Nathan Halevi Heller-Wallerstein

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Nathan Halevi Heller-Wallerstein (1561 - 1579)

Hebrew: הרב נתן הלוי הלר-וולרשטיין
Birthplace: Wallerstein, Bayern, Germany
Death: 1579 (17-18)
Wallerstein, Bayern, Germany
Place of Burial: Wallerstein, Suabia, BY, Germany
Immediate Family:

Son of Moshe I ben Abraham I Halevi Heller-Wallerstein and Fraidlin Ammersweiler
Husband of Gittel bat Ascher Heller Wallerstein (Günzburg)
Father of Joseph Lipmann Heller; Perl Heller and Yom Tov Lippman Heller - "Tosfot Yom Tov"
Brother of Shprinzl Meinster, Perlhefter and Rabbi Avraham II ben Moshe I Heller-Wallerstein Fränkel, Maharal son in Law of #6
Half brother of Jozzel Ammersweiler

Managed by: Prof. Yigal Burstein
Last Updated:

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Nathan Halevi Heller-Wallerstein's Timeline

Wallerstein, Bayern, Germany
May 31, 1579
Wallerstein, Bavaria, Germany
Prague, Bohemia
Age 18
Wallerstein, Bayern, Germany
Age 18
Wallerstein, Suabia, BY, Germany