Mary Ann Kennedy

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Mary Ann Kennedy (Brandon) (1735 - d.)

Also Known As: "Canady", "Cannady"
Birthplace: Birth date estimated
Immediate Family:

Daughter of George Brandon, of Union County and wife of George Brandon
Wife of William Kennedy
Mother of Elizabeth Kennedy; Rev. John Brandon Kennedy; Jesse Brandon Kennedy; Ann Hamilton and Thomas Brandon Kennedy
Sister of Col. Thomas Brandon; Ann (or Mary Ann) Campbell; Catherine Young; Letitia 'Lettie' McCrary and William Richard Brandon

DAR: Ancestor #: A064808. (Wife of Patriot)
Managed by: Elisa McLean
Last Updated:

About Mary Ann Kennedy

Note: Mary Ann Brandon's mother was not Jean or Mary Anne Armstrong (first name uncertain) as is shown in some trees. "Marian" Armstrong was the wife of Captain George Brandon who settled in Rowan County NC (she's actually shown as "Marian" in Captain Brandon's will), not George Brandon who settled in Union, South Carolina. The two George Brandons both came from Lancaster County, PA, to the Carolinas at about the same time. They may have been cousins.

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Mary Ann Brandon was born about 1738 - 1742 in Lancaster County, PA. She was the daughter of George Brandon, who settled on Tinkers Creek, near Union, SC, after leaving Pennsylvania. She married William Kennedy, probably in South Carolina, by 1757, when their first son was born. Mary Ann died before 1800 in Union County. She was buried in the Old Union Cemetery, where her husband was later buried. Her headstone is lost.

The father-daughter relationship between Mary Ann Brandon, wife of William Kennedy, and George Brandon of Tinkers Creek, is proven by a comment in the memoirs of Major Thomas Young. In his memoirs, Young mentioned that William Kennedy Jr., who was near him when William was wounded in a skirmish at Stallions, was his cousin.

From the "Revolutionary Reminiscences of Maj. Thomas Young as related to James Hodge Saye": "For some time we dodged about in small squads. The first engagement was at Stallion's (about June 12, 1780). We heard of a body of 25 Tories and pursued them to Stallions; they got into the house. Col. Brandon led a party—lay in ambush; while 15 of us led by Col. [Capt. William] Love, assaulted the house. Mrs. Stallion, his (Love's) sister came out and begged him to desist. He told her to go into the house, and get the party within to desist, or they would all be killed. She started, but was shot and killed by the party in her own house. My cousin William Kennedy was wounded by my side. The Tories under Stallions soon surrendered. William Kennedy, Esq., killed a man in this engagement in a minute after his son was wounded. We then retreated towards North Carolina."

Major Young's mother was Catherine Brandon Young, proven in the foregoing passage to be the sister of Mary Ann Brandon Kennedy. Catherine, as well as their brother Colonel Thomas Brandon, are proven to be the children of George Brandon of Tinkers Creek. Taken together, these facts prove that Mary Ann Brandon was the daughter of George Brandon of Tinkers Creek, Union, SC.[1]

Mary's husband William Kennedy Esquire is included in the U.S., Sons of the American Revolution Membership Applications, 1889-1970 database in which Mary Ann Brandon his wife is mentioned, that she was born about 1742, and that she is General Thomas Brandon's sister.

Mary and William Kennedy were the parents of eleven children.

Children of William Kennedy and Mary Ann Brandon (birth order is uncertain)

1 Rev. John Brandon, was a revolutionary soldier. He married Rebecca, daughter of Dr. Ross of Laurens county, S C. where he died. They had children John Leland, William Witherspoon, George Ross, Eunice Penelope, Mary Ann Brandon Kennedy, John Brandon, Sophia, and Isabella.

2 William, Jr. was a Revolutionary soldier and died soon after the close of the war.

3 James was a Revolutionary soldier. He married Mary Snowden, and died in Charleston, S.C. leaving posterity.

4 Ann, the "Heroine of the Revolution," married Thomas Hamilton, a Revolutionary soldier, after the close of the war. They were both members of the Presbyterian church and both died near Pendleton, S.C. She on the 24th day of March 1836, and he on the 2nd day of May 1853. She was in her 76th year and he in his 94th year.

5 Elizabeth married Samuel Clowney, a native of Ireland. He died in Union County in 1804. They had at least one son, William Kennedy, and one daughter, Rebecca.

6 Mary Kennedy married Wm. Hamilton, a brother of Thomas and died on Bullock's Creek, York County S.C. leaving posterity.

7 Thomas Brandon Kennedy married Elizabeth Potter, and died in Green County, Ala. 98 years of age. He raised ten children, viz: Mrs. Jane Means of Union, S.C.; Mrs. Mary A. Walker, of Green County Ala.; Dr. Wm. Kennedy, of Enterprise, Miss.; John P. Kennedy of Winston Co. Miss; Miss Elizabeth Price, of Green County, Ala.; Mrs. Ellen Steele, of Green County, Ala. And Mrs. Rebecca McLean, of Kemper County, Miss.

8 Letitia Kennedy married her cousin, George Brandon and died in Union County, S.C. They had children Mary Ann, James, and Benjamin.

9 Ellen Kennedy married John Brandon, a son of Christopher, and died in Union County, S.C. leaving posterity.

10 Jesse Kennedy married Mary, daughter of Col. Jo Hughes, on Broad River Union County, S.C. and died in Pickens County, Ala., leaving at least one son, William.

11 Benjamin Kennedy married Lucy Gilbert, and was Sheriff of Union County, S.C. where he died. They had children John Louis and Benjamin Jr. Benjamin was the executor of his father William's will.


[1] From the Historical Collections of Joseph Habersham, Volume III, p47. "George Brandon, the father of Col. Thomas Brandon, lived on Tinker Creek, a strict Presbyterian. Colonel Brandon lived in the time of the war two miles from union courthouse, near where Ellis now lives. John Brandon lived near William Kennedy, on land now owned by his grandson, Benjamin Brandon. He was there prior to 1764. Thomas young, son-in-law of George Brandon, settled near his brother in law, Colonel Thomas Brandon, about 1764. He had previously resided in Laurens district, and his son, John, was killed at Brandon's defeat, and Thomas' son Thomas (major Thomas Young) turned soldier fourthwith."

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Mary Ann Kennedy's Timeline

Birth date estimated
June 11, 1761
Browns Creek, Union, South Carolina, United States
Ninety-Six District, South Carolina
August 25, 1774
Union, South Carolina, United States
August 25, 1774
Union, Union, South Carolina, United States