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Paul Leonard Newman (1925 - 2008)

Hebrew: פאול לאונרד ניומן
Birthplace: Cleveland Heights, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, United States
Death: September 26, 2008 (83)
At home, 274 North Avenue, Westport, Fairfield County, Connecticut, United States (complications of lung cancer)
Place of Burial: cremated
Immediate Family:

Son of Arthur Sigmund Newman, Sr and Theresa Newman
Husband of Private and Joanne Woodward
Ex-husband of Private
Father of Private; Scott Newman; Private; Private; Private and 3 others
Brother of Arthur Sigmund Newman, Jr.

Occupation: Actor, director, philanthopist, race car driver
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:
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Immediate Family

About Paul Newman

Paul Newman was an American actor, film director, race car driver, philanthropist, and entrepreneur. He was the recipient of numerous awards, including an Academy Award, a BAFTA Award, three Golden Globe Awards, a Screen Actors Guild Award, a Primetime Emmy Award, a Silver Bear, a Cannes Film Festival Award, and the Jean Hersholt Humanitarian Award.

Born in Cleveland Heights, Ohio and raised in nearby Shaker Heights, a suburb of Cleveland, Newman showed an interest in theater as a child and at age 10 performed in a stage production of Saint George and the Dragon at the Cleveland Play House. He received his Bachelor of Arts degree in drama and economics from Kenyon College in 1949. After touring with several summer stock companies including the Belfry Players, Newman attended the Yale School of Drama for a year before studying at the Actors Studio under Lee Strasberg. His first starring Broadway role was in William Inge's Picnic in 1953.

Newman won the Academy Award for Best Actor for his performance in The Color of Money (1986). His Oscar-nominated performances were in Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958), The Hustler (1961), Hud (1963), Cool Hand Luke (1967), Absence of Malice (1981), The Verdict (1982), Nobody's Fool (1994), and Road to Perdition (2002). He also starred in such films as Harper (1966), Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (1969), The Sting (1973), The Towering Inferno (1974), Slap Shot (1977), and Fort Apache, The Bronx (1981). He also voiced Doc Hudson in Cars (2006).

Newman won several national championships as a driver in Sports Car Club of America road racing. He was a co-founder of Newman's Own, a food company from which he donated all post-tax profits and royalties to charity. As of May 2021, these donations have totaled over US$570 million. Newman continued to found such charitable organizations such as the SeriousFun Children's Network in 1988 and the Safe Water Network in 2006. Newman was married twice and fathered six children. He was the husband of the actress Joanne Woodward.


Newman was born on January 26, 1925, in Cleveland Heights, Ohio, and raised in nearby Shaker Heights, the second son of Theresa Garth (née Fetzer, Fetzko, or Fetsko; Slovak: Terézia Fecková; 1894–1982) and Arthur Sigmund Newman, Sr. (1893–1950), who ran a sporting goods store. His father was Jewish, the son of Simon Newman and Hannah Cohn, Hungarian Jewish and Polish Jewish emigrants, from Hungary and Congress Poland, respectively. Paul's mother was a practitioner of Christian Science. She was born to a Roman Catholic family in Peticse, Zemplén county, in the Kingdom of Hungary, Austro-Hungarian Empire (present-day Ptičie, Slovakia). Newman's mother worked in his father's store, while raising Paul and his elder brother, Arthur.

Newman was married twice. His first marriage was to Jackie Witte from 1949 to 1958. They had a son, Scott (1950–1978), and two daughters, Susan (born 1953) and Stephanie Kendall (born 1954).

Newman met actress Joanne Woodward in 1953, on the production of Picnic on Broadway. It was Newman's debut; Woodward was an understudy. Shortly after filming The Long, Hot Summer in 1957, he divorced Witte to marry Woodward. The Newmans moved to East 11th Street in Manhattan, before buying a home and raising their family in Westport, Connecticut. They were one of the first Hollywood movie star couples to choose to raise their families outside California. They remained married for 50 years until his death in 2008. They had three daughters: Elinor "Nell" Teresa (b. 1959), Melissa "Lissy" Stewart (b. 1961), and Claire "Clea" Olivia (b. 1965).


While Newman followed the Unitarian Universalist religion as an adult, he called himself a Jew, "because it's more of a challenge". When he applied to Kenyon College after the Navy he gave his religion as "Christian Scientist," but apart from that he did not deny that he was Jewish. He recounted in his posthumous memoirs having a "strong sense of otherness" as a youth because he was half-Jewish. His heritage "got in the way of my sitting at the 'A' table, which was important to me," but he received no instruction on his Jewish heritage. He only knew that "if you were Jewish, some avenues were shut to you," and that "hurt me and my brother a great deal." Newman deflected the pain with humor, sometimes doing Yiddish voices "for laughs." He was excluded from a high school fraternity because he was Jewish, and got into a "bloody fight" in the Navy because a sailor used an anti-Semitic slur. A family friend recounted that the "stigma" of being Jewish was strong in Shaker Heights at the time. "Paul didn't seem Jewish at all, but he paid a price, he had a rough time."

After he began appearing in films, Newman made a point of not changing his name. When he was being considered for the role of Terry Malloy in On the Waterfront, producer Sam Spiegel asked him to "get rid of 'Paul Newman'". Newman’s response to Spiegel, who sometimes was credited as "S.P. Eagle," was "What do you want me to change it to, 'S.P. Ewman'?" (Wikipedia, CC BY-SA 4.0)


  • Barson, Michael. "Paul Newman". Britannica, published 22 September 2023. < link > Accessed 14 October 2023.
  • Bolcevic, Sherri Quirke. "Newman, Paul Leonard." Encyclopedia of Cleveland History. < link > Accessed 14 October 2023.
  • "Paul L Newman." Connecticut Death Index, 1949-2012 via MyHeritage. < link > Accessed 14 October 2023.
  • "Paul Newman." Jewish Virtual Library'". < link > Accessed 14 October 2023.
  • "Paul Newman." Wikipedia, revision of 10 October 2023. < link > Accessed 14 October 2023.

See also

About Paul Newman (עברית)

פול ניומן

' (באנגלית: Paul Newman; ‏ 26 בינואר 1925 - 26 בספטמבר 2008) היה שחקן קולנוע וכן במאי, יזם, פילנתרופ, נהג מרוצים, ובעל נבחרת מרוצי מכוניות אמריקאי ממוצא יהודי. זכה בפרס האוסקר ובשישה פרסי גלובוס הזהב. זכה גם באליפויות ארציות כנהג מרוצים.

תוכן עניינים 1 תחילת דרכו 2 קריירה קולנועית 3 שנותיו האחרונות 4 נישואיו ומשפחתו 5 תרומות וצדקה 6 קישורים חיצוניים תחילת דרכו ניומן נולד בקליבלנד שבאוהיו לאם סלובקית קתולית, תרזה ולאב יהודי, ארתור. כשסיים את לימודיו התיכוניים התגייס לצי ושירת כמפעיל קשר באוקיינוס השקט. לאחר שירותו הצבאי, הוא נרשם לקולג' באוהיו וסיים שם לימודי תואר ראשון בשנת 1949. זמן קצר לאחר מכן נפטר אביו של ניומן, והוא חזר לעיר הולדתו כדי לנהל את חנות מוצרי הספורט של הוריו.

לאחר שמאס בעסק, נרשם בשנת 1953 ללימודי תואר שני בדרמה, באוניברסיטת ייל, ועבר לקונטיקט. שנה מאוחר יותר עבר לניו יורק, שם טיפח את כישורי המשחק שלו, כשלמד ב"אולפן השחקנים" של לי שטרסברג. ב-1951 זכה ניומן בתפקיד הטלוויזיוני הראשון שלו בהפקת רשת CBS ל"משפחת אוֹלְדרִיץ'". שנתיים לאחר מכן הוא הופיע לראשונה על בימות ברודוויי בהצגה "פיקניק", הצגה שהביאה לניומן את החוזה שלו עם חברת האחים וורנר.

קריירה קולנועית סרטו הראשון של ניומן היה "גביע הכסף" סרט תקופתי שנחל כישלון צורב. למרות זאת, זכה ניומן בפרס גלובוס הזהב על השתתפותו בסרט בקטגוריית "תגלית השנה". הוא חזר שנתיים מאוחר יותר, בסרט "מישהו שם למעלה אוהב אותי", בתפקיד המתאגרף רוקי גרציאנו (אנ'). בשנים הבאות הופיע ניומן בכמה קלאסיקות קולנועיות, כמו "חתולה על גג פח לוהט" של ריצ'רד ברוקס, המתבסס על מחזהו של טנסי ויליאמס, תפקיד שהביא לניומן את מועמדותו הראשונה לפרס אוסקר. ב-1961 הופיעה בסרט אינטרמצו בפריז בתור נגן ג'אז ביחד עם אשתו ג'ואן וודוורד. ב-1962 הופיע בסרט "ציפור הנעורים המתוקה" גם כן לפי מחזה של טנסי ויליאמס בבימויו של ריצ'רד ברוק.

פול ניומן הופיע בתור "ארי בן כנען" בסרטו משנת 1960 של הבמאי אוטו פרמינגר "אקסודוס", על פי ספרו רב המכר של ליאון יוריס. הסרט הוא אפופיה אודות ההעפלה והמאבק לעצמאות ישראל. לצורך הצילומים הגיע ניומן לישראל, אתר התנהלות הצילומים, יחד עם אשתו ג'ואן וודוורד. הסרט זכה להצלחה קופתית גדולה ותרם רבות להסברה הישראלית.

ב-1969 ייסד ניומן, ביחד עם סטיב מקווין, סידני פואטייה וברברה סטרייסנד את חברת ההפקות הראשונה שהייתה בבעלות שחקנים. אחד הסרטים הזכורים של פול ניומן הוא קומדיה של ג'ורג' רוי היל, בשם "העוקץ", בה כיכב לצדו של רוברט רדפורד, שהיה שיתוף פעולה שני אחרי עבודתם המשותפת ב"קיד וקסידי". "העוקץ" זכה בשבעה פרסי אוסקר, אך עדיין לא זיכה את ניומן בפרס הנכסף. ב-1986 הופיע בסרט "צבע הכסף" של מרטין סקורסזה, לצד טום קרוז הצעיר שזה סרט המשך לסרט אדי פלסון משנת 1961. על משחקו בסרט זה זכה ניומן בפרס אוסקר לשחקן הטוב ביותר. סרטים בולטים אחרים שלו היו "הקפיצה הגדולה" של האחים כהן, ו"לא פראייר של אף אחד", עליו קיבל מועמדות נוספת לאוסקר.

ניומן גם ביים מספר סרטים. את ג'ואן וודוורד הוא ביים בסרטים "רייצ'ל, רייצ'ל" והשפעת קרני גמא על ציפורני החתול.

שנותיו האחרונות בשנותיו האחרונות היה ניומן בררן יותר, ושיחק רק בסרטים בודדים שריתקו אותו במיוחד. על סרטו "הדרך לפרדישן" משנת 2002, עליו טען שזהו סרטו האחרון, קיבל מועמדות לפרס אוסקר לשחקן המשנה. ב-2005, הופיע בסרט הטלוויזיה "אימפריות נופלות". על השתתפותו בסרט זה, זכה בפרס אמי ובפרס גלובוס הזהב. ב־2006 דיבב את דמותו של דוק הדסון בסרט האנימציה "מכוניות". זה היה תפקידו האחרון בסרט שאינו דוקומנטרי, וסרט זה הוא הרווחי ביותר במשך הקריירה שלו.

פול ניומן נפטר בביתו אשר בווסטפורט, קונטיקט מסרטן הריאות וגופתו נשרפה. בן 83 היה במותו.

נישואיו ומשפחתו ניומן היה נשוי פעמיים. מאשתו הראשונה ז'קלין וויט (1958-1949), נולדו ילדיהם: סקוט (1950), סוזן (1953) וסטפני. סקוט השתתף במספר סרטים, ביניהם "המגדל הלוהט". הבת סוזן קֵנְדֶל, היא במאית של סרטים דוקומנטריים ושיחקה בברודוויי ובמספר סרטים. את אשתו השנייה, ג'ואן וודוורד, הכיר כשהצטלם לסרט "הקיץ הארוך והלוהט", לצידו של אורסון ולס הוותיק. הם נישאו בשנת 1958, ולהם שלוש בנות: אלינור "נל" תרזה (1959), מליסה "ליסי" סטיוארט (1961) וקלייר "קליאה" אוליביה (1965). אלינור, ששם הבמה שלה הוא נל פוטס, השתתפה בתפקיד הראשי לצד אימה, בסרט "השפעת קרני גמא על ציפורני החתול", אותו ביים אביה בשנת 1972.

תרומות וצדקה בשנות השמונים ייסד ניומן את "ניומנס", חברת מוצרי מזון מצליחה לרוטבי ספגטי וסלט שכל רווחיה מוקדשים לצדקה. הוא גם ייסד עמותה לשיקום מסמים, שנקראת על שם בנו סקוט, שמת בנובמבר 1978 ממנת יתר של סמי הרגעה ואלכוהול.

בשנת 1988 הקים את רשת כפרי הנופש הבינלאומית "SeriousFun Children's Network" (אנ') לילדים המתמודדים עם מחלות כרוניות ומחלות מסכנות חיים.

קישורים חיצוניים מיזמי קרן ויקימדיה ויקיציטוט ציטוטים בוויקיציטוט: פול ניומן ויקישיתוף תמונות ומדיה בוויקישיתוף: פול ניומן Green globe.svg אתר האינטרנט הרשמי

של פול ניומן פול ניומן , באתר DriverDB לנהגי מרוצים IMDB Logo 2016.svg פול ניומן , במסד הנתונים הקולנועיים IMDb (באנגלית) Allmovie Logo.png פול ניומן , באתר AllMovie (באנגלית) פול ניומן , באתר Box Office Mojo (באנגלית) הגיע השחקן פול ניומן , דבר, על ביקורו של פול ניומן בישראל, 15 במרץ 1960 פול ניומן הלך לעולמו , באתר nrg‏, 27 בספטמבר 2008 השחקן פול ניומן הלך לעולמו , ynet פול ניומן באתר המגזין טיים רון מיברג, מותו של ארי בן-כנען , באתר nrg‏, 28 בספטמבר 2008 עפר שלח, פול ניומן: פניו של החלום האמריקני , באתר nrg‏, 28 בספטמבר 2008 שמוליק דובדבני, המורד האולטימטיבי , באתר ynet, 27 בספטמבר 2008 אורי קליין, אהבה קולנועית בת חמישים , באתר הארץ, 2 באוקטובר 2008 מאיה שני, ספר חדש: פול ניומן היה רודף שמלות ושתיין כרוני , באתר News1 מחלקה ראשונה‏, מתאריך 2 במאי 2009 פול ניומן , באתר "Find a Grave" (באנגלית) פול ניומן - פרסים


  •  Paul Leonard Newman (January 26, 1925 – September 26, 2008) was an American actor, film director, entrepreneur, humanitarian, professional racing driver, auto racing team owner and auto racing enthusiast.

Blue-eyed, charming and rascally, Paul Newman was one of the biggest movie stars of the 20th century.

With co-star Robert Redford he was in two of the biggest box office successes in history, 1969's Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid (Newman played Butch and Redford was Sundance) and 1973's The Sting.

Newman was Oscar-nominated as best actor eight times, for films including Cat on a Hot Tin Roof (1958, opposite Elizabeth Taylor), The Hustler (1961, co-starring George C. Scott), and Cool Hand Luke (1967).

He went Oscar-less until 1985, when he was given an honorary Academy Award for his distinguished body of work; the next year he won the best actor Oscar for his role in Martin Scorsese's The Color of Money (1986, co-starring Tom Cruise).

He also directed several films, including Rachel, Rachel (1968), Sometimes A Great Notion (1971, based on the novel by Ken Kesey) and Harry and Son (1984).

With his friend A.E. Hotchner, he founded the "Newman's Own" line of salad dressing in 1982, with the proceeds going to charity. The company expanded into many other foods (including "Fig Newman" cookies), and by the time of Newman's death had donated $200 million dollars to charities worldwide.

Newman was born in Shaker Heights (a suburb of Cleveland). He was the son of Theresa (née Fetzer or Fetsko; Slovak: Terézia Fecková) and Arthur Sigmund Newman, who ran a profitable sporting goods store.

His father was Jewish (Paul's paternal grandparents, Simon Newman and Hannah Cohn, were immigrants from Hungary and Poland). His mother, who practiced Christian Science, was born to a Slovak Roman Catholic family at Homonna, Ptičie (formerly Pticsie) in the former Kingdom of Hungary, Austro–Hungarian Empire (now Humenné in Slovakia).

Newman had no religion as an adult, but described himself as a Jew, stating that "it's more of a challenge".Newman's mother worked in his father's store, while raising Paul and his brother, Arthur, who later became a producer and production manager.

Cool Hand Newman, a tough guy to the end, finally succumbs to cancer at 83

By Sharon Churcher and Caroline Graham
28th September 2008

Paul Newman, one of the finest screen actors and the man described as the last of Hollywood’s class acts, has died at the age of 83.

Surrounded by his family at his New England farmhouse, he was holding the hand of his wife Joanne Woodward when the end came. The couple had celebrated 50 years of marriage in January.

Newman had been gravely ill with lung cancer for some months and decided six weeks ago to spend his final days at home.

The Oscar winner, acclaimed director, racing car driver and philanthropist was acknowledged to be one of the few in his profession for whom the epithet ‘living legend’ genuinely applied.

He used his fame to support good causes, donating all the profits from his Newman’s Own food company – more than £125million – to charities and social welfare organisations.

Of his films, it was probably those that paraded his magical on-screen partnership with Robert Redford – Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Kid and The Sting – that remain the best loved.

Last night, in a moving statement, the star’s daughters Susan, Stephanie, Elinor, Melissa and Claire said: ‘Paul Newman played many unforgettable roles. But the ones for which he was proudest never had top billing on the marquee.

‘Devoted husband. Loving father. Adoring grandfather. Dedicated philanthropist. Our father was a rare symbol of selfless humility, the last to acknowledge what he was doing was special.

‘Always and to the end, Dad was incredibly grateful for his good fortune. In his own words, “It’s been a privilege to be here.”’ Newman

Newman with Robert Redford in 1969's Butch Cassidy And The Sundance Kid Paul Newman

Speed king: He loved motor sport and in the Seventies became a professional racing driver

Paul Newman with wife Joanne Woodward

Newman and wife Joanne Woodward celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary this year

Newman began his career in the Fifties and went on to make more than 60 films. And in all that time his star quality never failed him – and neither did his ability to make women’s hearts skip a beat.

For as much as he was a great actor, he was also a sex symbol, famed for his luminous blue eyes, brooding demeanour and non-conformist cool.

Elizabeth Taylor, Newman’s friend and co-star in Cat On A Hot Tin Roof, was among those left devastated.

A friend said: ‘She broke down and said, “There’s so few of us left.” They had a great rapport and had been friends a very long time.’ Newman

The screen legend had a passion for fast cars as well as acting

George Clooney said: ‘He set the bar high for the rest of us. Not just actors, but all of us. He will be greatly missed.’ Julia Roberts said: ‘He was my hero.’

Oscar-winning British director Sam Mendes said working with Newman on Road To Perdition in 2002 had been ‘the highlight of my professional life’. He added: ‘To say he was an extraordinary man would be an understatement.’ Big hitter: Newman donned boxing gloves for his role in 1967's Cool Hand Luke Paul Newman Bond star Daniel Craig, who also appeared in Road To Perdition, said: ‘He was one of the greatest screen actors of all time and a beautiful man.’

Newman frequently chose to play uncompromising characters who lived on society’s margins. And friends told how he ‘remained a tough guy to the end’. Two days before his death, which came at 9.30pm on Friday, he told his wife that he was going to stop taking drugs which doctors said would give him a few more days of life. A friend said: ‘Paul knew it was time for him to go. He wanted to go out with dignity. He and his wife made the decision together to let go. He stopped all medication except morphine.’ The former chain smoker had proudly tried to hide his illness from all but his family and a few trusted friends.

His son-in-law Raphael Elkind said that his family did not want a big funeral and instead his ashes would be scattered at the place dearest to his heart – the children’s camp in Ashford, Connecticut. His charity had helped build several such camps for children with life-threatening illnesses.

Mr Elkind, married to Newman’s daughter Melissa, said: ‘She told me that when she got to the house her father said to her, “I’m ready.” 'His body was tired and he was ready to go. He left on his terms, quietly and with great dignity.’ His comments were echoed by the American playwright A. E. Hotchner, the actor’s business partner. He said: ‘Paul was most like his character in Cool Hand Luke – even when life beat up on him, he stayed optimistic.

'He prepared for death as if he was preparing for one final car race. He didn’t dwell on the outcome but he was determined to keep his foot flat on the pedal to the end.’ He added: ‘Joanne is devastated. Paul was her life.’ Robert Redford said: ‘There is a point where feelings go beyond words. I have lost a real friend. My life – and this country – was better for his being in it.’ Newman worked with some of the biggest names in Hollywood, including Alfred Hitchcock, Robert Altman, Martin Scorsese, Lauren Bacall and Tom Hanks. He also appeared with his wife in several films including Long Hot Summer, Paris Blues and From The Terrace.

His last film role was as the voice of Doc Hudson – a famous but ageing racing car – in the Pixar animation Cars. It was perhaps a fitting epitaph for the actor, who had a lifelong fascination with the sport. He put his film career on hold in the Seventies to become a professional driver and took second place at Le Mans in 1979.

Actor, producer, writer, director, activist, race car driver, co-owner of Newman/Haas Racing, entrepreneur, philanthropist, founder of Newman's Own and The Hole in the Wall Gang Camps, Paul Newman on marriage: “I’ve repeatedly said that for people who have as little in common as Joanne and myself, we have an uncommonly good marriage. We are actors. We make pictures and that’s about all we have in common. Maybe that’s enough. Wives shouldn’t feel obligated to accompany their husbands to a ball game, husbands do look a bit silly attending morning coffee breaks with the neighborhood wives when most men are out at work. Husbands and wives should have separate interests, cultivate different sets of friends and not impose on the other ... You can’t spend a lifetime breathing down each other’s necks ... We are very, very different people and yet somehow we fed off those varied differences and instead of separating us, it has made the whole bond a lot stronger.”

Please see this news item from November 4, 2010:

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Paul Newman's Timeline

January 26, 1925
Cleveland Heights, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, United States
September 23, 1950
Cleveland, Cuyahoga County, Ohio, United States