Mohamed Anwar Shaker Abdel Sayed El Fayed

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Mohamed Anwar Shaker Abdel Sayed El Fayed (1929 - 2023)

Finnish: Mohamed Al-Fayed (Fayed), Arabic: محمد الفايد, Russian: Мохаммед аль-Файед
Also Known As: "Al-Fayed"
Birthplace: Bacos, Qism El-Raml, Alexandria Governorate, Egypt
Death: August 30, 2023 (94)
London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom
Immediate Family:

Husband of Heini Wathén
Ex-husband of Samira Al-Fayed (Khashoggi)
Father of Jasmine Al-Fayed; Karim Al-Fayed; Camilla Al-Fayed; Omar Al-Fayed and Dodi Fayed
Brother of Private; Private; Private; Private and Private

Managed by: Tytti Laiho
Last Updated:
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Immediate Family

About Mohamed Anwar Shaker Abdel Sayed El Fayed

Mohamed Al-Fayed (Egyptian Arabic: محمد أنور شاكر عبد السيد الفايد‎) born 1929) is an Egyptian business magnate. Fayed's business interests include ownership of Hôtel Ritz Paris and formerly Harrods Department Store. Al-Fayed sold his ownership of football team Fulham F.C. in 2013.

Al-Fayed was married for two years, from 1954 to 1956, to Samira Khashoggi. Later Al-Fayed married Finnish socialite and former model Heini Wathén in 1985, with whom he has four children. Al-Fayed had a son, Dodi, from his first marriage who died in a car crash in Paris with Diana, Princess of Wales on 31 August 1997.

He was born Mohamed Fayed on 27 January 1929, in Bakos, Alexandria, Egypt. Some time in the early 1970s, he began using "Al-Fayed" rather than "Fayed". As a consequence he was coined with a nick name the "Phoney Pharaoh".

О Мохаммеде але-Файеде (русский)

Моха́ммед аль-Файе́д (араб. محمد الفايد‎; 27 января 1929, Рас-эль-Тин[d], Александрия, Египет — 30 августа 2023, Лондон) — египетский предприниматель, владелец футбольного клуба «Фулхэм» (до июля 2013 года), парижского отеля Ritz и лондонского универмага Harrods (до 2010 года). В 2013 году состояние Файеда оценивалось в 1,4 миллиарда долларов США, что делает его 1031-м по счёту в списке самых богатых людей мира

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Mohamed Anwar Shaker Abdel Sayed El Fayed's Timeline

January 27, 1929
Bacos, Qism El-Raml, Alexandria Governorate, Egypt
April 17, 1955
Alexandria, Alexandria Governorate, Egypt
February 16, 1985
London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom
August 30, 2023
Age 94
London, Greater London, England, United Kingdom