Historical records matching Philip III Duke of Burgundy 'Grand Duke of the West'
Immediate Family
About Philip III Duke of Burgundy 'Grand Duke of the West'
Achtergronden van zijn vader Karel de Goede (bron: Meertens pag 7 van https://www.dbnl.org/tekst/meer035lett01_01/meer035lett01_01.pdf
Na de moord op zijn vader Jan zonder Vrees door de Armagnacs in de Franse Burgeroorlog tussen Armagnacs en Bourguignons, volgde Filips hem op in het hertogdom Bourgondië, het graafschap Vlaanderen en Artesië en wendde zich meer af van de burgeroorlog. Nadien begon Filips aan een indrukwekkende expansie van zijn rijk naar het noordoosten
Met de regering van Filip III "de Goede" van Bourgondië, Hertog, Graaf van Charolais , de eerste vorst uit het Bourgondische huis, begint voor Holland en Zeeland een periode van rijke bloei en welvaart.
Philips vond in Zeeland een groep van machtige en onafhankelijke edelen tegenover zich, die nimmer een krachtig gezag boven zich hadden geduld. In korte tijd heeft deze groep zich aangepast aan de veranderde omstandigheden en de wijste partij gekozen; weldra werd de Zeeuwse adel een trouw aanhanger van het nieuwe gezag.
De erkentelijkheid der Bourgondische vorsten voor deze loyaliteit kwam herhaaldelijk aan het licht: Zeeuwse edelen werden zowel aan het Bourgondische hof als in Holland in hoge ambten en waardigheden geplaatst. Frank van Borselen, de weduwnaar van Jacoba van Beieren, werd rentmeester van Zeeland Bewesten- en Beoosten-Schelde, en in 1445 met de orde van het Gulden Vlies begiftigd, tegelijk met Adriaen van Borselen, heer van Brigdamme en Soeburg. Aan Jan van Cruyninghen viel dezelfde eer in 1491 ten deel. Een der bastaards van Philips, Philips van Bourgondië(dit profiel) (1464 - 1524), vertoefde meermalen op zijn slot te Soeburg; zijn neef Maximiliaen van Bourgondië (1486 - 1535), een van Philips' kleinzoons, was van 1518 tot zijn dood abt van Middelburg.
Zelfs verbonden de Bourgondische vorsten zich door huwelijken met de Zeeuwse adel; Philips' bastaard-dochter Anna trouwde in 1457 of daaromtrent de zojuist genoemde Adriaen van Borselen, waardoor zij in het bezit van aanzienlijke Zeeuwse goederen kwam, en een halve eeuw later trad Philips' bastaardkleinzoon en naamgenoot in het huwelijk met Anna van Borselen, vrouwe van Vere. Geen van deze beide verbintenissen heeft echter blijvend tot een Zeeuws-Bourgondische dynastie geleid: het huwelijk van Anna van Bourgondië bleef kinderloos, en kinderloos ook stierf, in 1558, de laatste der Veerse heren van Bourgondië. Het beeld, dat de Bourgondische geschiedschrijvers der vijftiende eeuw ons van Holland en Zeeland afschilderen, is voor beide gewesten alleszins eervol. De tijd dat zij door het rijke en machtige Vlaanderen en Brabant als weinig meer werden beschouwd dan armzalige landen, woonplaats slechts van schippers en boeren, was voorbij, en al was noch in Holland, noch in Zeeland ook maar één stad te vinden, die zich kon vergelijken met de vorstelijke koopsteden van de Zuidelijke Nederlanden, toch werd hun scheepsmacht al vrij spoedig een factor in de Westeuropese politiek. Jouffroy spreekt van de Hollanders, de Zeeuwen en de Friezen als van ‘volken, die floreren door hun rijkdommen, hun groot getal, door de schoonheid en menigte hunner steden, vooral door de verwonderlijke uitrusting van hun vloot, en die in land- en zeekrijg niet te verachten zijn’ 8 . En Chastellain zingt van hen: Peuple hollandois, fière gent maritime, Zélandois forts, robustes et terribles,
The following article in dutch about "Filips de Stoute/Bold, Jan zonder Vrees/John without Fear en Filips de Goede/Good" http://www.historischnieuwsblad.nl/nl/artikel/26923/filips-de-goede... (Filips de Goede, de echte vader van de Nederlanden/ Philips de Good, the real father of the Netherlands).
Philip the Good
Philip the Good (French: Philippe le Bon, Dutch: Filips de Goede; 31 July 1396 – 15 June 1467) was Duke of Burgundy as Philip III from 1419 until his death. He was a member of a cadet line of the Valois dynasty (the then Royal family of France). During his reign Burgundy reached the height of its prosperity and prestige and became a leading center of the arts. Philip is known in history for his administrative reforms, patronage of Flemish artists such as Jan van Eyck, of Franco-Flemish composers such as Gilles Binchois, and the capture of Joan of Arc. During his reign he alternated between English and French alliances in an attempt to improve his dynasty's position. Moreover, as ruler of Flanders, Brabant, Limburg, Artois, Hainaut, Holland, Zeeland, Friesland and Namur, he played an important role in the history of the Low Countries.
Born in 1396 in Dijon, Philip was the son of John the Fearless and Margaret of Bavaria-Straubing.[1] His father, the son of the Duke of Burgundy, Philip the Bold, succeeded his father as duke in 1404.[2] On 28 January 1405, Philip was named Count of Charolais in appanage of the duke and probably on the same day, at the age of 8, became engaged to Michele of Valois (1395–1422), daughter of King Charles VI of France and Isabeau of Bavaria. They were married in June 1409.[3]
After Michelle's death, Philip on 30 November 1424 married Bonne of Artois (1393–1425),[3] daughter of Philip of Artois, Count of Eu, and also the widow of his uncle, Philip II, Count of Nevers, in Moulins-les-Engelbert. The latter is sometimes confused with Philip's biological aunt, also named Bonne (sister of John the Fearless, lived 1379–1399), in part due to the Papal dispensation required for the marriage which made no distinction between a marital aunt and a biological aunt.
His third marriage, in Bruges on 7 January 1430 to Isabella of Portugal (1397 – December 17, 1471), daughter of John I of Portugal and Philippa of Lancaster,[4] produced three sons:[5]
- Anthony (September 30, 1430, Brussels – February 5, 1432, Brussels), Count of Charolais;
- Josse (April 24, 1432 – aft. May 6, 1432), Count of Charolais;
- Charles (1433–1477), Count of Charolais and Philip's successor as Duke, called "Charles the Bold" or "Charles the Rash"[6]
Philip also had at least eighteen illegitimate children by various of his 24 documented mistresses, including:
- Corneille of Burgundy (c. 1420 – 1452), captain-general/governor of Luxembourg.,[7] killed in the Battle of Bazel (1452);
- Anthony, bastard of Burgundy, (1421–1504), lord of La Roche, Sainte-Menehould, Guînes, Lord of Crèvecoeur and Beveren;
- David of Burgundy, (c. 1427 – 1496),[8] bishop of Therouanne and bishop of Utrecht,[9] was a fine amateur artist, and the subject of a biography in 1529;
- Anne of Burgundy (c. 1435 – 1508), governess of Mary of Burgundy, married Adrian of Borssele and later Adolph of Cleves, Lord of Ravenstein;
- Raphaël of Burgundy, also called Raphaël de Marcatellis, (c. 1437 – 1508), abbot of the Saint-Bavo Abbey in Gent and the Saint-Peter Abbey in Oudenburg;
- Baldwin of Burgundy (c. 1446 – 1508), Lord of Fallais, Peer, Boudour, Sint-Annaland, Lovendegem, Zomergem en Fromont;
- Philip of Burgundy (1464–1524), Bishop of Utrecht.
Corneille and Anthony were his favorite bastard sons and successively bore the title of Grand bâtard de Bourgogne (first Corneille and after his death, Anthony).
Philip became duke of Burgundy and count of Flanders, Artois and Franche-Comté with the assassination of his father in 1419.[10] Philip accused Charles, the Dauphin of France and Philip's brother-in-law of planning the murder of his father, which took place during a meeting between the two[which?] at Montereau, and so he continued to prosecute the civil war between the Burgundians and Armagnacs. In 1420 Philip allied himself with Henry V of England under the Treaty of Troyes. In 1423 the marriage of Philip's sister Anne to John, Duke of Bedford, regent for Henry VI of England, strengthened the English alliance.[citation needed]
In 1430 Philip's troops captured Joan of Arc at Compiègne and later handed her over to the English who orchestrated a heresy trial against her, conducted by pro-Burgundian clerics. Despite this action against Joan of Arc, Philip's alliance with England was broken in 1435 when Philip signed the Treaty of Arras (which completely revoked the Treaty of Troyes) and thus recognised Charles VII as king of France. Philip signed for a variety of reasons, one of which may have been a desire to be recognised as the Premier Duke in France. Philip then attacked Calais, but this alliance with Charles was broken in 1439, with Philip supporting the revolt of the French nobles the following year (an event known as the Praguerie) and sheltering the Dauphin Louis.[citation needed]
Philip generally was preoccupied with matters in his own territories and seldom was directly involved in the Hundred Years' War, although he did play a role during a number of periods such as the campaign against Compiègne during which his troops captured Joan of Arc. He incorporated Namur into Burgundian territory in 1429 (March 1, by purchase from John III, Marquis of Namur), Hainault and Holland, Friesland and Zeeland in 1432 (with the defeat of Countess Jacqueline in the last episode of the Hook and Cod wars). He inherited the Duchies of Brabant and Limburg and the Margraviate of Antwerp in 1430 (on the death of his cousin Philip of Saint-Pol); and purchased Luxembourg in 1443 from Elisabeth of Bohemia, Duchess of Luxembourg. Philip also managed in 1456 to ensure his illegitimate son, David, was elected Bishop of Utrecht, and his nephew Louis of Bourbon Prince-Bishop of Liège. It is not surprising that in 1435, Philip began to style himself "Grand Duke of the West".
In 1463 Philip returned some of his territory to Louis XI. That year he also created an Estates-General based on the French model. The first meeting of the Estates-General was to obtain a loan for a war against France and to ensure support for the succession of his son, Charles I, to his dominions. In 1465 and 1467, Philip crushed two rebellions in Liège.
Philip died in Bruges in 1467.
Philip's court can only be described as extravagant. Despite the flourishing bourgeois culture of Burgundy, which the court kept in close touch with, he and the aristocrats who formed most of his inner circle retained a world-view dominated by knightly chivalry. He declined membership in the English Order of the Garter in 1422, which could have been considered an act of treason against the King of France, his feudal overlord. Instead in 1430 he created his own Order of the Golden Fleece, based on the Knights of the Round Table and the myth of Jason.
He had no fixed capital and moved the court between various palaces, the main urban ones being Brussels, Bruges, or Lille. He held grand feasts and other festivities, and the knights of his Order frequently travelled throughout his territory participating in tournaments. In 1454 Philip planned a crusade against the Ottoman Empire, launching it at the Feast of the Pheasant, but this plan never materialized. In a period from 1444 to 1446 he is estimated to have spent a sum equivalent to 2% of Burgundy's main tax income in the recette génerale, with a single Italian supplier of silk and cloth of gold, Giovanni di Arrigo Arnolfini.[11]
His court was regarded as the most splendid in Europe, and became the accepted leader of taste and fashion, which probably helped the Burgundian economy considerably, as Burgundian (usually Flemish) luxury products became sought by the elites of other parts of Europe. During his reign, for example, the richest English commissioners of illuminated manuscripts moved away from English and Parisian products to those of the Netherlands, as did other foreign buyers. Philip himself is estimated to have added six hundred manuscripts to the ducal collection, making him by a considerable margin the most important patron of the period.[12] Jean Miélot was one of his secretaries, translating into French such works as Giovanni Bocaccio's Genealogia Deorum Gentilium.
Philip was also a considerable patron of other arts, commissioning many tapestries (which he tended to prefer over paintings), pieces from goldsmiths, jewellery, and other works of art. It was during his reign that the Burgundian chapel became the musical center of Europe, with the activity of the Burgundian School of composers and singers. Gilles Binchois, Robert Morton, and later Guillaume Dufay, the most famous composer of the 15th century, were all part of Philip's court chapel.
In 1428 Jan van Eyck traveled to Portugal to paint a portrait of King John I's daughter Infanta Isabella for Philip in advance of their marriage. With help from more experienced Portuguese shipbuilders Philip established a shipyard in Bruges. Rogier van der Weyden painted his portrait twice on panel, of which only copies survive, wearing the collar of the Order of the Golden Fleece. The only original van der Weyden of Philip to survive is a superb miniature from a manuscript (above left).[12] The painter Hugo van der Goes, of the Early Netherlandish school, is credited with creating paintings for the church where Philip's funeral was held.
- .... etc.
From: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Philip_the_Good
- Philip III 'the Good', Duke of Burgundy, Lorraine, Brabant, & Limburg, Count of Flanders, Artois, Hainault, Holland, Zeeland, & Namur1,2,3,4
- M, #49416, b. 31 July 1396, d. 15 June 1467
- Father Jean "the Fearless", Duke of Burgundy, Count of Flanders b. 28 May 1371, d. 10 Sep 1419
- Mother Margareta of Holland1 b. 1363, d. 24 Jan 1424
- Philip III 'the Good', Duke of Burgundy, Lorraine, Brabant, & Limburg, Count of Flanders, Artois, Hainault, Holland, Zeeland, & Namur married Catherine de la Tufferie, daughter of Martin de la Tufferie and Richarde de la Plancq, DID NOT MARRY.5 Philip III 'the Good', Duke of Burgundy, Lorraine, Brabant, & Limburg, Count of Flanders, Artois, Hainault, Holland, Zeeland, & Namur married Jakobine van Steenberghe DID NOT MARRY.6 Philip III 'the Good', Duke of Burgundy, Lorraine, Brabant, & Limburg, Count of Flanders, Artois, Hainault, Holland, Zeeland, & Namur married Jeanne (Colette) de Praele DID NOT MARRY.7 Philip III 'the Good', Duke of Burgundy, Lorraine, Brabant, & Limburg, Count of Flanders, Artois, Hainault, Holland, Zeeland, & Namur married Jeanne de Presles, daughter of Louis Raoul de Presles, Seigneur de Lizy and Jeanne de Lizy, DID NOT MARRY.5 Philip III 'the Good', Duke of Burgundy, Lorraine, Brabant, & Limburg, Count of Flanders, Artois, Hainault, Holland, Zeeland, & Namur was born on 31 July 1396 at Dijon, Côte-d'Or, Burgundy, France.1,2 He married Michelle of France, daughter of Charles VI 'the Mad', King of France and Isabeau of Bavaria, in June 1409.8 Philip III 'the Good', Duke of Burgundy, Lorraine, Brabant, & Limburg, Count of Flanders, Artois, Hainault, Holland, Zeeland, & Namur married Bonne d' Artois, daughter of Philippe d' Artois, Comte d'Eu and Marie du Berry, on 30 November 1424 at Moulins-lez-Engelbert, France.9 Philip III 'the Good', Duke of Burgundy, Lorraine, Brabant, & Limburg, Count of Flanders, Artois, Hainault, Holland, Zeeland, & Namur married Isabella of Portugal, daughter of Sir Joao I, King of Portugal & the Algarve, Señor de Ceuta and Philippa Plantagenet, on 7 January 1430 at Sluis, Zeeland, Netherlands; They had 3 sons (Antoine (Anton); Josse; & Sir Charles, Duke of Burgundy, Lorraine, Brabant, Limburg, & Luxembourg).1,2,3,4 Philip III 'the Good', Duke of Burgundy, Lorraine, Brabant, & Limburg, Count of Flanders, Artois, Hainault, Holland, Zeeland, & Namur died on 15 June 1467 at Brugge, West Flanders, Flanders, Belgium, at age 70; Buried at Chartreuse de Champmol, Dijon, France.1,2
- Family 1
- Children
- Yolande de Bourgogne+10 d. 3 Nov 1470
- Catherine of Burgundy+11
- Jossine of Burgundy12 d. 1456
- Family 2 Jakobine van Steenberghe
- Child
- Anne of Burgundy6 d. 18 Jan 1508
- Family 3 Michelle of France b. 11 Jan 1395, d. 8 Jul 1422
- Family 4 Jeanne de Presles
- Child
- Anton (Antoine) de Burgundy, Herr zu Beveren, Comte de la Roche & Grandpre+5 b. 1421, d. 5 May 1504
- Family 5 Bonne d' Artois b. c 1396, d. 17 Sep 1425
- Family 6 Jeanne (Colette) de Praele d. 1462
- Child
- Marie de Bourgogne+7 b. c 1426, d. 2 Aug 1475
- Family 7 Isabella of Portugal b. 21 Feb 1397, d. 17 Dec 1472
- Child
- Charles "the Bold", Duke of Burgundy, Lorraine, Brabant, Limburg, & Luxembourg+1,13,3,4 b. 10 Nov 1433, d. 5 Jan 1477
- Family 8 Catherine de la Tufferie
- Child
- Baudouin of Burgundy, Vicomte d'Orbec, Seigneur de Fallais, Herr zu Peer, Loverghem, Manilly, Breda, & Sommeldijck, Baron di Bagnuolo+5 b. 1445, d. May 1508
- Citations
- [S11569] Europaische Stammtafeln, by Wilhelm Karl, Prinz zu Isenburg, Vol. II, Tafel 27.
- [S16] Douglas Richardson, Magna Carta Ancestry, 2nd Edition, Vol. II, p. 540.
- [S16] Douglas Richardson, Magna Carta Ancestry, 2nd Edition, Vol. IV, p. 408.
- [S4] Douglas Richardson, Royal Ancestry, Vol. V, p. 456.
- [S11569] Europaische Stammtafeln, by Wilhelm Karl, Prinz zu Isenburg, Vol. III, Tafel 320.
- [S11569] Europaische Stammtafeln, by Wilhelm Karl, Prinz zu Isenburg, Vol. Vi, Tafel 17.
- [S11569] Europaische Stammtafeln, by Wilhelm Karl, Prinz zu Isenburg, Vol. XIII, Tafel 39.
- [S11569] Europaische Stammtafeln, by Wilhelm Karl, Prinz zu Isenburg, Vol. II, Tafels 23, 27.
- [S11569] Europaische Stammtafeln, by Wilhelm Karl, Prinz zu Isenburg, Vol. III, Tafel 70; Vol. II, Tafel 27.
- [S13] Worldroots.com.
- [S33] Leo van de Pas: Genealogics.org.
- [S11569] Europaische Stammtafeln, by Wilhelm Karl, Prinz zu Isenburg, Vol. III, Tafel 321.
- [S5] Douglas Richardson, Plantagenet Ancestry, p. 796.
- From: http://our-royal-titled-noble-and-commoner-ancestors.com/p1644.htm#... ___________________
- Philippe III de Valois, Duc de Bourgogne1
- M, #107291, b. 30 June 1396, d. 15 June 1467
- Last Edited=18 Aug 2014
- Consanguinity Index=1.0%
- Philippe III de Valois, Duc de Bourgogne was born on 30 June 1396.3,4 He was the son of Jean I de Valois, Duc de Bourgogne and Marguerite von Bayern-Straubing.5,6 He married, firstly, Michelle de France in 1409.6 He married, secondly, Bona d'Artois, daughter of Philippe d'Artois, Comte d'Artois, in 1424.6 He married, thirdly, Isabel de Aviz, daughter of João I de Aviz, Rei de Portugal and Philippa of Lancaster, on 10 January 1429/30.6,4 He died on 15 June 1467 at age 70 at Brugge, Belgium.1,4
- Philippe III de Valois, Duc de Bourgogne also went by the nick-name of Philippe 'the Good'.4 He gained the title of Duc de Bourgogne in 1419.6 He founded the Order of the Golden Fleece.4
- Child of Philippe III de Valois, Duc de Bourgogne
- Anne de Bourgogne
- Child of Philippe III de Valois, Duc de Bourgogne and Johanna Presles
- Anton I de Bourgogne Graaf van La Roche+7 b. 1420, d. 5 May 1504
- Child of Philippe III de Valois, Duc de Bourgogne and Isabel de Aviz
- Charles de Valois, Duc de Bourgogne, Brabant, Limburg et Luxembourg, Graaf van Vlaanderen Holland en Zeeland+5 b. 10 Nov 1433, d. 5 Jan 1477
- Citations
- [S11] Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Families: The Complete Genealogy (London, U.K.: The Bodley Head, 1999), page 99. Hereinafter cited as Britain's Royal Families.
- [S3409] Caroline Maubois, "re: Penancoet Family," e-mail message to Darryl Roger Lundy, 2 December 2008. Hereinafter cited as "re: Penancoet Family."
- [S16] Jirí Louda and Michael MacLagan, Lines of Succession: Heraldry of the Royal Families of Europe, 2nd edition (London, U.K.: Little, Brown and Company, 1999), table 116. Hereinafter cited as Lines of Succession.
- [S45] Marcellus Donald R. von Redlich, Pedigrees of Some of the Emperor Charlemagne's Descendants, volume I (1941; reprint, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S.A.: Genealogical Publishing Company, 2002), page 57. Hereinafter cited as Pedigrees of Emperor Charlemagne, I.
- [S16] Louda and MacLagan, Lines of Succession, table 65.
- [S16] Louda and MacLagan, Lines of Succession, table 75.
- [S3268] Hans Harmsen, "re: Chester Family," e-mail message to Darryl Roger Lundy, 21 August 2008. Hereinafter cited as "re: Chester Family."
- From: http://www.thepeerage.com/p10730.htm#i107291 ________________
- Phillippa PLANTAGENET (Queen of Portugal)
- Born: 31 Mar 1360, Leicester Castle, Leicester, England
- Died: 19 Jul 1415, Odivellas, Lisbon
- Buried: Batalla Abbey, Portugal
- Notes: died of the plague. The Complete Peerage vol.VII,p.415,note g.
- Father: John "of Gaunt" PLANTAGENET (1º D. Lancaster)
- Mother: Blanche PLANTAGENET
- Married: Joao I "o falso" of Aviz (King of Portugal) 14 Feb 1387, Oporto Cathedral, Portugal
- Children:
- 1. Branca De AVIZ (b. 1378)
- 2. Beatriz PINTO (B. Strange of Blackmere) (b. ABT 1386) (m.1 Gilbert Talbot of Irchingfield - m.2 Thomas Fettiplace of East Shefford)
- 3. Branca De AVIZ (b. 13 Jul 1388)
- 4. Alfonzo De AVIZ (b. 30 Jul 1390)
- 5. Duarte of Portugal (King of Portugal) (b. 31 Oct 1391)
- 6. Pedro De AVIZ of Combrie (Regent) (b. 9 Dec 1392)
- 7. Henry "the Navigator" De AVIZ (D. Viseu) (b. 4 Mar 1394 - d. 1460)
- 8. Isabella De AVIZ (b. 21 Feb 1397) (m. Phillip III "the good", D. Burgundy)
- 9. Branca De AVIZ (b. 1398)
- 10. Joao De AVIZ (Grand Master of Santiago) (b. 13 Jan 1400)
- 11. Fernando De AVIZ (Grand Master of Aviz) (b. 29 Sep 1402)
- From: http://www.tudorplace.com.ar/PLANTAGENET2.htm#Phillippa PLANTAGENET (Queen of Portugal) __________________
Philip III Duke of Burgundy 'Grand Duke of the West''s Timeline
1396 |
June 30, 1396
Château de Rouvres, Dijon, Burgundy, France
1420 |
1421 |
Vlissingen, Flushing, ZE, Netherlands
1426 |
1427 |
Arras, Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France