public profile
N.N. MALET [Parents] 1, 2, 3 was born 1046 in Graville-Sainte-Honorine, Seine-Maritime, France. She married Turold Sheriff of Lincolnshire on 1068 in Spalding, Lincolnshire, England.
They had the following children:
F i Lucy Countess of Chester was born 1069 and died 1138.
1Keats-Rohan, K. S. B., "Antecessor Noster: The Parentage of Countess Lucy Made Plain," Prosopon, No. 2 (May 1995), p. 1, Linacre College.
2Keats-Rohan, K.S.B., Domesday People: A Prosopography of Persons Occurring in English Documents, 1066-1166 (Woodbridge: The Boydell Press, 1999.), p. 283, Los Angeles Public Library, Gen 942.02 K25.
3Keats-Rohan, K.S.B., Domesday Descendants: A Prosopography of Persons Occurring in English Documents 1066-1166 (Rochester, New York: The Boydell Press, 2002.), pp. 1137-8, Library of Congress, DA177 .K4 2002.
Lady Godiva - Godgifu
Thorold of Bukendale, Sheriff of Lincolnshire
The relations here are unclear and not verified, but there is a connection to the Malet family:
Relatives of the Malet family, the exact connections have not yet been identified:
1. [--- . According to a charter of Henri Duke of Normandy (later Henry II King of England) issued in favour of her son Ranulf Earl of Chester dated 1153, Ctss Lucy (wife firstly of Ivo Taillebois) was the niece of Robert Malet of Eye and of Alan of Lincoln, as well as kinswoman of Thorold "the Sheriff"[351].
m [--- de Lincoln, son of ---].]
2. [--- . m ---.] [Three] children:
a) THOROLD de Bukenhale (-after [1076/79]). Sheriff of Lincolnshire. The Annals of Peterborough record that “Thoroldus vicecomes et frater germanus Godivæ comitissæ Leycestriæ” founded Spalding Monastery in 1052[352]. “Thoroldus de Bukenhale…vicecomiti” donated Spalding monastery to Croyland abbey which names “domino meo Leofrico comite Leicestriæ et…comitissa sua domina Godiva sorore mea…et cognati mei comitis Algari primogeniti et hæredis eorum”[353]. Herman´s De miraculis sancti Eadmundi names “…Lincolniensis Turoldus…” among those present when Herfast Bishop of Thetford visited Baldwin Abbot of St Edmund´s to be cured of an injury to his eye, dated to [1076/79] by Round[354].
b) GODGIFU . She is named as wife of Earl Leofric by Florence of Worcester, who specifies that she and her husband founded monasteries at Leominster, Wenlock, Chester and Stowe[355]. The Annals of Peterborough record that “Thoroldus vicecomes et frater germanus Godivæ comitissæ Leycestriæ” founded Spalding Monastery in 1052[356]. Her family origin is also indicated by the undated charter under which “Thoroldus de Bukenhale…vicecomiti” donated Spalding monastery to Croyland abbey which names “domino meo Leofrico comite Leicestriæ et…comitissa sua domina Godiva sorore mea…et cognati mei comitis Algari primogeniti et hæredis eorum”[357]. The De Gestis Herwardi Saxonis names "Aediva trinepta Oslaci ducis" as wife of "Lefricus de Brunne, nepos comitis Radulfi cognominati Scalre", when recording that they were parents of "Herwardus"[358]. "Oslaci ducis" could be "Oslac" recorded in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle as "earl [of Northumbria]" in 966[359], but any precise relationship has not been identified. ”Leofricus comes…et conjux mea Godgyve” donated property to Evesham Monastery by undated charter which names “frater meus Normannus”[360]. Godgifu wife of Leofric granted property to St Mary's, Stow by charter dated [1054/57][361]. She was the Lady Godiva of legend.
m LEOFRIC Earl of Mercia, son of LEOFWINE Ealdorman of the Hwicce in Mercia (-Bromley 30 Oct 1057, bur Coventry).
1045 |
Graville St Honorine, Normandy, France
1074 |
May 23, 1074
Spalding, Lincolnshire, England
1107 |
Age 62
England (United Kingdom)
???? |
Lincolnshire, England (United Kingdom)