NImrod was one of the six sons of Chush son of Ham. according to Hebrew Bible he was the one who became first to rule over the earth. The centers of his kingdom was Babel, Erek, Akkad, and Calneah in the land of Shinar. (Genesis 10:10)
His most imfluential story was the story of Babel, which the children of man build a tower which the top will became in above of heaven. but God came down and comfound their language, then, the people were scattered all over the world. and that place was called Babel which means "Confuse." (Genesis 10:1-9)
His name means "Mighty hunter." in Hebrew "נמרוד
Fue un gran cazador y protector en una época cuando los seres humanos caían presa a los animales salvajes. (Gén. 10:9). Fue un hombre ambicioso, multiplicando rápido y controlando su raza. Parece haber sido el gestor del proyecto de la Torre de Babel. (Gén. 10:10 y 11:9). Fue rey y fundador de ciudades a lo largo de la región del Sinar, entre ellas Erec, Babel, Acad y Calne. (Gén. 10:9-12).
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Kish, Hormozgan Province, Iran (Iran, Islamic Republic of)
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