Matching family tree profiles for Nicolas Rivard dit Lavigne
Immediate Family
About Nicolas Rivard dit Lavigne
Nicolas became Captain of the Militia at Batiscan. This may be located on the St Lawerence Seaway, SW of Quebec, NE of Three Rivers. 2009 population 900.
Married 11/25/1652 OR 06/21/1653
"The Rivards are historically privileged in comparison with the large number of colonists who arrived in New France in the XVII century. Thanks to recent research by Madame Pierre Montagne, we can now trace them back as far as Thomas Lousche and Perreine Mercier, the great-grandparents of Jeanne Mullard, the mother of Nicolas and Robert Rivard, two pioneers of the Mauricie. Through the Lousches and the Mullards, the North American Rivards can be proud of the fact that they know, at least partially, a past which goes back in time nearly half a millennium. Who can say more, apart from families descended from the noblility?"
Thomas J. Laforest Our French-Canadian Ancestors : Volume V, Page 216
@R-1195646461@ Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-Current Operations, Inc. 1,9289::0
@R-1195646461@ Quebec, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967 Operations Inc 1,1091::0
@R-1195646461@ Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-Current Operations, Inc. 1,9289::0
@R-1195646461@ Quebec, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967 Operations Inc 1,1091::0
@R-1195646461@ Web: Netherlands, GenealogieOnline Trees Index, 1000-Current Operations, Inc. 1,9289::0
@R-1195646461@ Quebec, Vital and Church Records (Drouin Collection), 1621-1967 Operations Inc 1,1091::0
Non-standard gedcom data: 1 REFN 12C_P 2 SOUR Ancêtre du Cardinal Paul-Émile Léger. 3 CONT Capitaine de Milice en 1697.
Nicolas Rivard dit Lavigne est le frère de Robert, époux de MadeleineGuillet. Aux recensements de 1666 et 1667, il demeure aux Trois-Rivières(Batiscan). Il est engagé le 6 mars 1648 par Noël Juchereau. En 1697, ilest capitaine de milice.
- Known as Nicolas Rivard dit Lavigne. *Known as Nicolas Rivard dit Lavigne.
[My Roots.FTW] He was one of the first settlers to Trois Rivieres,Quebec,Canada. He and Catherine had ten children, of whom the five sons carried on the name Rivard. With the additional surname of Lavigne, Laglanderie, Lacoursiere, and Lanouette.
Nicolas left France on 6 Mar 1648 with Noel Juchereau. He was aCaptainin the Militia in 1697. He was th brother of Robert Rivard, who married Madeleine Guillet.
!BURIAL:Jetté, Dictionnaire Généalogiques Des Familles De Q uébec, Jetté, René, 987
Capt. of Militia, Cap del la Madeleine then Batiscan later. Originally from Perche, France.
Jean Riquart Ancêtre des Ricard d'Amérique -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pérade peut reconnaître Jean Riquart comme son premier colon. Ce homme exemplaire, pratique et travailleur, s'attacha à la terre et vécut du travail de ses mains. Il est le type duvrai colon tenace, et sa vie mérite d'être un peu tirée de l'oubli. Arrivé à Sainte-Anne en 1667, il y demeura sans interruption pendant soixante ans. La mort seule put interrompre sonélan de défricheur. Ses enfants l'imitèrent : ils s'acharnèrent, eux aussi, au défrichement et à la culture du sol. Bien peu de colonspeuvent se glorifier d'une semblable ténacité et d'un pareil enracinement au même sol. Le mariage Bien qu'aucun document authentique ne nous renseigne à ce sujet, nous croyons pouvoir placer en l'année 1675 le mariagede JEAN RIQUART et de MADELEINE PINOT. La famille s'agrandit Nous voici rendus à l'année 1720. La vie de Jean Riquart est pratiquement terminée : il a soixante-quinze ans. Mais safemme est encore relativement jeune : elle a soixante ans. Ils regardent leurs enfants et leurs petits-enfants vieillir,grandir et évoluer autour d'eux. En 1723, le 21 juillet, (Greffe Dubreuil, notaire àQuébec) le vieux couple se donne au plus jeune des fils, François,demeuré sur la terre du bas de Sainte-Anne. C'est là que JEAN RIQUART mourut, trois ans plus tard, le 8 juillet 1726. Son épouse ne mourut que huit ans plus tard, le 26 mai 1734. C'est certainement à des types de paysans, comme Jean Riquart, que le grand fabuliste La Fontaine, pensait lorsqu'ilfaisait dire à son laboureur : "Travaillez, prenez de la peine; c'est le fonds qui manque le moins". Pendant deux cent soixante-quinzeans, les générations de Riquart, devenues Ricard, se sont succédées sans interruption,dans la paroisse de Sainte-Anne. Source: Muguette Marsan-Dulac Jean Riquart Fiche signalétique Naissance Vers 1636 ? (France) Parents Pèr e: ? Mère: ? Mariage Vers 1675 Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pérade Conjointe: Madeleine Pinot Père: Pierre Pinot dit Laperle Mère: Anne Payer Décès 8 juillet 1726 Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pérade Inhumation 9 juillet 1726 Sainte-Anne-de-la-Pérade Enfants Date de naissance Lieu de naissanceJean 1676 ou 1677 Sainte-Anne Charles-Simon 1679 Sainte-Anne Catherine 22 novembre 1681 Sainte-Anne Marie-Madeleine 16 décembre 1683 Sainte-Anne Marie-Renée 23 mai 1686 Sainte-Anne Thomas 18 septembre 1691 Sainte-Anne Marguerite 29 octobre 1693 Sainte-Anne Angélique 19 mars 1697 Sainte-Anne François 27 juin 1699 Sainte-Anne Marie-Jeanne 2 mai 1702 Sainte-Anne -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Le Centre de généalogie francophone d'Amérique URL: Conception et réalisation: Le Cid (Le Centre internet de développement) 2000 © Tous droits réservés.
Nicolas Rivard (De Lavigne - also, La Teigne), son of Pierre Rivard and Jeanne Mullard, of St-Aubin de Tourouvre, Mortagne, Perche, France. He married Catherine De Saint-Pere, dau of Etienne and M.Mad Couteau (Cousteau) at Trois-Rivieres, Quebec, 21 jun 1653. (St-Per also "De St-Pere.") Nicolas was b.10 jun 1617, at Tourouvre, Perche, France. He was buried at Batiscan, 1 jul 1701 at 65. Catherine St-Per was born at St-Jean d'Angely in 1634 and was buried at Batiscan, Quebec, 28 jun 1709 at 72. She was the widow of Mathurin Guillet, son of Francois and Perinne Mendard - married at Trois Rivieres in 1648. It is documented that Nicolas Rivard's home at Batiscan served as a church until a regular one was built. Nicolas was a militia captain. Officers were voted by the rank and file, so Nicolas must have been respected. 2. Jeanne Rivard, b. Trois Rivieres, Quebec, 24 aug 1656. Married Charles Dutaut at Batiscan, 22 apr 1669. Died at Champlain, 25 nov 1698. 3. Julien Rivard La Glanderie, m. Elisabeth Thunes, d. of Felix and Elis Lefebvre, at Champlain, Quebec, 3 feb 1682. Julien was born at Trois Rivieres, 9 dec 1657 and died at Batiscan, 10 dec 1708. Thunes-Thunay. 4. Francois Rivard sieur de Lacoursiere, b. Trois Rivieres 27 sep 1659. Married Madeleine LePele, 18 feb 1697. She died at Batiscan 9 apr 1713. Madeleine was the daughter of Pierre and Catherine Dodier. Second wife: Genevieve Chene, married at Batiscan 1 apr 1717. Francois died at Batiscan, 14 sep 1726. (Chene also Chenier-Lagrave) Her parents Raymond and Rose Maillot. 1. Nicolas, m. Elisabeth Trotier, dau of Julien and Marie Sedilot, at Cap- Madeleine, quebec, 20 nov 1678. Nicolas was a wheelwright. Elisabeth Trotier died at Batiscan, 6 apr 1699. Widowed,Nicolas, m. Frse Marien, d. of Louis and Frse Philippeaux, at Quebec, 27 jun 1709. Nicolas was b. 1 feb 1654 at Cap-Madeleine, Trois Rivieres, and died at Batiscan, Quebec, 2 dec 1719 at age 65. 5. Pierre, m. Catherine Trottier, d. Julien and Marie S edilot, at Cap-Made- leine, Quebec, 9 jan 1685. Pierre added LaNouette to his name. (Sisters marrying brothers.) Pierre was born in 1661 and died 1 mar 1724. 6. Madeleine Rivard, born in 1663, died 1 mar 1737 at Batiscan. Married Pierre de Lafond, 10 jan 1677. (Notary Frerot) 7. Michel, born at Trois Rivieres in 1665, died at Batiscan 17 aug 1687. 8. Jean Rivard de Lacoursiere, sieur de Preville, born at batiscan, in 1668, died at Ile Dupas, Quebec, 30 jun 1731. Married Genevieve Trottier at Batiscan, 5 sep 1703. Widowed, Jean married Genevieve Chenier-Lagrave, dau of raymond and Rose Maillot at Batiscan, 1 apr 1717. Note: In 1646 a widow, Madeleine Couteau, came to Canada with her two daughters, Jeanne and Catherine St-Per. Madeleine's second husband was Emery Caltaut, whom she married at Trois-Rivieres. He was soon killed by the Iroquois on 2 jun 1653. Her two daughters married the brothers, Pierre and Mathurin Guillet. Catherine St-Per and Mathurin Guillet were married only a few weeks when he, too, was killed by the Iroquois in August of 1652, close to the fort at the Cap, Quebec. Catherine was only eighteen. Needless to say, she did not stay a widow for long. The filthy pig, Nicolas Rivard, age 35, married her in 1652 - before the blood had dried on the tomahawk. Nicolas, by the way, was militia captain at the Cap-de-la-Madeleine and at Batiscan until the age of 81! "Nicolas est dit alors "capitaine, commandant de la milice du Cap-de-la- Madeleine, fonctions qu'il exercera jusqu'en 1698, tant au Ca-de-la-Madeleine qu'a Batiscan plus tard." On 23 Mar 1666, Nicolas and his sons and sons-in-law bought large tracts of land at Batiscan, just outside of Montreal. After some developement they moved there in 1669. By this time Nicolas was calling himself Rivard de la Vigne. Nicolas and Crevier de Bellerive served as church wardens. Nicolas is recorded as lieutenant of militia at Batiscan. He had been captain at Cap-Madeleine. Nicolas was an unusually p ublic-minded citizen. He often took up the causes of people who did not know how to defend themselves in the courts. One freq- uently sees in the documents of the day, "Nicolas Rivard, sieur de la Vigne, habitantdu dit lieu, scachant lire et ecrire, agissant pour et au nom de tous les colons, se faisant leur procureur et defendeur, demande, etc..." "Nicolas River, sieur de la Vigne, farmer of this area, knowing how to read and write, representing local colonists, will be acting as their lawyer in their defense, requests...." The demands would then be forwarded to the Intendant, Chief Justice of Quebec. One such case involved the outrage of the colonists of Batiscan, in 1676, about "alignures et bornes-limites fixees par l'arpen- teur Jean Guyon du Buisson." Jean Guyon (my ancestor) was a surveyor, and these farmers thought that he had surveyed large chunks of their farms off the map. The solution, after an exchange of of "lettres plutot acerbes" was to call in another surveyor to check Guyon's calculations. This article does not say if Guyon had been right or wrong. These french genealogists do that too often: they will tell you a story and forget to come to the point. In 1681 Batiscan had 48 families, a population of 261. Nicolas did reach the rank of Captain of militia in Batiscan. He held that rank until the age of 81, in 1698. He died in 1701 at Batiscan. Nicolas Rivard's father, Pierre Rivard, is recorded as merchant at Tourouvre in 1614. Died 5 mar 1652. Married Jeanne Mullard at St-Aubin de Tourouvre, 11 nov 1613. Jeanne Mullard, b. 9 jul 1597 at St-Aubin de Tourouvre, died 21 apr 1649. Thomas Rivard, grandfather of Nicolas Rivard, died 13 sep 1620. His wife, Jeanne Chevreau, de LaPoterie au Perche, died "before" 13 sep 1620. Jeanne Mullard's parents: Robert Mullard, married Francoise Lousche in 1588. Died 6 mar 1614. Francoise Lousche died "before" 6 mar 1614. Francoise Lousche's father, Francois Lousche, born 1535, died 1604. Butcher. Married Martine Portier 21 jan 1554.
Il fut capitaine de l'habitation du Cap en 1652; capitaine de milice en 1697. Parrain: Nicolas Boucher Marraine: Jeanne Pichon
De leur union naissent 10 enfants.
He was one of the first settlers to Trois Rivieres,Quebec,Canada. He and Catherine had ten children, of whom the five sons carried on the name Rivard. With the additional surname of Lavigne, Laglanderie, Lacoursiere, and Lanouette.
Nicolas Rivard dit Lavigne's Timeline
1617 |
June 10, 1617
St-Aubin de Tourouvre, Mortagne, Perche, France
June 16, 1617
Tourouvre au Perche, Orne, Normandie, France
June 16, 1617
St. Antoine, Tourouvre, France
June 16, 1617
June 17, 1617
Tourouvre, Perche, France
1654 |
February 1, 1654
Trois Rivieres, St. Maurice, Quebec, Canada
1656 |
August 24, 1656
Immaculee-Conception, Trois-Rivières, QC, Canada