1729 Gesina van Deventer xx 18 Feb 1731 Elisabeth Cronje d/v Pierre 11. Rachel * 1710 x 22 Jan 1730 Dirk Willem Crafford van Utrecht xx 30 Oct 1744 Gerrit van Deventer xxx Tulbagh 24 Aug 1754 Johannes Albertus van Emmenis
There were rumours that Isabeau Richard and her future son-in-law Guillaume Loret committed adultery. The minister Henricus Beck implemented church discipline as a result in 1707.
De Villiers/Pama Heese/Lombard GC de Wet die Vryliede en Vryswartes in die Kaapse Nederesetting Verwysingsmateriaal, Boksburg biblioteek Verwysingsmateriaal, Springs LDS FHC biblioteek
Pierre Joubert ook genoem: Pierre Jaubert gebore ongeveer 1664, La Motte-d'Aigues, Frankryk, verw: a, beroep: Boer,(102) trou Isabeau Richard, gebore ongeveer 1669, Provence, Frankryk, sterf 1748. Pie rre sterf ?? Jun 1732. Arriveer in 1688 met die "Berg China" saam met sy vrou. In 1690 het hy geldelike bystand ontvang van die Bataafse Fonds, maar later was hy een van die grootste grondbesitters in die Drakensteingebied. Sy eerste plaas was Bellingkamp, toe Lormarins, La Motte, La Provence, La Roche en De Plaisante. Lg. was in die Land van Waveren en onbewerk toe hy dit gekry het. Hy en sy seun s het dit goed bewerk en met beeste daar geboer. In 1715 steel die Hottentotte al sy beeste.
His name is listed, and his signature can be seen, in the museum in Franschhoek, as among those Huguenots who arrived in 1688. This museum is adjacent to the very attractive monument dedicated to these intrepid and hardworking people, who left such an indelible mark on their country of adoption.
Pierre JOUBERT was born at Lamotte d'Aigues in the French province 'Provence', circa 1664. Hy vlug in 1685 na Switserland en trek vandaar al langs die Rynrivier tot by Rotterdam.
He married Susanne REYNE, born 1667, La Roche, d'Autheron, Provence, France, on 1 Feb 1688 in the Waalse Kerk, Brielle, Zuid Holland. Pierre JOUBERT and Isabeau RICHARD married 28 March 1688 en route to the Cape, she died 1748. Hearrived in Table Bay 4 August 1688 on board the 'Berg China' that left Rotterdam on 20 June 1688. Pierre farmed a number of farms amongst others Lamotte, 1709 (named aft er his place of birth) and Provence, 1694 (named after his province of origin) in Franschoek. Another farm he owned was Bellingham, 1700. He also owned a farm in the Tulbagh basin, De Plaisant, 1716. Pierre died on 30 June 1732. The names Isabeau RICHARD and her husband Pierre MALAN appears on the passenger list of the Berg China, compiled 23 Dec 1687. It is therefor probable that Susanne REYNE (P ierre JOUBERT's first wife) died before the Berg China departed Rotterdam or en route to the Cape and that Pierre MALAN (Isabeau's husband)died before the Berg China arrived in Table Bay.
In 1690 he received financial assistance from the Batavian fund. Subsequently he became one of the big landwoners in Drakenstein. His farms inlcuded Bellingkamp, Lormarins, La Motte, La Provence, La R oche and De Plaisante. In 1715 Hottentotte people stole all his cattle.
Pierre Joubert en Isabeau Richard had 6 sons and 5 daughters:
1. Joshua * 1689 x Paarl 5 Aug 1725 Susanna Garde 2. Jacques (Jacob) * 1691 3. Isabeau (Elizabeth)* 1692 x 23 Jan 1717 Guillaume Loret van Nantes xx Paarl 25 May 1719 Paul Roux 4. Pierre (Pieter) *1694 + 1741 x 1 May 1718 Susanna de Villiers d/v Abraham 5. Jean ~ Paarl 7 Dec 1695 + voor 16 March 1738 x Paarl 22 Jun 1727 Maria van Wyk d/v Adriaan (Arie) 6. Francoise (Francina) ~ 11 Nov 1697 x Paarl 21 May 1719 Johannes Pleunis s/v Jacob 7. Louise ~ Paarl 6 Dec 1699 x Paarl 10 Oct 1718 Jean Lombard xx Jacobus de Villiers 8. Gideon * 1702 + 1738 x Stellenbosch 25 Feb 1725 Margaretha de Villiers d/v Jacob 9. Maria * 1704 + voor 24 Apr 1746 x Paarl 15 Sep 1726 Jan Loots van Amsterdam 10. Francois ~ Paarl 28 Nov 1706 + 1758, burger Drakenstein x Paarl 6 Nov 1729 Gesina van Deventer xx 18 Feb 1731 Elisabeth Cronje d/v Pierre 11. Rachel * 1710 x 22 Jan 1730 Dirk Willem Crafford van Utrecht xx 30 Oct 1744 Gerrit van Deventer xxx Tulbagh 24 Aug 1754 Johannes Albertus van Emmenis
There were rumours that Isabeau Richard and her future son-in-law Guillaume Loret committed adultery. The minister Henricus Beck implemented church discipline as a result in 1707.
De Villiers/Pama Heese/Lombard GC de Wet die Vryliede en Vryswartes in die Kaapse Nederesetting Verwysingsmateriaal, Boksburg biblioteek Verwysingsmateriaal, Springs LDS FHC biblioteek
Pierre Joubert ook genoem: Pierre Jaubert gebore ongeveer 1664, La Motte-d'Aigues, Frankryk, verw: a, beroep: Boer,(102) trou Isabeau Richard, gebore ongeveer 1669, Provence, Frankryk, sterf 1748. Pie rre sterf ?? Jun 1732. Arriveer in 1688 met die "Berg China" saam met sy vrou. In 1690 het hy geldelike bystand ontvang van die Bataafse Fonds, maar later was hy een van die grootste grondbesitters in die Drakensteingebied. Sy eerste plaas was Bellingkamp, toe Lormarins, La Motte, La Provence, La Roche en De Plaisante. Lg. was in die Land van Waveren en onbewerk toe hy dit gekry het. Hy en sy seun s het dit goed bewerk en met beeste daar geboer. In 1715 steel die Hottentotte al sy beeste.
His name is listed, and his signature can be seen, in the museum in Franschhoek, as among those Huguenots who arrived in 1688. This museum is adjacent to the very attractive monument dedicated to these intrepid and hardworking people, who left such an indelible mark on their country of adoption. a PIERRE JOUBERT , vanaf La Motte-d' Aigues in Provence, Frankryk * ca 1664 + 1732. Hy en sy vrou kom in 1688 aan boord die Berg China in die Kaap aan. Hy ontvang die plaas La Provence in Oliphantshoek (tans Franschhoek) in 1694. Die grondbrief is egter eers op 11.5.1712 uitgereik. Hy was 'n voorspoedige boer wat later ook die volgende plase besit het: De Plaisante (aan die Brederivier by Wolseley), L'Ormarins en Bellingham (te Drakenstein), La Roque, DeWinterhoek en La Motte (te Oliphantshoek, die huidige Franschhoek), Montpellier (in die Land van Waveren (die huidige Tulbagh) asook Bartholomeusklip (by die Vier-en Twintigriviere naby die huidige Porterville). Hy het ook 'n huis en erf in Tafelvallei besit; x Europa, Isabeau RICHARDE, vanaf Provence, Frankryk, * 1667, + 7.10.1740. Na Pierre Joubert se dood het sy met die boerdery voortgegaan.
Stamvader van die Joubert familie in Suid-Afrika, Arriveer met die boot "Berg China" wat Rotterdam op 20 Maart 1688 verlaat het en op 4 Augustus 1688 Tafelbaai bereik. Hy boer op verskeie plase, o.a. Lamotte (vernoem na sy geboorteplek) en Provence (vernoem na die provinsie vanwaar hy kom). Hy besit ook een van die eerste plase in die Tulbach-kom, nl. De Plaisa.
Net voor hy Rotterdam verlaat, trou hy met Susanne Reyne in die Waalse Kerk, Brielle op 1 Februarie 1688. Susanne sterf egter in transito op die Berg China voordat die skip Rotterdam verlaat het of tydens die boot se reis na die Kaap.
Hy trou toe net daarna met Isabeau Richard. Dit is interressant om te weet dat die name van Isabeau Richard en haar vorige eggenoot, Pierre Malan, se name ook verskyn op die skeepslys van die "Berg China", opgestel 23 November 1687, en daarom kan ons aflei dat die waarskynlikheid is dat Susanne Reyne (Pierre Joubert se 1ste vrou) en Pierre Malan (Isabeau se 1ste man) albei oorlede is voordat die Berg China in Tafelbaai aangekom het.
Birth: Apr 25 1663 La Motte-d'Aigues, Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Provance, Frankryk
Occupation: Agriculturist. Owned many farms in the Drakenstein
Move: Before 1688 Provence-La Coste, Frankryk
Aankoms in Kaap: Malherbe bl105 1688
Marriage: Marriage to: Susanne Joubert (v1), Za (born Reyne) Feb 1 1688 Waalse kerk, Brielle
Emigrasie: Mar 20 1688 Rotterdam, Nederland
Marriage: Marriage to: sv pa Isabeau (Elizabeth) Joubert (v2) (born Richard) Mar 20 1688 Ter See aan boord China op pad na K d G H, Suid-Afrika
Arriveer: Aug 4 1688 Rotterdam, Nederland
Death: June 30 1732 Paarl, Drakenstein, Kaap de Goede Hoop, Suid-Afrika
The Huguenot Heritage. The story of the Huguenots at the Cape by Lynne BRYER and Francois THERON. Chameleon Press. 1987. ISBN 0 620 11390 1
Page 36 - 37
Ship no. 5 Berg China
160 feet
Sailed from Rotterdam 20 March 1688
Arrived Table Bay 4 August 1688
Many passengers died at sea. One of the settlers was:
JAUBERT / JOUBERT, Pierre (24) (Provence)
Susanne REYNE (20), his wife, died on voyage
Isabeau RICHARDE (20), his second wife
(They appear to have married during the voyage)
Added by Y. DROST, 6 NOV 2015
This wing of the Joubert family is located in La Motte, Provence. The patriarch of the family is Pierre Joubert who is married to Jeanne Goirande. They have six children:
- i. Jeanne
- ii. David, married to Marguerite Borgue – they have children Pierre (22), Jacques and Judith
- iii. Catherine iv. Magdaleine
- v. Francoise
- vi. Jacques, married to Franchise Rambert – They have a son Pierre (22) This Joubert genealogy is provded by Kenn Joubert : http://www.eggsa.org/familia/19_4_1982_85_89.htm http://members.shaw.ca/cliffwoodfogge/Documents/China4thEdition.pdf
Suzanne Reyne & Pierre Joubert in Boucher
The name Pierre Jaubert (Joubert) does not appear in the December 1687 list of refugees on the Berg China; that of Susanne Reyne (Resne), however, “jonge dochter out 20 jaren”, is included. There was clearly a last-minute marriagehere, as the register of the Walloon church at Brielle in the United Provinces indicates. The ceremony took place on February 1, 1688 and was conducted by Godefroi Lambiron after the publication of the required banns in a single day, with special permission of the town-council. The wording of the marriage entry has perpetuated an error: the bride is described as “Susanne Reyne de la Roque, native d’Antheron en provence”. It should read: “Susanne Reyne, native de La Roque-d’Antheron en Provence”.171 La Roque, closely linked until 1663 with the Lourmarin church, lies south of the Durance. Pierre Jaubert’s place of birth is correctly given as La Motte- d'Aigues. At the time of his marriage he would be about twenty-four years of age.
Also in the embarkation list for the Berg China are Pierre Malian (Malan), a young man of twenty-three, and his wife of twenty, Isabeau Richarde. Herein lies an apparent mystery, since we hear no more of Pierre Malian and Susanne Reyne and find that at the Cape Pierre Jaubert is the husband of Isabeau (Elisabeth) Richarde. It is perhaps no mystery at all. Death doubtless claimed two of these refugees and the survivors remarried.172 The place where this second ceremony took place remains uncertain.
...In the records of La Motte-d’Aigues we are confronted with a not unusual proliferation of Jauberts. Was the Cape refugee perhaps the Pierre Jaubert, son of the late Pierre, agriculturalist, or a son of the late David, who followed the same calling? The latter was a nephew of Catherine Jauberte, married to Antoine Roux of Cabrieres. Another of her nephews was Pierre Jaubert, son of the late Jacques.173 The relationships are confusing, but there can be nodoubt that Pierre Jaubert of Drakenstein stemmed from this stock. There appear to have been at least two Pierre Jauberts in Amsterdam, both arriving in 1686 with attestations from Geneva, the usual escape route from this part of France.174 • M. Boucher.M (1981). French speakers at the Cape: The European Background. Pretoria, UNISA: Ch 7: Cape Settlers III: from South-Eastern France and Adjoining Territories p189-90
Pierre JOUBERT was born at Lamotte d'Aigues in the French province 'Provence', circa 1664. Hy vlug in 1685 na Switserland en trek vandaar al langs die Rynrivier tot by Rotterdam. He married Susanne REYNE, born 1667, La Roche, d'Autheron, Provence, France, on 1 Feb 1688 in the Waalse Kerk, Brielle, Zuid Holland. Pierre JOUBERT and Isabeau RICHARD married 28 March 1688 en route to the Cape, she died 1748. He arrived in Table Bay 4 August 1688 on board the 'Berg China' that left Rotterdam on 20 June 1688. Pierre farmed a number of farms amongst others Lamotte, 1709 (named after his place of birth) and Provence, 1694 (named after his province of origin) in Franschoek. Another farm he owned was Bellingham, 1700. He also owned a farm in the Tulbagh basin, De Plaisant, 1716. Pierre died on 30 June 1732. The names Isabeau RICHARD and her husband Pierre MALAN appears on the passenger list of the Berg China, compiled23 Dec 1687. It is therefor probable that Susanne REYNE (Pierre JOUBERT's first wife) died before the Berg China departed Rotterdam or en route to the Cape and that Pierre MALAN (Isabeau's husband)died before the Berg China arrived in Table Bay.
In 1690 he received financial assistance from the Batavian fund. Subsequently he became one of the big landwoners in Drakenstein. His farms inlcuded Bellingkamp, Lormarins, La Motte, La Provence, La Roche and De Plaisante. In 1715Hottentotte people stole all his cattle.
Pierre Joubert en Isabeau Richard had 6 sons and 5 daughters:
1. Joshua * 1689 x Paarl 5 Aug 1725 Susanna Garde 2. Jacques (Jacob) * 1691 3. Isabeau (Elizabeth)* 1692 x 23 Jan 1717 Guillaume Loret van Nantes xx Paarl 25 May 1719 Paul Roux 4. Pierre (Pieter) *1694 + 1741 x 1 May 1718 Susanna de Villiers d/v Abraham 5. Jean ~ Paarl 7 Dec 1695 + voor 16 March 1738 x Paarl 22 Jun 1727 Maria van Wyk d/v Adriaan (Arie) 6. Francoise (Francina) ~ 11 Nov 1697 x Paarl 21 May 1719 Johannes Pleunis s/v Jacob 7. Louise ~ Paarl 6 Dec 1699 x Paarl 10 Oct 1718 Jean Lombard xx Jacobus de Villiers 8. Gideon * 1702 + 1738 x Stellenbosch 25 Feb 1725 Margaretha de Villiers d/v Jacob 9. Maria * 1704 + voor 24 Apr 1746 x Paarl 15 Sep 1726 Jan Loots van Amsterdam 10. Francois ~ Paarl 28 Nov 1706 + 1758, burger Drakenstein x Paarl 6 Nov 1729 Gesina van Deventer xx 18 Feb 1731 Elisabeth Cronje d/v Pierre 11. Rachel * 1710 x 22 Jan 1730 Dirk Willem Crafford van Utrecht xx 30 Oct 1744 Gerrit van Deventer xxx Tulbagh 24 Aug 1754 Johannes Albertus van Emmenis
There were rumours that Isabeau Richard and her future son-in-law Guillaume Loret committed adultery. The minister Henricus Beck implemented church discipline as a result in 1707.
Verwysings: De Villiers/Pama Heese/Lombard GC de Wet die Vryliede en Vryswartes in die Kaapse Nederesetting Verwysingsmateriaal, Boksburg biblioteek Verwysingsmateriaal, Springs LDS FHC biblioteek
Pierre Joubert was die Hugenoot met die meeste huismeesters (onderwysers) in sy diens, o.a. David du Buisson
GEDCOM Import _UPD = 10 DEC 2008 21:11:30 GMT+2
Pierre JOUBERT was born at Lamotte d'Aigues in the French province 'Provence', circa 1664. Hy vlug in 1685 na Switserland en trek vandaar al langs die Rynrivier tot by Rotterdam. He married Susanne REYNE, born 1667, La Roche, d'Autheron, Provence, France, on 1 Feb 1688 in the Waalse Kerk, Brielle, Zuid Holland. Pierre JOUBERT and Isabeau RICHARD married 28 March 1688 en route to the Cape, she died 1748. He arrived in Table Bay 4 August 1688 on board the 'Berg China' that left Rotterdam on 20 June 1688. Pierre farmed a number of farms amongst others Lamotte, 1709 (named after his place of birth) and Provence, 1694 (named after his province of origin) in Franschoek. Another farm he owned was Bellingham, 1700. He also owned a farm in the Tulbagh basin, De Plaisant, 1716. Pierre died on 30 June 1732. The names Isabeau RICHARD and her husband Pierre MALAN appears on the passenger list of the Berg China, compiled23 Dec 1687. It is therefor probable that Susanne REYNE (Pierre JOUBERT's first wife) died before the Berg China departed Rotterdam or en route to the Cape and that Pierre MALAN (Isabeau's husband)died before the Berg China arrived in Table Bay.
In 1690 he received financial assistance from the Batavian fund. Subsequently he became one of the big landwoners in Drakenstein. His farms inlcuded Bellingkamp, Lormarins, La Motte, La Provence, La Roche and De Plaisante. In 1715Hottentotte people stole all his cattle.
Pierre Joubert en Isabeau Richard had 6 sons and 5 daughters:
1. Joshua * 1689 x Paarl 5 Aug 1725 Susanna Garde 2. Jacques (Jacob) * 1691 3. Isabeau (Elizabeth)* 1692 x 23 Jan 1717 Guillaume Loret van Nantes xx Paarl 25 May 1719 Paul Roux 4. Pierre (Pieter) *1694 + 1741 x 1 May 1718 Susanna de Villiers d/v Abraham 5. Jean ~ Paarl 7 Dec 1695 + voor 16 March 1738 x Paarl 22 Jun 1727 Maria van Wyk d/v Adriaan (Arie) 6. Francoise (Francina) ~ 11 Nov 1697 x Paarl 21 May 1719 Johannes Pleunis s/v Jacob 7. Louise ~ Paarl 6 Dec 1699 x Paarl 10 Oct 1718 Jean Lombard xx Jacobus de Villiers 8. Gideon * 1702 + 1738 x Stellenbosch 25 Feb 1725 Margaretha de Villiers d/v Jacob 9. Maria * 1704 + voor 24 Apr 1746 x Paarl 15 Sep 1726 Jan Loots van Amsterdam 10. Francois ~ Paarl 28 Nov 1706 + 1758, burger Drakenstein x Paarl 6 Nov 1729 Gesina van Deventer xx 18 Feb 1731 Elisabeth Cronje d/v Pierre 11. Rachel * 1710 x 22 Jan 1730 Dirk Willem Crafford van Utrecht xx 30 Oct 1744 Gerrit van Deventer xxx Tulbagh 24 Aug 1754 Johannes Albertus van Emmenis
There were rumours that Isabeau Richard and her future son-in-law Guillaume Loret committed adultery. The minister Henricus Beck implemented church discipline as a result in 1707.
Verwysings: De Villiers/Pama Heese/Lombard GC de Wet die Vryliede en Vryswartes in die Kaapse Nederesetting Verwysingsmateriaal, Boksburg biblioteek Verwysingsmateriaal, Springs LDS FHC biblioteek
Pierre Joubert was die Hugenoot met die meeste huismeesters (onderwysers) in sy diens, o.a. David du Buisson
Van La Motte d'Aigues, in Provence, Frankryk; 1688 aankoms op die skip Berg China' wat Rotterdam op 1688.03.20 verlaat en op 1688.08.04 Tafelbaai bereik, met sy vrou; 1694 is die plaas
La Provence' naby Franschhoek aan hom toegeken. Hy het verskeie plase in Drakenstein besit, o. a. Lamotte (vernoem na sy geboorteplek) en Provence (vernoem na die provinsie vanwaar hy kom). Hy besit ook een van die eerste plase in die Tulbagh-kom nl. De Plaisa [2071] × 1689 waarskynlik aan boord van die skip Berg China
Aangekom saam met sy ouers, woon eers "Hexenberg", dist. Wellington en 1712 "Langfontein", dist. Tulbagh. (SAG)
Stamvader: Pierre JOUBERT a. met die boot Berg China wat Rotterdam op 20/3/1688 verlaat en op 4 Aug 1688 Tafelbaai bereik. Hy boer op verskeie plase, o.a. Lamotte (vernoem na sy geboorteplek) en Provence (vernoem na die provinsie vanwaar hy kom). Hy besit ook een van die eerste plase in die Tulbagh-kom, nl. De Plaisa.
Eerste Huwelik: x Waalse Kerk Brielle 1 Feb 1688 Susanne REYNE * La Roque d'Antheron, Provence, Frankryk. + voor die skip Berg China Rotterdam op 20 Mar 1688 verlaat het, of tydens die boot se reis na die Kaap. Tweede Huwelik: xx Isabeau RICHRAD * 1668 + Drakenstein 1748. Die name van Isabeau RICHARD en haar eerste man, Pierre MALAN, verskyn op die skeepslys van die Berg China, opgestel 23 Dec 1687. Die waarskynlikheid is dus dat Susanne REYNE en Pierre MALAN oorlede is voordat die Berg China in Tafelbaai aangekom het. (SAG)
Pierre JOUBERT was born at Lamotte d'Aigues in the French province 'Provence', circa 1664. Hy vlug in 1685 na Switserland en trek vandaar al langs die Rynrivier tot by Rotterdam. He married Susanne REYNE, born 1667, La Roche, d'Autheron, Provence, France, on 1 Feb 1688 in the Waalse Kerk, Brielle, Zuid Holland. Pierre JOUBERT and Isabeau RICHARD married 28 March 1688 en route to the Cape, she died 1748. He arrived in Table Bay 4 August 1688 on board the 'Berg China' that left Rotterdam on 20 June 1688. Pierre farmed a number of farms amongst others Lamotte, 1709 (named after his place of birth) and Provence, 1694 (named after his province of origin) in Franschoek. Another farm he owned was Bellingham, 1700. He also owned a farm in the Tulbagh basin, De Plaisant, 1716. Pierre died on 30 June 1732. The names Isabeau RICHARD and her husband Pierre MALAN appears on the passenger list of the Berg China, compiled 23 Dec 1687. It is therefor probable that Susanne REYNE (Pierre JOUBERT's first wife) died before the Berg China departed Rotterdam or en route to the Cape and that Pierre MALAN (Isabeau's husband) died before the Berg China arrived in Table Bay. In 1690 he received financial assistance from the Batavian fund. Subsequently he became one of the big landwoners in Drakenstein. His farms inlcuded Bellingkamp, Lormarins, La Motte, La Provence, La Roche and De Plaisante. In 1715Hottentotte people stole all his cattle.
Pierre Joubert en Isabeau Richard had 6 sons and 5 daughters.
There were rumours that Isabeau Richard and her future son-in-law Guillaume Loret committed adultery. The minister Henricus Beck implemented church discipline as a result in 1707. Bron: SA Stamouer webwerf (AM van Rensburg)
Artikels oor die Joubert-familie het in Bulletin 34 van 1997 van die Hugenote-Vereniging van SA verskyn. Die Bulletins is ook op CD beskikbaar.
Arrived 8/1688 aboard Berg China. Settled at La Provence 1694 and L'Ormarins, Franschhoek; later also Bellingham, Franschhoek. Also La Roche, La Motte and De Plaisante, Winterhoek/Wemmershoek 1716-1732. Illiterate, but employedseveral tutors for children. At death owned 14 farms and town house in the Cape. First fled to Zurich and Rotterdam. Often asked to witness contracts - high social standing in Cape. Spoke Provencal. Granted La Provence, 11/5/1712
GEDCOM Import _UPD = 10 DEC 2008 21:11:30 GMT+2
Pierre JOUBERT was born at Lamotte d'Aigues in the French province 'Provence', circa 1664. Hy vlug in 1685 na Switserland en trek vandaar al langs die Rynrivier tot by Rotterdam. He married Susanne REYNE, born 1667, La Roche, d'Autheron, Provence, France, on 1 Feb 1688 in the Waalse Kerk, Brielle, Zuid Holland. Pierre JOUBERT and Isabeau RICHARD married 28 March 1688 en route to the Cape, she died 1748. He arrived in Table Bay 4 August 1688 on board the 'Berg China' that left Rotterdam on 20 June 1688. Pierre farmed a number of farms amongst others Lamotte, 1709 (named after his place of birth) and Provence, 1694 (named after his province of origin) in Franschoek. Another farm he owned was Bellingham, 1700. He also owned a farm in the Tulbagh basin, De Plaisant, 1716. Pierre died on 30 June 1732. The names Isabeau RICHARD and her husband Pierre MALAN appears on the passenger list of the Berg China, compiled23 Dec 1687. It is therefor probable that Susanne REYNE (Pierre JOUBERT's first wife) died before the Berg China departed Rotterdam or en route to the Cape and that Pierre MALAN (Isabeau's husband)died before the Berg China arrived in Table Bay.
In 1690 he received financial assistance from the Batavian fund. Subsequently he became one of the big landwoners in Drakenstein. His farms inlcuded Bellingkamp, Lormarins, La Motte, La Provence, La Roche and De Plaisante. In 1715Hottentotte people stole all his cattle.
Pierre Joubert en Isabeau Richard had 6 sons and 5 daughters:
1. Joshua * 1689 x Paarl 5 Aug 1725 Susanna Garde 2. Jacques (Jacob) * 1691 3. Isabeau (Elizabeth)* 1692 x 23 Jan 1717 Guillaume Loret van Nantes xx Paarl 25 May 1719 Paul Roux 4. Pierre (Pieter) *1694 + 1741 x 1 May 1718 Susanna de Villiers d/v Abraham 5. Jean ~ Paarl 7 Dec 1695 + voor 16 March 1738 x Paarl 22 Jun 1727 Maria van Wyk d/v Adriaan (Arie) 6. Francoise (Francina) ~ 11 Nov 1697 x Paarl 21 May 1719 Johannes Pleunis s/v Jacob 7. Louise ~ Paarl 6 Dec 1699 x Paarl 10 Oct 1718 Jean Lombard xx Jacobus de Villiers 8. Gideon * 1702 + 1738 x Stellenbosch 25 Feb 1725 Margaretha de Villiers d/v Jacob 9. Maria * 1704 + voor 24 Apr 1746 x Paarl 15 Sep 1726 Jan Loots van Amsterdam 10. Francois ~ Paarl 28 Nov 1706 + 1758, burger Drakenstein x Paarl 6 Nov 1729 Gesina van Deventer xx 18 Feb 1731 Elisabeth Cronje d/v Pierre 11. Rachel * 1710 x 22 Jan 1730 Dirk Willem Crafford van Utrecht xx 30 Oct 1744 Gerrit van Deventer xxx Tulbagh 24 Aug 1754 Johannes Albertus van Emmenis
There were rumours that Isabeau Richard and her future son-in-law Guillaume Loret committed adultery. The minister Henricus Beck implemented church discipline as a result in 1707.
Verwysings: De Villiers/Pama Heese/Lombard GC de Wet die Vryliede en Vryswartes in die Kaapse Nederesetting Verwysingsmateriaal, Boksburg biblioteek Verwysingsmateriaal, Springs LDS FHC biblioteek
Pierre Joubert was die Hugenoot met die meeste huismeesters (onderwysers) in sy diens, o.a. David du Buisson
!information herein was mostly obtained from:GENEALOGIES OF OLD S.A. FAMILIES Vol 1 & 2 by C C de Villiers and C Pama published by A A Balkema/Cape Town/ Rotterdam. Additional information was gleaned from and checked in original christening, marriage and death records in the State Archives in Pretoria, South Africa. For L D S purposes IGI and Fam Search as well as Ancestral File were checked. By no means is it suggested that this is an absolutely correct or complete record. May it be of much use to many who may need to use it. It mostly covers only the first three generations of the surnames appearing in the list of my ancestors who entered this country.
! Two other children not named are entered as christened at Stellenbosch on 28 Nov 1706 and 27 Oct 1710 in 'Hugenote-Familieboek' p271.
!information herein was mostly obtained from:GENEALOGIES OF OLD S.A. FAMILIES Vol 1 & 2 by C C de Villiers and C Pama published by A A Balkema/Cape Town/ Rotterdam. Additional information was gleaned from and checked in original christening, marriage and death records in the State Archives in Pretoria, South Africa. For L D S purposes IGI and Fam Search as well as Ancestral File were checked. By no means is it suggested that this is an absolutely correct or complete record. May it be of much use to many who may need to use it. It mostly covers only the first three generations of the surnames appearing in the list of my ancestors who entered this country.
! Two other children not named are entered as christened at Stellenbosch on 28 Nov 1706 and 27 Oct 1710 in 'Hugenote-Familieboek' p271.
GEDCOM Import _UPD = 10 DEC 2008 21:11:30 GMT+2
!information herein was mostly obtained from:GENEALOGIES OF OLD S.A. FAMILIES Vol 1 & 2 by C C de Villiers and C Pama published by A A Balkema/Cape Town/ Rotterdam. Additional information was gleaned from and checked in original christening, marriage and death records in the State Archives in Pretoria, South Africa. For L D S purposes IGI and Fam Search as well as Ancestral File were checked. By no means is it suggested that this is an absolutely correct or complete record. May it be of much use to many who may need to use it. It mostly covers only the first three generations of the surnames appearing in the list of my ancestors who entered this country.
! Two other children not named are entered as christened at Stellenbosch on 28 Nov 1706 and 27 Oct 1710 in 'Hugenote-Familieboek' p271.
Van De la Motte d'Aigues in Provence Frankryk. In 1688 uitg ekom op die skip "Berg China" o p 4 Augustus 1688 wat Rotte rdam op 20 Junie 1688 verlaat het, met sy vrou. Hy was lan dbouer en het baie plase in Drakenstein besit. From DennisPretorius: INFORMATION FROM THE STAMOUERS WEBSITE ON GEOCITIES Pierre JOUBERT was born at Lamotte d'Aigues in the French p rovince 'Provence', circa 1664. Hy vlug in 1685 na Switserland en trek vandaar al langs di e Rynrivier tot by Rotterdam. Hemarried Susanne REYNE, bor n 1667, La Roche, d'Autheron, Provence, France, on 1 Feb 16 88 in the Waalse Kerk, Brielle, Zuid Holland. Pierre JOUBER T and Isabeau RICHARD married 28 March 1688 en route to the Cape, she died 1748. He arrived inTable Bay 4 August 168 8 on board the 'Berg China' that left Rotterdam on 20 Jun e 1688. Pierre farmed a number of farms amongst others Lamo tte, 1709 (named after his place of birth) and Provence, 16 94 (named after his province of origin) inFranschoek. Another farm he owne d was Bellingham, 1700. He also owned a farm in the Tulbag h basin, De Plaisant, 1716. Pierre died on 30 June 1732. Th e names Isabeau RICHARD and her husband Pierre MALAN appear s on the passenger list of the BergChina, compiled 23 De c 1687. It is therefor probable that Susanne REYNE (Pierr e JOUBERT's first wife) died before the Berg China departe d Rotterdam or en route to the Cape and that Pierre MALAN ( Isabeau's husband) died before the Berg Chinaarrived in Ta ble Bay. In 1690 he received financial assistance from the Batavia n fund. Subsequently he became one of the big landwoners i n Drakenstein. His farms inlcuded Bellingkamp, Lormarins, L a Motte, La Provence, La Roche and DePlaisante. In 1715 Ho ttentotte people stole all his cattle. Pierre Joubert en Is abeau Richard had 6 sons and 5 daughters: 1. Joshua * 1689 xPaarl 5 Aug 1725 Susanna Garde 2. Jacques (Jacob) * 1691 3. Isabeau (Elizabeth)* 1692 x 23 Jan 1717Guillaume Lore t van Nantes xx Paarl 25 May 1719, Paul Roux 4. Pierre (Pieter) *1694 + 1741 x 1 May 1718 Susanna de Vil liers d/v Abraham 5. Jean ~ Paarl 7 Dec 1695 + voor 16 March 1738 x Paarl 2 2 Jun 1727 Maria van Wyk d/v Adriaan (Arie) 6.Francoise (Francina) ~ 11 Nov 1697 x Paarl 21 May 1719 J ohannes Pleunis s/v Jacob 7. Louise ~ Paarl 6 Dec 1699 x Paarl 10 Oct 1718 Jean Lomba rd xx Jacobus de Villiers 8. Gideon * 1702 + 1738 x Stellenbosch 25 Feb 1725 Margaret ha de Villiers d/vJacob 9. Maria * 1704 + voor 24 Apr 1746 x Paarl 15 Sep 1726 Ja n Loots van Amsterdam 10. Francois ~ Paarl 28 Nov 1706 + 1758, burger Drakenstei n x Paarl 6 Nov 1729 Gesina van Deventer xx 18 Feb 1731 Eli sabeth Cronje d/v Pierre 11. Rachel * 1710x 22 Jan 1730 Dirk Willem Crafford van Ut recht xx 30 Oct 1744 Gerrit van Deventer xxx Tulbagh 24 Au g 1754 Johannes Albertus van Emmenis. There were rumours that Isabeau Richard and her future son- in-law Guillaume Loret committed adultery. Theminister Hen ricus Beck implemented church discipline as a result in 170 7. Verwysings: De Villiers/Pama Heese/Lombard GC de Wet die Vryliede en Vryswartes in die Kaapse Nederese tting Verwysingsmateriaal, Boksburg biblioteek Verwysingsmateriaal,Springs LDS FHC biblioteek Saamgestel deur: Martina Louw (nee van Breda) Kennethl@xtra.co.nz From S.A. Genealogies Vol 4: J-K. - Arrived at the Cape o n the ship "Berg China" which left Rotterdam on 20.3.1688 a nd arrived in Table Bay on4.8.1868. He farmed on various f arms amongstothers Lamotte (named after his birthplace) an d Provence(named after the province from where he came. H e also owed one of the first farms in the Tulbach valley na mely De Plaisa. His wife SusanneReyne (Reijne) died eithe r before the "Berg China" left Rotterdam or during the jour ney to the Cape. Thenames of his second wife Isabeau Richar d and her husband, Pierre Malan, appear on the ships list p repared on 23.12.1687. It is thusprobable that Susanne Rey ne and Pierre Malan died before the "Berg China" arrived i n Table Bay. From Henk de Wet: In 1694 the farm "La Provence" near "Fran schhoek" [French Corner] was allocated to him. He owned var ious farma in Drakensteinamongst others, Lamotte (named af ter his birth place) and Provence (named after the ptovinc e from whence he came).He also owned one of the first farm s in the Tulbach basin namely De Plaisa. Henk indicates that he married in 1689 probably onboard th e Berg China but this already arrived in Cape Town in 1688? Du Plooy.paf: Van De la Motte d'Aigues in Province Frankryk . In 1688 uitgekom op die skip "Berg China" o p 4 Augustu s 1688 wat Rotterdam op 20 Junie 1688verlaat het, met s yvrou. Hy was landbouer en het baie plase in Drakenstein b esit. Dit is beweer dat Pierre tweekeer getroud was, op 1 Feb. 16 88 te Brielle, Nederland, met Susanne Resne (sic) (Susann e REYNE) de la Roque van Antheron en in 1688 aan boord di e skipBerg China op pad na die Kaap, met Isabeau RICHARD , weduwee van Pierre Mallan (sic) (Pierre MALAN) . Hierdi e bewerings is egter nog nie bewys nie. Wat wel van belan g is, is dat ene Pierre Jaubert, getroud met Isabeau Richar d, op 4 Augustus1688 na 'n moeisame seereis van byna vie r maande, in die Kaap aangekom het. Hierdie egpaar was di e stamouers van die Jouberts van Suid-Afrika. Volgens fami lie-oorlewering hetPierre met 'n 1672 vertaling van die Nu we Testament in 'nuitgeholde brood versteek, uit Frankry k gevlug. Dit is nou die eiendom van mnr Rocco de Villier s Joubert en word in die Hugenote-Gedenkmuseum, Franschhoek , uitgestal Dit is nie duidelik waar Pierre en Isabeau hull e tussen 4 Augustus 1688 en 7Augustus 1694 (ses jare ) bev ind het of hoe hulle geleef het nie. In 1688 en weer in 168 9 het Pierre landbougereedskap van die HOlK ontvang en in A pril 1690 het hy en sy gesin 40.5 Gulden van die Bataafse D iakoniefonds ontvang. Laasgenoemdeskenking dui daarop da t hy en sy gesin. net soos baie ander Hugenote van die tyd , verarm was, Pierre moes 'n baie knap landbouer gewees het, want net een jaar nadat die plaas La Provence in August us 1694 aan horn toegeken is, het hy 2 perde,2 5 beeste, 2 00 skape, 1 vark en 500 druiwe-stokke besit. Hy het ook ' n skuld van 122 Gulden op I6 April 1693 aan die HOICterugb etaal en die kwitansie is deur Simon van der Stel self onde rteken. Die skuld, blykbaar vir die landbou gereedskapin 1 688 en 1689 aan horn gegee, is 'n jaar voor die toekennin g van La Provence aan hom, vereffen. In die jaar 1700 (se s jaar na La Provence aan hom toegeken is) het Pierre 2 per de, 100 beeste, 300 skape en 1600 wingerdstokke besit. Pier re hetook in die jaar 1700 , 30 sakke koring, 70 sakke gor t, 7 sakke hawer en ] 6 lagers wyn (alhoewel van ' swak geh alte) aan die HOIK gelewer. Met sy dood het Pierre die vol gende eiendomme besit: La Provence , Franschhoek (op 7.8.16 94 deur dieHOIK aan hom toegeken); Bellingkamp/Bellingham , Drakenste in (van Gerrit Janz van Vuuren in 1699 vir 185 0 Gulden gekoop. Oordrag op 14.7.1700); La Mott e, Franschh oek (van Hans Heinrich Hattingh op 7.9.1709 gekoop); Bartho lomeusklip, geleëtussen Wagenmakersvallei (Wellington) i n 'Het land van Waveren(TuIbagh) in 1714 uit die boedel va n die vermoorde Frans Jooste vir 750 Gulden gekoop en in tw ee jare albetaal. Die laaste paaiement is op 9.10.1716 beta al; De Winterhoek,Drakenstein (in 1714 uit die boedel va n Cornelia Campenaar gekoop. Die skuld is blykbaar in dri e paaiemente afbetaal. Die eerste skynbaar met die aankoop , die tweede bedrag van 159 Gulden is op 7.8. 1715 en die l aaste bedrag van 153 Gulden isop 25.3. 1716 betaal; Wemmer shoek, Drakenstein, uit die boedel van Wemmer Pasman gekoop .'n Eerste paaiement van 153 Gulden is op 15.5.1719 betaal ; De Plaisante (ook de Plaisante Plaatsï genoem), geleë and erkant die Breërivier, op 26.5. 1716gekoop. Hy het al vana f 8.8.1710 die plaas bewerk en ook as 'n weiplaas gebruik . Baie van sy vee is daar deur die "Couquemansï" (Koekemans , 'n tak van die Obiqua-s tam van Khoikhoi) geroof; Montpel lier, het Land van Waveren (Tulbagh) (geerfvan Pierre IMBE RT in 1723) (Pierre Imbert het sy testament op 10.9.1717, t oe hy geen naasbestaandes meer gehad het nie, opgestel. Daa rin benoem hy Pierre Jaubert as sy enigste erfgenaam); La R ocque, Franschhoek. Uit die boedel van Maria vanStaden (we d. v. Lambert Engels) op 9.9.1723 vir 648 Gulden gckoop. Di e derde en laaste paaiement van 216 Gulden is op 8.11.172 5 betaal; Le Ormarins (Lourmarins), Drakenstein. Van Fran s Haarhof, wat dit deur sy huwelik met Marie-Catherine le Febre (wed.v. Jean Roi) in 1720 bekom het, op 22.3.1727 geko op. Die derde en laaste paaiement van 408 Gulden is op 15.2 .1729 betaal; Kruijshof (geen meer inligting tans beskikba ar nie ); Nabijigelegen (geen meer inligting tans beskikbaa r);Standvastigheid, geleë aan de hoek van de Limietberge , Drakenstein (op 4.4.1732 aangekoop); en huis en erf gele ë in die Tafelvallei, op 11.11.1718 van Anthonie Faure vi r 4 000 Gulden gekoop. Die koopsom is in twee gelyke paaiem ente atbetaal).In die opgaaf van boerdery, 1733, het Pier re ook 17 manlike slawe , 1 vroulike slaaf met haar 7 kinde rs, 13 perde, 140 beeste, 800 skape en 5 varke besit. (Bai e van sy vee is korttevore deur Boesmans geroof).
Van De la Motte d'Aigues in Provence Frankryk. In 1688 uitg ekom op die skip "Berg China" o p 4 Augustus 1688 wat Rotte rdam op 20 Junie 1688 verlaat het, met sy vrou. Hy was lan dbouer en het baie plase in Drakenstein besit. From DennisPretorius: INFORMATION FROM THE STAMOUERS WEBSITE ON GEOCITIES Pierre JOUBERT was born at Lamotte d'Aigues in the French p rovince 'Provence', circa 1664. Hy vlug in 1685 na Switserland en trek vandaar al langs di e Rynrivier tot by Rotterdam. Hemarried Susanne REYNE, bor n 1667, La Roche, d'Autheron, Provence, France, on 1 Feb 16 88 in the Waalse Kerk, Brielle, Zuid Holland. Pierre JOUBER T and Isabeau RICHARD married 28 March 1688 en route to the Cape, she died 1748. He arrived inTable Bay 4 August 168 8 on board the 'Berg China' that left Rotterdam on 20 Jun e 1688. Pierre farmed a number of farms amongst others Lamo tte, 1709 (named after his place of birth) and Provence, 16 94 (named after his province of origin) inFranschoek. Another farm he owne d was Bellingham, 1700. He also owned a farm in the Tulbag h basin, De Plaisant, 1716. Pierre died on 30 June 1732. Th e names Isabeau RICHARD and her husband Pierre MALAN appear s on the passenger list of the BergChina, compiled 23 De c 1687. It is therefor probable that Susanne REYNE (Pierr e JOUBERT's first wife) died before the Berg China departe d Rotterdam or en route to the Cape and that Pierre MALAN ( Isabeau's husband) died before the Berg Chinaarrived in Ta ble Bay. In 1690 he received financial assistance from the Batavia n fund. Subsequently he became one of the big landwoners i n Drakenstein. His farms inlcuded Bellingkamp, Lormarins, L a Motte, La Provence, La Roche and DePlaisante. In 1715 Ho ttentotte people stole all his cattle. Pierre Joubert en Is abeau Richard had 6 sons and 5 daughters: 1. Joshua * 1689 xPaarl 5 Aug 1725 Susanna Garde 2. Jacques (Jacob) * 1691 3. Isabeau (Elizabeth)* 1692 x 23 Jan 1717Guillaume Lore t van Nantes xx Paarl 25 May 1719, Paul Roux 4. Pierre (Pieter) *1694 + 1741 x 1 May 1718 Susanna de Vil liers d/v Abraham 5. Jean ~ Paarl 7 Dec 1695 + voor 16 March 1738 x Paarl 2 2 Jun 1727 Maria van Wyk d/v Adriaan (Arie) 6.Francoise (Francina) ~ 11 Nov 1697 x Paarl 21 May 1719 J ohannes Pleunis s/v Jacob 7. Louise ~ Paarl 6 Dec 1699 x Paarl 10 Oct 1718 Jean Lomba rd xx Jacobus de Villiers 8. Gideon * 1702 + 1738 x Stellenbosch 25 Feb 1725 Margaret ha de Villiers d/vJacob 9. Maria * 1704 + voor 24 Apr 1746 x Paarl 15 Sep 1726 Ja n Loots van Amsterdam 10. Francois ~ Paarl 28 Nov 1706 + 1758, burger Drakenstei n x Paarl 6 Nov 1729 Gesina van Deventer xx 18 Feb 1731 Eli sabeth Cronje d/v Pierre 11. Rachel * 1710x 22 Jan 1730 Dirk Willem Crafford van Ut recht xx 30 Oct 1744 Gerrit van Deventer xxx Tulbagh 24 Au g 1754 Johannes Albertus van Emmenis. There were rumours that Isabeau Richard and her future son- in-law Guillaume Loret committed adultery. Theminister Hen ricus Beck implemented church discipline as a result in 170 7. Verwysings: De Villiers/Pama Heese/Lombard GC de Wet die Vryliede en Vryswartes in die Kaapse Nederese tting Verwysingsmateriaal, Boksburg biblioteek Verwysingsmateriaal,Springs LDS FHC biblioteek Saamgestel deur: Martina Louw (nee van Breda) Kennethl@xtra.co.nz From S.A. Genealogies Vol 4: J-K. - Arrived at the Cape o n the ship "Berg China" which left Rotterdam on 20.3.1688 a nd arrived in Table Bay on4.8.1868. He farmed on various f arms amongstothers Lamotte (named after his birthplace) an d Provence(named after the province from where he came. H e also owed one of the first farms in the Tulbach valley na mely De Plaisa. His wife SusanneReyne (Reijne) died eithe r before the "Berg China" left Rotterdam or during the jour ney to the Cape. Thenames of his second wife Isabeau Richar d and her husband, Pierre Malan, appear on the ships list p repared on 23.12.1687. It is thusprobable that Susanne Rey ne and Pierre Malan died before the "Berg China" arrived i n Table Bay. From Henk de Wet: In 1694 the farm "La Provence" near "Fran schhoek" [French Corner] was allocated to him. He owned var ious farma in Drakensteinamongst others, Lamotte (named af ter his birth place) and Provence (named after the ptovinc e from whence he came).He also owned one of the first farm s in the Tulbach basin namely De Plaisa. Henk indicates that he married in 1689 probably onboard th e Berg China but this already arrived in Cape Town in 1688? Du Plooy.paf: Van De la Motte d'Aigues in Province Frankryk . In 1688 uitgekom op die skip "Berg China" o p 4 Augustu s 1688 wat Rotterdam op 20 Junie 1688verlaat het, met s yvrou. Hy was landbouer en het baie plase in Drakenstein b esit. Dit is beweer dat Pierre tweekeer getroud was, op 1 Feb. 16 88 te Brielle, Nederland, met Susanne Resne (sic) (Susann e REYNE) de la Roque van Antheron en in 1688 aan boord di e skipBerg China op pad na die Kaap, met Isabeau RICHARD , weduwee van Pierre Mallan (sic) (Pierre MALAN) . Hierdi e bewerings is egter nog nie bewys nie. Wat wel van belan g is, is dat ene Pierre Jaubert, getroud met Isabeau Richar d, op 4 Augustus1688 na 'n moeisame seereis van byna vie r maande, in die Kaap aangekom het. Hierdie egpaar was di e stamouers van die Jouberts van Suid-Afrika. Volgens fami lie-oorlewering hetPierre met 'n 1672 vertaling van die Nu we Testament in 'nuitgeholde brood versteek, uit Frankry k gevlug. Dit is nou die eiendom van mnr Rocco de Villier s Joubert en word in die Hugenote-Gedenkmuseum, Franschhoek , uitgestal Dit is nie duidelik waar Pierre en Isabeau hull e tussen 4 Augustus 1688 en 7Augustus 1694 (ses jare ) bev ind het of hoe hulle geleef het nie. In 1688 en weer in 168 9 het Pierre landbougereedskap van die HOlK ontvang en in A pril 1690 het hy en sy gesin 40.5 Gulden van die Bataafse D iakoniefonds ontvang. Laasgenoemdeskenking dui daarop da t hy en sy gesin. net soos baie ander Hugenote van die tyd , verarm was, Pierre moes 'n baie knap landbouer gewees het, want net een jaar nadat die plaas La Provence in August us 1694 aan horn toegeken is, het hy 2 perde,2 5 beeste, 2 00 skape, 1 vark en 500 druiwe-stokke besit. Hy het ook ' n skuld van 122 Gulden op I6 April 1693 aan die HOICterugb etaal en die kwitansie is deur Simon van der Stel self onde rteken. Die skuld, blykbaar vir die landbou gereedskapin 1 688 en 1689 aan horn gegee, is 'n jaar voor die toekennin g van La Provence aan hom, vereffen. In die jaar 1700 (se s jaar na La Provence aan hom toegeken is) het Pierre 2 per de, 100 beeste, 300 skape en 1600 wingerdstokke besit. Pier re hetook in die jaar 1700 , 30 sakke koring, 70 sakke gor t, 7 sakke hawer en ] 6 lagers wyn (alhoewel van ' swak geh alte) aan die HOIK gelewer. Met sy dood het Pierre die vol gende eiendomme besit: La Provence , Franschhoek (op 7.8.16 94 deur dieHOIK aan hom toegeken); Bellingkamp/Bellingham , Drakenste in (van Gerrit Janz van Vuuren in 1699 vir 185 0 Gulden gekoop. Oordrag op 14.7.1700); La Mott e, Franschh oek (van Hans Heinrich Hattingh op 7.9.1709 gekoop); Bartho lomeusklip, geleëtussen Wagenmakersvallei (Wellington) i n 'Het land van Waveren(TuIbagh) in 1714 uit die boedel va n die vermoorde Frans Jooste vir 750 Gulden gekoop en in tw ee jare albetaal. Die laaste paaiement is op 9.10.1716 beta al; De Winterhoek,Drakenstein (in 1714 uit die boedel va n Cornelia Campenaar gekoop. Die skuld is blykbaar in dri e paaiemente afbetaal. Die eerste skynbaar met die aankoop , die tweede bedrag van 159 Gulden is op 7.8. 1715 en die l aaste bedrag van 153 Gulden isop 25.3. 1716 betaal; Wemmer shoek, Drakenstein, uit die boedel van Wemmer Pasman gekoop .'n Eerste paaiement van 153 Gulden is op 15.5.1719 betaal ; De Plaisante (ook de Plaisante Plaatsï genoem), geleë and erkant die Breërivier, op 26.5. 1716gekoop. Hy het al vana f 8.8.1710 die plaas bewerk en ook as 'n weiplaas gebruik . Baie van sy vee is daar deur die "Couquemansï" (Koekemans , 'n tak van die Obiqua-s tam van Khoikhoi) geroof; Montpel lier, het Land van Waveren (Tulbagh) (geerfvan Pierre IMBE RT in 1723) (Pierre Imbert het sy testament op 10.9.1717, t oe hy geen naasbestaandes meer gehad het nie, opgestel. Daa rin benoem hy Pierre Jaubert as sy enigste erfgenaam); La R ocque, Franschhoek. Uit die boedel van Maria vanStaden (we d. v. Lambert Engels) op 9.9.1723 vir 648 Gulden gckoop. Di e derde en laaste paaiement van 216 Gulden is op 8.11.172 5 betaal; Le Ormarins (Lourmarins), Drakenstein. Van Fran s Haarhof, wat dit deur sy huwelik met Marie-Catherine le Febre (wed.v. Jean Roi) in 1720 bekom het, op 22.3.1727 geko op. Die derde en laaste paaiement van 408 Gulden is op 15.2 .1729 betaal; Kruijshof (geen meer inligting tans beskikba ar nie ); Nabijigelegen (geen meer inligting tans beskikbaa r);Standvastigheid, geleë aan de hoek van de Limietberge , Drakenstein (op 4.4.1732 aangekoop); en huis en erf gele ë in die Tafelvallei, op 11.11.1718 van Anthonie Faure vi r 4 000 Gulden gekoop. Die koopsom is in twee gelyke paaiem ente atbetaal).In die opgaaf van boerdery, 1733, het Pier re ook 17 manlike slawe , 1 vroulike slaaf met haar 7 kinde rs, 13 perde, 140 beeste, 800 skape en 5 varke besit. (Bai e van sy vee is korttevore deur Boesmans geroof).
Van De la Motte d'Aigues in Provence Frankryk. In 1688 uitg ekom op die skip "Berg China" o p 4 Augustus 1688 wat Rotte rdam op 20 Junie 1688 verlaat het, met sy vrou. Hy was lan dbouer en het baie plase in Drakenstein besit. From DennisPretorius: INFORMATION FROM THE STAMOUERS WEBSITE ON GEOCITIES Pierre JOUBERT was born at Lamotte d'Aigues in the French p rovince 'Provence', circa 1664. Hy vlug in 1685 na Switserland en trek vandaar al langs di e Rynrivier tot by Rotterdam. Hemarried Susanne REYNE, bor n 1667, La Roche, d'Autheron, Provence, France, on 1 Feb 16 88 in the Waalse Kerk, Brielle, Zuid Holland. Pierre JOUBER T and Isabeau RICHARD married 28 March 1688 en route to the Cape, she died 1748. He arrived inTable Bay 4 August 168 8 on board the 'Berg China' that left Rotterdam on 20 Jun e 1688. Pierre farmed a number of farms amongst others Lamo tte, 1709 (named after his place of birth) and Provence, 16 94 (named after his province of origin) inFranschoek. Another farm he owne d was Bellingham, 1700. He also owned a farm in the Tulbag h basin, De Plaisant, 1716. Pierre died on 30 June 1732. Th e names Isabeau RICHARD and her husband Pierre MALAN appear s on the passenger list of the BergChina, compiled 23 De c 1687. It is therefor probable that Susanne REYNE (Pierr e JOUBERT's first wife) died before the Berg China departe d Rotterdam or en route to the Cape and that Pierre MALAN ( Isabeau's husband) died before the Berg Chinaarrived in Ta ble Bay. In 1690 he received financial assistance from the Batavia n fund. Subsequently he became one of the big landwoners i n Drakenstein. His farms inlcuded Bellingkamp, Lormarins, L a Motte, La Provence, La Roche and DePlaisante. In 1715 Ho ttentotte people stole all his cattle. Pierre Joubert en Is abeau Richard had 6 sons and 5 daughters: 1. Joshua * 1689 xPaarl 5 Aug 1725 Susanna Garde 2. Jacques (Jacob) * 1691 3. Isabeau (Elizabeth)* 1692 x 23 Jan 1717Guillaume Lore t van Nantes xx Paarl 25 May 1719, Paul Roux 4. Pierre (Pieter) *1694 + 1741 x 1 May 1718 Susanna de Vil liers d/v Abraham 5. Jean ~ Paarl 7 Dec 1695 + voor 16 March 1738 x Paarl 2 2 Jun 1727 Maria van Wyk d/v Adriaan (Arie) 6.Francoise (Francina) ~ 11 Nov 1697 x Paarl 21 May 1719 J ohannes Pleunis s/v Jacob 7. Louise ~ Paarl 6 Dec 1699 x Paarl 10 Oct 1718 Jean Lomba rd xx Jacobus de Villiers 8. Gideon * 1702 + 1738 x Stellenbosch 25 Feb 1725 Margaret ha de Villiers d/vJacob 9. Maria * 1704 + voor 24 Apr 1746 x Paarl 15 Sep 1726 Ja n Loots van Amsterdam 10. Francois ~ Paarl 28 Nov 1706 + 1758, burger Drakenstei n x Paarl 6 Nov 1729 Gesina van Deventer xx 18 Feb 1731 Eli sabeth Cronje d/v Pierre 11. Rachel * 1710x 22 Jan 1730 Dirk Willem Crafford van Ut recht xx 30 Oct 1744 Gerrit van Deventer xxx Tulbagh 24 Au g 1754 Johannes Albertus van Emmenis. There were rumours that Isabeau Richard and her future son- in-law Guillaume Loret committed adultery. Theminister Hen ricus Beck implemented church discipline as a result in 170 7. Verwysings: De Villiers/Pama Heese/Lombard GC de Wet die Vryliede en Vryswartes in die Kaapse Nederese tting Verwysingsmateriaal, Boksburg biblioteek Verwysingsmateriaal,Springs LDS FHC biblioteek Saamgestel deur: Martina Louw (nee van Breda) Kennethl@xtra.co.nz From S.A. Genealogies Vol 4: J-K. - Arrived at the Cape o n the ship "Berg China" which left Rotterdam on 20.3.1688 a nd arrived in Table Bay on4.8.1868. He farmed on various f arms amongstothers Lamotte (named after his birthplace) an d Provence(named after the province from where he came. H e also owed one of the first farms in the Tulbach valley na mely De Plaisa. His wife SusanneReyne (Reijne) died eithe r before the "Berg China" left Rotterdam or during the jour ney to the Cape. Thenames of his second wife Isabeau Richar d and her husband, Pierre Malan, appear on the ships list p repared on 23.12.1687. It is thusprobable that Susanne Rey ne and Pierre Malan died before the "Berg China" arrived i n Table Bay. From Henk de Wet: In 1694 the farm "La Provence" near "Fran schhoek" [French Corner] was allocated to him. He owned var ious farma in Drakensteinamongst others, Lamotte (named af ter his birth place) and Provence (named after the ptovinc e from whence he came).He also owned one of the first farm s in the Tulbach basin namely De Plaisa. Henk indicates that he married in 1689 probably onboard th e Berg China but this already arrived in Cape Town in 1688? Du Plooy.paf: Van De la Motte d'Aigues in Province Frankryk . In 1688 uitgekom op die skip "Berg China" o p 4 Augustu s 1688 wat Rotterdam op 20 Junie 1688verlaat het, met s yvrou. Hy was landbouer en het baie plase in Drakenstein b esit. Dit is beweer dat Pierre tweekeer getroud was, op 1 Feb. 16 88 te Brielle, Nederland, met Susanne Resne (sic) (Susann e REYNE) de la Roque van Antheron en in 1688 aan boord di e skipBerg China op pad na die Kaap, met Isabeau RICHARD , weduwee van Pierre Mallan (sic) (Pierre MALAN) . Hierdi e bewerings is egter nog nie bewys nie. Wat wel van belan g is, is dat ene Pierre Jaubert, getroud met Isabeau Richar d, op 4 Augustus1688 na 'n moeisame seereis van byna vie r maande, in die Kaap aangekom het. Hierdie egpaar was di e stamouers van die Jouberts van Suid-Afrika. Volgens fami lie-oorlewering hetPierre met 'n 1672 vertaling van die Nu we Testament in 'nuitgeholde brood versteek, uit Frankry k gevlug. Dit is nou die eiendom van mnr Rocco de Villier s Joubert en word in die Hugenote-Gedenkmuseum, Franschhoek , uitgestal Dit is nie duidelik waar Pierre en Isabeau hull e tussen 4 Augustus 1688 en 7Augustus 1694 (ses jare ) bev ind het of hoe hulle geleef het nie. In 1688 en weer in 168 9 het Pierre landbougereedskap van die HOlK ontvang en in A pril 1690 het hy en sy gesin 40.5 Gulden van die Bataafse D iakoniefonds ontvang. Laasgenoemdeskenking dui daarop da t hy en sy gesin. net soos baie ander Hugenote van die tyd , verarm was, Pierre moes 'n baie knap landbouer gewees het, want net een jaar nadat die plaas La Provence in August us 1694 aan horn toegeken is, het hy 2 perde,2 5 beeste, 2 00 skape, 1 vark en 500 druiwe-stokke besit. Hy het ook ' n skuld van 122 Gulden op I6 April 1693 aan die HOICterugb etaal en die kwitansie is deur Simon van der Stel self onde rteken. Die skuld, blykbaar vir die landbou gereedskapin 1 688 en 1689 aan horn gegee, is 'n jaar voor die toekennin g van La Provence aan hom, vereffen. In die jaar 1700 (se s jaar na La Provence aan hom toegeken is) het Pierre 2 per de, 100 beeste, 300 skape en 1600 wingerdstokke besit. Pier re hetook in die jaar 1700 , 30 sakke koring, 70 sakke gor t, 7 sakke hawer en ] 6 lagers wyn (alhoewel van ' swak geh alte) aan die HOIK gelewer. Met sy dood het Pierre die vol gende eiendomme besit: La Provence , Franschhoek (op 7.8.16 94 deur dieHOIK aan hom toegeken); Bellingkamp/Bellingham , Drakenste in (van Gerrit Janz van Vuuren in 1699 vir 185 0 Gulden gekoop. Oordrag op 14.7.1700); La Mott e, Franschh oek (van Hans Heinrich Hattingh op 7.9.1709 gekoop); Bartho lomeusklip, geleëtussen Wagenmakersvallei (Wellington) i n 'Het land van Waveren(TuIbagh) in 1714 uit die boedel va n die vermoorde Frans Jooste vir 750 Gulden gekoop en in tw ee jare albetaal. Die laaste paaiement is op 9.10.1716 beta al; De Winterhoek,Drakenstein (in 1714 uit die boedel va n Cornelia Campenaar gekoop. Die skuld is blykbaar in dri e paaiemente afbetaal. Die eerste skynbaar met die aankoop , die tweede bedrag van 159 Gulden is op 7.8. 1715 en die l aaste bedrag van 153 Gulden isop 25.3. 1716 betaal; Wemmer shoek, Drakenstein, uit die boedel van Wemmer Pasman gekoop .'n Eerste paaiement van 153 Gulden is op 15.5.1719 betaal ; De Plaisante (ook de Plaisante Plaatsï genoem), geleë and erkant die Breërivier, op 26.5. 1716gekoop. Hy het al vana f 8.8.1710 die plaas bewerk en ook as 'n weiplaas gebruik . Baie van sy vee is daar deur die "Couquemansï" (Koekemans , 'n tak van die Obiqua-s tam van Khoikhoi) geroof; Montpel lier, het Land van Waveren (Tulbagh) (geerfvan Pierre IMBE RT in 1723) (Pierre Imbert het sy testament op 10.9.1717, t oe hy geen naasbestaandes meer gehad het nie, opgestel. Daa rin benoem hy Pierre Jaubert as sy enigste erfgenaam); La R ocque, Franschhoek. Uit die boedel van Maria vanStaden (we d. v. Lambert Engels) op 9.9.1723 vir 648 Gulden gckoop. Di e derde en laaste paaiement van 216 Gulden is op 8.11.172 5 betaal; Le Ormarins (Lourmarins), Drakenstein. Van Fran s Haarhof, wat dit deur sy huwelik met Marie-Catherine le Febre (wed.v. Jean Roi) in 1720 bekom het, op 22.3.1727 geko op. Die derde en laaste paaiement van 408 Gulden is op 15.2 .1729 betaal; Kruijshof (geen meer inligting tans beskikba ar nie ); Nabijigelegen (geen meer inligting tans beskikbaa r);Standvastigheid, geleë aan de hoek van de Limietberge , Drakenstein (op 4.4.1732 aangekoop); en huis en erf gele ë in die Tafelvallei, op 11.11.1718 van Anthonie Faure vi r 4 000 Gulden gekoop. Die koopsom is in twee gelyke paaiem ente atbetaal).In die opgaaf van boerdery, 1733, het Pier re ook 17 manlike slawe , 1 vroulike slaaf met haar 7 kinde rs, 13 perde, 140 beeste, 800 skape en 5 varke besit. (Bai e van sy vee is korttevore deur Boesmans geroof).
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Pierre Joubert, a1SV/PROG's Timeline
1663 |
May 25, 1663
La Motte-d'Aigues, Provence, France
Born about 1665 in De La Motte, d'Aigues, Provence, France |
1664 |
Provence, France
1688 |
March 20, 1688
Age 24
Provence, France
March 20, 1688
Age 24
Rotterdam, Nederland
April 8, 1688
Age 24
Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
August 4, 1688
Age 25
Table Bay, Cape Town, The Cape of Good Hope, South Africa
1689 |
Paarl, Caap de Goede Hoop, Suid Afrika