Oliver Lanier Brewer, Sr.

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Oliver Lanier Brewer, Sr. (1721 - 1792)

Also Known As: "Oliver Lanier Brewer"
Birthplace: Surry County, Virginia, Colonial America
Death: October 14, 1792 (70-71)
Pittsboro, Chatham County, North Carolina, United States
Immediate Family:

Son of George Brewer, of Brunswick County; George Brewer; Alice Brewer and Alice X Burwell
Husband of NN Brewer, 1st wife and Rebecca Brewer
Father of Patricia ‘Pattie’ Blalock; Frances Brewer; Oliver Brewer, Jr.; Hannah Edwards; Rebecca Ann Edwards and 5 others
Brother of Nathaniel Brewer, Sr.; Joseph Brewer, died in infancy; Henry Brewer; Nathaniel Brewer; Burwell Brewer, Sr. and 2 others
Half brother of William Lanier Brewer; Sarah Vick; Lanier Brewer, Sr.; George Gabriel Brewer, Jr.; Nicholas Brewer, Sr. and 3 others

DAR: Ancestor #: A014133
Managed by: Matt
Last Updated:

About Oliver Lanier Brewer, Sr.

Not the father of William Brewer. DNA does not match.

A Patriot of the American Revolution for NORTH CAROLINA. DAR Ancestor # A014133

Oliver Brewer1,2

  • M, b. after 1721,
  • Died 14 Oct 1792 at about age 84 in Pittsboro, Chatham, North Carolina
  • Father: George Brewer b. c 1675, d. bt 5 Mar 1742 - 2 Aug 1744
  • Mother-Poss.: Alice (?) b. c 1700

Also known as Oliver Brewer Sr. (in 1792).3

Oliver Brewer's ten children are known from his will of 1791, in which he also names his wife Rebecah. However, it is not certain that Rebecah was the mother of all of his children.

DAR established children include:
1. Oliver m: Polly Henderson - ?? Brouwer database has Sarah
2. Rebecca Ann m: William Edwards - OK
3. William m: Elizabeth X - NO. Y DNA does not match.

Children per https://sites.rootsweb.com/~brouwergenealogydata/BrewerSouth/p18.ht...
Family 1: NN

  1. Patee Brewer21 Patricia ‘Pattie’ Blalock b. a 1756, d. b 1830 m. George Blalock
  2. Rebecah Brewer+21 Rebecca Ann Edwards b. c 1760 m. William Edwards
  3. Edward Brewer+21 Edward Brewer b. 19 Oct 1762, d. 24 Mar 1845 m. unknown
  4. Oliver Brewer21 Oliver Brewer, Jr. b. bt 1756 - 1774 m. Sarah LNU
  5. Hannah Brewer21 Hannah Edwards m. John Edwards
  6. Frances Brewer21 Frances Brewer no marriage info cited

Family 2: Rebecah (?) b. bt 1750 - 1760, d. b 11 Feb 1823

  1. William Brewer+21 William Brewer b. c 1775, d. b Nov 1806 m. Nancy LNU
  2. Henry Brewer21 Henry Brewer b. c 1775 no marriage info cited
  3. Christopher Brewer21 Christopher Brewer b. bt Jun 1781 - May 1782 no marriage info cited
  4. George Brewer+21 George Brewer b. c 1784, d. b 13 Nov 1806 m. Jemima LNU

Oliver Brewer was born after 1721 (he was most likely under age 21 when his father wrote his will).

He was named in his father's will dated on 13 July 1741 "son Oliver Brewer all the rest of this tract of land where on I now dwell to him and his heirs forever." He is also is left a gun.4

On 5 May 1762 Orange Co., North Carolina records: "Oliver Brewer by Henry Brewer; 700 acres on Little prong of Terrels Creek, waters of Haw River, includes Saplin Level. Signed with mark."5

On 9 December 1762 at Orange Co., North Carolina, Patent given to Oliver Brewer for 690 acres in Orange Co. on both sides of Wilkerson Creek of Haw River, joining Henry Brewer. Signs with his mark. Wit.: Jas. Watson, Thos. Donnell. Examined by Tho Blount and W. Churton. Surveyed 12 Jan 1762.6
In 1763 Oliver Brewer resided at Orange Co., North Carolina.7

On 10 October 1763 Oliver Brewer conveyed to John Brewer 200 acres in Brunswick on the south side of Beaver Pond Creek, beginning at a Red Oak and up Colliers Line to the Parting Line betwixt Oliver Brewer and James Harris along Colliers line to the beginning. Signed by Oliver Brewer. Wit.: James Powel, Howel Brewer, William Brewer.7

In May 1765 at Orange Co., North Carolina, Henry Brewer, Oliver Brewer, and others were ordered to lay out a road...from William Johnston's Store on the Little River to Henry Brewer's ford on Haw River (Vachel Clark overseer of the road on the north side of the Haw River, and William Marsh overseer on the south side).8

Chatham County, North Carolina was formed in 1771 from Orange County.9
Henry Brewer, Oliver Brewer, and George Brewer, are found on the roll of the Chatham County Militia, Capt. Isaiah Hogan's Co., in 1772.10

Oliver Brewer married Rebecah (?).

In August 1777 Oliver Brewer was appointed overseer of the road from James Williams' ferry into the road leading from the Island Ford to Hillsborough. Those who are to work under Oliver include a Henry Brewer. In Nov 1777 Oliver was appointed overseer of the hands working on the road from the ferry to the widow Powell's.11

On 31 March 1780 The state of North Carolina to Robert Poe, 50 shillings for every 100 acres, 500 acres on Wilkinson's Cr the waters of Haw River, joins Oliver Brewer, Robert Mosley, Jesse Kendricks and Hatley's lines. On 1 April 1780, Gideon Kirksey acquired land from North Carolina on Wilkinson's Creek adjoining Oliver Brewer and William Griffin.12

On 1 April 1780 at Chatham Co., North Carolina, State of North Carolina to Gideon Kirksey, 50 shillings every 100 acres, 640 acres on Wilkinson's Creek, joins Oliver Brewer and Wm. Griffin.13

Oliver Brewer was enumerated in the household of an unknown person on the Federal Census in 1790 at Chatham Co., North Carolina, with a household of 2 males under 16, 4 males over 16, 2 females, and 3 slaves.14

His will was dated on 14 October 1791 proved Nov 1792. Oliver Brewer, Chatham Co., North Carolina. Names wife Rebecah Brewer (plantation where I live for life all land this side of Wards Branch joining the plantation); sons William, Henry, Christopher, Oliver; daughter Frances Brewer; sons Edward, George; daughters Patee Blalock, Rebecah Edwards, Hannah Edwards. Remainder of estate to "my six sons." Executors: Wife Rebecah Brewer, George B. Glalock (sic) & William Edwards. Witnesses: James Smith, Howel Hearn.15,16

In August 1792 "Ordered that Oliver Brewer be exempt from paying any future poll tax for himself for reasons shown the Court" (reasons not stated).17
On 13 August 1792 Oliver Brewer, Sr. of Chatham Co., sells to William Edwards of the same place for £5, a certain tract of land in Chatham Co., beginning at Trips corner...Brewers old line...10 acres. Signed Oliver "X" Brewer (mark). Wit.: John Trip, Sterling Pearson.3

On 13 August 1792 Oliver Brewer conveyed to Oliver Brewer land on the north side of the Haw River. "Oliver Brewer, Jr. of Chatham Co., to Oliver Brewer, Sr. of same," for £85 a certain tract of land in Chatham Co. on the North side of Haw River, beginning at Edward Brewer's corner on William Potters line...to the little River thence across little River to the bank of River then down the river near the end of the long Island...thence across little River to Charles Morans line...80 acres. Grantor signs with his mark X. Witnesses: Powell, Ignatious West. Proven in the Feb 1793 Court by the oath of Powell.18
On 13 August 1792 Isaac Brewer conveyed to Oliver Brewer for £85 a certain tract of land in Chatham Co. on the north side of Haw River beginning at Edward Brewers corner...Charles Morgans corner...72 acres. Signed Isaac "X" Brewer (mark). Wit.: Powell and John Crow. Proven in the Feb 1793 court on the oath of Powell. (Note: the grantee in this deed may have been Oliver Brewer, Jr.).19

He died before November 1792; (will proved).

On 24 May 1823 Account of the estate of Oliver Brewer, deceased. Hugh H. Edward bought a negro man, a negro woman and child and two negro girls. Alice Farrar bought a bed and furniture. Abel Brewer(?) bought 2 "puter" ? Certified by William Edwards, executor of the estate of Oliver Brewer, deceased, stating that all the property came into his hands after the decease of Rebecah Brewer, widow of the said deceased.20.


  1. https://www.wikitree.com/wiki/Brewer-676
  2. https://isaacbrewer-familyhistory.blogspot.com/2015/03/second-gener...
  3. https://www.familytreedna.com/public/BrewerDNA?iframe=yresults

Year: 1790; Census Place: Chatham, North Carolina; Series: M637; Roll: 7; Page: 216

  • Name [Oliver Beaver] [Oliver Brewer] [Oliver Brewer]
  • Free White Persons - Males - 16 and over 4
  • Free White Persons - Males - Under 16 2
  • Free White Persons - Females 2
  • Number of Slaves 3

Reference: Filae Family Trees - SmartCopy: Mar 7 2025, 17:52:22 UTC

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Oliver Lanier Brewer, Sr.'s Timeline

Surry County, Virginia, Colonial America
North Carolina, British Colonial America
Brunswick Co, , Virginia, USA
Chatham County, North Carolina, USA
Surry County, Virginia Colony
October 19, 1762
Orange County, North Carolina
Brunswick County, Virginia, Colonial America