A geni project was pioneered by Michael M. van Beuren in order to better establish Phebe's lineage Roberts Families of Eastern Pennsylvania
~• presented here as many genealogies supply her with an incorrect maiden name
If you examine her headstone, it reads "Phebe R. " : "Phebe Roberts ". Her daughter's death certificate identifies her as "Febe Roberts" .
~• a daughter is buried beside her (Emily)'
Her oldest son and his son both fought in the Civil War. The grandson, George died at Antietam at age 19.
•by 1860: Her husband Joseph has died: Phebe is living in Richboro PO, Bucks County. with some of her children.
There was a JAMES ROBERTS living in NORTHAMPTON, Bucks Co, in 1810 (census). On the census there is reference to children. One is a girl under 10.
Post Office: Richboro
Year: 1870 (census) Matilda "Mattie" and George were living with Phebe at home.
History of Northampton Township
{ a document attached to this profile now supplements these notes }
THE PROJECT ESTABLISHED HER PARENTS through facts about her dau. Ann who married Edmund Plumley (a second cousin) and a will who named her children.
Plumley, Edmund to Ann Roberts, both of Northampton Twp., by Jonathan Lefferts, Esq. m. 8 Nov 1827{MMvB vol. curator 2016}
Will of Anne Paxson of Southampton 13 Jun 1857, proved 20 Jul 1867. wife of Israel Paxson.
Property of my bother John Gregg, deceased. Among many bequeaths are:
• These two events, a marriage and a will, taken together identify Ann Roberts and Thomas H. Roberts as children of Charlotte and James Roberts.
Phebe Roberts married Joseph Saxton. They name their 1st child Plumly... Might Charlotte, wife of James, be a Plumly? Or, were the Plumlys and Paxsons benefactors of the (poor) Roberts family?
Making the supposition that Charlotte is a Plumly, I searched the geni database for <Charlotte Plumly> There is one match; and it fits: Charlotte Roberts
Birth: March 8, 1772 • Northern Liberties,Philadelphia County,Pennsylvania • Daughter of William Plumley and Jane Plumley (Yardley)
All of this is enough for me to close out the search ... Phebe Saxton (Roberts) is the dau. of James Roberts and Charlotte Plumly
1801 |
November 7, 1801
Bucks County, Pennsylvania, United States
based on Union Cemetery stone, as seen on findagrave see ancestry dot com:
1820 |
Bridgetown, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, United States
History of Bridgetown (just south of Newtown on the Neshaminy):
Surnames: Preston, Jenks, Comfort, Heaton, WIldman The immigrant Thomas Jenks married Mercy Wildman (Wildmans are 20th century Saxton descendants) |
1822 |
Northampton Township, Bucks County
1825 |
July 22, 1825
Pennsylvania, United States
1827 |
Northampton, Bucks County, Pennsylvania, United States
1830 |
Northampton, Northampton County, Pennsylvania, United States