The Colony records show that the Butterworths were a prominent family, and they probably removed to Rehobothwith their brother Mason. <NEHGS Vol 18 page 247>
(THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION IS ACCEPTABLE TO THE NATIONAL SOCIETY DAUGHERS OF COLONIAL WARS FOR MEMBERSHIP PROOF) During King Philip's War, which broke out shortley before Sampson's death, Mary contributed thirteen pounds, five shillings and ten pence, the ninth largest in the list of contributions from Rehoboth, Mass. <Genealogy of the Sampson Mason Family, page 10, compiled by Alverdo Hayward Mason; 1902.>
29 August 1629, Dorchester.
'Mason, Mary, wife of Samson, Aug. 20, 1714.'
'Will of Mary Mason.
'In the Name of God Amen. The Twenty eighth day of January 1712/13, I Mary Mason of Rehoboth in the County of Bristol in ye Province of the Massachusetts Bay in New England, widow, being aged but in perfect mind & Memory, Thanks be given to God therefore, Calling unto mind the Mortality of my Body & Knowing it is Appointed for all men Once to Dye Do make and ordaine this my last will & Testament; that is to say, Principally and first of all I give & Recommend my soul into the hands of God that gave it And my body I Recommend to be buried in Decent and Christian Buriall at the Decresion of my Executor hereafter mentioned, nothing Doubting but at the Resurrection I shall Receive the same againe by the Mighty power of God And as Touching such worldly estate wherewith it hath pleased God to Bless me in this life I give and Dispose of the same in manner following After my Just Debts & ffunerall Charges be payed. Imp's. I give & bequeath to my beloved son in Law Ephraim Wheaton and my Daughter Mary Wheaton his wife All my goods & Cattle which are at his or their house where I now Dwell, Together with all my Rents & Dues: Due to me from my sone Pelatia Mason; to them the said Ephraim & Mary Wheaton, their heirs and assigns forever. 'I give unto my daughter Sarah five shillings & I give & bequeathunto my Grand Children the Daughters of my Daughter Bethyah wood Deceased one shilling each of them ----- 'I Give and bequeath unto my Daughter Thankfull Bowen the sum of five shillings: the Reason why I Give no more unto my said Daughters (vis.) Sarah, Bethiah & Thankfull is I have allready given them a portion according to my ability at the time of their Marriage. ----- 'And all the Rest of my estate Remaining (after the Charges aforesaid are defreyed) in the hands of my twosons Paletiah mason and Benja: Mason and eight pounds due to me from the estate of my Son Noah Mason Deceased & six pounds from my son Paletiah Mason I commit unto the law & ordering of my two sons viz. Samuel Mason and Joseph Mason for the support of my son Samson Mason as he may stand in need & want and as they in their Discresion shall find proper as the s'd estate may holdout for his Supply: And I ordain Constintue & make my Beloved son in Law Ephraim Wheaton my Executor of this my Last will and Testament & I do hereby utterly Disallow Revoke and Disanull all & every other former Testaments wills Executors by me in any way before made; Rattifying & confirming this to be my last will & Testament in witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and Seal the day & year above written.
'Signed, sealed, & delivered in the presence of Samuel Bullock, John Wheaton & Samuel Whitaker. 'Probated Dec. 6, 1714. [Bristol County, Mass. Wills. Vol.3, page 205]' Holman gives the father of Mary Butterworth Mason, wife of Sampson Mason, as Henry Butterworth.
Mary Butterworth died 29 Aug 1714. She married Sampson Mason.
Notes for Mary Butterworth: Rehoboth, Massachusetts, Vital Records, 1642-1896 http://www.ancestry.lycos.com/search/rectype/inddbs/4824.htmSource Information: Ancestry.com, comp. Rehoboth, Massachusetts, Vital Records, 1642-1896. [database online] Provo, UT: Ancestry.com, 2000. Original data: Arnold, James N. Vital Record of Rehoboth, 1642-1896. Providence, RI: Narragansett Historical Publishing, 1897.
Vital Record of Rehoboth, 1642-1896. Marriages, Intentions, Births, Deaths, with Supplement containing the Record of 1896, Colonial Returns, Lists of the Early Settlers, Purchasers, Freemen, Inhabitants, the Soldiers serving in Philip's War and the Revolution. Deaths
Record #: 1:163 Name: Mary Mason Death Date: 20 Aug 1714 Relative: wif:Samson Mason
Children of Mary Butterworth and Sampson Mason are: +Thankful Mason, b. 27 Oct 1672, Rehoboth, MA.
from: http://familytreemaker.genealogy.com/users/c/a/r/Donna-Carpenter-In...
On the 9th of March 1649 she married Sampson Mason. They had 13 children together:
1)Noah b. 2 Oct 1651 Dorchester, MA and d. 2 Mar 1700. he m. (1) Martha ? and (2) Sarah Fitch
2)Sampson Jr. b. 1654 Dorchester, MA. he m. (1) Experience Lewis and (2) Abigail Barstow.
3)John b. 1656 Dorchester, MA and d. 18 Mar 1682. he m. Content Wales
4)Samuel b. 12 Feb 1657 Rehoboth, MA and d. 25 Jan 1744. he m. (1) Elisabeth Miller and (2) Liddea Masters Tabor
5)Sarah b. 15 Feb 1658 Rehoboth, MA and d. abt 28 Jan 1712. she m. (1) Samuel Phillips and (2) Daniel Brown.
6)Mary b. 7 Feb 1660 Rehoboth, MA and d. 15 Nov 1727 Rehoboth, MA. she m. Ephraim Wheaton
7)James b. 30 Oct 1661 Rehoboth, MA
8)Joseph b. 6 Mar 1663 Rehoboth, MA and d. 19 May 1748. he m. (1) Anne Daggett and (2) Lydia Bowen
9)Bethiah b. 15 Oct 1665 Rehoboth, MA and d. bef 1711. she m. John Wood
10)Isaac b. 15 Jul 1667 Rehoboth, MA and d. 25 Jan 1742 Swansea, MA. he m. Hannah Myles
11)Pelatiah b. 1 Apr 1669 Rehoboth, MA and d. 29 Mar 1763 Swansea, MA. he m. Hephzibah Brooks
12)Benjamin b. 20 Oct 1670 Rehoboth, MA and d. Aug 1740. he m. Ruth Rounds
13)Thankful b. 27 Oct 1672 Rehoboth, MA and d. aft 1730. she m. Thomas Bowen
Mary was the daughter of Henry Butterworth and Mary "Marie" Longbottom. The family immigrated between 1630-1640 to Weymouth, Norfolk Co., MA.
On the 9th of March 1649 she married Sampson Mason. They had 13 children together.
1629 |
August 9, 1629
Norfolk, England
1632 |
July 1, 1632
Age 2
Rochdale, , Massachusetts
July 1, 1632
Age 2
Rochdale, , Massachusetts
July 1, 1632
Age 2
Rochdale, Massachusetts
1651 |
October 26, 1651
Dorchester, Suffolk County, Massachusetts
1656 |
February 12, 1656
Rehoboth, (Present Bristol County), Plymouth Colony (Present Massachusetts), (Present USA)
1657 |
February 12, 1657
Rehoboth, Plymouth Colony
February 12, 1657
Dorchester (within present Boston), Suffolk County, Massachusetts Bay Colony, (Present USA)
1658 |
February 15, 1658
Rehoboth, Plymouth Colony