Mary Argus (Ries)

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Anna Maria Argus (Ries) (1834 - 1921)

Also Known As: "Riess"
Birthplace: Deidesheim, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
Death: 1921 (86-87)
Urbana, Steuben County, NY, United States
Immediate Family:

Daughter of Matthäus Ries and Gertrude Ries
Wife of Martin Argus
Mother of Apollonia Neuviller and Martin Matthew Argus
Sister of Johannes Ries; Margaretha Ries; Georg Ries; Katharina Ries; Anna Maria Ries and 6 others

Managed by: Tobias Rachor (C)
Last Updated:

About Mary Argus (Ries)

Deutschland, Geburten und Taufen 1558-1898

Name: Anna Maria Riess
Geschlecht: Female Taufdatum: 25 Oct 1834 Taufort: ROEMISCH-KATHOLISCHE,DEIDESHEIM,PFALZ,BAVARIA Name des Vaters: Matthai Riess Name der Mutter: Gertrudis Hubschmitt Satznummer des Indexierungsprojekts: C99394-3 , Ursprungssystem: Germany-ODM , GS-Filmnummer: 367733

Source: "Deutschland, Geburten und Taufen 1558-1898," index, FamilySearch ( : accessed 16 Jul 2014), Anna Maria Riess, 25 Oct 1834; citing ; FHL microfilm 367733.

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Mary Argus (Ries)'s Timeline

October 25, 1834
Deidesheim, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
October 25, 1834
Deidesheim, Rhineland-Palatinate, Germany
WI, United States
April 12, 1876
Age 86
Urbana, Steuben County, NY, United States