Mistress of Gospatric of Northumbria

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Mistress of Gospatric of Northumbria (1042 - 1062)

English (default): Mistress of Gospatric, English, Old: Ãthelreda of Northumbria
Birthplace: Dunbar, East Lothian, Scotland
Death: 1062 (19-20)
Dunbar, East Lothian, Scotland
Immediate Family:

Partner of Gospatric, Earl of Dunbar
Mother of Matilda, of Northumbria; Dolfin, Earl of Cumberland; Gospatrick ll mac Gospatrick, Earl of Dunbar and Waltheof of Allerdale

Occupation: AEthelreda of Dunbar
Managed by: Eugene Thomas
Last Updated:

About Mistress of Gospatric of Northumbria

Earl Gospatrick had two illegitimate children by an unknown mistress or mistresses:

From http://fmg.ac/Projects/MedLands/SCOTTISH%20NOBILITY.htm#GospatrickD...

5.          DOLFIN (-after 1092).  Simeon of Durham names "Dolfin, Walther and Cospatric" as the sons of Gospatrick[1417].  He is named first of the three sons of Gospatrick given by Roger of Hoveden[1418].  He was expelled from Carlisle in 1092[1419].  His illegitimacy is confirmed by a memorandum dated to [1275] records that "Earl Cospatryk formerly earl of Dunbar in Scotland had a brother Dolfin earl of Northumbarland…both…bastards", that they had "a legitimate brother Waldeve and a legitimate sister Etheldreda…of one father and one mother"[1420].  m ---.  The name of Dolfin’s wife is not known.  Dolfin & his wife had one child:  UHTRED FitzDolfin de Cungeston [Conistone] .  He held land at Conistone in the honour of Skipton and in Burnsall in the Bulmer fief[1421].  m ---.  The name of Uhtred’s wife is not known.  Uhtred & his wife had two children:  ...

6.          WALTHEOF .  Simeon of Durham names "Dolfin, Walther and Cospatric" as the sons of Gospatrick[1423].  He is named second of the three sons of Gospatrick given by Roger of Hoveden[1424].  A memorandum dated to [1275] records that "Earl Cospatryk formerly earl of Dunbar in Scotland had a brother Dolfin earl of Northumbarland…both…bastards", that they had "a legitimate brother Waldeve and a legitimate sister Etheldreda…of one father and one mother"[1425].   It seems unlikely that Waltheof was his father’s legitimate son as his father’s earldom was transmitted to his son Gospatrick.  The Cronicon Cumbriæ records that “Ranulphus de Meschines” enfeoffed “Waldevum filium Cospatricii de Dunbar comitem in Scotia” with “tota baronia de Allerdale” and that “Willielmus de Meschines dominus de Coupland” enfeoffed “Waldevum filium Cospatricii” with “tota terra inter Cocar et Derwent”[1426].  "…Cospatric frater Dalfin, Waldef frater suus…" witnessed inquisitions by "David…Cumbrensis regionis princeps", dated 1124, concerning land owned by the church of Glasgow[1427].  Lord of Allerdale.  Abbot of Crowland [1126] to Dec 1138, when he was deposed at the legatine council of Westminster[1428].  An undated agreement between Geoffrey abbot of St Albans and "Gospatric the earl" recites that the abbot granted Gospatric and "his son Adam (…formerly called Waldief)" the "land of Archil Morel…Beuuicke"[1429].  “Waldevus filius Cospatrici comitis” donated property to Gysburn Priory, with the consent of “uxore mea Sigrida et filiis meis Cospatrico et Alano”, by undated charter which names “El. filio Erlafi presbyteri cognate meo”[1430].  A charter of King Henry II records donations to York St Mary, including the donation of “villam de Stainburn” by “Walthef filius Gospatrici” and "villam de Saltergh et…de Whyrkingtona" by "Gospatricius filius eorundem"[1431].  m as her first husband, SIGRID, daughter of ---.  “Waldevus filius Cospatrici comitis” donated property to Gysburn Priory, with the consent of “uxore mea Sigrida et filiis meis Cospatrico et Alano”, by undated charter[1432].  Sigrid married secondly Roger FitzGilbert.  Her second marriage is confirmed by the undated charter under which [her son] "Alanus filius Walthef et Sigrid mater et Rogerus vir eius" donated land "in Aspatrick" to St Bees by undated charter[1433].  "Rogerus filius Gilberti" donated "terram de Walton" to St Bees, with the consent of "uxoris mee Sigeride", by undated charter, witnessed by "Roberto fratre meo…Roberto filio meo…"[1434].  Waltheof & his wife had three children:  ....

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Mistress of Gospatric of Northumbria's Timeline

Dunbar, East Lothian, Scotland
Dean & Clifton, England
Lothian, Scotland (United Kingdom)
Dunbar, East Lothian, Scotland
Age 20
Dunbar, East Lothian, Scotland
Dunbar, East Lothian, Scotland