Inger or Ingvar (Old Norse: Yngvarr; Greek: Ινγρός Μαρτινάκιος, Ingros Martinakios; c. 814 - after 870) was a Byzantine Varangian soldier, politician and courtier of Nordic origin.[1] In the service of Amorian emperors, Theophilos and Michael III, he rose to distinction in the military and ultimately became a senator in Constantinople. During the reign of Basil the Macedonian he served as a courtier before retiring to his estates and dying some time after 870.
Inger married Melisenna Martinakia, a descendant of Heraclius, with whom he had several children including the future empress Eudokia Ingerina.
Eudokia was the daughter of Inger, who was probably a Varangian, while her mother was a member of a prominent Greek family, the Martinakoi, who claimed imperial ancestry,[citation needed] or according to a later alternative reconstruction by Christian Settipani, her connection to the Martinakoi came through her father, whom he identifies as a Byzantine noble, Inger Martinakios, logothete.[1]
The Byzantine Emperors
It's unanimously agreed by scholars that all the emperors from the Nikephorus Dynasty were from the Ghassanid Royal Family. As stated above, for sure, the Gharios and Ghassan Dynasty is related to the emperors: Nikephorus I (or Nicephorus) Logothetes (reigned from 802 to 811 A.D.), Staurakios (son of Nikephorus, reigned in 811 A.D.), the empress Prokopia (daughter of Nikephorus I) and Michael I Rangabe (Prokopia's husband, reigned from 811 to 813 A.D.).According with many scholars, including Dr. David Huges, the Emperor Michael I and the Empress Prokopia (daughter of Nikephorus I) were the ancestors to later Byzantine Emperors. They had a son, the co-emperor Theophylaktos (co-reigned with Michael I from 812 to 813 AD), and he was father to a daughter named Melissena (later became Martinakia) who married Inger Martinakios. They had a daughter named Eudokia Ingerina who was empress consort of emperor Basil I and mother of the emperor Leo VI the Wise, also the emperor Alexander III and the Patriarch Stephen I of Constantinople. By that link, the Gharios and Ghassan Dynasty is also blood related to the Macedonian Dynasty of the Byzantine Empire and therefore, with the following Byzantine Emperors:
Eudokia (or Eudocia or Eudoxia) Ingerina was the mistress of Byzantine emperor Michael III, and the wife of Basil I. In a chart captioned "Some Anastasii - an hypothetical reconstruction", Ford (T. Stanford M. S. P. Mommaerts-Browne) gives as Eudokia's mother a Martinakia, daughter of Anastasios Martinakios. [Chart available at Yahoo's ancient genealogy group.]
In a chart captioned "Five Descent-Lines of Queen Elizabeth of Britain from Julia, Sister of Julius Caesar"; compiled by David Hughes, Eudokia's mother is given as Melissena, daughter of Theophylactus. [Chart available at AOL and Angelfire web sites.]
Ford admits his work is hypothetical, but I have found David Hughes's work to require an extremely high degree of verification. I would therefore tend toward Ford's proposal.
Is there any solid evidence on the subject?
814 |
840 |
Constantinople, Byzantium Empire
882 |
Age 68