public profile
Otto and his wife Richardis had 5 children:
OTTO (-22 Oct 1207, bur Kloster Kamp). The Kronik van Arent toe Bocop names "Gherrit und…Otte" as the two sons of "Henderick…grave van Gelre"[1025]. He succeeded in 1182 as OTTO I Graaf van Gelre en Zütphen. "Otto…comes Gelrensis…cum uxore nostra Richarda" granted customs privileges to Kloster Altenburg by charter dated to [1188][1026]. “Otto...Gelre comes” donated property to Bedbur, with the consent of “Richardis uxoris mee et heredum meorum...Gerardi, Ottonis sive Lodevici”, by charter dated 1203, witnessed by “...Theodericus frater comitis...”[1027]. married ([1185]%29 RICHARDIS of Bavaria, daughter of OTTO I Graf von Wittelsbach Duke of Bavaria & his wife Agnes van Looz (-Roermond 21 Sep 1231, bur Roermond). The Genealogia Ottonis II Ducis Bavariæ refers to, but does not name, the fourth of the five daughters of "Otto dictus de Schiren…dux Bawarie" as wife of "Otto comes de Gelre", specifying that they had three sons[1028]. The Kronik van Arent toe Bocop records that "Otto…grave van Gelre" married "des graven docter van Gullick…Richgerda"[1029], which misstates her origin. Her name is further confirmed by the charter dated 1250 under which her grandson "Otto…comes Gelrensis" names "avia mea domina Richardis…avi mei Ottonis comitis"[1030]. "Otto…comes Gelrensis…cum uxore nostra Richarda" granted customs privileges to Kloster Altenburg by charter dated to [1188][1031]. “Otto...Gelre comes” donated property to Bedbur, with the consent of “Richardis uxoris mee et heredum meorum...Gerardi, Ottonis sive Lodevici”, by charter dated 1203[1032]. “Gerhardus comes Gelrie et Zutphanie” donated property to the church of Zutphen St Walburgis, for the soul of “patris mei Ottonis”, with the consent of “matris mee Richardis et fratrum meorum Ottonis, Xanctensis prepositi, et Lodewici”, by charter dated 1207[1033]. Abbess of the Munster Abbey at Roermond.
Otto I & his wife RICHARDIS of Bavaria had eight children:
- a) HENDRIK (-[1198], bur Rijnsburg). The Kronik van Arent toe Bocop names "Henderick" as the son of "Otto…grave van Gelre" and his wife[1034]. Betrothed (1198) to ALEIDIS [Adelheid] of Holland, daughter of DIRK VII Count of Holland & his wife Adelheid von Kleve ([1186]-before 1203, bur Rijnsburg). The Chronologia Johannes de Beke names "Adelheidim et Adam" as the two daughters of Count Dirk VII & his wife, specifying that Adelheid was betrothed to "Henrico domicello Gelrie"[1035]. The Annales Egmundani record the betrothal in 1197 of "Theodericus comes filiam Aleydem" and "filio comitis Ottonis…Heinricus" but specifying that "idem puer" died and was buried at Rijnsburg[1036]. The Chronologia Johannes de Beke records that "Otto comes Gelrensis" and "Theodericus Hollandensis" were reconciled and agreed the betrothal of "filiam suam Aleidem" and "filio comitis Ottonis…Henricus", but specifying in a later passage that both died soon after and were buried "in Rinesburgensi monasterio"[1037].
- b) GERHARD ([1185]-killed in battle 22 Oct 1229, bur Roermond Cistercian Abbey). The Kronik van Arent toe Bocop names "Gherrit" as the third son of "Otto…grave van Gelre" and his wife[1038]. He succeeded as GERHARD III Graaf van Gelre.
- c) ADELHEID (-4 Feb 1218, bur Rijnsburg). The Annales Egmundani record the marriage in 1197 of "Wilhelmum fratrem Theoderici comitis" and "filiam comitis Ottonis [Pictavis Aquisgrani]"[1039]. The Chronologia Johannes de Beke records the marriage of "Wilhelmum comitem" and "Otto comes…Adelheidem suam filiam", specifying that it was celebrated "in Stavria"[1040]. The Gesta Epsicoporum Traiectensium records the marriage of "Wilhelmum" and "Otto comes Gelrensis…filiam"[1041]. The Chronologia Johannes de Beke records the death "1219 II Id Feb" of "comitissa" and her burial at Rijnsburg[1042]. married (Stavoren, Friesland 1197) as his first wife, WILLEM of Holland, son of FLORIS III Count of Holland & his wife Ada of Scotland (-4 Feb 1222). He succeeded in 1203 as WILLEM I Count of Holland.
- d) OTTO (-Vorthusen Mar 1213, bur Utrecht cathedral). The Kronik van Arent toe Bocop names "Otto…byscop van Uttert" as the second son of "Otto…grave van Gelre" and his wife[1043]. “Otto...Gelre comes” donated property to Bedbur, with the consent of “Richardis uxoris mee et heredum meorum...Gerardi, Ottonis sive Lodevici”, by charter dated 1203[1044]. Provost of Xanten. “Gerhardus comes Gelrie et Zutphanie” donated property to the church of Zutphen St Walburgis, for the soul of “patris mei Ottonis”, with the consent of “matris mee Richardis et fratrum meorum Ottonis, Xanctensis prepositi, et Lodewici”, by charter dated 1207[1045]. Bishop of Utrecht 1213. The Chronologia Johannes de Beke records that "dominus Adulfus Coloniensis, Otto Monasteriensis et Gerardus Osnaburgensis fratres et pontifices, Wilhelmus Hollandie ac Otto Gelrie comites" met in Utrecht and elected "Otto Xanctensis prepositus…frater [error for filius] eiusdem comitis Gelrie et sororius prefati comitis Hollandie…iuvenis" as bishop of Utrecht, but that he died "1205 apud Vorthusen febre pulsatus VII Kal Apr" and was buried at Utrecht[1046]. The Kronik van Arent toe Bocop records that "Otto van Ghelre" was installed as thirty-third bishop of Utrecht in 1210, although he was no older than eighteen years old, died in 1213 and was buried in Utrecht cathedral[1047].
- e) LUDWIG (-after 1207). “Otto...Gelre comes” donated property to Bedbur, with the consent of “Richardis uxoris mee et heredum meorum...Gerardi, Ottonis sive Lodevici”, by charter dated 1203[1048]. “Gerhardus comes Gelrie et Zutphanie” donated property to the church of Zutphen St Walburgis, for the soul of “patris mei Ottonis”, with the consent of “matris mee Richardis et fratrum meorum Ottonis, Xanctensis prepositi, et Lodewici”, by charter dated 1207[1049].
- f) IRMGARD (-after 1230). Levoldus’s mid-14th century Chronica Comitum de Marka records that “comes Adulphus” married “sorore comitis Gelrie”[1050]. “Otto...comes in Dale” donated “domum in Eklo” to Kloster Flasheim, with the consent of “Richarde uxore nostra et eius matre comitissa de Altena domina Ermigarde”, by charter dated 1225[1051]. married (after 1210) as his second wife, ADOLF [I] Graf von der Mark, son of FRIEDRICH [I] Graf von Altena & his wife Alveradis --- (-28 Jun 1249).
- g) MARGARETA (-after 1264). "Lutharius…comes de Hostadin filius Lutharii comitis, et Margaretha uxor eius" recognised that the churches of "Vremesdorp et de Rummerskirchen" belonged to Knechtsteden abbey, by charter dated Feb 1227[1052]. “Lotharius comes de Hostade” settled a dispute with Kloster Schillingscapellen by charter dated Jul 1237, witnessed by "Margareta comitissa, Theodericus et Gerardus filii mei…"[1053]. "Margareta comitissa Hostadensis, Th. comes Hostadensis et Gerardus filii mei" granted rights in Hengebach castle to Wilhelm Graf von Jülich by charter dated 2 Nov 1242[1054]. married (before 1216) LOTHAR [III] Graf von Hochstaden, son of LOTHAR [I] Graf von Hochstaden & his wife Mechtild von Vianden (-[1237/44]).
- h) MECHTILD (-28 Oct after 1247). "Heinricus et Roppertus comites de Nassovva" bought property from Mainz cathedral, with the consent of "uxorum nostrarum Methildis et Gertrudis", by charter dated 11 Dec 1215[1055]. "Heinricus…comes de Nassowe…collateralis nostra…Methildis" confirmed the dependence of "ecclesie in Nepphe" to Kloster Arnstein by charter dated 9 Jun 1239[1056]. "Henricus comes de Nassowe et Methildis comitissa uxor eiusdem, Walramus primogenitus, ceterique liberi eorundem" donated tolls from a bridge to Altenburg abbey by charter dated 20 Jul 1245[1057]. "Heinricus comes de Nassowe et Mectildis comitissa" donated "ecclesiam in Inferi[ori] Diffenbach" to Kloster Arnstein by charter dated 1247, witnessed by "…filiorum nostrorum Walerami, Ottonis, Henrici, Gerardi, Johannis"[1058]. The necrology of Arnstein an der Lahn records the death 28 Oct of "Mecktildis comitisse de Nassauw sororis nostre"[1059]. married (before 1221) HEINRICH [II] Graf von Nassau, son of WALRAM [I] von Laurenburg Graf von Nassau & his wife Kunigunde --- (1180-before 25 Jan 1251).
Otto I of Guelders joined his Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa on the Third Crusade (1189–1192) during which he aided the Crusader army in the taking of Iconium. After the death of Frederick I Barbarossa, some of the crusaders in the army left for home but Otto joined one of the groups that went on towards Syria and Palestine. After arriving in the Holy Land, Otto joined the army of Guy of Lusignan, the King of Jerusalem, who was besieging the city of Acre. Further hardships decimated the army of the late Frederick, and by the spring of 1191 most of them had left for home. Otto was the only survivor from the Low Countries, and returned home in 1190.[1]
He is mentioned as the first Count of the combined area of Guelders and Zutphen in 1190. One of his sons was Otto, Bishop of Utrecht from 1212 until 1213.
history: Otto I. van Gelre [ https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otto_I_van_Gelre ]
Otto van Gelre, Otto von Geldern, Otto de Gueldres, Otto of Guelders
Geboren/geburt/nee/born: 00-00-1150
Overleden/gestorben/mort/death: 00-05-1207
Begraven1207 te Klooster Kamp
Ouders/eltern/parents: Hendrik Van GELRE en Agnes Van ARNSTEIN
huwelijk/heirat/marriage: 1185
Gerard IV
Beroep: graaf van GELRE en ZUTPHEN (1182-1207)
Otto I nam deel aan de derde Kruistocht (vertrok 1189 - terug 1191) en wordt in 1190 als eerste graaf van Gelre en Zutphen genoemd.
Otto I van Gelre
1150 - 1207
Graaf van Gelre
Periode 1182–1207
Voorganger Hendrik
Opvolger Gerard III
Vader Hendrik I van Gelre
Moeder Agnes van Arnstein
Otto I van Gelre (1150 - 30 april of 22 oktober 1207, begraven te Klooster Camp) was graaf van Gelre 1182 - 1207. Hij was een zoon van graaf Hendrik van Gelre en Agnes van Arnstein.
Rond 1184 huwde Otto met Richarda van Beieren, een dochter van graaf Otto I van Beieren. Hij nam deel aan de derde Kruistocht (1189 - 1192) en wordt in 1190 als eerste graaf van Gelre en Zutphen genoemd.
Otto I was vader van:
Aleid (1187-1218), in 1197 gehuwd met graaf Willem I van Holland (rond 1165 - 4 februari 1222)
graaf Gerard III van Gelre (ca 1185 - 22 oktober 1229)
bisschop Otto I (1195-1215)
Lodewijk, domproost in Utrecht
Mechtildis, gehuwd met graaf Hendrik II van Nassau
Irmgard, in 1210 gehuwd met graaf Adolf I van der Mark (-1249)
Hendrik (III) (-1198), mederegent, gehuwd met Ada van Holland (waarschijnlijk een andere Ada dan de dochter van Dirk VII).
Margaretha (-1264), gehuwd met graaf Lotharius II van Ahr en Hochstädten.
Toen de graaf van Steinfurt zijn deel van de Heerlijkheid Bredevoort verkocht aan Engelbert II van Berg (de bisschop van Münster) en de graaf van Lohn zijn deel overgaf aan graaf Otto begon de strijd om het gehele bezit van de heerlijkheid tussen Münster en Gelre. Die strijd duurde twee eeuwen. Omstreeks 1388 verleende Otto stadsrechten aan Bredevoort.
Het Graaf Ottobad in Zutphen is vernoemd naar Otto I van Gelre.
Otto I van Gelre en Zutphen
geb. ca 1150
overl. na 30-04-1207
begr. in het Klooster Camp
vermeld sinds 1169, graaf van Gelre en Zutphen 1182, deelnemer 3e kruistocht 1189, verleende Zutphen stadsrecht 1190/91, beleend met het graafschap Veluwe 1196
Vocht tegen Thierry VII van Holland op de Grebbeberg in 1196, maar verloor. Bevocht hem later in Brabant, maar verloor van het leger van Hendrik I van Brabant, waarbij 's Hertogenbosch verwoest werd in 1202
z.v. Hendrik van Gelre en Agnes van Arnstein
Otto I of Guelders (1150 – 1207) was Count of Guelders from 1182 until his death in 1207. He was a son of Duke Hendrik of Guelders and Agnes of Brabant. He married Richardis of Bavaria in 1184. Richardis was a daughter of Otto I Wittelsbach, Duke of Bavaria.
Otto I of Guelders joined his Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa on the Third Crusade (1189 - 1192) during which he aided the Crusader army in the taking of Iconium. After the death of Frederick I Barbarossa, some of the crusaders in the army left for home but Otto joined one of the groups that went on towards Syria and Palestine. After arriving in the Holy Land, Otto joined the army of Guy of Lusignan, the King of Jerusalem, who was besieging the city of Acre. Further hardships decimated the army of the late Frederick, and by the spring of 1191 most of them had left for home. Otto is the only survivor of the Low Countries, and returns home in 1190.
He is mentioned as the first Count of the combined area of Guelders and Zutphen in 1190. One of his sons, confusingly also called Otto I of Guelders (b. 1195), was Bishop of Utrecht from 1212 until 1215.
Otto I of Guelders (1150 – 1207) was Count of Guelders from 1182 until his death in 1207. He was a son of Duke Hendrik of Guelders and Agnes of Brabant. He married Richardis of Bavaria in 1184. Richardis was a daughter of Otto I Wittelsbach, Duke of Bavaria.
Otto I of Guelders joined his Emperor Frederick I Barbarossa on the Third Crusade (1189 - 1192) during which he aided the Crusader army in the taking of Iconium. After the death of Frederick I Barbarossa, some of the crusaders in the army left for home but Otto joined one of the groups that went on towards Syria and Palestine. After arriving in the Holy Land, Otto joined the army of Guy of Lusignan, the King of Jerusalem, who was besieging the city of Acre. Further hardships decimated the army of the late Frederick, and by the spring of 1191 most of them had left for home. Otto is the only survivor of the Low Countries, and returns home in 1190.
He is mentioned as the first Count of the combined area of Guelders and Zutphen in 1190. One of his sons, confusingly also called Otto I of Guelders (b. 1195), was Bishop of Utrecht from 1212 until 1215.
Otto I. (Geldern)
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Otto I. von Geldern (* um 1150; † nach dem 30. April 1207) war von 1182 bis 1207 Graf von Geldern.
* 1 Leben
* 2 Nachkommen
* 3 Einzelnachweise
* 4 Literatur
* 5 Weblinks
Leben [Bearbeiten]
Otto war Sohn des Grafen Heinrich I. von Geldern. Er heiratete um 1185 Richardis von Scheyern-Wittelsbach (* 1173; † 1231), die Tochter des Herzogs Otto I. von Bayern.
Er nahm am Kreuzzug seines Kaisers Friedrich Barbarossa teil und zeichnete sich bei der Eroberung Ikonions besonders aus. Nach dem plötzlichen Tod des Kaisers zerfiel das Kreuzfahrerheer und etliche Kreuzfahrer kehrten in die Heimat zurück. Otto aber reiste mit einer Gruppe nach Syrien und Palästina weiter. Im Heiligen Land schloss er sich Guido von Lusignan, dem König von Jerusalem, an, der gerade die Stadt Akkon belagerte. Als sich die verlustreiche Belagerung von Akkon hinzog, reiste Otto 1190 wieder in die Heimat zurück. Er ist der einzige niederländische Adlige dessen lebende Rückkehr vom Dritten Kreuzzug bezeugt ist.[1]
Otto stritt häufig mit der Grafschaft Holland, und wurde im Bistum Utrecht zurückgedrängt. Oft stand er auch gegen Brabant, verbündete sich mit Limburg und geriet dabei zeitweilig in Gefangenschaft. Er kämpfte gegen die Friesen und hielt weitgehend seine Positionen. Im deutschen Thronkrieg (ab 1198) stand er auf Seite der Staufer.
Otto I. von Geldern liegt im Kloster Kamp begraben.
Nachkommen [Bearbeiten]
Mit seiner Frau Richardis hatte Otto folgende Kinder:
* Adelheid (* 1187; † 1218) ∞ 1197 Wilhelm I., Graf von Holland
* Gerhard III. (* um 1185; † 1229), Graf von Geldern
* Otto I. (* 1195; † 1215), Bischof von Utrecht
* Ludwig, Dompropst zu Utrecht
* Mechthild ∞ Heinrich II., Graf von Nassau
* Irmgard († nach 1230) ∞ 1210 Adolf I., Graf von der Mark
* Heinrich III. († 1198), Mitregent in Geldern ∞ 1198 Adelheid von Holland (* um 1186; † vor 1203)
* Margaretha († 1264) ∞ Lothar II., Graf von Are-Hochstaden
Einzelnachweise [Bearbeiten]
1. ↑ Jonathan Riley-Smith: The Crusades - A Short History The Athlone Press Ltd., London 1990, S. 112-113
Literatur [Bearbeiten]
* Pieter Lodewijk Muller: Otto I., Graf von Geldern und Zütphen. In: Allgemeine Deutsche Biographie (ADB). Band 24. Duncker & Humblot, Leipzig 1887, S. 690.
* Ralf G. Jahn in: Johannes Stinner und Karl-Heinz Tekath (Hrsg.), Gelre - Geldern - Gelderland. Geschichte und Kultur des Herzogtums Geldern. Geldern 2001
Weblinks [Bearbeiten]
* genealogie-mittelalter.de
Vorgänger Amt Nachfolger
Heinrich I. Graf von Geldern
Blason ville fr Avanne-Aveney (Doubs).svg
1182–1207 Gerhard III.
Normdaten: PND: 138459282 – weitere Informationen
Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 21. Juli 2010 um 16:10 Uhr geändert.
1150 |
Zutphen, Gelderland, Netherlands
1180 |
Zutphen (Gelderland) Netherlands
Zutphen, Gelderland, Nederland (Netherlands)
1185 |
Zutphen, Gelderland, the Netherlands
1188 |
Zutphen, Gelderland, Netherlands
1190 |
Zutphen, Gelderland, Netherlands
Of, Zutphen, Gelderland, Netherlands
1191 |
Zutphen (Gelderland) Netherlands
1196 |
Utrecht, Germany