Historical records matching The Most Reverend Alphonse-Osias Gagnon
About The Most Reverend Alphonse-Osias Gagnon
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Mgr Alphone-Osias Gagnon was a priest and a Bishop of Sherbrooke. He was ordained in 1883 and studied in Paris for a Masters of Arts degree from 1895-1897. He then held teaching positions at the Séminaire in Canada. He was appointed Titular Bishop of Pegae and was appointed Bishop of Sherbrooke in 1927, serving until his death in 1941.
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The Most Reverend Alphonse-Osias Gagnon's Timeline
1860 |
December 31, 1860
Bonsecours, Québec, Canada
1941 |
February 12, 1941
Age 80
Sherbrooke, Québec, Canada