Katherine "Kate" Crow's parents were:
Michael Crow 1766-1864
Hannah "Granny" Huhn born about 1773 (Huhn pronounced "HOON"
.....On the frontier, the markets for goods were many miles away and the transport of that day was extreamly slow. Therefore, it was impossible to get fresh produce to the markets before it spoiled. The products of the frontier had to be processed in a way that it could be transported to the market and still be valuable. To get his corn to market, Michael Crow had stills in which he made his fresh corn into corn whiskey. Michael shipped at least one load of corn whiskey by flatboat or keelboat to New Orleans where he sold his corn at a good profit. From New Orleans, Michael took a ship to New York and from there returned home by horseback. This action was not uncommon on the frontier.
Children of Michael Crow and Hanna Huhn:
.....2 John Crow 11/11/1797-3/15/1887
.....+ Barbara O'Neil
.....2 Isaac Crow 7/11/1799-2/2/1889 .....+ Nancy Kendall 1800-6/6/1872
.....2 Catherine "Kate" Crow 8/27/1801-4/22/1874 .....+ Allen Alexander Dunham 2/23/1788-2/12/1864
.....2 Michael Crow Jr. 12/10/1807-5/18/1891 Mt.Moriah Cemetery
.....+ Sarah Gans 1815-11/30/1898 Mt. Moriah Cemetery
.....2 Nathaniel Crwo 1812-11/28/1862
.....+ Elizabeth Browler
.....2 Jacob Crwo 1818
.....+ Lousia Gans
.....2 Alexander Crow .....+ Christina
.....2nd ...... Sara Husted
.....2 Elizabeth Crow died 1883 .....+ Henry O'Neil
.....2 Mary Crow
1766 |
Province of Maryland
1798 |
Fayette, PA, United States
1799 |
July 31, 1799
Fayette, PA, United States
1802 |
March 28, 1802
Springhill, Fayette, PA, United States
1804 |
German Twp., Fayette, PA, United States
1806 |
March 17, 1806
Nicholson Twp., Fayette, PA, United States
Germantown, PA, United States
1808 |
April 1808
Springhill Twp., Fayette, PA, United States
1812 |
November 30, 1812
Fayette, PA, United States