Historical records matching Myra Bradwell
Immediate Family
About Myra Bradwell
Myra Colby Bradwell (February 12, 1831 – February 14, 1894) was a publisher and political activist. She was the first woman to be admitted to the Illinois bar to become the first female lawyer in Illinois in 1892.
Myra Colby was born on February 12, 1831 in Manchester, Vermont. She was the daughter of Eben Colby and Abigail Willey. She lived in Vermont and Western New York during her childhood. When Bradwell was twelve she moved to Schaumburg, Illinois with her family (Bradwell). She attended schools in Kenosha, Wisconsin and later enrolled in Elgin Female Seminary in Illinois. She completed her formal education by the age of twenty four. She became a school teacher after she graduated (Jones). In 1852, Myra Colby married James B. Bradwell and she became Myra Colby Bradwell. Two years later they moved to Memphis, Tennessee. James Bradwell was the head of a private school and Myra Bradwell became a teacher in that school. In 1855 they moved to Chicago, where James Bradwell was admitted to the Chicago Bar. He became a successful lawyer, judge, and in 1873 he was elected to the General Assembly.
A few years after marrying James Bradwell, Myra Bradwell started her formal law training when her husband was accepted to the Illinois Bar. There she apprenticed as a lawyer in her husbands office. There were some complications that came up during her rise to becoming a lawyer. She had four children, and two of them died at an early age. She raised funds to help aid the wounded soldiers during the American Civil War. She was also a member of the Northwestern Sanitary Commission. In 1868, she founded the Chicago Legal News, and with her husband's legal help, she was able to serve as both editor and business manager of the paper. It was the most widely circulated legal newspaper in the United States (Mezey). Bradwell dedicated her newspaper to changing women's status in society, and she included a column in the paper entitled "Law Relating to Women." She published information about court opinions, laws, and court ordinances. She supported women's suffrage reforms, efforts to gain employment for women, railroad regulation, and improvement of court systems (Mezey).
She assisted in writing the Illinois Married Women's Property Act of 1861 and the Earnings Act of 1869. These were to give married women control over their earnings and property. In August 1896, the Illinois Seventh Circuit JUdge examined Bradwell's Legal ability. He pronounced her qualified and suggested that the Illinois State Supreme Court Issue her a license; however, her application was denied on the grounds that as a married woman, she could not enter into any legal contracts, as lawyers do in their profession. On February 5, 1870, the Illinois high court again denied her claim on the basis of sex. Chief Justice Charles B. Lawrence stated that "God designed the sexes to occupy different spheres of action." Finally, Bradwell appealed to the United States Supreme Court,claiming that refusing to admit her to the bar because she was female violated her 14th Amendment rights.
The Supreme Court held 7 to 1 that the Privileges and Immunities Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment did not include the right to practice a profession. Justice Joseph Bradley wrote, "The natural and proper timidity and delicacy which belongs to the female sex evidently unfits it for many of the occupations of civil life... [T]he paramount destiny and mission of woman are to fulfill the noble and benign offices of wife and mother. This is the law of the Creator." Bradwell v. Illinois, 83 U.S. (16 Wall.) 130 (1873).
The court's reasoning was fourfold: (1) Women would not be allowed to practice the law. (2) This would open the flood gates and many more women would want to follow in Bradwell's footsteps. (3) Brutal cases would not be appropriate for a woman to handle. (4) The state was worried about the effect women would have on the administration office.
Bradwell felt that she was being treated unfairly and decided to take her concerns to the United States Supreme Court, but, in 1873, the Supreme Court also denied her to the bar because of her gender. In 1872, the Illinois legislature passed a law stating, "No person shall be precluded or debarred from any occupation, profession, or employment (except the military) on account of gender." Bradwell continued to work on the Chicago Legal News where she was the journals publisher, business manager, and editor in chief.
She also became an active member in the women's suffrage movement, serving as Secretary of the Illinois Women Suffrage Association. Bradwell made no further proceeedings to gain her license. In 1890, the Illinois Supreme Court acted on its own motion and approved her original application, and, in 1892, she received her license to practice before the United States Supreme Court.
Myra Bradwell died on February 14, 1894 of cancer. She died just two years after she received her license to practice law. Her daughter, Bessie Bradwell Helmer, continued what her mother started. Bessie Bradwell became a lawyer as well as Thomas Bradwell, James and Myra Bradwell’s son. Her life was full of important events including the rights she won for women.
After her death there was an award created in her honor, the Myra Bradwell Award. It is presented to a member of the Minnesota Women Lawyers who expresses the highest ideals of the legal profession and who possesses the qualities exemplified by Myra Bradwell such as courage, perseverance, and leadership on issues of concern to women. To be eligible to receive this award one must be an attorney who is a leader in her field and who has exemplified legal excellence, professionalism, and ethics, or an attorney who has reached out to assist other women, e.g., by mentoring, by facilitating institutional support, and/or by being a role model.
When Myra Bradwell passed the Illinois Bar Exam with high honors in 1869, her path was set on her road to becoming one of America's first woman lawyers. Bradwell began her legal career with the 1868 establishment of the Chicago Legal News, which carried information about laws, ordinances and court opinions admissible as evidence in court. Bradwell, publisher and editor, also used its pages and power to advocate for women's rights, speaking out for women's suffrage, and removal of property ownership rights by women. She was permitted to run her business by special charter allowing a married woman to do so.
In 1869 Bradwell helped created Chicago's first women's suffrage convention, and passed the Bar. Despite an appeal to the state Supreme Court, she was refused admission because of her gender. Progress was made when the Illinois legislature opened most professions to women, and Bradwell was admitted to the United States Supreme Court and Illinois Supreme Court in 1892, retroactive to her initial application in 1869.
Myra Bradwell's Timeline
1831 |
February 12, 1831
1854 |
1856 |
1858 |
1894 |
February 14, 1894
Age 63