Mellobaude, King of the Franks at Worms

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Mellobaudes van Toxandrië (320 - 383)

angličtina (výchozí): Mellobaudes, francouzština: Mellobaudes, Španělština: Dn. Mellobaude, holandština: Mellobaude van Toxandrië
Znám/a též jako: "Mallobaudes (Teutomer", "Mellobaudes Teutomer des Francs - Toxandrie - Worms)"
Datum narození:
Místo narození: Worms, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany (Německo)
Úmrtí: přibližně 383 (54-71)
Worms, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany (Německo)
Nejbližší rodina:

Syn Malarica Ia, Frankishe Chiefa a Ascylly (Irmtrud) d'Orléans
Manžel Ascyly, Queen of Lombardy
Otec Himbalda, Kinga ofa tha Frankse; Chlogia vona Kölna, Ia a Daughter of Mallobaudes
Bratr Flaviuse Merobaudese Richomerese; Priarose, Kinga ofa tha Frankse ata Toxandriy; Ascyly, of Toxandrie (daughter of Malaric I) a Richimira da Toxandrieho da Toxandrieho

Povolání: Frank King, roi des Francs de Worms 320-376, Frankische koning in Worms, ABT 0315, King of Worms, chef Franc de Worms, Chef des Francs (360-376), Chef Franc de Worms, Roy de Worms, generaal, roi des Francs de Worms 310-383, general
Managed by: Private User
Last Updated:

About Mellobaude, King of the Franks at Worms

Mellobaudes (c320-376), King of the Franks at Worms. In 374, Mallobaudes killed Macrianus, King of the Alemanni. In 378, he was appointed as commander of household troops by Gratian and sent with general Nannianus against Lentienses Alemanni (Ammianus Marcellinus, XXX, 3,7), defeating the Alemans near the Rhine and killing King Priarius (AM XXXI, 10,6).

Mallobaudes, King of the Franks, in Worms opposed the Frank Malaric.1 He was born in 320. He was the son of Malaric, King of the Franks, in Toxandrie and N. N. of the Gauls. He killed Macrianus, king of the Alemanni in 374.2 King of the Franks in Worms. He was elected King of the Franks in 378.1 He was appointed as commander of household troops by Gratian and sent with general Nannianus against Lentienses Alemanni (Ammianus Marcellinus, XXX, 3,7), defeating the Alemans near the Rhine and killing King Priarius (AM XXXI, 10,6) in 378.2  

Children of Mallobaudes, King of the Franks, in Worms:

N. N. des Francs+ 
Richomer, Consul+   b. c 350, d. 384 

[S504] Christian Settipani, Les Ancetres de Charlemagne, Addenda (1990), and Addenda thereto (31 Jan 2000) ( GEN-MEDIEVAL/soc.genealogy.medieval, 31 Jan 2000). Hereinafter cited as AdC-Addendas. [S218] The Oxford Merovingian Page, online .. Hereinafter cited as The Oxford Merovingian Page.

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