do Jacques de Savoye <29 Jan 1636 - Oct 1717 & Christine du Pont c 1640 - <1686
x Christoffel Snijman <9 Mar 1669 -> 21 Mar 1706
xx Henning Villion b. 8 Mar 1682
She died at Witteboomen, part of the Constantia estate, when it belonged to her youngest surviving daughter Elisabeth Snijman (baptized Drakenstein 21 March 1706) who married c. 1724 Jan Hendrik van Helsdingen.
'''Margaretha DE SAVOY''' and her 1st husband can be found as members of the Dutch reformed Church NG KERK in the Stellenbosch congregation.
a. Jacques de Savoye b. before 29 January 1636, d. October 1717
m 4/7/1657 Christine du Pont b. c 1640, d. b 1686
b1. Jeanne de Savoye b. b 1667
b2.Catherine de Savoye (b 21 September 1663 - ) requires validation
b3. [Agatha Therese de Savoye] baptised 7/1/1667 requires validation (presently merged into Marguerite)
b4.Jacques de Savoye b. Jun 1669
b.5.Julienne-Louise de Savoye b. 16 May 1671, d. May 1671
b.6.Marguerite-Thérèse de Savoye b. b 4 Sep 1672, d. Mar 1742
b7. Barbe-Thérèse de Savoye b. b 20 May 1674
b8. Chrétien de Savoye b. 27 Jun 1676, d. b 30 Sep 1676
b9. Susanne de Savoye b. 27 Jan 1678
m 1686 Marie-Madeleine le Clercq b. c 1670, d. 1721
b10. Jacques de Savoye b.b 12 Apr 1687
b11.Jacquette de Savoye b.b 12 Apr 1687 possibly twin of Jacques. Possibly died young as not on emigration boat in 1688
b12.Aletta de Savoye b. b 17 Jul 1689
b13.Philippe Rudolf de Savoye b. b 29 Aug 1694
Namen van de fransche gereformeerde vluchtelinge toe gestaen op het reglement en Eedt als vrije luijde te vertrecken naer de Cabo de bonne Esperance met het schip Oosterlant :
En hebbe alle dese voorenstaende mans persoonen gedaen den Eedt in hande van de heer galernis tresel als schepe binnen deser stadt Middelb. op de 8 Januar : Ao 1688.
- Botha, C Graham: The French Refugees at the Cape, 2nd Ed 1921
Marguerite -Thérèse de Savoye
Born before 4 September 1672, d. March 1742 daughter of Jacques de Savoye b. 1636, d. Oct 1717 and Christine du Pont b. c 1640, d. b 1686
"Genealogies include a few instances of European women marrying non- Europeans. The most striking case was that of Marguerite de Savoye, the daughter of Huguenot parents, who in 1690 married Christoffel Snyman, who, according to oral tradition, made a living from pruning vineyards. He was the son of Anthony of Bengal and a similarly non-white mother. The well-known Snyman family is descended from them". See attached document/article.
Christoffel was een van die min manlike halfslag slawe wat in die witgemeenskap ingetrou het. Christoffel trou in Julie 1689 met Margaretha Therese DE SAVOYE sy was van Gent, Vlaandere. Haar ouers was Jacques de Savoije en Christine du Pont (korrekte ouers gekry van Jean le Roux) , sommige gepubliseerde inligting verkeerdelike gee haar moeder as Marie Madeleine de Klerk.
Birth: circa September 4, 1671
Ghent De Savoye, Flanders, France
Death: circa March 20, 1742 (70)
Cape, South Africa
Marguerite Snyman de Savoye
Judi Marais-Meyer register
Volgens 3 not boedel inventarisse in die Kaapse Weescamer nl:
word haar name aangegee as Margareta Theresa de Savoye. By almal by die laaste en wat na haar eie dood is, teken sy egter haar naam slegs as Margarta de Savoye.
Volgens al drie die inventarisse het sy beide haar mans en 5 van haar kinders oorleef. Die kinders van 4 van haar kinders se name word genoem.
Sy het ook slegs een kind by haar tweede man gehad, naamlik Henning Viljoen.
Margaretha arriveer as 17-jarige in 1688 saam met haar ouers, broer en suster as Hugenote-vlugtelinge uit Aeth, Vlaandere, met die skippie "Oosterland" aan die Kaap.
Adding to the above The family settled on the farm "Vrede en Lust" near Simondium in the Cape
In the same year 1688 Marguerite de Savoye married Christoffel Snyman
Emigrated to South Africa at age 17 with the French Hugenot Settlers.
Notes: Her children are listed in the order given in the Inventory drawn up in 1713 after the death of Hening Vijlon. Catharina is not mentioned in that inventory.
Inventaris van alle soodanige goederen en effecten, als sijn naargelaaten en met er dood ontruijmt door Margaretha Theresia de Savoije laatst wed:w Henning Viljon ten voordeele van haare naargelaatene meerderjaarige kinderen, mitsgd:s meerder en minderjaarige kindskinderen, als
See attached for children
Onder Henning Viljon berust 1 slaave meijd gen:t Rosetta van de Caab met haar kind gen:t Cupido
Her husband is- Christoffel Snyman s.v. vryburger Anthony, v. Bengale, † 1683. x voor 1690 Marguerite de Savoye, d.v. Jacques de Savoye, v. Aeth, Frankryk, en Marie Madeleine le Clercq, v. Doornik. Marguerite hertrou met Henning Viljoen.
b3 Henning Viljoen- 2nd husband ≈ 8.3.1682, x Margaretha de Savoye, wed. v. Christoffel Snyman
She married Christoffel Snyman in the Cape in 1688. She was a housewife with 9 Children.
The colonist referred to is the former merchant Jacques de Savoye who, with his second wife Marie-Madeleine le Clercq, his mother-in-law Antoinette Carnoy, his children Marguerite-Thereseand Barbe-Therese by his first marriage and a baby Jacques, reached the Cape in 1688 aboard the Oosterland. Savoye was sent out with a warm encomium from the Rotterdam chamber of the Dutch East India Company as a staunch Calvinist who had suffered for his beliefs. Jacques de Savoye was born at Ath in Hainaut in 1636, the son of a father of the same name and his wife Jeanne van der Zee.
Not therefore a Frenchman by birth, but a native of the Spanish Netherlands, he came of a family which perhaps had its roots in the Cambresis, where the name was known in the sixteenth century. Savoye evidently prospered in Ath, where he lived for many years. When he left the town he possessed houses, land and investments there, the management of which he placed in the hands of a fellow-merchant Jean Henrichant. It was probably at Ath that he married his first wife Christine du Pont, whose family came from that town. Savoye was accompanied to the Cape by the Nourtiers of the Calaisis as his servants. Was there also a family connection through Christine du Pont?
From Ath, Jacques de Savoye moved to Ghent and it seems likely that, in company with many others from the small towns and villages of the Spanish Netherlands, he took refuge in the city from Turenne’s advancing troops in 1667, when the War of Devolution secured for France a number of towns beyond the border, Ath, Courtrai, Tournai and Oude- narde among them. A daughter Jeanne would seem to have been born to the Savoyes before they settled in the Flemish city and her marriage to Andre du Pont further cemented the alliance between these families.
Savoye remained in Ghent until at least the end of 1685. From neither a social nor an economic point of view was this an easy period for a Calvinist merchant. The days of the Protestant ascendancy in the city were long past and the religious orders of the Catholic church were flourishing. The closure of the Scheldt estuary, French incursions into the southern Netherlands and the occupation of Ghent itself did nothing to stimulate business. Some expansion had taken place in the linen industry and certain luxury trades had been established, but the economic situation in the seventeenth century was precarious and Ghent as a commercial centre had declined greatly since medieval times.
The names of several of the children of Jacques de Savoye and Christine du Pont appear in the registers of Sint-Jacobs, the parish church for the densely populated district surrounding Ghent’s Vrijdag- markt, where in 1340 Edward III of England had been proclaimed king of France.
A son Jacques was baptized in June 1669 and a daughter Julienne-Louise on May 16, 1671. Julienne died shortly after her christening at the age of two weeks. Both the children of this marriage who settled at the Cape were born in Ghent. Marguerite-Theresewas christened on September 4, 1672 and Barbe-Therese on May 20, 1674. Two years later, on June 27, 1676, a son Chretien was baptized, but he did not survive infancy and was buried on September 30 of the same year. Finally, the baptism of a daughter Susanne took place on January 27, 1678. The name Savoye also appears in the marriage records of the cathedral of Sint-Baaf in Ghent. In August 1682 Marie-Anne de Savoye was married there to Jacques du Pre.
Marguerite-Thérèse de Savoye sailed from Middelburg to the Cape with her father and step-mother parents, 29 January 1688, on the Oosterland. The ship docked in the bay on 26 Apr 1688.
Varied spelling on Marguerite-Thérèse de Savoye's name. Such as Margo Savoye, Margaretha Savoi, Margaritha de Savoye, Margriet de Savoie, Marguerite Savoye, Marguerite Savoije, Margareta de Savoije, Margarite de Savoije, Margareta Savooij, Margareta de Savoje, Margareta Therisia d'Savoije, Margareta Savoije, Margareta Snyman, Margaretha Savoje, Margriet de Savoye.
Cape Colony marriage in perspective by Jeanne Cilliers. Thesis presented to the University of Stellenbosch in fulfilment of the requirement for the degree of Master's of Commerce in Economics. Supervisor: Johan Fourie. University of Stellenbosch Department of Economics. March 2013.
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In the early period (from settlement until at least 1750) as a result of the large age differential between men and women upon first marriage, widowhood was almost a certainty for women in the Cape. This presented a unique opportunity for men to accumulate wealth through
Page 54
strategic marriage to wealthy widows. Guelke and Shell (1983) note that a similar situation unfolded in the colonial settlement of Virginia in North America:
In Virginia, the death rate produced such a rapid turnover of husbands and wives that widowhood became a principal means for the concentration of wealth...The man who needed capital could get it most easily by marrying a widow. And she was likely to get it back again, with whatever he had added to it, when he died (Morgan quoted in Guelke & Shell, 1983:279).
Unions of this nature are reported frequently enough at the Cape to look like conscious strategy rather than repeated coincidence. Notorious widow-marrier and one of the richest men at the Cape during the eighteenth century, Martin Melck, allegedly made his fortune by strategically marrying wealthy Cape widows. Melck came from humble beginnings as a farm labourer for one John Philip Giebler, but upon Giebler's death, Melck married his widow by the name of Anna Margeretha Hop and in doing so became owner of two of the most prestigious farms in the Stellenbosch district namely Elsenburg and Muldersvlei. Upon his first wife's death, he quickly remarried the widow of Hercules Malan, one Maria Rosina Loubser, once again increasing his estate. Guelke and Shell (1983:280) report a number of the Cape's wealthiest men to have been so-called widow-marriers, including Adam Tas, Jan Cloete, Jan Blignaut and Henning Viljoen.
At the heart of the matter, though, is the fact that the role fulfilled by widows in the Cape made them conduits for the accumulation and transmission of property and slaves from one generation to the next. While land may have changed hands regularly at the Cape, the resulting owners were regularly related by marriage. Families were not necessarily tied to specific estates but were frequently confined to specific localities. Women were therefore central to ensuring the preservation of wealth (Hall, 1994), and marriage within relatively limited geographical boundaries helped limit the destructive effects of partible inheritance system (Dooling, 2005:159).
URL: https://scholar.sun.ac.za/bitstreams/de2b82d8-2218-496f-8bf2-05373c...
(Bygevoeg deur Y. DROST op 10 OKT 2024)
1672 |
September 4, 1672
Gent, Flandre, Belgium
September 4, 1672
St Jacobs Church, Vridagmarkt, Ghent, Flanders
September 4, 1672
Ghent, Flanders
September 4, 1672
French Flanders, Nord, France
September 4, 1672
French Flanders, Nord, France
September 4, 1672
1688 |
January 29, 1688
Age 15
Middelburg, Zeeland, Netherlands
April 25, 1688
Age 15
1690 |
December 10, 1690
Drakenstein, Cape, South Africa