Immediate Family
About Ordoño I das Astúrias, rey de Asturias
Ordoño I de Asturias
Ordoño I de Asturias (Oviedo, 821 — Íb., 866). Rey de Asturias entre los años 850 y 866. Fue hijo del rey Ramiro I de Asturias, y padre de Alfonso III el Magno.
Contrajo matrimonio con Nuña, de quien se desconocen sus orígenes familiares. Fruto de su matrimonio nacieron, por lo menos, seis hijos:
1) Alfonso III el Magno (c.848-910). Rey de Asturias. Heredó el trono de Asturias a la muerte de su padre y contrajo matrimonio con Jimena de Asturias, con quien tuvo descendencia. Fue sepultado en el Panteón de reyes de la Catedral de Oviedo.
2) Vermudo. Cuando su hermano Alfonso III subió al trono, se rebeló contra él, y fue el único de los hermanos del rey que se libró de ser cegado, debido al hecho de que buscó refugio entre los musulmanes.
3) Nuño. Se rebeló junto con sus hermanos contra Alfonso III el Magno, y éste último ordenó cegarlo.
4) Fruela. Se rebeló junto con sus hermanos contra Alfonso III el Magno, y éste último ordenó cegarlo.
5) Odoario. Se rebeló junto con sus hermanos contra Alfonso III el Magno, y éste último ordenó cegarlo.
6) Leodegundia, casada con un infante de la casa real de Pamplona, posiblemente García Íñiguez de Pamplona.
Ordoño I (Ordoño of the Beni Alfons), 831–27 May 866) became the King of Asturias in 850. He was born in Oviedo, where he spent his early life in the court of Alfonso II. He was probably associated with the crown from an early age.
When just nine years old, he moved to Lugo, capital of the province of Galicia, of which his father, Ramiro, had been named governor. There he was educated, even in the military arts.
Ordoño was named governor of Galicia when his father went off to Vardulias to marry Paterna (his second wife). While away, Alfonso died and Ramiro was proclaimed king. However, Ramiro still away, the impatient nobles elected Count Nepocian in opposition. Ordoño immediately began to raise an army to assist his father in putting down the usurper. He could not leave his post in Galici to help, however, and his army went unused. When his father finally prevailed, he confirmed Ordoño in his heretofore provisional position.
In 847, at the age of 26, Ordoño married Muniadona, probably a sister of the count of Bierzo. She was to give him six children, including his successor, Alfonso III.
On January 1, 850, Ordoño succeeded his father as king. He was the first king of Asturias to ascend the throne without election, he was the heir of his father. His first confrontation was with the Basques, who rebelled with the support of the Banu Qasi of Zaragoza. While returning to Oviedo after defeating the rebels, he received news of an impending Moorish assault on Vardulias. Before the Moors could attack, he met them near the Ebro and defeated them. These victories meant little in the long run, for the governor of Zaragoza, Musa ibn Musa fortified the city of Albaida (Albelda). In 859, Ordoño defeated him at Albelda and besieged and razed the city.
He supported the mozarab rebels, which cost him at Guadacelete in 854. But this fiasco only incited him to consolidate the "Desert of the Duero", the depopulated region between the Asturian cordillera and the river Duero. He directed the Repoblación, by which were repopulated the towns of León, Astorga, Tui, and Amaya.
He intended to advance against the governor of Tudela and thus control all access to the Navarre and the Basque Country, but the Emirate of Córdoba responded with an invasion of Álava and a sack of the eponymous city. At Bureba, the Arabs defeated Rodrigo, first count of Castile, and set back the Reconquista for years.
Ordoño died in Oviedo and was succeeded by his eldest son.
Ordoño I (Arabic: أردون بن إذفنش (Urdūn ibn Iḍfunš : Ordoño of the Beni Alfons), 831–27 May 866) became the King of Asturias in 850. He was born in Oviedo, where he spent his early life in the court of Alfonso II. He was probably associated with the crown from an early age.
When just nine years old, he moved to Lugo, capital of the province of Galicia, of which his father, Ramiro, had been named governor. There he was educated, even in the military arts.
Ordoño was named governor of Galicia when his father went off to Vardulias to marry Paterna (his second wife). While away, Alfonso died and Ramiro was proclaimed king. However, Ramiro still away, the impatient nobles elected Count Nepocian in opposition. Ordoño immediately began to raise an army to assist his father in putting down the usurper. He could not leave his post in Galici to help, however, and his army went unused. When his father finally prevailed, he confirmed Ordoño in his heretofore provisional position.
In 847, at the age of 26, Ordoño married Muniadona, probably a sister of the count of Bierzo. She was to give him six children, including his successor, Alfonso III.
On January 1, 850, Ordoño succeeded his father as king. He was the first king of Asturias to ascend the throne without election, he was the heir of his father. His first confrontation was with the Basques, who rebelled with the support of the Banu Qasi of Zaragoza. While returning to Oviedo after defeating the rebels, he received news of an impending Moorish assault on Vardulias. Before the Moors could attack, he met them near the Ebro and defeated them. These victories meant little in the long run, for the governor of Zaragoza, Musa ibn Musa fortified the city of Albaida (Albelda). In 859, Ordoño defeated him at Albelda and besieged and razed the city.
He supported the mozarab rebels, which cost him at Guadacelete in 854. But this fiasco only incited him to consolidate the "Desert of the Duero", the depopulated region between the Asturian cordillera and the river Duero. He directed the Repoblación, by which were repopulated the towns of León, Astorga, Tui, and Amaya.
He intended to advance against the governor of Tudela and thus control all access to the Navarre and the Basque Country, but the Emirate of Córdoba responded with an invasion of Álava and a sack of the eponymous city. At Bureba, the Arabs defeated Rodrigo, first count of Castile, and set back the Reconquista for years.
Ordoño died in Oviedo and was succeeded by his eldest son.
[source: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ordo%C3%B1o_I_of_Asturias]
Ordoño I (831–27 May 866) became the King of Asturias in 850. He was born in Oviedo, where he spent his early life in the court of Alfonso II. He was probably associated with the crown from an early age.
When just nine years old, he moved to Lugo, capital of the province of Galicia, of which his father, Ramiro, had been named governor. There he was educated, even in the military arts.
Ordoño was named governor of Galicia when his father went off to Vardulias to marry Paterna (his second wife). While away, Alfonso died and Ramiro was proclaimed king. However, Ramiro still away, the impatient nobles elected Count Nepocian in opposition. Ordoño immediately began to raise an army to assist his father in putting down the usurper. He could not leave his post in Galici to help, however, and his army went unused. When his father finally prevailed, he confirmed Ordoño in his heretofore provisional position.
In 847, at the age of 26, Ordoño married Muniadona, probably a sister of the count of Bierzo. She was to give him six children, including his successor, Alfonso III.
On January 1, 850, Ordoño succeeded his father as king. He was the first king of Asturias to ascend the throne without election, he was the heir of his father. His first confrontation was with the Basques, who rebelled with the support of the Banu Qasi of Zaragoza. While returning to Oviedo after defeating the rebels, he received news of an impending Moorish assault on Vardulias. Before the Moors could attack, he met them near the Ebro and defeated them. These victories meant little in the long run, for the governor of Zaragoza, Musa ibn Musa fortified the city of Albaida (Albelda). In 859, Ordoño defeated him at Albelda and besieged and razed the city.
He supported the mozarab rebels, which cost him at Guadacelete in 854. But this fiasco only incited him to consolidate the "Desert of the Duero", the depopulated region between the Asturian cordillera and the river Duero. He directed the Repoblación, by which were repopulated the towns of León, Astorga, Tui, and Amaya.
He intended to advance against the governor of Tudela and thus control all access to the Navarre and the Basque Country, but the Emirate of Córdoba responded with an invasion of Álava and a sack of the eponymous city. At Bureba, the Arabs defeated Rodrigo, first count of Castile, and set back the Reconquista for years.
Ordoño died in Oviedo and was succeeded by his eldest son.
Ordoño I (Arabic: أردون بن إذفنش; 821– 27 May 866) was King of Asturias from 850 until his death.
He was born in Oviedo, where he spent his early life in the court of Alfonso II. He was probably associated with the crown from an early age.
When just nine years old, he moved to Lugo, capital of the province of Galicia, of which his father, Ramiro, had been named governor. There he was educated, even in the military arts.
Ordoño was named governor of Galicia when his father went off to Vardulia to marry Paterna (his second wife). While away, Alfonso died and Ramiro was proclaimed king. However, Ramiro still away, the impatient nobles elected Count Nepocian in opposition. Ordoño immediately began to raise an army to assist his father in putting down the usurper. He could not leave his post in Galici to help, however, and his army went unused. When his father finally prevailed, he confirmed Ordoño in his heretofore provisional position.
In 847, at the age of 26, Ordoño married Muniadona, probably a sister of the count of Bierzo. She was to give him six children, including his successor, Alfonso III.
On January 1, 850, Ordoño succeeded his father as king. He was the first king of Asturias to ascend the throne without election, he was the heir of his father. His first confrontation was with the Basques, who rebelled with the support of the Banu Qasi of Zaragoza. While returning to Oviedo after defeating the rebels, he received news of an impending Moorish assault on Vardulias. Before the Moors could attack, he met them near the Ebro and defeated them. These victories meant little in the long run, for the governor of Zaragoza, Musa ibn Musa fortified the city of Albaida (Albelda). In 859, Ordoño defeated him at Albelda and besieged and razed the city.
He supported the mozarab rebels, which cost him at Guadacelete in 854. But this fiasco only incited him to consolidate the "Desert of the Duero", the depopulated region between the Asturian cordillera and the river Duero. He directed the repoblación of the towns of León and Talamanka, Astorga, Tui, and Amaya.
He intended to advance against the governor of Tudela and thus control all access to the Navarre and the Basque Country, but the Emirate of Córdoba responded with an invasion of Álava and a sack of the eponymous city. At Bureba, the Arabs defeated Rodrigo, first count of Castile, and set back the Reconquista for years.
Ordoño died in Oviedo and was succeeded by his eldest son.
Ordoño I of Asturias
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Ordoño I (Arabic: أردون بن إذفنش (Urdūn ibn Iḍfunš : Ordoño of the Beni Alfons), 831–27 May 866) became the King of Asturias in 850. He was born in Oviedo, where he spent his early life in the court of Alfonso II. He was probably associated with the crown from an early age.
When just nine years old, he moved to Lugo, capital of the province of Galicia, of which his father, Ramiro, had been named governor. There he was educated, even in the military arts.
Ordoño was named governor of Galicia when his father went off to Vardulias to marry Paterna (his second wife). While away, Alfonso died and Ramiro was proclaimed king. However, Ramiro still away, the impatient nobles elected Count Nepocian in opposition. Ordoño immediately began to raise an army to assist his father in putting down the usurper. He could not leave his post in Galici to help, however, and his army went unused. When his father finally prevailed, he confirmed Ordoño in his heretofore provisional position.
In 847, at the age of 26, Ordoño married Muniadona, probably a sister of the count of Bierzo. She was to give him six children, including his successor, Alfonso III.
On January 1, 850, Ordoño succeeded his father as king. He was the first king of Asturias to ascend the throne without election, he was the heir of his father. His first confrontation was with the Basques, who rebelled with the support of the Banu Qasi of Zaragoza. While returning to Oviedo after defeating the rebels, he received news of an impending Moorish assault on Vardulias. Before the Moors could attack, he met them near the Ebro and defeated them. These victories meant little in the long run, for the governor of Zaragoza, Musa ibn Musa fortified the city of Albaida (Albelda). In 859, Ordoño defeated him at Albelda and besieged and razed the city.
He supported the mozarab rebels, which cost him at Guadacelete in 854. But this fiasco only incited him to consolidate the "Desert of the Duero", the depopulated region between the Asturian cordillera and the river Duero. He directed the Repoblación, by which were repopulated the towns of León, Astorga, Tui, and Amaya.
He intended to advance against the governor of Tudela and thus control all access to the Navarre and the Basque Country, but the Emirate of Córdoba responded with an invasion of Álava and a sack of the eponymous city. At Bureba, the Arabs defeated Rodrigo, first count of Castile, and set back the Reconquista for years.
Ordoño died in Oviedo and was succeeded by his eldest son.
Ordoño I (Arabic: أردون بن إذفنش; 821– 27 May 866) was King of Asturias from 850 until his death.
He was born in Oviedo, where he spent his early life in the court of Alfonso II. He was probably associated with the crown from an early age.
When just nine years old, he moved to Lugo, capital of the province of Galicia, of which his father, Ramiro, had been named governor. There he was educated, including in the military arts.
Ordoño was named governor of Galicia when his father went to Vardulia to marry Paterna (his second wife). Whilst away, Alfonso died, and Ramiro was proclaimed king. However, with Ramiro still away, the impatient nobles elected Count Nepocian in opposition. Ordoño immediately began to raise an army to assist his father in putting down the usurper. He could not leave his post in Galicia to help, however, and his army went unused. When his father finally prevailed, he confirmed Ordoño in his heretofore provisional position.
On January 1, 850, Ordoño succeeded his father as king. As he was his father's heir, he was the first king of Asturias to ascend the throne without election. His first confrontation was with the Basques, who rebelled with the support of the Banu Qasi of Zaragoza. While returning to Oviedo after defeating the rebels, he received news of an impending Moorish assault on Vardulias. Before the Moors could attack, he met them near the Ebro and defeated them. These victories meant little in the long run, for the governor of Zaragoza, Musa ibn Musa fortified the city of Albaida (Albelda). In 859, Ordoño defeated him at Albelda and besieged and razed the city.
He supported the mozarab rebels, which cost him at Guadacelete in 854. But this fiasco only incited him to consolidate the "Desert of the Duero", the depopulated region between the Asturian cordillera and the river Duero. He directed the repopulation of the towns of León and Talamanka, Astorga, Tui, and Amaya.
He intended to advance against the governor of Tudela and thus control all access to the Navarre and the Basque Country, but the Emirate of Córdoba responded with the invasion and sacking of Álava. At Bureba, the Arabs defeated Rodrigo, first count of Castile, and set back the Reconquista for years.
Ordoño died in Oviedo and was succeeded by his eldest son.
Ordoño I (Ordoño of the Beni Alfons), 831–27 May 866) became the King of Asturias in 850. He was born in Oviedo, where he spent his early life in the court of Alfonso II. He was probably associated with the crown from an early age.
When just nine years old, he moved to Lugo, capital of the province of Galicia, of which his father, Ramiro, had been named governor. There he was educated, even in the military arts.
Ordoño was named governor of Galicia when his father went off to Vardulias to marry Paterna (his second wife). While away, Alfonso died and Ramiro was proclaimed king. However, Ramiro still away, the impatient nobles elected Count Nepocian in opposition. Ordoño immediately began to raise an army to assist his father in putting down the usurper. He could not leave his post in Galici to help, however, and his army went unused. When his father finally prevailed, he confirmed Ordoño in his heretofore provisional position.
In 847, at the age of 26, Ordoño married Muniadona, probably a sister of the count of Bierzo. She was to give him six children, including his successor, Alfonso III.
On January 1, 850, Ordoño succeeded his father as king. He was the first king of Asturias to ascend the throne without election, he was the heir of his father. His first confrontation was with the Basques, who rebelled with the support of the Banu Qasi of Zaragoza. While returning to Oviedo after defeating the rebels, he received news of an impending Moorish assault on Vardulias. Before the Moors could attack, he met them near the Ebro and defeated them. These victories meant little in the long run, for the governor of Zaragoza, Musa ibn Musa fortified the city of Albaida (Albelda). In 859, Ordoño defeated him at Albelda and besieged and razed the city.
He supported the mozarab rebels, which cost him at Guadacelete in 854. But this fiasco only incited him to consolidate the "Desert of the Duero", the depopulated region between the Asturian cordillera and the river Duero. He directed the Repoblación, by which were repopulated the towns of León, Astorga, Tui, and Amaya.
He intended to advance against the governor of Tudela and thus control all access to the Navarre and the Basque Country, but the Emirate of Córdoba responded with an invasion of Álava and a sack of the eponymous city. At Bureba, the Arabs defeated Rodrigo, first count of Castile, and set back the Reconquista for years.
Ordoño died in Oviedo and was succeeded by his eldest son.
Ordoño I of Asturias
He was born in Oviedo, where he spent his early life in the court of Alfonso II. He was probably associated with the crown from an early age.
When just nine years old, he moved to Lugo, capital of the province of Galicia, of which his father, Ramiro, had been named governor. There he was educated, including in the military arts.
Ordoño was named governor of Galicia when his father went to Vardulia to marry Paterna (his second wife). Whilst away, Alfonso died, and Ramiro was proclaimed king. However, with Ramiro still away, the impatient nobles elected Count Nepocian in opposition. Ordoño immediately began to raise an army to assist his father in putting down the usurper. He could not leave his post in Galicia to help, however, and his army went unused. When his father finally prevailed, he confirmed Ordoño in his heretofore provisional position.
In 847, at the age of 26, Ordoño married Muniadona, probably a sister of the count of Bierzo. She bore him six children, including his successor, Alfonso III.
On January 1, 850, Ordoño succeeded his father as king. As he was his father's heir, he was the first king of Asturias to ascend the throne without election. His first confrontation was with the Basques, who rebelled with the support of the Banu Qasi of Zaragoza. While returning to Oviedo after defeating the rebels, he received news of an impending Moorish assault on Vardulias. Before the Moors could attack, he met them near the Ebro and defeated them. These victories meant little in the long run, for the governor of Zaragoza, Musa ibn Musa fortified the city of Albaida (Albelda). In 859, Ordoño defeated him at Albelda and besieged and razed the city.
He supported the mozarab rebels, which cost him at Guadacelete in 854. But this fiasco only incited him to consolidate the "Desert of the Duero", the depopulated region between the Asturian cordillera and the river Duero. He directed the repoblación of the towns of León and Talamanka,[2] Astorga, Tui, and Amaya.[3]
He intended to advance against the governor of Tudela and thus control all access to the Navarre and the Basque Country, but the Emirate of Córdoba responded with the invasion and sacking of Álava. At Bureba, the Arabs defeated Rodrigo, first count of Castile, and set back the Reconquista for years.
Ordoño died in Oviedo and was succeeded by his eldest son.
in: Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ordo%C3%B1o_I_of_Asturias>
Ordono I de LEON King of Leon was born 829 in Leon, Leon, Spain. He died 27 May 866 in Leon, Leon, Spain. Ordono married Nina on 847 in Leon, Leon, Spain.
Nina was born 830 in Leon, Leon, Spain. She married Ordono I de LEON King of Leon on 847 in Leon, Leon, Spain.
They had the following children:
M i Alfonso III de LEON King of Leon was born 848 and died 20 Dec 910.
in: Selected Families and Individuals <http://freepages.genealogy.rootsweb.com/~hwbradley/aqwg1663.htm#28298> ______________________________________________________________________________
Ordonho I de LEÃO
Father: Ramiro I de LEÃO (790-850)
Mother: D. Paterna de CASTELA (-)
Born: 800
Married: D. Munadona de VIERZO * Cerca de 845
Died: 866 at age 66
D. Munadona de VIERZO
- Afonso III de LEÃO
in: Ordonho I de LEÃO <http://www.barrosbrito.com/1387.html>
Ordoño, reinó diecisiete años. Favorecido por Dios, se extendió bajo su mando el reino de los cristianos. Pobló León y Astorga e igualmente Tuy y Amaya, y fortificó muchos castillos. Sobre los sarracenos alcanzó frecuentes victorias. Tomó la ciudad de Talamanca con batalla y cautivó al «rey» al que permitió por su voluntad ir luego libre con su esposa Balkaiz a Piedrasacra (Peña Santa). Igualmente tomó con gran lucha la muy fortificada ciudad de Albelda. Y con su habilidad táctica, pudo dar caza en el monte Laturzi (Laturos-Clavijo) al poderosísimo rey, llamado Muz [Muza Ben Qasi], derrotándolo en batalla con la espada. Ese Muza, herido de venablo, se salvó gracias a un amigo de los nuestros, que le levantó, protegió y le llevó en un caballo a un sitio resguardado. En ese tiempo volvieron los normandos sobre las costas de Galicia, donde les derrotó el conde Pedro. [Una expedición naval] de moros, que venían al golfo Gallicano [%C2%BFde Galicia?], fue vencida. Este príncipe [Ordo%C3%B1o] tenía un ánimo tan benigno y misericordioso que mereció ser llamado dignamente padre de la nación. Falleció de muerte natural en Oviedo el día de las seis calendas de junio [del año de la] Era 904 [cristiana 27 de mayo del 866]”.
Ordoño I de Asturias (Oviedo, 821 — Íb., 866). Rey de Asturias entre los años 850 y 866. Fue hijo del rey Ramiro I de Asturias, y padre de Alfonso III el Magno.
Pasó los primeros años de su vida en Oviedo, en la corte de Alfonso II, y fue probablemente asociado al trono en su juventud. A la edad de nueve años se trasladó a Galicia con su familia, región de la que su padre había sido nombrado gobernador. Completó su educación en la ciudad de Lugo, donde residía, y allí mismo inició su formación militar.
Fue nombrado gobernador provisional de Galicia mientras su padre, Ramiro I, acudía a las Bardulias para contraer matrimonio con Paterna, que sería su segunda esposa. Durante dicho viaje, la vida de Ordoño cambió radicalmente, puesto que durante el mismo falleció Alfonso II. Todo parecía indicar que Ramiro sería proclamado rey de inmediato, pero Nepociano, un noble que contaba con numerosos apoyos, se hizo proclamar rey de Asturias, hecho que favoreció la ausencia de Ramiro.
Ordoño colaboró entonces en las tareas de organización del ejército que su padre quería utilizar contra Nepociano, aunque no luchó, puesto que quedó en Galicia como gobernador, todavía provisional. Tras el ascenso de Ramiro al trono, quedó confirmado en dicho puesto.
Poco después, a la edad de 26 años (en el 847), contrajo matrimonio con una noble llamada Munia o Nuña, probablemente hermana de Íñigo Arista, Rey de Pamplona. De esta unión nacieron al menos seis hijos, de los cuales el primogénito fue Alfonso III el Magno.
Sucedió a su padre Ramiro I a su muerte, acaecida el día 1 de enero del 850. De esta forma se convirtió en el primer rey de Asturias en acceder al trono por herencia, no por elección de la nobleza. Poco después tuvo que hacer frente a una sublevación de los vascones, apoyados probablemente por los Banu Qasi de Zaragoza. Tras sofocar la rebelión, y mientras regresaba a Oviedo, tuvo noticias de que los musulmanes tenían intención de atacar las Vardulias. Ante esto se dirigió a su encuentro y les venció en las orillas del Ebro.
Ambas victorias no mejoraron mucho su tranquilidad, puesto que tras esto, el gobernador de Zaragoza, Musa ibn Musa, decidió fortificar la ciudad de Albaida (la actual Albelda de Iregua). Ante el peligro que esto suponía para sus intereses, asedió y posteriormente arrasó la ciudad.
En cuanto a sus relaciones con Al-Ándalus, apoyó a los mozárabes sublevados contra la autoridad del emir de Córdoba, acción que le valió la derrota de Batalla de Guadalacete (854).
Este fracaso le obligó a consolidarse en la zona comprendida entre el Duero y la Cordillera Cantábrica, repoblando y amurallando las ciudades de León, Astorga, Amaya y Tuy, convirtiéndolas en la defensa del reino.
Intentó avanzar en la reconquista a expensas del señor árabe de Tudela, consiguiendo controlar los accesos a Navarra y a las tierras de los vascones. El gobernante musulmán de Córdoba reaccionó mandando una fuerte expedición al valle de Miranda y Álava, que fue arrasada, donde el primer conde castellano Rodrigo fue completamente derrotado en la Batalla de la Morcuera. Esto frenó la reconquista por unos años.
Nupcias y descendencia
Contrajo matrimonio con Nuña, de quien se desconocen sus orígenes familiares. Fruto de su matrimonio nacieron, por lo menos, seis hijos:
- Alfonso III el Magno (c.848-910). Rey de Asturias. Heredó el trono de Asturias a la muerte de su padre y contrajo matrimonio con Jimena de Asturias, con quien tuvo descendencia. Fue sepultado en el Panteón de reyes de la Catedral de Oviedo.
- Bermudo Ordóñez. Cuando su hermano Alfonso III subió al trono, se rebeló contra él, y fue el único de los hermanos del rey que se libró de ser cegado, debido al hecho de que buscó refugio entre los musulmanes.
- Nuño Ordóñez. Se rebeló junto con sus hermanos contra Alfonso III el Magno quien ordeno cegarlos.
- Fruela Ordóñez.
- Odoario Ordóñez.
Muerte y sepultura
Ordoño I, enfermo de gota, falleció en la ciudad de Oviedo el día 27 de mayo del año 866, y fue sucedido en el trono por su hijo primogénito, Alfonso III el Magno. La Primera Crónica General describe del siguiente modo la defunción de Ordoño I.
Andados X annos desse rey don Ordonno -et fue esto en la era de DCCC et LXX et un annos- enfermo el rey de los pies, de una enfermedad a que dizen en la fisica podagra...Et desta enfermedad podagra enfermo el rey Ordonno, et murio ende en Oviedo, et enterraronle y muy onrradamientre como a rey en la eglesia de Santa Maria. La su alma reyne con Dios, ca muy buen rey fue.
Recibió sepultura en el Panteón de reyes de la capilla de Nuestra Señora del Rey Casto de la Catedral de Oviedo, en el que también fue sepultada su esposa, la reina Nuña. En el sepulcro de piedra en el que fueron depositados sus restos mortales, que estaba colocado junto al de Alfonso II el Casto, se hallaba esculpido el siguiente epitafio:
in: Wikipedia, la enciclopedia libre <http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ordo%C3%B1o_I_de_Asturias>
Ordoño I, rey de Asturias es mi Numero 26 bisabuelito. Las raíces de donde vinimos.
Amalia Maria Rafaela Urioste Prudencio de Murillo G.
Ordoño I de Asturias (Oviedo, 821 - ibídem, 27 de mayo de 866), rey de Asturias entre los años 850 y 866, fue hijo del rey Ramiro I y padre de Alfonso III de Asturias.
Photo: Ordoño I de Asturias. (Tumbo A de la catedral de Santiago de Compostela).
Acerca de Rei Ordonho I das Astúrias rey de Asturias (Português)
Era filho de Ramiro I das Astúrias. Repovoou as cidades de Leão, Astorga, Tui e Amaya.
Ordoño I das Astúrias, rey de Asturias's Timeline
830 |
840 |
Galicia, Portugal
847 |
848 |
850 |
Age 20
King of leon
854 |
866 |
May 27, 866
Age 36
Oviedo, Asturias, Spain
870 |
???? |