Marjorie of Carrick (also Margaret; c. 1253 or 1256 – soon bef. 9 November 1292) was Countess of Carrick, Scotland, from 1256 to 1292, and is notable as the mother of Robert the Bruce.
She was the daughter and heiress of Niall, Earl of Carrick and Margaret Stewart, and Countess of Carrick in her own right. Her first husband was Adam of Kilconquhar, who died during the Eighth Crusade in 1271. Then, as the story goes, a handsome young man arrived one day to tell her of her husband's death in the Holy Land. He was Robert de Brus, (1243–soon bef. 4 March 1304), 6th Lord of Annandale, and he had been a companion-in-arms of Adam of Kilconquhar. Marjorie was so taken with him that she had him held captive until he agreed to marry her at Turnberry Castle in 1271. He became Earl of Carrick jure uxoris (in right of his wife). Their children were:
Margaret Bruce who married Sir William de Carlyle is thought by Barrow not to be their daughter. There is a traditional story that Thomas Randolph, 1st Earl of Moray was the son of Marjorie's daughter from her first marriage with Adam. However this is probably not true; it was probably put forward as an explanation of why Thomas Randolph was described as a nephew of Robert the Bruce. Any daughter of Adam of Kilconquhar would have inherited the Gaelic title in the same way that Marjorie, eldest of four, or perhaps five, daughters did on her father's death. There is evidence that an "eldest daughter", unknown to history, married into the family of the earls of Mar, giving rise to the now discounted first marriage of Christina to the son of the earl, Gratney.
Marjorie died in before November 1292, at which time her husband transferred Carrick to their eldest son, Robert.
Pedigree Resource File
Marthok /nic Niall/ Countess of Carrick
sexo: female
nacimiento: aproximadamente 1253
Carrick, Scotland
defunción: aproximadamente November 1292
Carrick, Scotland
entierro: aproximadamente 1292
Dumfrieshire, Yr Alban, Scotland
matrimonio: aproximadamente 1271
Married 1271 Turnberry Castle
Padre: Niall /mac Dhonnchad/ 2nd Earl of Carrick
madre: Margaret /Stewart/ Countess of Carrick
Matrimonios (1)
cónyuge: Robert /de Bruce/ 6th Lord of Annandale
matrimonio: aproximadamente 1271
Married 1271 Turnberry Castle
Ocultar hijos (4)
hijo 1:
Isobel /Bruce/
sexo: female
nacimiento: aproximadamente 1260
Carrick, Galloway, Argyllshire, Scotland
defunción: Scotland
hijo 2:
Roibert I /a Briuis/ Rìgh Alba
sexo: male
nacimiento: 11 July 1274
Turnberry Castle, Ayrshire, Scotland, (Present UK)
defunción: 7 June 1329
Manor of Cardross, Dumbartonshire, Scotland, (Present UK)
bautismo en otra Iglesia:
Acceded: 27 MAR 1306, Scone Abbey, Perthshire
emigración: King in 1306, returned Feb 1307
entierro: 7 June 1329
Body in Dunfermline Abbey (Dunfermline, Fifeshire), Heart in Melrose Abbey (Melrose, Roxburghshire, Scottish Borders), Scotland, United Kingdom
bautismo en otra Iglesia: 16 March 1724
Dundee, Angus, Scotland, United Kingdom
hijo 3:
Christian /Bruce/
sexo: female
defunción: aproximadamente 1357
entierro: aproximadamente 1357
hijo 4:
Mary /Bruce/
sexo: female
nacimiento: aproximadamente 1291
, , Galloway, Scotland
defunción: 22 September 1323
Fearn, Ross & Cromarty, , Scotland
Notas (13) {geni:occupation} Countess Of Carrick, Grevinna av Carrick, Countess of Carricik, Countess, Countess of Carrick. Married c.1271, 3rd Countess of Carrick father is Neil Murray, Earl of Carrick. Other husband was Adam de Kilconeath. From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996. History http://trees.ancestry.com/rd?f=document&guid=fadbe27c-6850-4e69-88e... Countess of Carrick http://trees.ancestry.com/rd?f=document&guid=25daa487-6cda-439a-8ec... Marjorie of Carrick (before 1256-1292), was countess of Carrick, Scotland, and is most famous today as the mother of Robert the Bruce. Her name occurs in Barbour's Brus as "Marthok", a name which contains the medieval Gaelic feminine diminutive suffix óc; and so her name meant "Little Mary" or "Little Martha" (c/f Bethóc).
She was the daughter and heiress of Niall, Earl of Carrick and Margaret Stewart, and Countess of Carrick in her own right. Her first husband was Adam de Kilconcath, who died during the Eighth Crusade in 1270. Then, as the story goes, a handsome young man arrived one day to tell her of her husband's death in the Holy Land. He was Robert de Brus, 6th Lord of Annandale, and he had been a companion-in-arms of Adam de Kilconcath. Marjorie was so taken with himthat she had him held captive until he agreed to marry her in 1271. He became Earl of Carrick de jure uxoris (in right of his wife). Their children were:
Isabel b c1272, married King Eric II of Norway in 1293, d 1358 in Bergen, Norway Christina b 1273, Seton, East Lothian, marries 1) Sir Christopher Seton, 2). Gartnait, Earl of Mar, 1292 in Kildrummy, Aberdeenshire, 3) Sir Andrew Moray, 20 September 1305, d. 1356/7 in Scotland Robert b 11 July 1274 Edward b 1276, crowned May 2, 1316, 'King of Ireland'. Killed in battle, October 5, 1318.[1] Neil (Niall or Nigel) b1279, taken prisoner at Kildrummie, hanged and beheaded at Berwick-upon-Tweed in September 1306.[2] Mary b1282, marries (1) Sir. Neil Campbell; (2) Sir. Alexander Fraser of Touchfraser and Cowie. Margaret b1283 Sir Thomas, b1284, taken prisoner in Galloway, executed 9 February 1307, Carlisle, Cumberland[3] Alexander, b1285, executed 9 February 1307, Carlisle, Cumberland Christina (Christian), married Gartnait, Earl of Mar, mother of Domhnall II, Earl of Mar Elizabeth b1286 Matilda, b1287, married Hugh / Aodh, Earl of Ross, in 1308 Orkney Isles, dies aft. September 1323 Marjorie died in 1292, at which time her husband transferred Carrick to their eldest son, Robert.
There is a traditional story that Thomas Randolph, 1st Earl of Moray was son of Marjorie's daughter from her first marriage with Adam. However this is probably is not true, it was probably put forward as an explanation of why Thomas Randolph was described as a nephew of Robert the Bruce.
[edit] Sources Scott, Ronald McNair. Robert the Bruce: King of Scots Marjorie, Countess of Carrick From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Marjorie of Carrick (before 1256-1292), was countess of Carrick, Scotland, and is most famous today as the mother of Robert the Bruce. Her name occurs in Barbour's Brus as "Marthok", a name which contains the medieval Gaelic feminine diminutive suffix óc; and so her name meant "Little Mary" or "Little Martha" (c/f Bethóc).
She was the daughter and heiress of Niall, Earl of Carrick and Margaret Stewart, and Countess of Carrick in her own right. Her first husband was Adam de Kilconcath, who died during the Eighth Crusade in 1270. Then, as the story goes, a handsome young man arrived one day to tell her of her husband's death in the Holy Land. He was Robert de Brus, 6th Lord of Annandale, and he had been a companion-in-arms of Adam de Kilconcath. Marjorie was so taken with himthat she had him held captive until he agreed to marry her in 1271. He became Earl of Carrick de jure uxoris (in right of his wife). Their children were:
1. Isabel b c1272, married King Eric II of Norway in 1293, d 1358 in Bergen, Norway 2. Christina b 1273, Seton, East Lothian, marries 1) Sir Christopher Seton, 2). Gartnait, Earl of Mar, 1292 in Kildrummy, Aberdeenshire, 3) Sir Andrew Moray, 20 September 1305, d. 1356/7 in Scotland 3. Robert b 11 July 1274 4. Edward b 1276, crowned May 2, 1316, 'King of Ireland'. Killed in battle, October 5, 1318.[1] 5. Neil (Niall or Nigel) b1279, taken prisoner at Kildrummie, hanged and beheaded at Berwick-upon-Tweed in September 1306.[2] 6. Mary b1282, marries (1) Sir. Neil Campbell; (2) Sir. Alexander Fraser of Touchfraser and Cowie. 7. Margaret b1283 8. Sir Thomas, b1284, taken prisoner in Galloway, executed 9 February 1307, Carlisle, Cumberland[3] 9. Alexander, b1285, executed 9 February 1307, Carlisle, Cumberland 10. Christina (Christian), married Gartnait, Earl of Mar, mother of Domhnall II, Earl of Mar 11. Elizabeth b1286 12. Matilda, b1287, married Hugh / Aodh, Earl of Ross, in 1308 Orkney Isles, dies aft. September 1323
Marjorie died in 1292, at which time her husband transferred Carrick to their eldest son, Robert.
There is a traditional story that Thomas Randolph, 1st Earl of Moray was son of Marjorie's daughter from her first marriage with Adam. However this is probably is not true, it was probably put forward as an explanation of why Thomas Randolph was described as a nephew of Robert the Bruce.
[edit] Sources
Preceded by Níall Countess of Carrick 1256 – 1292 Succeeded by Robert
(one of four daus.), s.j. Countess of Carrick, (Weis 121C-30), wid. of Adam de Kileoeath, who d. 1270, and dau. and heiress of Neil, second Earl of Carrick. (MCB 1898, p. 433). Margaret (or Marjorie), Countess of Carrick, d. 1292, widow of Adamde Kilconquhar dsp 1270, daughter of Neil, Earl of Carrick, andMargaret, daughter of Walter, High Steward of Scotland. [Magna ChartaSureties]
Marjorie (or Margaret) (one of four daughters), in her own rightCountess of Carrick, d. by 27 Oct 1292; m. (1) Adam de Kilconquhar, d.in the Holy Lands 1271 or 1272; m. (2) Robert Bruce, son of Robert ofAnnandale and Cleveland, inright of his wife Earl of Carrick, whichtitle he resigned to his son Robert (later Robert I of Scots) 27 Oct1292. [Ancestral Roots]
Earldom of Carrick
3. Margaret, suo jure (in her own right) Countess of Carrick, daughterand heir. She m. 1stly Adam de Kilconquhar, who thus became jureuxoris (in right of wife) Earl of Carrick. He dsp, being killed inthe French Crusade of 1268 at Acre in Palestine in 1270. The Countessm, the next year 1271, at her castle of Turnberry, Robert de Bruce,who thus became jure uxoris Earl of Carrick. For this marriage, whichwas without the Royal consent, she had to pay a heavy fine. Herhusband was son and heir of Robert de Bruce, of Annandale (one of theCompetitors for the Crown of Scotland), by his 1st wife, Isabel,daughter of Gilbert (de Clare), Earl of Gloucester and Hertford. In1278 he swore fealty, as proxy for Alexander III, for the Kingdom ofScotland, to Edward I, to which King, on 13 June 1291, he also sworefealty. He was summoned to be at Shrewsbury for the trial of David apGriffith, 28 June 1283 (11 Edward I), bywrit directed Roberto de BrusComiti de Carrik, his name appearing as 11th and last of the earls whowere then summoned. His wife, the Countess, having previously died,he, on 27 Oct 1292, resigned the Earldom of Carrick to his 1stson,though he appears still to have been styled Earl thereof. On 1 Apr1295 he succeeded his father (who d. aged about 85), and was madeGovernor of Carlisle Castle. On 24 June 1295 (23 Edward I), he wassummoned to Parliament (England) by writ directed Roberto de Brus,whereby he may be held to have become Lord Bruce. He was alsosummoned to attend the King at Salisbury, 26 Jan 1296/7 (25 Edward I).He accompanied Edward I into Scotland, and fought 28 Apr 1296, at thebattle of Dunbar. To that King he again swore fealty 28 Aug 1296 atBerwick. He m. 2ndly, Eleanor. He resided latterly in England, anddied there or in Palestine, 1304, before 14 June, and was buried atHolmcultram. His widow m. in 1305/6, as his 1st wife, Richard Waleys(Lord Waleys). She d. between 16 Mar and 19 Oct 1330. [CompletePeerage] [Kopi av ROYALS.FTW]
Margaret was the widow of Adam de Kilconcath when she married Robert Bruce.Margaret was the widow of Adam de Kilconcath when she married Robert Bruce. Margaret was the widow of Adam de Kilconcath when she married Robert Bruce. AFGS 1 NOTE father is Neil Murray, Earl of Carrick. Other husband was Adam de Kilconeath. 2 CHAN 3 DATE 14 JAN 2011 4 TIME 13:08:09 1 NOTE From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996. 2 CHAN 3 DATE 22 AUG 2009 4 TIME 00:16:14 1 NOTE From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996. 2 CHAN 3 DATE 24 MAY 2010 4 TIME 10:19:21 1 NOTE From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996. 2 CHAN 3 DATE 24 MAY 2010 4 TIME 10:17:21 1 NOTE History 2 CHAN 3 DATE 25 NOV 2010 4 TIME 22:37:16 1 NOTE Countess of Carrick 2 CHAN 3 DATE 25 NOV 2010 4 TIME 22:37:16 1 NOTE History 2 CHAN 3 DATE 25 NOV 2010 4 TIME 22:37:16 1 NOTE Countess of Carrick 2 CHAN 3 DATE 25 NOV 2010 4 TIME 22:37:16 1 NOTE Marjorie of Carrick (before 1256-1292), was countess of Carrick, Scotland, and is most famous today as the mother of Robert the Bruce. Her name occurs in Barbour's Brus as "Marthok", a name which contains the medieval Gaelic femin 2 CHAN 3 DATE 11 NOV 2010 4 TIME 20:38:30 {geni:about_me} Marjorie, Countess of Carrick
Marjorie of Carrick (before 1256-1292), was countess of Carrick, Scotland, and is most famous today as the mother of Robert the Bruce. Her name occurs in Barbour's Brus as "Marthok", a name which contains the medieval Gaelic feminine diminutive suffix óc; and so her name meant "Little Mary" or "Little Martha" (c/f Bethóc).
She was the daughter and heiress of Niall, Earl of Carrick and Margaret Stewart, and Countess of Carrick in her own right. Her first husband was Adam de Kilconcath, who died during the Eighth Crusade in 1270. Then, as the story goes, a handsome young man arrived one day to tell her of her husband's death in the Holy Land. He was Robert de Brus, 6th Lord of Annandale, and he had been a companion-in-arms of Adam de Kilconcath. Marjorie was so taken with himthat she had him held captive until he agreed to marry her in 1271. He became Earl of Carrick de jure uxoris (in right of his wife). Their children were:
Isabel b c1272, married King Eric II of Norway in 1293, d 1358 in Bergen, Norway Christina b 1273, Seton, East Lothian, marries 1) Sir Christopher Seton, 2). Gartnait, Earl of Mar, 1292 in Kildrummy, Aberdeenshire, 3) Sir Andrew Moray, 20 September 1305, d. 1356/7 in Scotland Robert b 11 July 1274 Edward b 1276, crowned May 2, 1316, 'King of Ireland'. Killed in battle, October 5, 1318.[1] Neil (Niall or Nigel) b1279, taken prisoner at Kildrummie, hanged and beheaded at Berwick-upon-Tweed in September 1306.[1] Mary b1282, marries (1) Sir. Neil Campbell; (2) Sir. Alexander Fraser of Touchfraser and Cowie. Margaret b1283 Sir Thomas, b1284, taken prisoner in Galloway, executed 9 February 1307, Carlisle, Cumberland[1] Alexander, b1285, executed 9 February 1307, Carlisle, Cumberland Christina (Christian), married Gartnait, Earl of Mar, mother of Domhnall II, Earl of Mar Elizabeth b1286 Matilda, b1287, married Hugh / Aodh, Earl of Ross, in 1308 Orkney Isles, dies aft. September 1323 Marjorie died in 1292, at which time her husband transferred Carrick to their eldest son, Robert.
There is a traditional story that Thomas Randolph, 1st Earl of Moray was son of Marjorie's daughter from her first marriage with Adam. However this is probably is not true, it was probably put forward as an explanation of why Thomas Randolph was described as a nephew of Robert the Bruce.
Marjorie of Carrick (1256-1292), was countess of Carrick, Scotland, and is most famous today as the mother of Robert the Bruce. Her name occurs in Barbour's Brus as "Marthok", a name which contains the medieval Gaelic feminine diminutive suffix óc; and so her name meant "Little Mary" or "Little Martha" (c/f Bethóc).
She was the daughter and heiress of Niall, Earl of Carrick and Margaret Stewart, and Countess of Carrick in her own right. Her first husband was Adam de Kilconcath, who died during the Eighth Crusade in 1270. Then, as the story goes, a handsome young man arrived one day to tell her of her husband's death in the Holy Land. He was Robert de Brus, 6th Lord of Annandale, and he had been a companion-in-arms of Adam de Kilconcath. Marjorie was so taken with himthat she had him held captive until he agreed to marry her in 1271. He became Earl of Carrick de jure uxoris (in right of his wife).
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marjorie_of_Carrick OUTDATED
See also:
SOURCES: 1) GENEALOGY: Royal Ancestors of Magna Charta Barons; Page; 226; G929.72; C6943ra; Denver Public Library; Genealogy
2) GENEALOGY: The Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom; Page 359; G929.72; G35p; Denver Public Library; Genealogy
Margery, suo jure COUNTESS OF CARRICK
Marjorie, Countess of Carrick, was the daughter and heiress of Niall, Earl of Carrick and Margaret Stewart. She was, by all accounts, a formidable woman. Her first husband was Adam de Kilconquhar, who died during the Eighth Crusade in 1270. Marjorie learned of her husband's death when one of his companions-in-arms, the handsome young Robert Bruce, 6th Lord of Annandale arrived at her home at Turnberry Castle to tell her of her loss. Marjorie immediately fell for Robert de Brus and, according to the traditional story, held him prisoner at Turnberry Castle until he agreed to marry her. The wedding duly took place in 1271, and Robert de Brus became Earl of Carrick de jure uxoris (in right of his wife).
They went on to have twelve children together, of whom 10 survived childhood. The oldest son, Robert, was born in 1274 and went on to become King Robert the Bruce. One of his older sisters, Lady Christian Bruce, also played an active role in the wars of independence against England. Another, Isabel, married King Eric II and became Queen of Norway. One of the younger sons, Edward Bruce, was crowned High King of Ireland in 1316, and killed in battle in 1318.Three other sons were captured and executed by the English during the wars of independence.
Marjorie herself died in 1292. It has sometimes been suggested that in addition to the many children from her second marriage, she also had a son by her first husband, who became Thomas Randolph, 1st Earl of Moray. It is unclear whether or not this is true.
Robert BRUCE. Born JUL 1244, , , , Scotland. Married first,
Ms. Charlotte Maness, 757 Oak St, Apartment B, Lakewood, CO 80215
Stewart - Hamilton - Maness Family History 18 March 1992
1271, Marjorie CARRICK. Lived with Alianore , died BEF 8 SEP 1331. Died BEF 4 APR 1304. !GENEALOGY: Royal Ancestors of Magna Charta Barons; Page; 226; G929.72; C6943ra; Denver Public Library; Genealogy !GENEALOGY: The Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain amd the United Kingdom; Page 359; G929.72; G35p; Denver Public Library; Genealogy
Children of Robert BRUCE and Marjorie CARRICK:
48 i Robert_I THE_BRUCE, b. 1274, Essex, d. 1329, Scotland
Robert BRUCE and Alianore had no children.
IGI Individual Record FamilySearch™ International Genealogical Index v5.0
British Isles
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Female Family
Birth: About 1253
Spouse: ROBERT DE BRUCE Family
Marriage: About 1273 Carrick, , Perth, Scotland
Record submitted after 1991 by a member of the LDS Church. No additional information is available. Ancestral File may list the same family and the submitter.
IGI Individual Record FamilySearch™ International Genealogical Index v5.0
British Isles
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Birth: About 1253 Carrick, Argyll, Scotland
Death: 1292
Record submitted after 1991 by a member of the LDS Church. No additional information is available. Ancestral File may list the same family and the submitter.
Source Information:
No source information is available.
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IGI Individual Record FamilySearch™ International Genealogical Index v5.0
British Isles
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Female Family
Birth: About 1254
Marriage: About 1273 , , Scotland
Sir. Robert de Brus, 6th Lord of Annandale (1243 - 1304) m Marjory, Countess of Carrick:
6th Lord of Annandale (dominus vallis Anandie), jure uxoris Earl of Carrick, Lord of Hartness, Writtle and Hatfield Broad Oak (Wretele et Hatfeud Regis), was a cross-border lord, and participant of the Second Barons' War, Welsh Wars, and First War of Scottish Independence. Legend tells that the 27-year-old Robert de Brus was participating in the Ninth Crusade. When Adam de Kilconquhar, one of his companion-in-arms, fell in 1270, at Acre, Robert was obliged to travel to tell the sad news to Adam's widow Marjorie of Carrick. The story continues that Marjorie was so taken with the messenger that she had him held captive until he agreed to marry her, which he did in 1271. However, since the crusade landed in Acre on May 9 1271, and only started to engage the Muslims in late June, the story and his participation in the Ninth Crusade are generally discounted. Robert's wife Marjorie was the daughter and heiressof Niall, 2nd Earl of Carrick. Carrick was a Gaelic Earldom in Southern Scotland. Its territories contained much of today's Ayrshire and Dumfriesshire. The couple held the principal seats of Turnberry Castle and Lochmaben.
Robert and Marjory had the following children:
(1) Isabel Brus was born in 1272.
(2) Christina Brus was born in 1273.
(3) Robert Brus was born in 1274.
(4) Neil Brus was born on 1276.
(5) Edward Brus was born in 1279.
(6) Mary Brus was born in 1282.
(7) Margaret Brus was born in 1283.
(8) Thomas Brus was born in 1284.
(9) Alexander Brus was born in 1285
(10) Elizabeth Brus was born in 1286.
(11) Matilda / Margery was born in 1287.
IGI Individual Record FamilySearch™ International Genealogical Index v5.0
North America
Isabel de Clare Pedigree
Female Family
Birth: 1230 Hereford, , Gloucester, England
Spouse: Robert Bruse IV Family
Record submitted by a member of the LDS Church. The record often shows the name of the individual and his or her relationship to a descendant, shown as the heir, family representative, or relative. The original records are not indexed, and you may have to look at the film frame-by-frame to find the information you want. A family group record for this couple may be in the Family Group Record Collection; Archive Section. (See the Family History Library Catalog for the film number.) These records are alphabetical by name of the father or husband.
Source Information:
Film Number: 1239588
Page Number:
Reference number: 24422
An official Web site of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
© 2008 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. Conditions of Use Privacy Policy
Cita de este registro
"Pedigree Resource File," database, FamilySearch (http://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.2.1/39ZP-8WG : accessed 2014-02-04), entry for Marthok /nic Niall/ Countess of Carrick.
- Added by: Bjørn P. Brox on May 9, 2007
- Managed by: Dominique Robson and 235 others
- Curated by: Jason Wills of Carrick, Scotland, from 1256 to 1292, and is notable as the mother of Robert the Bruce.
She was the daughter and heiress of Niall, Earl of Carrick and Margaret Stewart, and Countess of Carrick in her own right. Her first husband was Adam of Kilconquhar, who died during the Eighth Crusade in 1271. Then, as the story goes, a handsome young man arrived one day to tell her of her husband's death in the Holy Land. He was Robert de Brus, (1243–soon bef. 4 March 1304), 6th Lord of Annandale, and he had been a companion-in-arms of Adam of Kilconquhar. Marjorie was so taken with him that she had him held captive until he agreed to marry her at Turnberry Castle in 1271. He became Earl of Carrick jure uxoris (in right of his wife). Their children were: •1.Christina Bruce •2.Robert the Bruce. •3.Isabel Bruce (1275–1358), married King Eric II of Norway. •4.Niall or Nigel Bruce, executed 1306 in Berwick-upon-Tweed, Northumberland, England. •5.Edward Bruce. •6.Sir Thomas Bruce, executed 1307. •7.Alexander Bruce, executed 1307. •8.Mary Bruce, married 1.Sir Niall Campbell 2.Sir Alexander Fraser of Touchfraser and Cowie. •9.Matilda Bruce, married Aodh, Earl of Ross
Margaret Bruce who married Sir William de Carlyle is thought by Barrow not to be their daughter. There is a traditional story that Thomas Randolph, 1st Earl of Moray was the son of Marjorie's daughter from her first marriage with Adam. However this is probably not true; it was probably put forward as an explanation of why Thomas Randolph was described as a nephew of Robert the Bruce. Any daughter of Adam of Kilconquhar would have inherited the Gaelic title in the same way that Marjorie, eldest of four, or perhaps five, daughters did on her father's death. There is evidence that an "eldest daughter", unknown to history, married into the family of the earls of Mar, giving rise to the now discounted first marriage of Christina to the son of the earl, Gratney.
Marjorie died in before November 1292, at which time her husband transferred Carrick to their eldest son, Robert. •From: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marjorie,_Countess_of_Carrick
___________________ •Margaret of Carrick1,2,3 •F, #3117, b. circa 1252, d. before 27 October 1292 •Father Neil, 2nd Earl of Carrick2,4,3 d. b 1250 •Mother Isabel d. 1256 • Margaret of Carrick married Adam de Kilconquhar, 3rd Earl of Carrick, son of Donnchadh of Kilconquhar; Her 1st husband.5,2,4 Margaret of Carrick was born circa 1252.4 She married Sir Robert de Brus, Earl Carrick, Lord Annandale, Sheriff of Cumberland, Governor of Carlisle Castle, son of Sir Robert de Brus, Lord Annandale, Sheriff of Cumberland, Governor of Carlisle Castle and Isabel de Clare, circa 1273 at Turnberry Castle, Ayrshire, Scotland; They had 5 sons (Sir Robert, King of Scotland; Sir Edward, Lord of Galloway, Earl of Carrick, King of Ireland; Thomas; Alexander, Dean of Glasgow; & Sir Neil) and 5 daughters (Isabel, wife of Eric II Magnusson, King of Norway; Mary, wife of Sir Neil Campbell, & of Sir Alexander Fraser, Chamberlain of Scotland; Christian, wife of Sir Christopher de Seton, & of Sir Andrew de Moray; Maud, wife of Hugh, 4th Earl of Ross; & Margaret, wife of Sir William de Carlyle).2,4,3 Margaret of Carrick died before 27 October 1292.4 •Family 1 Adam de Kilconquhar, 3rd Earl of Carrick d. 1271 •Child •Isabel de Kilconquhar+
•Family 2 Sir Robert de Brus, Earl Carrick, Lord Annandale, Sheriff of Cumberland, Governor of Carlisle Castle b. Jul 1243, d. 13 Jan 1304 •Children •Mary de Brus+2,4 d. b 22 Sep 1323 •Christian de Brus2,4 d. bt 1356 - 1357 •Maud de Brus+2,4 d. bt Sep 1323 - 1329 •Sir Edward de Brus, Earl of Carrick, King of Ireland, Lord of Galloway+2,4 d. 14 Oct 1318 •Sir Thomas de Brus2,4 d. 17 Feb 1307 •Alexander de Brus2,4 d. 17 Feb 1307 •Sir Nigel de Brus2,4 d. Sep 1306 •Isabel de Brus+4,3 •Margaret de Brus+2,4 d. a 1325 •Sir Robert I de Brus, King of Scotland, Earl of Carrick, Lord of Annandale+2,4 b. 11 Jul 1274, d. 7 Jun 1329
•Citations •1.[S248] Unknown author, The Lineage and Ancestry of HRH Prince Charles, by Gerald Paget, Vol. 1, p. 156. •2.[S16] Douglas Richardson, Magna Carta Ancestry, 2nd Edition, Vol. III, p. 520-521. •3.[S4] Douglas Richardson, Royal Ancestry, Vol. IV, p. 592. •4.[S4] Douglas Richardson, Royal Ancestry, Vol. I, p. 595-597. •5.[S11564] The Scots Peerage, Vol. II, edited by Sir James Balfour Paul, p. 426. •From: http://our-royal-titled-noble-and-commoner-ancestors.com/p104.htm#i...
_____________________ •Margaret, Countess of Carrick1 •F, #102473, d. before 9 November 1292 •Last Edited=11 May 2008 • Margaret, Countess of Carrick was the daughter of Neil, 2nd Earl of Carrick and Margaret Stewart.1 She married, firstly, Adam de Kilconquhar, Earl of Carrick before 4 October 1266.1 She married, secondly, Sir Robert le Brus, 1st Lord Brus, son of Sir Robert de Brus, Lord of Annandale and Isabella de Clare, in 1271 at Turnberry Castle, Turnberry, Ayrshire, Scotland, without Royal consent, and so she had to pay a heavy fine.2 She died before 9 November 1292.1 • She was also known as Marjorie. She succeeded to the title of 3rd Countess of Carrick [S., c. 1186] in 1256, suo jure.2 From 1271, her married name became le Brus.1 •Children of Margaret, Countess of Carrick and Sir Robert le Brus, 1st Lord Brus •1.Edward de Bruce, 1st Earl and last of Carrick+ d. 14 Oct 1318 •2.Sir Thomas Bruce d. 9 Feb 1307 •3.Alexander Bruce d. 9 Feb 1307 •4.Neil Bruce d. c Sep 1306 •5.Lady Mary Bruce+3 d. b 22 Sep 1323 •6.Lady Christina Bruce+3 d. 1356/57 •7.Margaret Bruce+3 •8.Matilda Bruce+3 d. bt 1323 - 1329 •9.Robert I Bruce, King of Scotland+ b. 11 Jul 1274, d. 7 Jun 1329 •10.Isabella Bruce+4 b. c 1275, d. 1358
•Citations •1.[S11] Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Families: The Complete Genealogy (London, U.K.: The Bodley Head, 1999), page 206. Hereinafter cited as Britain's Royal Families. •2.[S6] G.E. Cokayne; with Vicary Gibbs, H.A. Doubleday, Geoffrey H. White, Duncan Warrand and Lord Howard de Walden, editors, The Complete Peerage of England, Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain and the United Kingdom, Extant, Extinct or Dormant, new ed., 13 volumes in 14 (1910-1959; reprint in 6 volumes, Gloucester, U.K.: Alan Sutton Publishing, 2000), volume III, page 55. Hereinafter cited as The Complete Peerage. •3.[S11] Alison Weir, Britain's Royal Families, page 208. •4.[S6] Cokayne, and others, The Complete Peerage, volume III, page 56. •From: http://www.thepeerage.com/p10248.htm#i102473
Pedigree Resource File
Marthok /nic Niall/ Countess of Carrick
sexo: female
nacimiento: aproximadamente 1253
Carrick, Scotland
defunción: aproximadamente November 1292
Carrick, Scotland
entierro: aproximadamente 1292
Dumfrieshire, Yr Alban, Scotland
matrimonio: aproximadamente 1271
Married 1271 Turnberry Castle
Padre: Niall /mac Dhonnchad/ 2nd Earl of Carrick
madre: Margaret /Stewart/ Countess of Carrick
Matrimonios (1)
cónyuge: Robert /de Bruce/ 6th Lord of Annandale
matrimonio: aproximadamente 1271
Married 1271 Turnberry Castle
Ocultar hijos (4)
hijo 1:
Isobel /Bruce/
sexo: female
nacimiento: aproximadamente 1260
Carrick, Galloway, Argyllshire, Scotland
defunción: Scotland
hijo 2:
Roibert I /a Briuis/ Rìgh Alba
sexo: male
nacimiento: 11 July 1274
Turnberry Castle, Ayrshire, Scotland, (Present UK)
defunción: 7 June 1329
Manor of Cardross, Dumbartonshire, Scotland, (Present UK)
bautismo en otra Iglesia:
Acceded: 27 MAR 1306, Scone Abbey, Perthshire
emigración: King in 1306, returned Feb 1307
entierro: 7 June 1329
Body in Dunfermline Abbey (Dunfermline, Fifeshire), Heart in Melrose Abbey (Melrose, Roxburghshire, Scottish Borders), Scotland, United Kingdom
bautismo en otra Iglesia: 16 March 1724
Dundee, Angus, Scotland, United Kingdom
hijo 3:
Christian /Bruce/
sexo: female
defunción: aproximadamente 1357
entierro: aproximadamente 1357
hijo 4:
Mary /Bruce/
sexo: female
nacimiento: aproximadamente 1291
, , Galloway, Scotland
defunción: 22 September 1323
Fearn, Ross & Cromarty, , Scotland
Notas (13) {geni:occupation} Countess Of Carrick, Grevinna av Carrick, Countess of Carricik, Countess, Countess of Carrick. Married c.1271, 3rd Countess of Carrick father is Neil Murray, Earl of Carrick. Other husband was Adam de Kilconeath. From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996. History http://trees.ancestry.com/rd?f=document&guid=fadbe27c-6850-4e69-88e... Countess of Carrick http://trees.ancestry.com/rd?f=document&guid=25daa487-6cda-439a-8ec... Marjorie of Carrick (before 1256-1292), was countess of Carrick, Scotland, and is most famous today as the mother of Robert the Bruce. Her name occurs in Barbour's Brus as "Marthok", a name which contains the medieval Gaelic feminine diminutive suffix óc; and so her name meant "Little Mary" or "Little Martha" (c/f Bethóc).
She was the daughter and heiress of Niall, Earl of Carrick and Margaret Stewart, and Countess of Carrick in her own right. Her first husband was Adam de Kilconcath, who died during the Eighth Crusade in 1270. Then, as the story goes, a handsome young man arrived one day to tell her of her husband's death in the Holy Land. He was Robert de Brus, 6th Lord of Annandale, and he had been a companion-in-arms of Adam de Kilconcath. Marjorie was so taken with himthat she had him held captive until he agreed to marry her in 1271. He became Earl of Carrick de jure uxoris (in right of his wife). Their children were:
Isabel b c1272, married King Eric II of Norway in 1293, d 1358 in Bergen, Norway Christina b 1273, Seton, East Lothian, marries 1) Sir Christopher Seton, 2). Gartnait, Earl of Mar, 1292 in Kildrummy, Aberdeenshire, 3) Sir Andrew Moray, 20 September 1305, d. 1356/7 in Scotland Robert b 11 July 1274 Edward b 1276, crowned May 2, 1316, 'King of Ireland'. Killed in battle, October 5, 1318.[1] Neil (Niall or Nigel) b1279, taken prisoner at Kildrummie, hanged and beheaded at Berwick-upon-Tweed in September 1306.[2] Mary b1282, marries (1) Sir. Neil Campbell; (2) Sir. Alexander Fraser of Touchfraser and Cowie. Margaret b1283 Sir Thomas, b1284, taken prisoner in Galloway, executed 9 February 1307, Carlisle, Cumberland[3] Alexander, b1285, executed 9 February 1307, Carlisle, Cumberland Christina (Christian), married Gartnait, Earl of Mar, mother of Domhnall II, Earl of Mar Elizabeth b1286 Matilda, b1287, married Hugh / Aodh, Earl of Ross, in 1308 Orkney Isles, dies aft. September 1323 Marjorie died in 1292, at which time her husband transferred Carrick to their eldest son, Robert.
There is a traditional story that Thomas Randolph, 1st Earl of Moray was son of Marjorie's daughter from her first marriage with Adam. However this is probably is not true, it was probably put forward as an explanation of why Thomas Randolph was described as a nephew of Robert the Bruce.
[edit] Sources Scott, Ronald McNair. Robert the Bruce: King of Scots Marjorie, Countess of Carrick From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Marjorie of Carrick (before 1256-1292), was countess of Carrick, Scotland, and is most famous today as the mother of Robert the Bruce. Her name occurs in Barbour's Brus as "Marthok", a name which contains the medieval Gaelic feminine diminutive suffix óc; and so her name meant "Little Mary" or "Little Martha" (c/f Bethóc).
She was the daughter and heiress of Niall, Earl of Carrick and Margaret Stewart, and Countess of Carrick in her own right. Her first husband was Adam de Kilconcath, who died during the Eighth Crusade in 1270. Then, as the story goes, a handsome young man arrived one day to tell her of her husband's death in the Holy Land. He was Robert de Brus, 6th Lord of Annandale, and he had been a companion-in-arms of Adam de Kilconcath. Marjorie was so taken with himthat she had him held captive until he agreed to marry her in 1271. He became Earl of Carrick de jure uxoris (in right of his wife). Their children were:
1. Isabel b c1272, married King Eric II of Norway in 1293, d 1358 in Bergen, Norway 2. Christina b 1273, Seton, East Lothian, marries 1) Sir Christopher Seton, 2). Gartnait, Earl of Mar, 1292 in Kildrummy, Aberdeenshire, 3) Sir Andrew Moray, 20 September 1305, d. 1356/7 in Scotland 3. Robert b 11 July 1274 4. Edward b 1276, crowned May 2, 1316, 'King of Ireland'. Killed in battle, October 5, 1318.[1] 5. Neil (Niall or Nigel) b1279, taken prisoner at Kildrummie, hanged and beheaded at Berwick-upon-Tweed in September 1306.[2] 6. Mary b1282, marries (1) Sir. Neil Campbell; (2) Sir. Alexander Fraser of Touchfraser and Cowie. 7. Margaret b1283 8. Sir Thomas, b1284, taken prisoner in Galloway, executed 9 February 1307, Carlisle, Cumberland[3] 9. Alexander, b1285, executed 9 February 1307, Carlisle, Cumberland 10. Christina (Christian), married Gartnait, Earl of Mar, mother of Domhnall II, Earl of Mar 11. Elizabeth b1286 12. Matilda, b1287, married Hugh / Aodh, Earl of Ross, in 1308 Orkney Isles, dies aft. September 1323
Marjorie died in 1292, at which time her husband transferred Carrick to their eldest son, Robert.
There is a traditional story that Thomas Randolph, 1st Earl of Moray was son of Marjorie's daughter from her first marriage with Adam. However this is probably is not true, it was probably put forward as an explanation of why Thomas Randolph was described as a nephew of Robert the Bruce.
[edit] Sources •Scott, Ronald McNair. Robert the Bruce: King of Scots
Preceded by Níall Countess of Carrick 1256 – 1292 Succeeded by Robert
(one of four daus.), s.j. Countess of Carrick, (Weis 121C-30), wid. of Adam de Kileoeath, who d. 1270, and dau. and heiress of Neil, second Earl of Carrick. (MCB 1898, p. 433). Margaret (or Marjorie), Countess of Carrick, d. 1292, widow of Adamde Kilconquhar dsp 1270, daughter of Neil, Earl of Carrick, andMargaret, daughter of Walter, High Steward of Scotland. [Magna ChartaSureties]
Marjorie (or Margaret) (one of four daughters), in her own rightCountess of Carrick, d. by 27 Oct 1292; m. (1) Adam de Kilconquhar, d.in the Holy Lands 1271 or 1272; m. (2) Robert Bruce, son of Robert ofAnnandale and Cleveland, inright of his wife Earl of Carrick, whichtitle he resigned to his son Robert (later Robert I of Scots) 27 Oct1292. [Ancestral Roots]
Earldom of Carrick
3. Margaret, suo jure (in her own right) Countess of Carrick, daughterand heir. She m. 1stly Adam de Kilconquhar, who thus became jureuxoris (in right of wife) Earl of Carrick. He dsp, being killed inthe French Crusade of 1268 at Acre in Palestine in 1270. The Countessm, the next year 1271, at her castle of Turnberry, Robert de Bruce,who thus became jure uxoris Earl of Carrick. For this marriage, whichwas without the Royal consent, she had to pay a heavy fine. Herhusband was son and heir of Robert de Bruce, of Annandale (one of theCompetitors for the Crown of Scotland), by his 1st wife, Isabel,daughter of Gilbert (de Clare), Earl of Gloucester and Hertford. In1278 he swore fealty, as proxy for Alexander III, for the Kingdom ofScotland, to Edward I, to which King, on 13 June 1291, he also sworefealty. He was summoned to be at Shrewsbury for the trial of David apGriffith, 28 June 1283 (11 Edward I), bywrit directed Roberto de BrusComiti de Carrik, his name appearing as 11th and last of the earls whowere then summoned. His wife, the Countess, having previously died,he, on 27 Oct 1292, resigned the Earldom of Carrick to his 1stson,though he appears still to have been styled Earl thereof. On 1 Apr1295 he succeeded his father (who d. aged about 85), and was madeGovernor of Carlisle Castle. On 24 June 1295 (23 Edward I), he wassummoned to Parliament (England) by writ directed Roberto de Brus,whereby he may be held to have become Lord Bruce. He was alsosummoned to attend the King at Salisbury, 26 Jan 1296/7 (25 Edward I).He accompanied Edward I into Scotland, and fought 28 Apr 1296, at thebattle of Dunbar. To that King he again swore fealty 28 Aug 1296 atBerwick. He m. 2ndly, Eleanor. He resided latterly in England, anddied there or in Palestine, 1304, before 14 June, and was buried atHolmcultram. His widow m. in 1305/6, as his 1st wife, Richard Waleys(Lord Waleys). She d. between 16 Mar and 19 Oct 1330. [CompletePeerage] [Kopi av ROYALS.FTW]
Margaret was the widow of Adam de Kilconcath when she married Robert Bruce.Margaret was the widow of Adam de Kilconcath when she married Robert Bruce. Margaret was the widow of Adam de Kilconcath when she married Robert Bruce. AFGS 1 NOTE father is Neil Murray, Earl of Carrick. Other husband was Adam de Kilconeath. 2 CHAN 3 DATE 14 JAN 2011 4 TIME 13:08:09 1 NOTE From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996. 2 CHAN 3 DATE 22 AUG 2009 4 TIME 00:16:14 1 NOTE From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996. 2 CHAN 3 DATE 24 MAY 2010 4 TIME 10:19:21 1 NOTE From Ancestral File (TM), data as of 2 January 1996. 2 CHAN 3 DATE 24 MAY 2010 4 TIME 10:17:21 1 NOTE History 2 CHAN 3 DATE 25 NOV 2010 4 TIME 22:37:16 1 NOTE Countess of Carrick 2 CHAN 3 DATE 25 NOV 2010 4 TIME 22:37:16 1 NOTE History 2 CHAN 3 DATE 25 NOV 2010 4 TIME 22:37:16 1 NOTE Countess of Carrick 2 CHAN 3 DATE 25 NOV 2010 4 TIME 22:37:16 1 NOTE Marjorie of Carrick (before 1256-1292), was countess of Carrick, Scotland, and is most famous today as the mother of Robert the Bruce. Her name occurs in Barbour's Brus as "Marthok", a name which contains the medieval Gaelic femin 2 CHAN 3 DATE 11 NOV 2010 4 TIME 20:38:30 {geni:about_me} Marjorie, Countess of Carrick
Marjorie of Carrick (before 1256-1292), was countess of Carrick, Scotland, and is most famous today as the mother of Robert the Bruce. Her name occurs in Barbour's Brus as "Marthok", a name which contains the medieval Gaelic feminine diminutive suffix óc; and so her name meant "Little Mary" or "Little Martha" (c/f Bethóc).
She was the daughter and heiress of Niall, Earl of Carrick and Margaret Stewart, and Countess of Carrick in her own right. Her first husband was Adam de Kilconcath, who died during the Eighth Crusade in 1270. Then, as the story goes, a handsome young man arrived one day to tell her of her husband's death in the Holy Land. He was Robert de Brus, 6th Lord of Annandale, and he had been a companion-in-arms of Adam de Kilconcath. Marjorie was so taken with himthat she had him held captive until he agreed to marry her in 1271. He became Earl of Carrick de jure uxoris (in right of his wife). Their children were:
Isabel b c1272, married King Eric II of Norway in 1293, d 1358 in Bergen, Norway Christina b 1273, Seton, East Lothian, marries 1) Sir Christopher Seton, 2). Gartnait, Earl of Mar, 1292 in Kildrummy, Aberdeenshire, 3) Sir Andrew Moray, 20 September 1305, d. 1356/7 in Scotland Robert b 11 July 1274 Edward b 1276, crowned May 2, 1316, 'King of Ireland'. Killed in battle, October 5, 1318.[1] Neil (Niall or Nigel) b1279, taken prisoner at Kildrummie, hanged and beheaded at Berwick-upon-Tweed in September 1306.[1] Mary b1282, marries (1) Sir. Neil Campbell; (2) Sir. Alexander Fraser of Touchfraser and Cowie. Margaret b1283 Sir Thomas, b1284, taken prisoner in Galloway, executed 9 February 1307, Carlisle, Cumberland[1] Alexander, b1285, executed 9 February 1307, Carlisle, Cumberland Christina (Christian), married Gartnait, Earl of Mar, mother of Domhnall II, Earl of Mar Elizabeth b1286 Matilda, b1287, married Hugh / Aodh, Earl of Ross, in 1308 Orkney Isles, dies aft. September 1323 Marjorie died in 1292, at which time her husband transferred Carrick to their eldest son, Robert.
There is a traditional story that Thomas Randolph, 1st Earl of Moray was son of Marjorie's daughter from her first marriage with Adam. However this is probably is not true, it was probably put forward as an explanation of why Thomas Randolph was described as a nephew of Robert the Bruce.
Marjorie of Carrick (1256-1292), was countess of Carrick, Scotland, and is most famous today as the mother of Robert the Bruce. Her name occurs in Barbour's Brus as "Marthok", a name which contains the medieval Gaelic feminine diminutive suffix óc; and so her name meant "Little Mary" or "Little Martha" (c/f Bethóc).
She was the daughter and heiress of Niall, Earl of Carrick and Margaret Stewart, and Countess of Carrick in her own right. Her first husband was Adam de Kilconcath, who died during the Eighth Crusade in 1270. Then, as the story goes, a handsome young man arrived one day to tell her of her husband's death in the Holy Land. He was Robert de Brus, 6th Lord of Annandale, and he had been a companion-in-arms of Adam de Kilconcath. Marjorie was so taken with himthat she had him held captive until he agreed to marry her in 1271. He became Earl of Carrick de jure uxoris (in right of his wife).
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marjorie_of_Carrick OUTDATED
See also:
SOURCES: 1) GENEALOGY: Royal Ancestors of Magna Charta Barons; Page; 226; G929.72; C6943ra; Denver Public Library; Genealogy
2) GENEALOGY: The Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain and the United Kingdom; Page 359; G929.72; G35p; Denver Public Library; Genealogy
Margery, suo jure COUNTESS OF CARRICK
Marjorie, Countess of Carrick, was the daughter and heiress of Niall, Earl of Carrick and Margaret Stewart. She was, by all accounts, a formidable woman. Her first husband was Adam de Kilconquhar, who died during the Eighth Crusade in 1270. Marjorie learned of her husband's death when one of his companions-in-arms, the handsome young Robert Bruce, 6th Lord of Annandale arrived at her home at Turnberry Castle to tell her of her loss. Marjorie immediately fell for Robert de Brus and, according to the traditional story, held him prisoner at Turnberry Castle until he agreed to marry her. The wedding duly took place in 1271, and Robert de Brus became Earl of Carrick de jure uxoris (in right of his wife).
They went on to have twelve children together, of whom 10 survived childhood. The oldest son, Robert, was born in 1274 and went on to become King Robert the Bruce. One of his older sisters, Lady Christian Bruce, also played an active role in the wars of independence against England. Another, Isabel, married King Eric II and became Queen of Norway. One of the younger sons, Edward Bruce, was crowned High King of Ireland in 1316, and killed in battle in 1318.Three other sons were captured and executed by the English during the wars of independence.
Marjorie herself died in 1292. It has sometimes been suggested that in addition to the many children from her second marriage, she also had a son by her first husband, who became Thomas Randolph, 1st Earl of Moray. It is unclear whether or not this is true.
Robert BRUCE. Born JUL 1244, , , , Scotland. Married first,
Ms. Charlotte Maness, 757 Oak St, Apartment B, Lakewood, CO 80215
Stewart - Hamilton - Maness Family History 18 March 1992
1271, Marjorie CARRICK. Lived with Alianore , died BEF 8 SEP 1331. Died BEF 4 APR 1304. !GENEALOGY: Royal Ancestors of Magna Charta Barons; Page; 226; G929.72; C6943ra; Denver Public Library; Genealogy !GENEALOGY: The Complete Peerage of England Scotland Ireland Great Britain amd the United Kingdom; Page 359; G929.72; G35p; Denver Public Library; Genealogy
Children of Robert BRUCE and Marjorie CARRICK:
48 i Robert_I THE_BRUCE, b. 1274, Essex, d. 1329, Scotland
Robert BRUCE and Alianore had no children.
IGI Individual Record FamilySearch™ International Genealogical Index v5.0
British Isles
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Female Family
Birth: About 1253
Spouse: ROBERT DE BRUCE Family
Marriage: About 1273 Carrick, , Perth, Scotland
Record submitted after 1991 by a member of the LDS Church. No additional information is available. Ancestral File may list the same family and the submitter.
IGI Individual Record FamilySearch™ International Genealogical Index v5.0
British Isles
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Birth: About 1253 Carrick, Argyll, Scotland
Death: 1292
Record submitted after 1991 by a member of the LDS Church. No additional information is available. Ancestral File may list the same family and the submitter.
Source Information:
No source information is available.
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IGI Individual Record FamilySearch™ International Genealogical Index v5.0
British Isles
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Female Family
Birth: About 1254
Marriage: About 1273 , , Scotland
Sir. Robert de Brus, 6th Lord of Annandale (1243 - 1304) m Marjory, Countess of Carrick:
6th Lord of Annandale (dominus vallis Anandie), jure uxoris Earl of Carrick, Lord of Hartness, Writtle and Hatfield Broad Oak (Wretele et Hatfeud Regis), was a cross-border lord, and participant of the Second Barons' War, Welsh Wars, and First War of Scottish Independence. Legend tells that the 27-year-old Robert de Brus was participating in the Ninth Crusade. When Adam de Kilconquhar, one of his companion-in-arms, fell in 1270, at Acre, Robert was obliged to travel to tell the sad news to Adam's widow Marjorie of Carrick. The story continues that Marjorie was so taken with the messenger that she had him held captive until he agreed to marry her, which he did in 1271. However, since the crusade landed in Acre on May 9 1271, and only started to engage the Muslims in late June, the story and his participation in the Ninth Crusade are generally discounted. Robert's wife Marjorie was the daughter and heiressof Niall, 2nd Earl of Carrick. Carrick was a Gaelic Earldom in Southern Scotland. Its territories contained much of today's Ayrshire and Dumfriesshire. The couple held the principal seats of Turnberry Castle and Lochmaben.
Robert and Marjory had the following children:
(1) Isabel Brus was born in 1272.
(2) Christina Brus was born in 1273.
(3) Robert Brus was born in 1274.
(4) Neil Brus was born on 1276.
(5) Edward Brus was born in 1279.
(6) Mary Brus was born in 1282.
(7) Margaret Brus was born in 1283.
(8) Thomas Brus was born in 1284.
(9) Alexander Brus was born in 1285
(10) Elizabeth Brus was born in 1286.
(11) Matilda / Margery was born in 1287.
IGI Individual Record FamilySearch™ International Genealogical Index v5.0
North America
Isabel de Clare Pedigree
Female Family
Birth: 1230 Hereford, , Gloucester, England
Spouse: Robert Bruse IV Family
Record submitted by a member of the LDS Church. The record often shows the name of the individual and his or her relationship to a descendant, shown as the heir, family representative, or relative. The original records are not indexed, and you may have to look at the film frame-by-frame to find the information you want. A family group record for this couple may be in the Family Group Record Collection; Archive Section. (See the Family History Library Catalog for the film number.) These records are alphabetical by name of the father or husband.
Source Information:
Film Number: 1239588
Page Number:
Reference number: 24422
An official Web site of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
© 2008 Intellectual Reserve, Inc. All rights reserved. Conditions of Use Privacy Policy
Cita de este registro
"Pedigree Resource File," database, FamilySearch (http://familysearch.org/pal:/MM9.2.1/39ZP-8WG : accessed 2014-02-04), entry for Marthok /nic Niall/ Countess of Carrick. -----------------------------------------------------------------
ID: I07418 Name: Margaret of Carrick Sex: F Birth: BEF 1250 in Countess of Carrick Death: 9 NOV 1292 Reference Number: 7418 Note: Also called Marjorie.2 Margaret, Countess of Carrick was daughter and heiress of Neil, 2nd Earl of Carrick.1 She was born circa 1254.3 She was the daughter of Neil, 2nd Earl of Carrick and Lady Margaret Stewart.1,4,5,6 She married Adam de Kilconquhar before 1271; Her 1st.1,7 She married Robert VI "le Veil", 3rd Earl of Carrick, son of Robert V "the Competitor", 5th Lord of Annandale and Isabel de Clare, in 1271; Her 2nd (widow).1,7 She died in 1292.8 She died in 1292.4
Family 1 Margaret of Carrick, Countess of Carrick b. before 1250, d. before 9 November 1292 Children Neil Bruce d. c Sep 1306 Lady Christina Bruce+ d. 1356/576 Robert I Bruce, King of Scotland+ b. 11 Jul 1274, d. 7 Jun 1329 Isabella Bruce+ b. c 1275, d. 1358 Edward Bruce, Earl of Carrick+ b. b 1292, d. 14 Oct 1318 Sir Thomas Bruce b. b 1292, d. 9 Feb 1307 Alexander Bruce b. b 1292, d. 9 Feb 1307 Lady Mary Bruce+ b. b 1292, d. b 22 Sep 13236 Margaret Bruce+ b. b 12926 Matilda Bruce+ b. b 1292, d. bt 1323 - 13296
Children of Margaret, Countess of Carrick and Robert VI "le Veil", 3rd Earl of Carrick: Christian Bruce+ b. c 1272?, d. 1356/57 Robert I "le Jovenne", King of Scotland+ b. 11 Jul 1274, d. 7 Jun 1329 Isabel Bruce b. c 1275, d. 1358 Mathilda de Bruce+ b. c 1276?
[S484] Peter Townend, editor, Burke's Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Peerage, Baronetage, and Knightage, One Hundred and Fifth Edition (London: Burke's Peerage Limited, MCMLXX (1970)), Kings of Scotland, pgs. lxx-lxxv. Hereinafter cited as B:P, 105th. [S932] Ronald McNair Scott, Robert the Bruce, King of Scots (New York: Peter Bedrick Books, 1982), pg. 9. Hereinafter cited as Robert the Bruce. [S932] Ronald McNair Scott, Robert the Bruce, pg. 10, still a baby when her father died in 1256. [S592] Mike Ashley, The Mammoth Book of British Kings and Queens (7 Kensington Road Church Court, London W8 4SP: Robinson Publishing Ltd., 1998), Chart: 23. Scotland (6) - The Scottish Succession: Galloway, Comyn, Balliol, and Bruce. Hereinafter cited as Ashley, M.. [S1503] The Baronage Press Vol. VIII, No. 2, online http://www.baronage.co.uk/index.html, The Ancestry of Robert the Bruce. Hereinafter cited as The Baronage Press Vol. VIII, No. 2. [S674] Family Trees, American & European Family Forest, Millenium Edition, CD-ROM (P.O. Box 6168, Kamuela, HI 96743
: Millisecond Publishing Company, Inc., 11/25/1999). Hereinafter cited as A&E Family Forest. [S932] Ronald McNair Scott, Robert the Bruce, pg. xv. [S693] TH.D. Frederick Lewis Weis, The Magna Charta Sureties, 1215: The Barons named in the Magna Charta, 1215 and Some of Their Descendants Who Settled in America During the Early Colonial Years (1001 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, MD 21202: Genealogical Publishing Co., Inc.,, 1999), pg. 50. Hereinafter cited as Weis: MC 5th ed..www.findagrave.com
1253 |
Carrick, Scotland
1272 |
Carrick bay, Dumfries and Galloway, United Kingdom
1273 |
Seton, East Lothian, Scotland
1274 |
July 11, 1274
Turnberry Castle, Ayrshire, Scotland, (Present UK)
1275 |
Argyllshire, Scotland, United Kingdom
1279 |
Carrick, Argyllshire, Scotland
1282 |
Carrick (Present South Ayrshire), Scotland, (Present UK)
Carrick, Galloway, Scotland
1283 |
Carrick, Argyllshire, Scotland