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NOTE: Dates given here are Before Christ upwards.
The year of Christ's birth, 1 A.D., was the year 5200 in the Age of the World, and was the eighth year of the reign of Crimthann Niadhnair, king number 100 in this table. Keating say that Christ was born in the twelfth year of the reign of Crimthann Niad-Nair.
Source: magoo.com: Irish Kings by Hugh Mc Cough Windows Internet Explorer
100 E Crimhthann Niadhnair 90. Crimhthann Niadhnaer
(Criffan Crimthann (Criomthann) Niadh-Nar' MacLugaid, 'the Heroic'; Nia Naire)
3–9 A.D.
7 B.C. (Birth of Christ in the eighth year of his reign). Joyce: 74 A.D. Crimthann Niadh-Nar, Crimthan Nuadh-Nar, Ilair Cheting, Criomhthann Nia Nar, Crimthann (or Criffan) Nia Nair
Son of Lughaidh Sriabh nDearg #98. Married to Nar-Tath-Chaoch or Nar Tuathchuach (Bainé, daughter of the King of Alba, and the mother of Feredach), daughter of Laoch, son of Daire, who lived in the land of the Picts (Cruitheantuaith, Scotland). Married Baine (or Naira) daughter of Loich, son of Dareletus, king of the Northern Picts (also referred to as Laoch, son of Daire who lived in the land of the Picts; i.e. Scotland). His son was Feareadach Fionn Feachtnach Feredach #102. Died in 9 A.D. at Dun Crimhthainn, at Edair, as a result of falling from a horse, after returning from a famous expedition — probably his expedition to Britain and Gaul to assist the Picts and Britains in their wars with the Romans.
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Nar Baine Tuathchuach Compact Disc #131 Pin #1895226 Pedigree
Sex: F
Birth: abt 0025 BC
Father: Loch Daireson Disc #131 Pin #1912502
Spouse: Crimthann-Niadh-Nar "The Heroic" 100th King of Ireland Disc #131 Pin #1904353
Marriage: abt 0008
Notes and Sources
Notes: None
Sources: None
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