Full name German: Adelheid Franziska Marie Rainera Elisabeth Clotilde
Adelheid von Österreich, vollständiger Name Adelheid Franziska Marie Rainera Elisabeth Clotilde von Österreich (* 3. Juni 1822 in Mailand; † 20. Januar 1855 in Turin) war Königin von Sardinien. Leben [Bearbeiten]
Sie kam als Tochter von Erzherzog Rainer Joseph, Vizekönig von Lombardo-Venetien und Bruder von Kaiser Franz II., und der Prinzessin Elisabeth von Savoyen-Carignan in Mailand zur Welt.
Am 12. April 1842 wurde sie in Stupinigi mit ihrem Cousin, dem Kronprinzen und späteren König von Sardinien (ab 1861 König von Italien), Viktor Emanuel II., vermählt. Ihr Gemahl änderte jedoch nach der Vermählung sein ausschweifendes Leben nicht und hatte zahlreiche Liebschaften, uneheliche Kinder und führte nebenbei eine dauerhafte Beziehung zu seiner langjährigen Mätresse Rosa Vercellana.
Das Paar hatte zusammen acht Kinder:
Nach der Geburt ihres sechsten Sohnes Vittorio Emanuele starb Adelheid erst 32-jährig im Kindbett und wurde in Turin in der Basilica di Superga bestattet.
Ihr Gemahl heiratete nach ihrem Tode seine Geliebte Rosa Vercellana. Literatur [Bearbeiten]
* Adelheid, Erzherzogin von Österreich, in Constant von Wurzbach, Biographisches Lexikon des Kaiserthums Oesterreich
* Brigitte Hamann: Die Habsburger, ein biographisches Lexikon. Verlag Carl Ueberreuter, Wien 1988.
Weblinks [Bearbeiten] Commons Commons: Adelheid von Österreich – Sammlung von Bildern, Videos und Audiodateien
Maria Theresia von Österreich-Toskana Königin von Sardinien 1849-1855 Nachfolgerin
Margarethe von Italien
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Maria Adelaide (3 June 1822 - 20 January 1855) was the first wife of Vittorio Emanuele II and as such became Queen of Sardinia from 1849 until her death. She was born in Milan to Archduke Rainer of Austria, Viceroy of the Kingdom of Lombardy-Venetia, and to the Princess Elisabeth of Savoy-Carignano, sister of Vittorio Emanuele’s father (and predecessor as King of Sardinia) King of Sardinia Carlo Alberto. On 12 April 1842 at Stupinigi she married her cousin Vittorio Emanuele who would become the first post-unification King of Italy in 1861, half a dozen years after her death. The marriage lasted thirteen years. Maria Adelaide died in Turin at the age of 32, two days after giving birth to her eighth child. The children were: Princess Maria Clotilde, born at Turin, 2 March 1843. She married Napoleon Joseph (the Prince Napoleon); their grandson Louis was the pretender of Bonaparte from 1926. She died at Moncalieri Castle, 25 June 1911. Prince Umberto, born at Turin, 14 March 1844. He was Prince of Piedmont (1849-1878), and King of Italy from 1878 until his assassination at Monza on 29 July 1900. Prince Amedeo, born at Turin, 30 May 1845. Duke of Aosta (1845-1890) and King of Spain (1871-1873). His second wife, Leticia, was the daughter of his sister Maria Clotilde. He died in Turin on 18 January 1890. Prince Oddone Eugenio Maria of Savoy, born at Turin, 11 July 1846, Duke of Montferrat. He died in Turin on 22 January 1866. Princess Maria Pia, born at Turin, 14 February 1847. She married Luís I of Portugal in 1862, becoming Queen Dowager on his death in 1889. After the 5 October 1910 revolution she returned to Italy and died at Stupinigi on 5 July 1911. Prince Carlo Alberto, born at Moncalieri Castle, 2 June 1851. Duke of Chablais, he died at Stupinigi on 22 June 1854, shortly after his third birthday. Prince Vittorio Emanuele, born and died at Turin, 6 July 1852. Prince Vittorio Emanuele, born at Turin, 18 January 1855. His mother died two days later. He survived for four months, being made Count of Genoa. He died Turin, on 17 May 1855.
1822 |
June 3, 1822
Milan, Metropolitan City of Milan, Lombardy, Italy
June 3, 1822
- April 12, 1842
Vienna, Vienna
June 8, 1822
Royal Palace, Milan, Milan, Lombardy, Italy
1842 |
April 12, 1842
- March 23, 1849
Age 19
Turin, Turin, Piedmont
1843 |
March 2, 1843
Torino, Sardegna
1844 |
March 14, 1844
Torino, Piemonte, Sardinia
1845 |
May 30, 1845
Torino, Italia (Italy)
1846 |
July 11, 1846
Turin, Metropolitan City of Turin, Piedmont, Italy
1847 |
October 16, 1847
Royal Palace of Turin, Turin, Turin, Piedmont, Italy