Prague, Hlavní město Praha, Prague, Czechia
"daughter Biagota (before 913-). The betrothal of this unnamed daughter, at the same time as her father's coronation as Tsar, is referred to by Fine, who says that it was arranged as part of the negotiated settlement with Prince Symeon after he invaded Byzantium, but was annulled by Empress Zoe after she seized the regency[73]. The primary source which confirms this daughter’s parentage and betrothal has not been identified. It is assumed that the daughter would have been little more than a child at the time of her betrothal, considering the birth date of her betrothed. It is therefore likely that she was born from her father's second marriage. Betrothed (913, broken 913) to Emperor KONSTANTINOS VII, son of Emperor LEON VI & his fourth wife Zoe Karbonopsina (905-9 Nov 959)."
"daughter Biagota (before 913-). The betrothal of this unnamed daughter, at the same time as her father's coronation as Tsar, is referred to by Fine, who says that it was arranged as part of the negotiated settlement with Prince Symeon after he invaded Byzantium, but was annulled by Empre 5css Zoe after she seized the regency[73]. The primary source which confirms this daughter’s parentage and betrothal has not been identified. It is assumed that the daughter would have been little more than a child at the time of her betrothal, considering the birth date of her betrothed. It is therefore likely that she was born from her father's second marriage. Betrothed (913, broken 913) to Emperor KONSTANTINOS VII, son of Emperor LEON VI & his fourth wife Zoe Karbonopsina (905-9 Nov 959)."
"dcera Biagota /Blahota/ (před rokem 913-). O zasnoubení této nejmenované dcery, současně s korunovací jejího otce na cara, se zmiňuje Fine, který říká, že to bylo uspořádáno jako součást vyjednaného narovnání s princem Symeonem poté, co vtrhl Byzanc, ale byla anulována Empre 5css Zoe poté, co se zmocnila regentství[73]. Primární zdroj, který potvrzuje rodičovství a zasnoubení této dcery, nebyl identifikován. Předpokládá se, že dcera v té době byla o něco víc než dítě jejího zasnoubení s ohledem na datum narození jejího zasnoubeného. Je tedy pravděpodobné, že se narodila z druhého manželství svého otce.
Zasnoubená (913, zlomená 913) s císařem KONSTANTINOS VII., synem císaře LEONA VI. a jeho čtvrté manželky Zoe Karbonopsiny ( 905-9 listopadu 959).
*'''Zdroj''' – http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/BULGARIA.htm#_Toc359577753
902 |
967 |
July 15, 967
Age 65
Prague, Hlavní město Praha, Hlavní město Praha, Czech Republic