Max Bodo Bernhard Achatius Freiherr von Münchhausen

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Max Bodo Bernhard Achatius Freiherr von Münchhausen

Birthplace: Schloss Schwöbber, Hameln, Germany
Death: August 17, 1920 (52)
Florence, Tuscany, Italy (Typhus)
Place of Burial: Florence, Tuscany, Italy
Immediate Family:

Son of JOHANN Friedrich August Otto von Münchhausen and Mathilde Freifrau von Münchhausen
Husband of Editha Freifrau von Münchhausen
Father of Marc Antonio Freiherr von Münchhausen and Cajus Marius Amadeus Benno Freiherr von Münchhausen

Occupation: Schriftsteller, Dramatiker, Journalist
Managed by: Private User
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Max Bodo Bernhard Achatius Freiherr von Münchhausen's Timeline

April 1, 1868
Schloss Schwöbber, Hameln, Germany
July 1, 1908
Genf, Switzerland
August 19, 1912
Reifnitz/Wörther See, Austria
August 17, 1920
Age 52
Florence, Tuscany, Italy
Florence, Tuscany, Italy