Historical records matching Marie Gautrot
Immediate Family
About Marie Gautrot
- Sources:
- 1671 Acadie Census - shown to be 24 years old which estimates birth c.1647.
- 1671 Acadie Census - shown to be 24 years old which estimates birth c.1647.
- Notes:
- Marie's age is indicated to be 90 years old on burial record which estimates her birth to be c.1642
- Marie's age is indicated to be 90 years old on burial record which estimates her birth to be c.1642
marie louise gautrot
Birth 1645 • Port Royal, Nova Scotia, Canada
Death Nov 29, 1732 • Port Royal, Nova Scotia, Canada
Marriage 1661 • Port Royal, Nova Scotia, Canada
Parents edmee lejeune
Spouse claude theriot
Marie Gautrot
Birth 1645 • Port Royal, Nova Scotia, Canada
Death Nov 29, 1732 • Port Royal, Nova Scotia, Canada
Marriage 1661 • Port Royal, Nova Scotia, Canada
Parents Edmée Lejeune • François Gautrot
Spouse claude theriot
FamilySearch: Family Tree
Marie Louise Gautrot
Birth about 1645 • Port-Royal, Acadia, New France
Death 29 November 1732 • Port Royal, Annapolis, Nova Scotia, Canada
Parents Aimée • François Gautrot
Spouse Claude Thériot
Children Agnes Terriot • Anne Theriot • Antoine Terriot Theriault Therriot • Claude Thériot II • Francoise Terriot • Jean Theriot • Joseph Thériot • Madeleine Thériault • Marguerite Theriot • Marguerite Theriot 1 • Marie Josephe Theriot • Marie Terriot ou Theriault • Pierre Theriot • Theriot • terriot or therriot or theriault • theriault or terrio or therieau • triot or theriot
Lead confidence: 5
!BIRTH: "Generations...Past to Present",by Phobe Chauvin Morrison: p. 376 Published by Terrebonne Genealogical Society, Houma, LA. Book located in main public library in Dallas, Texas. !MARRIAGE: "Generations...Past to Present",by Phobe Chauvin Morrison: p. 376 Published by Terrebonne Genealogical Society, Houma, LA. Book located in main public library in Dallas, Texas.
!MARRIAGE: Port Royal,NE, Quebec,Canada; Ste Anne des Mots Historical Society.
Marie Francoise Louise Gauterot (Francois) was born 1647 in Port Royal,Acadia, and died November 29, 1732 in Port Royal, Acadia. She married Claude Theriot Abt166120, son of Jean Theriot and Perrine Bourg More About Marie Francoise Louise Gauterot: Burial: 1732, Port Royal, Acadia Notes for Claude Theriot: While CLAUDE'S birth certificate is not available, the first Census ofAcadia in 1671, records him to be 34 years of age at the time. It is therefore safe to assumethat Claude was born ABT 1637. This same census indicates that CLAUDE owned six cattles and onesheep. The Port Royal Acadian census of 1678-79 indicates that CLAUDE TERRIOT and MarieGautrot owned 3 acres of land, and 5 cattles. At the time, they had 3 boys age 16(born in 1662), age 9 (born in 1669), age 1 (born in 1677) and four girls; age 14 (born in1664), age 12 (born in 1666), age 8 (born in 1670) and age 4 (born in 1674). The children arenot named in the Census. More About Claude Theriot: Burial: September 17, 1725, Port Royal, Acadia
www.terrebonneparish.com lists a census "Taken by Monsieur De Meulles, Intendant of New France and Acadia at the beginning of 1686". Marie's surname is written GOTRO. Her age is given as "40".
!BIRTH: Year of birth is listed in the 1671 Acadian census of the parish of Port Royal, Acadia (Nova Scotia); shows Francois Gauterot 58, and his wife, Edmee Lejeune, two daughters named Marie, ages 24 and 35, and other children; this person is most likely the younger Marie, based on ages of her children as found in the 1686 Acadian census; both the 1671 and 1686 census published in LeBlanc, The Acadian Miracle, pages 23 & 377; Evangeline Pub. Co., Lafayette, LA, 1966, Library of Congress catalogue number 65-28646, available at the Fairfax County Library, Fairfax, VA, call number 971.6 L (1966).
!CHRISTENING: Information based on age as listed in the 1671 census, above.
!MARRIAGE: Information on date from Doloris Desjardins, Montreal, Quebec, in a letter dated 4 October 1983 in response to an inquiry to La Societe Genealogique Canadienne-Francaise, Montreal; same information found in Bergeron, Le Grand Arrangement des Acadiens au Quebec, Volume IV, La Famille des Landry, page 283; Montreal, 1981; available at the Library of Congress, Local History & Genealogy Room, call number CS88.Q4B47 (1981).
!CENSUS: 1671 Census of the parish of Port Royal, Acadia (Nova Scotia); shows Claude Terriau, 34, with wife Gauterot; son Germain, 9; daughters Marie, 6, Marguerite, 4, and son Jean, 1; 10 cattle and 6 sheep; census published in LeBlanc, The Acadian Miracle, page 22; Evangeline Pub. Co., Lafayette, LA, 1966, Library of Congress catalogue number 65-28646, available at the Fairfax County Library, Fairfax, VA, call number 971.6 L (1966).
1686 Census of the parish of Port Royal, Acadia (Nova Scotia); lists Claude Terio, wife Marrie Gotro (no ages given), and three named sons and seven unnamed daughters; census published in Leblanc, above, at page 377.
1701 Census for Port Royal, page 24.
1714 Census of the River of Habitants, Acadia (Nova Scotia), lists a "Claude Terriot and wife," but this is probably this person's son, who was born in 1676; census published in LeBlanc, The Acadian Miracle, page 384; Evangeline Publishing Company, Lafayette, LA, 1966, Library of Congress catalogue number 65-28646, available at the Fairfax County Library, Fairfax, VA, call number 971.6 L (1966).
!DEATH: Information from the parish records of St. Jean-Baptiste Catholic Church, Annapolis Royal [Port Royal, Acadia], Nova Scotia; volume 26A, page 105; available on line at the Public Archives of Nova Scotia web site at http://www.gov.ns.ca/nsarm/cap/acadian/ (says she was the widow of Claude Therio; says death was on 29 Nov and burial was on 30 Nov 1732 at about age 90 years).
!BURIAL: Information from the parish records of St. Jean-Baptiste Catholic Church, Annapolis Royal [Port Royal, Acadia], Nova Scotia; volume 26A, page 105; available on line at the Public Archives of Nova Scotia web site at http://www.gov.ns.ca/nsarm/cap/acadian/ (says she was the widow of Claude Therio; says death was on 29 Nov and burial was on 30 Nov 1732 at about age 90 years).
Marie Theriot
Parents Jacques Theriot • Marie Marguerite Le Blanc
Spouse rene landry
FamilySearch: Family Tree
Marie Francoise Theriot
Birth 1645 • France
Death 29 November 1732
Parents Edmee Lejeune • François Gautrot
Spouse Antoine Babin
Lead confidence: 5
- Sources:
- Drouin Institute (Archived death and burial record - see attached in Media tab)
- Drouin Institute (Archived death and burial record - see attached in Media tab)
Category:MtDNA Haplogroup U6
Category:Port-Royal, Acadie
NOTICE: this profile is protected by the Acadian Project because of confusion with her sister (see Discussion). Please contact the Acadian Project before making any substantive changes. Thanks for helping make WikiTree the best site for accurate information.
There were two Marie Gautrot/Gautreau/Gautro born to François Gautrot. The first Marie Gauterot-13 was born about 1636 in France to Francois and his first wife Marie (unknown). That Marie married ? Potet and Michel Dupuis. ≤ref>Karen Theriot Reader Marie Gautrot ≤blockquote>Sometimes spelled GAUTROT (census 1671), GOTRO (censuses 1686, 1698), GOUTROT (census 1693). There is a second Marie GOTRO on the 1686 census, on the next page (next household?), married to Michel DUPEUSE [DUPUIS?]. Her age is 49, 9 years older thanthis Marie. This is probably the same sister Marie listed on the 1671census as being married, age 35, but not living in Port Royal? ≤/blockquote>≤/ref>
:This Marie Gautrot-20 (the second one) was born in Acadia about 1645-1647 to Francois Gautrot and Edmee Lejeune.≤ref name=White>White, Stephen A., Patrice Gallant, and Hector-J Hébert. Dictionnaire Généalogique Des Familles Acadiennes., Moncton, N.-B.: Centre D'études Acadiennes, Université De Moncton, 1999, Print, p691.≤/ref> In 1671 she was listed with her parents as married, age 24, her older sister Marie was also married, age 35.≤ref>TimHebert; Transcription of the 1671 Acadian Census, at Port-Royal, Acadie. 1671 Census Transcribed. The original census can be found at Census microfilm C-2572 of the National Archives of Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752” Images 3-14.≤blockquote>Francois GAUTEROT,58, wife Edmee LeJEUNE 47; Children (married): Marie 35, Charles 34, Marie 24, Rene 19, Marguerite 16; (not married): Jean 23, Francois 19,Claude 12, Charles 10, Jeanne 7, Germain 3; cattle 16, sheep 6.≤/blockquote>≤/ref> ≤ref>Karen Theriot Reader ≤blockquote>Listed in Adrien Bergeron's Le grand arrangement des Acadiens an Quebec, Vol. 1 as Marie-Louise GAUTEROT [check christening date].≤/blockquote>≤/ref>
:She married Claude Theriot in about 1661, based on age 9 of their oldest son Germain in 1671. This would make the marriageabout 1661 when Marie was about 14-16.≤ref>Tim Hebert; Transcription of the 1671 Acadian Census, at Port-Royal, Acadie. 1671 Census Transcribed. The original census can be found at Census microfilm C-2572 of the National Archives of Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752” Images 3-14.≤blockquote>Claude TERRIAU 34, wife, Marie GAUTEROT 24; Children: Germain 9, Marie 6, Marguerite 4, Jean 1; cattle 13, sheep 3, 6 arpents≤/blockquote>≤/ref> ≤ref>White, Stephen A., Patrice Gallant, and Hector-J Hébert. Dictionnaire Généalogique Des Familles Acadiennes., Moncton, N.-B.: Centre D'études Acadiennes, Universit De Moncton, 1999, Print, p691. Citing the Declarations of Belle-En-Mer for the marriage.≤/ref>≤ref>Karen Theriot Reader citing Dictionnaire National des Canadiens Francais, v. 2, p. I270, name M.-Louise GAUTROT. Is this the correct person?≤/ref>
Family≤ref name=White/>
- Germain
- Marie
- Marguerite
- Jean
- Anne
- Jeanne
- Claude
- Marie
- Magdelaine
- Pierre
- Elisabeth
- Joseph
- Marie Josephe
- Marguerite
:By 1678, seven of their children had been born.≤ref>Tim Hebert; 1678 Port Royal Acadian Census noting that the correlations for this censuswere done by Rev. Clarence J. d'Entremont, Fairhaven, Massachusetts.1678 Census≤blockquote>Claude Terriot & Marie Gautrot
3 acres 5 cattle3 boys 16 1662 Germain 1662 1663≤br>9 1669 Jean 1670 1668≤br>
1 1677 Claud 1678≤br>4 girls 14 1664 Marie 1665 1665≤br>12 1666 Marguerite 1667 1666≤br>
8 1670 Anne 1672≤br>4 1674 Jeanne 1674≤/blockquote>≤/ref>. Four more children were born by 1686.≤ref>Tim Hebert;Transcription of the 1686 Acadian Census, at Port-Royal, Acadie 1686 Census Transcribed. The original census can be found at Acadian Census microfilm C-2572 of the National Archives of Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752”, Images 15-60.≤blockquote>Claude TERRIOT 49, MarieGOTRO his wife 40; children: Jean 18. Claude 8, Pierre 2, Anne 14, Jeanne 12, Marie 7, Magdelaine 5, Elisabet 1; 1 gun, 13 arpents. 8 cattle, 6 sheep.≤/blockquote>≤/ref> By 1693 the growing family was nearly complete, with 11 of the 14 children born by then, all living in Port Royal. ≤ref>Tim Hebert; Transcription of the 1693 Acadian Census at Port-Royal, Acadie 1693 Census Transcribed. The original census can be found at Acadian Census microfilm C-2572 of the National Archives of Canada“Acadie Recensements 1671 – 1752”, Images 62-108≤blockquote> Claude TERRIOT 55, Marie GOUTROT 48, Jeanne 18, Claude 15, Marie 12, Madeleine 12, Pierre 9, Elisabeth 7, Joseph 6, Marie 2; 12 cattle, 15 sheep, 7 pigs, 15 arpents, 1 gun≤/blockquote>≤/ref>≤ref> Tim Hebert; Transcription of the 1698 Acadian Census at Port-Royal, Acadie1698 Census Transcribed. The original census can be found at Acadian Census microfilm C-2572 of the National Archives of Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671– 1752”, Images 110-150≤blockquote>Claude TERRIOT 60; Marie GOTROT 53 (wife) 53; Marie 18; Claude 17; Magdelaine 15; Pierre 13; Joseph10; Margueritte 8; 12 cattle, 20 sheep,12 hogs, 18 arpents, 50 fruit trees, 1 gun,≤/blockquote>≤/ref> Just one more child was to be born, probably just after the 1693 census was taken.≤ref>Tim Hebert; Transcription of the 1700 Acadian Census at Port-Royal, Acadie 1700 Census Transcribed. The original census can be found at Acadian Census microfilm C-2572 of the National Archives of Canada “Acadie Recensements 1671 1752”, Images 151-173.≤blockquote>Claude TERRIOT 62; Marie GOUTROT (wife) 55; Claude 22; Pierre 16; Joseph 13; Marie 19; Madelaine 17; Elisabeth 14; Marie 9; Marguerite 7; 10 cattle, 13 sheep, 15 arpents 1gun.≤/blockquote>≤/ref>. All but three of these children lived to adulthood, married and had families of their own, rsulting in 93 known grandchildren.
: Marie lived a long life all in the same village, when she died on 29NOV 1732; Port-Royal, Acadie≤ref>Nova Scotia Archives, "An Acadian Parish Remembered - The Registers of St. Jean-Baptiste, Annapolis Royal,1702-1755," register RG 1 volume 26a page 105; online database with images,Marie Gautro ≤blockquote>Marie Gautro died 29 November 1732 , about ninety years old, widow of Claude Therio≤/blockquote>≤/ref>
Research Notes ==Karen Theriot Reader: Are the last two daughters, another Marie and another Marguerite, really hers? She would have been very old when theywere born.
≤references />
See Also:*Karen Theriot Reader Marie Gautrot citing Bona Arsenault, HISTOIRE ET GENEALOGIE DES ACADIENS; 1625-1810; Ottawa, Editions Lemeac, 1978, 6 vols.; pp. 566-567 (Port Royal); own copy. On p. 567 there is Marie GAUTEROT, born 1647, daughter of Francois &Edmee LEJEUNE, who married Claude TERRIOT, son of Jean & Perrine BOURG. But on p. 566, another Marie GAUTEROT, same parents and birthdate, is listed as married to Michel DUPUIS. [This is obviously a mistake byArsenault. The Marie who married Michel DUPUIS was probably born in 1636, and is listed in her father's entry with that date. The other Marie has an additional name of Francoise, but is listed in father's entry as Marie, born 1647. This is the one that married Claude TERRIOT.]* Claude Theriault*U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900 Author: Yates Publishing Publication: Online publication - Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations Inc, 2004.Original data - This unique collection of records was extracted from a variety of sources including family group sheets and electronic databases. Originally, the information was derived .http://trees.ancestry.com/rd?f=sse&db=worldmarr_ga&h=1205705&ti=0&i... Data: Text: Birth date: 1637 Birth place: Ns Marriage date: 1661 Marriage place: Ns *http://trees.ancestry.com/rd?f=sse&db=genepoolm&h=916403&ti=0&indiv... Data: Text: Marriage date: 1661 Marriage place: Port Royal, Acadia APID: 1,5774::916403*Birth year: 1637; Birth city: Port Royal; Birth state: Ns. Note: http://trees.ancestry.com/rd?f=sse&db=genepool&h=4823782&ti=0&indiv... Data: Text: Birth date: 1637 Birth place: Port Royal, Richmond, Ns Death date: 17 September 1725 Death place: Port Royal, Annapolis, Ns Marriage date: 1661 Marriage place: Port Royal, Annapolis, Ns
- Reader-22 Karen Theriot Reader, Rootsweb.com*Gauterot-53 was created by Caroline Domangue throughthe import of Domangue Family Tree.ged on May 7, 2015.
Marie Gautrot's Timeline
1645 |
Port-Royal, Acadie, [French Colonial North America]
1662 |
Port-Royal, Acadie, [Nouvelle-France]
1667 |
Port Royal, Acadie, Nouvelle-France
1670 |
Port-Royal, Acadie, [French Colonial North America]
1671 |
Age 26
Port, Royal, Acadia, Canada
1673 |
Port-Royal, Acadie, [French Colonial North America]
1675 |
March 21, 1675
Port Royal, Acadie, [Nouvelle-France]
1678 |
Port Royal, Acadie, Nouvelle-France
1679 |
Port Royal, Annapolis, Nova Scotia, Canada